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Avg Percentile 57.59% from 1517 total ratings

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Rated 27 Dec 2018
Way better than I thought it would be. I don't care much for found footage movies or movies of similar styles, but I think that actually added to this movie quite a bit. The story is also just constructed well. It keeps you guessing and continues to surprise and go in directions you won't see coming. Also, John Cho is pretty effective and convincing in his role as a worried sick father. A bit surprise and overall a good movie.
Rated 02 Dec 2018
Watching someone do mundane searches and password recoveries is suddenly engrossing when it is a desperate father. Most versions of this are awful but the filmmakers manage to provide enough twists and red herrings to make everything interesting. The end has a bit too much "ok here is what happened," but everything prior was a fun mystery.
Rated 21 Aug 2020
You know how much of a nightmare this movie would be with a real parent using the computer. “Okay what’s my password?”
Rated 01 Sep 2018
The best version of the “computer POV” story yet committed to film. Part of that is indebted to the level of realism put into the websites - they really show off their internet knowledge in the opening montage that catalogs the last 15 years of web development. The rest of the success is thanks to John Cho’s acting chops and the (pre-Village) Shymalan-esque twists. Works incredibly well against all odds.
Rated 12 Jun 2020
After noting the kitchiness of the same gimmick in "Unfriended", I'm a little surprised that this computer documenting style hasn't turned into a full on fad by now. Yet, I'm even more surprised that the next noteworthy movie that makes use of it actually puts it to good use. The majority of "Searching" works really well, it plays its strengths and uses the gimmick for effective storytelling and as much as I tried to hate this, I couldn't.
Rated 06 Aug 2018
Transcends Gimmick. The "language" of social media fuses itself into film language, in a way that actually amplifies its characters, the moral, and the tale as it's told, even when it stretches its method to the brink of collapse. In my opinion, it never does. One of 2018's great film surprises.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
Why she didn't left a message?
Rated 12 Dec 2018
I felt a little unsatisfied by the ending but up until that point it is actually quite gripping and interesting and the gimmick works really well; a fascinating depiction of tumbling down the rabbit hole of someone’s online life.
Rated 18 Mar 2019
Strange but good movie about a father searching for his missing daughter and it's all from the perspective of a computer screen and web cams Plenty of twists and turns and when you think you've figured it out it throws you a curve your not expecting The only reason I didn't rank this film a 100 is I felt the ending was too unrealistic and implausible But definitely worth the watch
Rated 24 Sep 2018
It’s pretty cool to see Cho carry a film pretty much entirely on his own. The film has a few flaws best left for the viewer to discover (or not care about). I’m willing to look the other way because the story is engaging and surprisingly not preachy about the things it wishes us to consider. In my own writing, I frequently ask, “How does any of us survive childhood?” Searching proposes another side of the question I’ve honestly never considered: How does any of us survive parenthood?
Rated 10 Sep 2018
(Rewatch: still good, though I'm a bit more critical this time around. Nice foreshadowing. Cho's good. Nice attn to detail in the period OSes and video quality. Don't care for happy ending.) I hope we don't get a bunch of cheap copycats, but it's worth noting that future films in this style will be called Searching type films. It's a step in movie making using language we're already familiar with. I know other movies have done this but not as a medium as much as a gimmick.
Rated 09 Sep 2018
Common thriller archetypes stretched over a well-done gimmick that speaks softly to modern issues of privacy, the social role of technology, internet detectives, and the anxieties of parenting. That said, the acting is flat, the music hammy (though at least partially tongue-in-cheek), and the story often unbelievable, although the number of twists and red herrings fuels commentary on how we interact with the addictive qualities of real tragedies that don't directly affect us in a very novel way.
Rated 13 Oct 2018
Social media are giving me a headache and I'm not even 40 yet.
Rated 06 Sep 2018
Within 15 minute I was emotionally attached to this family because the gimmick works. Little things like deleting an important saved video says so much by just being a simple gesture, and Chaganty knew that. Cho was really great, the story was told exceptionally well with a few fun twists and turns. But it's all about that emotional depth and this has it in spades. The final twist probably wasn't required but at the same time it just gave me more of a movie I was really enjoying so that was ok.
Rated 18 Jan 2019
This worked out way better than I thought it would. I thought the opening sequence with the screen, was just, well, and opening, but figuring out the movie would continue using only the computer POV I got very sceptical. Fortunately this worked very well. Cho was good! *Good
Rated 06 Apr 2019
I am on board with John Cho yelling at teenagers and breaking their jaws.
Rated 03 Oct 2018
One can find more thrills in Discovery ID.
Rated 03 Sep 2018
This feels like the film that leads to the truly great film utilizing technology and social media in both form and content. Cho shines and demonstrates once again he is an actor capable of emotional nuance. Can’t help but marvel at the potential of this storytelling POV, particularly in observing how a person thinks as they solve a problem. The editing and “pan and scan” techniques are key here. I found the final twist to be a bit too much of stretch, but otherwise - few complaints.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
A film in which the concept of telling the story via computer screen is not just a gimmick, but essential - even if it has to contort itself increasingly to keep it up towards the end. Very well done.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
We were talking about how weird it is, how much of our lives we live on our devices, and yet how rarely and terribly movies and TV shows convey their ubiquity. This movie is different. Highly recommended.
Rated 29 Nov 2018
Innovative and surprising but the format is so contrived it's hard to shake.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
Impressive and immersive cinema and storytelling experience, this new and unusual form of filmmaking felt a bit discomforting at times, but that seems appropriate for this missing person's mystery that takes place within the digitised world of computer and phone screens. I'm forgiving of the complexly convoluted tale, as this mystery-thriller doesn't waste a second being a fun ride, as well as an expose on our internet/computer/social media usage.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Of the “Computer Screen” movies I’ve seen, this is the best so far, not to mention the only one that isn’t horror. It’s more clever than you’d expect it to be, even if the computer screen gimmick feels slightly forced at times.
Rated 27 Sep 2018
The first thing about this movie is the uniqueness with which it is shot. You always seeing from the vantage point of a cellphone or a desktop. The second and the best part about this movie is the suspenseful plot replete with unpredictable twists and turns. You won't be able to predict the end. Some reviews warn about the level of technical mumbo-jumbo in the movie but I found none. Yes, there are references to Windows XP that somone born in this millennium may not get but that's about it.
Rated 29 Apr 2019
Deus Ex Machina much? After not knowing her password to the first two social media platforms, dad just randomly types in numbers on the 3rd site and bingo bango!....access to the entire laptop granted??? Also, this made national headlines, with multiple police officers involved in the search, but not one god damn person used Google image search in this age of Catfishing? Plus the dad was still using Windows XP in 2017, with no issues! Did Bill Gates produce this?
Rated 05 May 2019
The idea seemed extremely gimmicky, but it's so well done. The filmmakers clearly thought a lot about it and made a movie that fully embraces its premise while being just as tense and compelling as any traditional thriller out there. The mystery isn't anything mind-blowing, but it's good and it's well-told and it's just a really fun journey going through it. There's also genuine emotion as well as very keen observations about our current online world. I had a really good time with it
Rated 28 Jun 2019
Suprisingly the form works. It makes the viewer familiar and comfortable with the form the movie. The characters are well written and it also benefits from a solid central performance by Cho. Unfortunately the second half the movie has to break form at times. The plot also becomes more dependable on the obligatory red herrings and twists. What's most dissapointig is that in the end despite using this form the movie has very little to say about the overpresence of screens in our lives.
Rated 20 Aug 2019
searching has an interesting premise, and it's adeptly directed. it's not mind blowing by any measure, but it does what it set out to do quite well. a nice thriller with a minimal budget and a good gimmick, it's sometimes all a good director needs. score down a tier for the scooby-doo exposition at the end, i'm guessing they ran out of budget.
Rated 06 Aug 2020
They spent far too much time on computer screens and social media. Debra Messing looked so different but gave a good performance. The anxiety and frustration were palpable, and I couldn't help admiring this father searching for his missing daughter. I really enjoyed the twisty ending and ironic decisions made by the investigator. Despite the many things I should complain about, I give it a ton of credit for taking chances, being different and providing a satisfying conclusion. It's worthwhile.
Rated 16 Aug 2019
Sponsored by google
Rated 30 Jun 2019
The ending kind of sucks, but up until that point it's a terrific thriller.
Rated 31 Aug 2018
Takes what makes films like "Catfish" and "Paranormal Activity" so polarizing and concentrates that down to a pure and more accessible form. It really feels like you're part of this search, the last time I can recall have this level of integration into a film was Haneke's "Cache". Bravo.
Rated 03 Sep 2018
Really entertaining with near-flawless directing. I love these gimmicky movies that turn out to be real fun in the theaters. Can't wait to rewatch and lookout for these Easter eggs I'm reading about.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
Visually stunning, emotionally gripping and easily one of the best films of 2018. Created to show us the images and clues as they are being searched and displayed, it allowed for a tense feeling through out the movie.It was nearly flawless and executed perfectly thanks to top notch production on all fronts including the minor details like the websites and social media sites; Cho is brilliant as the lead and really elevates the film and it really hit home as a parent of two young kids.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
A lot better that I thought it would be! Cho does remarkably well, and the UNFRIENDED-style framing device doesn't detract. The movie is worth seeing.
Rated 17 Sep 2018
Is written too smartly where everything that gets talked about needs to connect to something that happens later. Told you fuckers that Unfriended would birth a new cinematic language. Shame people are too wrapped in petty hatred of horror movies to understand.
Rated 29 Jul 2018
This movie takes an interesting format: the entire story takes place on a computer screen. The way it's presented is excellent; we get to see the main character's internal dialogue in the form of messages being typed and deleted before sending, search terms, etc. The story is solid as well. All in all: a damn fine movie that you should see.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
I felt safe the entire time. I've had nightmares of my kid going missing, or his friends even, and Searching never tapped into that innate parental fear (I'm actually only recalling those nightmares as I type this...the movie itself failed to bring them to mind). I never felt the danger his daughter was in, I never delved into his mind... Maybe I turned all that off at the beginning, rejecting attempts at emotional manipulation during the opening dead mom bits and I never turned back on again
Rated 05 Mar 2019
detective world at the tip of anyone`s sorrow.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
To use such a mundane technique with this much engagement and sense is I think worthy of respect. Although it is not amazing, it is fun and somewhat thrilling, a decent watch
Rated 21 Sep 2018
Unexpectedly good format. Clever writing, turns a minimalistic plot in a thrilling story with a bunch of twists. I liked it.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
I really wanted to like this, but the set-up and the reasons for showing what they were seemed so forced it keep me from becoming immersed . Maybe they did the tech part well, but whoever wrote this knows nothing about police procedure.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
Strong opening then just WTF. Acting was decent aside from Debra Messing (insert Me/issing joke). The beginning of the film was touching and concise. It reminded me of the Google commercials showing technology intertwined with our emotions. I get why people wouldn't like the tech format gimmick, but I liked the attempt and the pacing was spot on. The resolution sequence was brutally ill-conceived and tough to swallow. Ultimately, it's decent entertainment but loses its grip way too quickly.
Rated 07 Jan 2019
It might not be the first of its kind but this is done pretty well, and as long as you are not distracted by the gimmick, you'll enjoy this. John Cho does a great job carrying this film, managing to go through the emotions as a desperate father. They do over-use the webcam feature (no one has it on all the time), but it's a minor issue. You'll get invested in the story and you'll be on the edge as you follow each and every twist.
Rated 12 Aug 2023
Not the whole family being chronically online since the mid-2000s.
Rated 31 Dec 2018
This was a damn-good movie.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
john cho is now father to all of us
Rated 07 Nov 2018
Very emotional movie that gets all the computer stuff basically as correct as can be (except that Google Image Search is trash nowadays). The story as such feels lackluster and doesn't provide enough insight into the "villain". It seemed like we got a rushed ending just when the story could have gotten really interesting.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
Gripping thriller takes 'found footage' tropes and plays them to the hilt, exploiting the scattered (and scattershot) way information is collected and disseminated on social media, allowing both sneaky and informative dumps of exposition, as well as the introduction of several diabolical red herrings which never feel contrived or overdone. It's Cho's sturdy and believable performance as the desperate father which grounds this, though Messing is no less impressive as the detective on the case.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
Neat technique and good story but that over-the-top CNN reportage at the end made me cringe.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
The end feels rushed, but the twist and turns of the rest of the story are captivating and the idea of filming an entire movie through screens is compelling.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
The story telling device could have made this unwatchable but somehow it works to make a very simple story far more engaging.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
a movie looking "through" a computer screen. Weird? Of course Seen movies in a car, in a tank, and a 911 calling centre. The movie start to run when the girl leaves the house. Difficult to rate this movie. What do you expect 10 minutes before the end? With an other plot it would give me a better rating.
Rated 28 Sep 2018
Does the gimmick work? Not really. The average "Forensic Files" episode is more interesting.
Rated 02 Oct 2018
I loved the Mystery, I mean, it goes little by little and nevertheless you are interested in the story. But overall it is not the big movie I was expecting for. Enjoyable, that is sure. I think that the resolution killed a little the story.
Rated 03 Oct 2018
Extremely engaging.
Rated 09 Sep 2018
I felt Cho's acting detracted from an overall good movie. Also the amount of attention paid to digital communication was beaten into our heads and made me question what planet this father is on. Otherwise, a very well told, if predictable thriller.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Impressive that viewers are able to relate to the characters despite the entire film taking place across the various tech screens of our lives.
Rated 19 Oct 2018
It gets gimmicky, and it's slow paced at times, but the performances and the sense of suspense, as well as a twist very well executed, elevate it.
Rated 07 Jan 2020
Incredible first half, then it took a TV movie turn. Great job John Cho!
Rated 31 Oct 2018
Excellent storytelling. Glad it chose to forego the routes of gross voyeurism and the "big bad Internet" cautionary tale, ones I've come to dread when thrillers employ tech/social media as a lens.
Rated 15 Jan 2021
They did a pretty good job with it. Unfortunately desktops and typing aren't particularly exciting. The twist might not be so obvious to the young audience it's aimed at.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
Innovatively done. There's way more to this movie than it would have you believe initially. Well designed plot with several surprises, and excellent follow through. This has easily made it into my top 5 of 2018.
Rated 14 Sep 2019
Surprised well-made movie
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Didn't feel gimmicky to me. It just refuses to use a hired camera guy. Ha. All in all an entertaining flick which doesn't perhaps keep you on the edge of your seat, but it does keep you wondering throughout. In this day and age, especially among the typical Netflix made spam, it hits the right notes.
Rated 14 Jul 2019
Great, realistic, so thrilling.
Rated 09 Aug 2020
The gimmick keeps it watchable, but the acting and twists are very Lifetime channel. It doesn't help that the script feels like it's Twin Peaks but rewritten by a wealthy Asian American parent to be some kinda weird fantasy about how awesome their child is. Let me guess the alternate ending: she was missing because she secretly got admitted to Princeton but was too embarassed because it isn't Harvard. Bonus points for the awful soundtrack that sounds like it's from a Facebook commercial.
Rated 06 Sep 2018
Silicon Valley Police Department? Why didn't they just call it San Jose Po-- oh. John Cho is good, but why aren't reviewers also praising Debra Messing's acting-- oh.
Rated 05 Aug 2023
Good for passing the time when you have nothing else to watch.
Rated 07 Sep 2021
Rated 30 Aug 2023
Plot 6/20 Fiction 10/20 Casting/Acting 10/20 Worldbuilding 10/20 Entertainment 9/20
Rated 17 Sep 2019
Great idea but mediocre development
Rated 10 Jun 2020
I give this a 60 because I never seen something like this before. And, that's it.
Rated 15 Aug 2020
At first I had a hard time adapting to a movie that is solely made out of screenshots, but 20 minutes into the film I was captivated. It's an engaging and interesting film, and half of the "acting" is done in your own imagination, when you're watching a Dad obsessively research his daughter's disappearance solely through screenshots. Like others have said, the ending falls a bit flat, but a good movie to watch overall.
Rated 17 Jul 2020
Searching is a found-footage or screen-capture film done well, and an incredibly engaging film in its own right. The performances were great; Cho & La providing the necessary pathos and Messing disappearing into her role (I didn't recognise her). Chaganty's direction and Borrowdale's score pair nicely to deliver a sense of urgency. My main issue was with the News footage which I found to be too intrusive. I wonder if the ending would have been stronger if it had broke the gimmick. Exhilarating.
Rated 29 Aug 2020
Quite fresh idea and it would propably get some following copycats later.
Rated 18 Dec 2020
The genius is that the story told fits the format so well. You wonder if a traditional filming style could do the storyline justice. Sharp. Watched: 17-Dec-2020
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 20 Mar 2023
One of the earlier attempts at this filmmaking style. It was pretty engaging throughout.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
a bit redonkeylous than missing. Very similar formula to missing. Instead of mom that's missing, it's the daughter this/last time. Not as good as missing.
Rated 23 Nov 2018
numarasını ilgi çekip dikkat dağıtmanın ötesinde anlamlı biçimde kullanabiliyor -her ne kadar o numaranın değeri şüpheli olsa da. bu sayede sıradan bir procedural dizi bölümü kendini izleten bir filme dönüşüyor. ekrana odaklanırken onu tek boyutlu almaması en övülesi noktalarından birisi, zira benzer çevrede gezen filmler karton olmanın ötesine geçemiyor genelde. ama bu numaralara rağmen aşkın bir deneyim sunmayı başaramıyor.
Rated 30 Dec 2020
Straddles sincerity and self-aware silliness instead of committing to one or the other. Has some of the elements of a camp classic, but they are too little and delivered way too late.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Sanıldığı kadar orijinal olmasa da (daha geçtiğimiz sene aynı konseptli 2 oyun ve 1 film gördüm) cesur ve enteresan bir yaklaşım, seyirciyi şaşırtma tatmini uğruna hiç edilmiş. Senaryo boşlukları ve yer yer piyesvari dramaturji filmi ciddiye almayı zorlaştırıyor ancak olayı özgün ele alış tarzını nispeten iyi kotardıklarını söyleyebilirim.
Rated 26 Jun 2023
I was expecting a neat gimmick movie but was served a genuinely great thriller on top with effective plotting and emotional beats to boot
Rated 13 Sep 2018
Great as a melodrama, not so great as a thriller
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Ruins a great idea, especially in the final act. Using only the screens of smartphones, pc's and cams could be a great idea if it's an investigation of the experience dictated to us by technology, and its realtion to identity, intimacy, and authenticity. But instead, S is a mainstream Hollywood thriller-mystery treating the screens it uses as a canvas of standard Hollywood narration. Could have been a masterpiece, had it discovered a language peculiar to its medium. Disapointment.
Rated 21 Sep 2018
This had the makings of being a great thriller. Some might find the intro cheesy but I felt it put some meat on the bones of the main characters. Cho turns in an outstanding performance. However, the movie gets too cute at times (insane stories scrolling on the news casts for example) and then the ending goes completely off the rails. I still really enjoyed this but it could have been great.
Rated 22 Oct 2018
Yet another entry in what's become the computer-screen thriller subgenre. It's superficially serviceable as a mystery, but at the same time a bit of a soap opera, with hammy acting.
Rated 02 Nov 2018
SEARCHING is a movie dominated by its gimmick--it unfolds entirely within the context of websites, computer software, and phone apps--but there's about as much gas in that tank as you'd expect. It gets quite repetitive and far-fetched, and yet still requires a crazy, late-breaking twist to goose the audience's interest. A bright spot: nice guy John Cho gradually transforming into an aggrieved, obsessed, and Extremely Online dad.
Rated 11 Nov 2018
parece video game
Rated 26 Aug 2019
Seen 2x
Rated 26 Nov 2018
#18#, exp3, rw2, story, ratings, J.Cho
Rated 09 Dec 2018
Girdiyi unutmuşum ama sürekli bilgisayar ekranı izlemek keyif vermedi.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
The writing is uninspired here - to say the least - which goes some way to explain the weak performances. But worse, it's unoriginal and deathly dull, with a bloated running time and lack of ideas. As with so many mysteries these days it becomes less credible as it progresses, the plot twists are telegraphed in such an obvious way that any suspense immediately evaporates, and the ending is silly and trite. In fact this has afternoon TV movie written all over it.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Pretty entertaining. Conclusion a little flat.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
All the points are for originality! And just a solid execution. Cool idea for a movie and well done on the story. Loved the jokes too :) the plottwist was kind of lame, but ok, who cares :P
Rated 10 Jan 2019
The narrative has its qualities, the plot twists, the way the investigation evolves, it's reasonably interesting. There also is a very interesting approach to technology and social media. But it's not a very good direction work, there's a excessively emotional tone specially in the beginning (when it shows the story of the family, but it's always there, specially through a mushy soundtrack). The story is good (for the most part), the execution is far from being great.
Rated 12 Jan 2019
Would've been a really engaging desktop thriller if the second half didn't have so many twists like any generic TV crime story from the 90s.
Rated 31 Jul 2019


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