Samodivsko horo
Samodivsko horo
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Samodivsko horo

Samodivsko horo

The local painter in a small provincial town becomes the main attraction after opening an exhibition. The event is commemorated festively, the elite of the town is there and everyone wants to share his opinion about the art. One of the paintings, however, depicts a fairy dance of young, naked women and vigilant citizens discover similarities with a certain lady. The painting disappears, but in the end it is restored in a totally unexpected way. ( Georgi Djulgerov) (imdb)

Samodivsko horo

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Avg Percentile 84.12% from 1 total ratings

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Rated 12 Jan 2020
The lead, overtaken by the events, is like drugged and dragged in a samodivsko horo. 1) at first things don't happen the way he wants but like his wife said "there is always another way, you just don't know it"- so by saying his name, or lying, telling the true, repeating - and it always works for good. 2) 'faiansa deistva' - best line ever. It'd be amazing one shot art movie, if the director was good, and if he had underdood what he was really filming, way beyond the basic commie satire


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