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Drama, Animation
1h 18m
A stop-motion animated story about people living in a Syndey apartment complex looking for meaning in their lives.


Drama, Animation
1h 18m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 46.38% from 158 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Jul 2009
The older style animation really adds to the near-morbid tone of this film. It feels like it begins in our world, but slowly starts to take a turn and get more and more uncomfortable. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it gives the film its own distinct tone. There's not very much like $9.99 out there, but, personally, I don't agree with some of the choices the characters make.
Rated 29 May 2010
Apparently if Magnolia had been claymation i would have liked it more.
Rated 18 Jun 2009
16 Nisan 09, atlas sinemasi, 28. ist. film fest., 21:30, abimle & dahiyane bir acilisi var filmin. hayat hakkinda kor goze parmak seklinde istedigini soylese de ve bu soyledikleri klise olsa da, animasyonun kalitesi, muziklerin kullanis basari ve diyalogların kurulusu bakimindan saygi duyulmasi gerekilen, hayran duydugum bir film, animasyon.
Rated 23 Feb 2010
Just watch it
Rated 21 Mar 2010
Sad and at times thought-provoking but that's about it. This is a mediocre animated film that asks the famous question: "What is the meaning of life?" There is nothing to set this apart, though, from the countless other films that ask the same old question except perhaps that it is made in stop-motion. But I did find the story about the boy and his piggy bank particularly poignant. But for the rest, not so much.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
the film started with potential and then devolved into a mis-mosh of stories that strained mightily for credibility and, eventually ALL failed. dismally.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
it sort of seems profound. I'm not sure if it is or not, but it is definitely worth a watch.
Rated 02 Sep 2010
Average. A by-the-numbers animated search for the meaning of self and existence. A calculatedly vague and random re-hash of countless similarly themed wannabes. But it does have stop-motion T&A and full frontal detailed mail nudity. Not particularly recommended.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
Awful. Simply awful. Pointless and annoying with bad ugly animation.
Rated 01 Dec 2010
"These narratives are little more than pleasantly off-kilter sketches with confounding resolutions, but director Tatia Rosenthal and writer Etgar Keret artfully present them as an interconnected, crosscut network of neighborhood activity." - Joseph Jon Lanthier
Rated 10 Jun 2012
eng; [Der Sinn des Lebens für 9,99 $; Le sens de la vie pour 9,99$]; in einem appartmentblock hat sich lethargie und routine eingeschlichen - doch ein bewohner kauf sich das "sinn des lebens"-buch und dann taucht noch ein engel auf.;
Rated 14 Jun 2012
Even if the models are crudely sculpted by feature film standards, and the situations a little banal and real at first glance, this film does develop into a tapestry rather than just a collection of strands. The medium is used effectively to add surrealism, while the writer has an interesting perspective on life, leading to some thoughtful scenes which complement each other well in building up a sort of philosophical meditation on our mortality. Definitely deeper than most animated films.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
This is why I should stop trusting rottentomatos scores. Banal, disjointed short scenes with grotesque puppets fluffed up with some vague musings on the human condition. Some subjects are best for film, some best for books. First year philosophy students' musings on life aren't movie material.
Rated 03 May 2014
A very episodic (or even webisodic) collection of different storylines that hardly connect or relate to the themes of the meaning of life or its commercialisation. Although I really like the animation because the film doesn't opt for any fantastical elements you'd see in other animation films and is somewhat grounded in realism, some of the characters' decisions are anything but realistic -- the relationship between Dave and his dad was downright homoerotic.
Rated 18 Aug 2014
At first it seemed like a boring screed I've heard a million times about how disconnected modern society is, but the stories all go in interesting directions, and Rosenthal has a deft editorial touch so I ended up settling into its mood and enjoying myself. The old man was fun; I love it when characters just roll with all the weird shit that's happening around them without batting an eyelid.


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