Samurai Fiction
Samurai Fiction
Your probable score
Samurai Fiction

Samurai Fiction

Comedy, Action
1h 51m
Feudal lord Kanzen Inukai receives a precious sword from the Shogun, but it is stolen by the samurai Kazamatsuri... (imdb)

Samurai Fiction

Comedy, Action
1h 51m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.01% from 91 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Nov 2007
Trying to be a samurai gag succeeds half of the time. Using contemporary music to accentuate the non serious attitude is not a good choice. Aesthetically acceptable.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A goofy but enjoyable take on samurai films. It has some great moments but does tend to get long in the tooth halfway through the film and doesn't pick up again until towards the end.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
A good story about a couple of skilled swordsmen, one ready to demonstrate his killing skills, and one determined not to kill but even more skillful. Much of the story is spent on the rambunctious son of a royal who is determined to fight a far superior opponent. A gentle samurai spares him, and many of the lord minions also help to keep him from being killed. In the final duel, we learn which of them has the superior skills. There is also an extremely lovely woman who plays the daughter.
Rated 07 Aug 2009
Nakano succeeds well with a very basic, done-to-death plot by taking it to fun, quirky new places with the over the top characters, comedic indulgences, selective coloring, and compellingly different music. The narration and ambiguous framing story could definitely go... I want to say this has some Seijun Suzuki influences, in the looseness of it.
Rated 30 Jun 2009
A funny, quirky and charming spoof of the samurai genre. I love how this movie never takes itself seriously.
Rated 15 May 2008
An okay samurai flick, obviously intended as a kind of stylized 60's jidai geki with modern touches. Obsessed with trying to be "cool", the film's constant self-awareness is somewhat annoying. Everyone seems to spend so much time standing around going "look at me, I'm in a samurai movie, I'm cool" that not enough good stuff actually happens. *shrugs*
Rated 29 Apr 2008
its a silly homage. The only real treat for this movie is the villain, who as I understand also made the score. Still, samurai movies are almost always a good time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
As someone who does not enjoy "real" samurai movies (okay, okay, "jidai geki"), this flick was quite the breath of fresh air.
Rated 20 Dec 2006
Enjoyable, but not great. The action isn't good enough for how cool the film wants to be, and the comedy isn't sustained enough to carry it through.


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