Ruby Sparks
Ruby Sparks
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Ruby Sparks

Ruby Sparks

Romance, Comedy
1h 44m
A novelist struggling with writer's block finds romance in a most unusual way: by creating a female character he thinks will love him, then willing her into existence. (imdb)

Ruby Sparks

Romance, Comedy
1h 44m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.68% from 1556 total ratings

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Rated 04 Dec 2022
An interesting if underdeveloped concept that pays off thanks to Dano and Kazan’s excellent performances; their winning chemistry and likable characters (especially Dano’s Albert Brooks/Woody Allen hybrid) help keep the film on track as it follows a few too many detours (Bening and Banderas are a fun couple, but feel too rich and distinct to be sidelined to cameos). If it evokes memories of ADAPTATION and the later HER in terms of what might have been, it’s still a fun ride on its own terms.
Rated 02 Aug 2017
Although the premise is so simplistic that it annoyed me, the excessive control issues that Calvin exhibits really got to me. It may not be moral, but boy, would I ever (ab)use such a power (only to find myself ever so lonely, as this power would tear off every inch of "sincerity" from that person). Kazan is a joy to look at, too.
Rated 05 Dec 2013
It's not terribly imaginative and most of it is just establishing filler for the last act (which is quite good). Sometimes giving a viewer some mindscape to dwell in surpasses the movie's own existence. I'll make sure to keep an eye on Dano.
Rated 22 Jul 2013
This had pretentious shit written all over it but Dano is so convincing as an clueless dumbshit that I found it amazingly entertaining. Fairly brutal last 25 minutes or so.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
So basically it's Solaris wearing American Apparel tights. I hesitantly approve. Yeah it feels like diluted Charlie Kaufman territory, and yeah even at it's most self-aware it can't quite transcend its essentially mainstream tendencies (disappointing ending), but it's heart is definitely in the right place and this type of twist on the "manic pixie dream girl" thing really should have been made sooner. It almost makes me forgive Dano for Gigantic.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Zoe Kazan is incredibly hot (got that out of the way) and serves as a great co-lead, but her script is Ruby Sparks' biggest flaw. While some of the characters are funny like Banderas, Messina, and Kazan -- none are endearing or sympathetic, making it difficult to connect with any of them. And because the humor hits but the drama doesn't, the serious scenes are excruciatingly awkward. Still, it succeeds in presenting a clever story and entertaining. Maeby's name is Mable in this, come on!
Rated 23 Dec 2012
Kazan said the script wasn't an attempt to dissect the MPDG, but then does a Deschanel impression for the entire movie, so I just went with that interpretation. And it works well! The things the movie has to say about idealising people aren't very original, but they're presented pretty well. The ending is nice, but is it really...deserved? I sure wasn't like "yay, he gets another shot with the girl he emotionally tortured during the climax, what a lad"
Rated 03 Nov 2012
I am someone who watches a lot of "manic pixie dream girl" movies. This is the story of how a manic pixie dream girl stops being an ideal and develops a real personality. I think this just became one of my favorite movies!
Rated 26 Oct 2012
This movie is unique in the sense that were the creator come in contact with the creation is true in terms of the movie and the creator of the movie. This movie is a romantic drama than romantic comedy. The acting by the lead character is great, the story is charming. Everything falls in place, the movie carries you to 99 yards really well. The last yard is kind of a let down as it ends in a way to please the audience. It would have been interesting if the movie ended in suspense. An entertainer
Rated 24 Oct 2012
The "Weird Science" for writers. A great premise, which unfortunately suffers from an under-cooked script and poor direction which should have reined in the prissy seriousness of Dano (channeling James Spader, unsuccessfully) and the histrionic kookiness of Kazan. Even the cameos from Bening, Gould, Coogan and Banderas are boring - quite an achievement.
Rated 16 Sep 2012
These self-affirming fantasies prove to be a moderate success when those who conceived it not only realize their vision but manage to get away with it. In the end, the delight I experienced isn't too far removed from Calvin's own suspension of disbelief, which Dano approaches with his usual unmatched fervor. One of the better entries so far this year.
Rated 10 Aug 2012
Paul Dano played the tortured writer well and Zoe Kazan transitioned excellently through the different Rubys. This type of film doesn't usually have a satisfying ending, but in this case, it was very charming.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
#23#, rw3, candy, story, cast, oldies(2) }{ #12#, reviews, story, Deborah.AW!
Rated 05 May 2023
bu film güzel ya. neredeyse ingilizce review yazacaktım öyle diyeyim. well written falan diyecektim. the female imagination of male writers falan diye devam edecektim öyle yani. sevdiğimiz filmlerden de esinlenilmiş gibi ama film ismi vermeyeceğim. izleyen bulur
Rated 09 Jan 2023
Interesting, self-aware take on the MPDG trope. I still kinda think at the end he was a douche.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
The premise of making someone who can completely love me is just makes me really really happy. and almost I ended up having a euphoric moment by the end.
Rated 26 May 2022
Everyone plays their part well, and there is imagination in the writing and directing. Pacing and tone issues hold it back.
Rated 17 Jan 2021
An underseen early 2010's gem that any writer needs to watch at least once. Funny, cute, and weirdly quite grounded in reality despite the over-the-top premise, it's anchored by two excellent lead performances from Dano & writer Kazan, whose script is a major plus on its own. It explores the ups & downs of the concept, isn't afraid of getting dark, & manages to feel poignant & fresh without ever stepping into pretentious schlock territory. Definitely check this out if you haven't yet.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
okay movie
Rated 04 Aug 2019
"...And the thing we do to each other, where we try to box around the other person - because loving someone with a free will is terrifying. So we try to bring them down to size, so that they're digestible, and so they're not so frightening to us..."
Rated 14 Nov 2017
This one has a very Woody Allen feel to it, but is missing Allen's comedic touch and comes off as somewhat inauthentic in its depiction of relationships and how people act to one another. Perhaps this movie tries to hard to be a parable about how people can be self destructive and unable to predict what would make them happy to serve as a truly inspired story.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Rated 16 Jun 2017
Harmless, yet interesting. Dano is great, per usual.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
eng; [ruby sparks]; ein buchautor mit schreibblockade schreibt über eine fantasierte frau, welche ihn liebt - doch diese frau wird wirklichkeit, sowie alles was er über sie schreibt.;
Rated 07 Dec 2016
Not original, by any means, but it is well done, and has bags of warmth, likeability and charm. The performances are good, and I can think of worse ways to spend a couple of hours.
Rated 23 Sep 2016
This film has a really interesting premise, unfortunately the payoff does not live up to the strong premise. The actors do a good job here but the screenplay needs a better third act. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 15 Jul 2015
I think my expectations were too high; despite wonderful performances by Kazan and Dano, most of the film just didn't the spot. I kept expecting it to be funnier, or wittier...that said the final act was dark, gripping and lead to an enjoyable end.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
Başrol oynayan kızın aynı zamanda senaryoyu yazması ve yapım ekibinde yer alması haricinde hiçbir iyi yanı olmayan film. Bilindik sahneler, sıkıcı senaryo ve düşük tempo kısacası izlenmeye değmez zaten ben iki kere başladım ikisinde de bitiremedim.
Rated 17 Dec 2014
Interesting and generally good film, but had an obnoxious ending.
Rated 05 Nov 2014
I was so confused why, if you could write your dream girl and have her come to life, you'd write about Zoe Kazan. Then I realized that Zoe Kazan is the writer.... Oh, shit, and she's literally married to Paul Dano. Well, fuck, I guess the pieces start to fall into place.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
Quirky-girl-saves-the-guy Indies needed a good kick in the patriarchals, nice shot.
Rated 13 Mar 2014
Very clever done, it's quite similar to Her.
Rated 06 Jan 2014
Cleverly written and wonderfully acted, Ruby Sparks overcomes its occasional lags in pace with an abundance of charm and wit.
Rated 03 Dec 2013
Has it's moments. Other than that a mediocre film
Rated 02 Dec 2013
I was prepared to label it as just another manic pixie dream girl flick, but it's clear that Kazan was aware of the trope and decided to play with and subvert it. I really like how dark it became. The film still feels very much like a lot of other indie films, but that didn't hinder my enjoyment of it. The cast is good, with Kazan being the stand-out, and Dano doing fine as the lead. I don't think I was satisfied with every aspect, the ending being the main one, but I though it was good overall.
Rated 25 Oct 2013
Ruby Sparks (sounds like a name of a porn actress) is a very, VERY, girly, offbeat romantic comedy with quirky characters and terribly cute storyline. I quite enjoy this new wave of rom-coms. Taken as an example from many similar films, Ruby Sparks is sweet and fluffy, but it is not empty. It talks about relationships, but it is not like those journals for teenage girls. It has values and backs them up in a smart way.
Rated 01 Oct 2013
A bit nerdy and quirky. A writer creates a girlfriend from his imagination and she magically appears in his real life just as he had written. Even more bizarre is that he is able to change her by writing more. The movie is a bit too fantastic but it stays fresh and fun through most of it. His unrestrained power corrupts his creation and he looses control and begins to caters to the darker sides of his personality. Some of it was a bit heavy handed. Sometimes clever but mostly silly fun.
Rated 22 Sep 2013
Great premise...but doesn't go anywhere. Lacks the "spark" (see what I did there?) and daring and brilliance of a Charlie Kaufman script.
Rated 05 Sep 2013
A decent movie that tells the same story of people don't know what they really want in love. Zoe Kazan is great as Ruby but there's not enough here to propel this movie beyond average.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
you barbarians, this has nothing to do with 500 days of summer it's about GATSBY they even say it a bunch
Rated 25 Aug 2013
I expected it to be a trying-too-hard-to-be-cute ultimate-manic-pixie-dream-girl look-at-me-I'm-so-quirky bore. I mean, I thought it was going to be insufferable. So I was pleasantly surprised. Even though there are elements of all those things in it.
Rated 12 Aug 2013
Deconstructs the 'manic pixie dream girl' romantic story with a relationship that isn't at all convincing - and that's the point. The film doesn't seem to be brave enough to fully grapple the morality of the situation, though, which muddies the character arcs and resolution. Directors Dayton and Faris made Paul Dano's career with 'Little Miss Sunshine' and here they promote him to the lead role; I approve. (Fun fact: Dano and Kazan have a real-life relationship, and she wrote the movie.)
Rated 06 Aug 2013
I really really enjoyed this film. Quirky in all of the right places, while itself being very unique.
Rated 15 Jul 2013
Great story, I don't think I liked the acting but it could just be the characters I didn't like.
Rated 13 Jul 2013
Alright little film, ultimately leading nowhere. 'Quirky' script, just not really good. Missed chance.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
It's one of those movies where you like less and less as you think on it. Starts well enough and never gets boring, but there's just not much to hold on to, it doesn't pull you in, and doesn't make much sense, well it shouldn't of course but it should have logic in itself. Don't know. Feels like it had more potential.
Rated 14 Jun 2013
Ruby Sparks is an unrealistic annoying pixie. Even though this may have been intended as ironic, she's neither funny nor endearing. Halfway through the lead stops acting logically and becomes hard to sympathise with. The pygmalion-plot fails to make any interesting new points, and feels like a dead end very quickly.
Rated 03 Apr 2013
The film meanders around, disguising the boilerplate romance comedy with a fantasy plot, which has been done a thousand times.
Rated 04 Feb 2013
A fun concept that never becomes more than that because of weak, hollow characters and a predictable story.
Rated 30 Jan 2013
I appreciate the concept and the deconstruction of the "manic pixie dream girl" trope that is going on here. However, I feel that the film, to some extent, wants to have its cake and eat it too; for most of the film Calvin's attempts to manipulate the situation to his advantage are played primarily for laughs. By the time the climax comes around, the script has built itself up around the comedic aspects too much for the dramatic turn to feel right. Dano and Kazan are both great here.
Rated 28 Jan 2013
Mostly light and fun, and then a pretty dark ending that really brings it up a point. Kazan is pretty good here. Loses points for wasting Banderas and Bening, two very capable actors that are given one scene where they are just strange characters but have nothing much to do. Pretty fun still.
Rated 24 Jan 2013
Poignantly surreal and honest - a true capture of human emotion and the complexities of love in a nontraditional context. Wonderful screenplay and splendidly acted.
Rated 23 Jan 2013
Just an adorable movie with a touch of science fiction to boot. I thought that Paul Dano did a pretty good job in this but Zoe Kazan was the real star of this film. She was great switching between all the different Ruby's that Dano was turning her into. I was especially a big fan of the clingy Ruby. It cracked me up how she wouldn't let go of him at any time even if it was causing them discomfort of stress. I thought the supporting cast was good and the writing really shined brightly.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
Very cute movie. I'm in the minority I'm sure, but I preferred it to the directing team's previous film, Little Miss Sunshine. First time I've ever enjoyed a Paul Dano performance. Zoe Kazan was outstanding. The film demanded a lot from her, and she delivered. Other than the ending, which was a bit too "on the nose", I enjoyed it throughout.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
Not exactly my cup of tea, but enjoyable nonetheless. Very charming little film with some great characters and a decent script from Kazan.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
An interesting case for the "bait-and-switch" vibe that's going on - if the premise makes you a little uneasy rather than thinking "what a hilarious RomCom idea!", you're already in on the joke. I was intensely gripped by it throughout the film, though the explicit reveal of this horror is, to put it lightly, ridiculously heavy-handed and dumb. It was bad enough of a scene to knock several points from my score. I'll just step out for a drink for that scene when I watch it next.
Rated 16 Jan 2013
I went in expecting something quirky and light, but was presented instead with something a bit edgier, something that gets pretty dark at its lowest moment. Strong performances and a (mostly) fun script are effective in wedging these characters into your good spirits. And without spoiling it, I'd like to say that this is about the best ending this film could have hoped for, an admirable achievement considering the challenging place it puts its characters. One of the best films of 2012.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
4+ worth experiencing
Rated 29 Dec 2012
Takes the old "awkward guy meets quirky girl" trope and picks at it until it turns into outright horror... well, not Horror horror, but let's just say it's fairly obvious that this wasn't written by said awkward guy. Which is welcome, and Zoe Kazan does a terriffic job in the title role. Sure, it could have gone even darker, but it's a sneaky little film that prefers to nudge the viewer rather than bash them over the head, and it does it well.
Rated 27 Dec 2012
I totally didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did. Definitely better than "Stranger Than Fiction".
Rated 27 Dec 2012
Meta-Manic Pixie Dream girl.
Rated 22 Dec 2012
Enjoyable but far from beeing great. The french speaking, wrist twisting, barking climax scene could have been great if it was better set up. At that scene the movie took a way too dark path compared to the rest of the movie. Than the ending again unnecessarily shiny happy.Erghhhh. I would have enjoyed this movie having a much darker undertone all the way through. Loads of subtext possibilities are lost by the end of the movie because the directing wasn't brave enough.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
Romantic comedy from the directors of Little Miss Sunshine starts out great but then gets extremely silly and unbelievable. I lost nearly all interest in what it was trying to do by the third act, despite a fine cast. Interesting premise, but the plot twists rubbed me the wrong way.
Rated 03 Dec 2012
It's charming and it follows all cliches imaginable, it's simple and it's complicated. What can I say a well written story about primitive girl.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
"Can we start over?" Please do, TWEE SCIENCE.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
Enjoyable for the most part, though the more you think about it, the worse it gets. The last half hour goes really downhill and, while the ending isn't a complete nonsensical disaster like I'd feared, it isn't all that great either.
Rated 26 Nov 2012
Sweet, simple and better than the generic rom-com but couldn't really connect with the characters which prevented me from really enjoy it.
Rated 21 Nov 2012
This is a phenomonal movie no doubt about it. Taking a "Stranger than fiction" meets "Eternal Sunshine of the mind" style rom-com, makes for a stunning modern romantic movie. The protagonist is a relatable man unable to find a girl until he makes one. I enjoyed the idea of the movie, and like eternal sunshine, provides a new lens with which to examine love. It was cute, it was awkward, and ended up being surprisingly dark and emotive. No doubt the best movie I've seen in a long time.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
The best thing about this film is that Zoe Kazan wrote it order to bring the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archtype down a peg. That is the reason to see it, and the best thing about the film. I'm not sure that it ever quite lives up to that conceit, but it's good.
Rated 14 Nov 2012
Competently directed and written, and I agree with Kazan that the Ruby character she wrote diverges from the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype. However, the constant references to Kaufman, (500) Days of Summer, etc. in reviews is symptomatic of Ruby Sparks treading some very familiar territory both in theme and in style. "It's dark at times" is no longer a sufficient criterion for quality for this type of romantic drama, not that it ever was, really.
Rated 06 Nov 2012
Why does Paul Dano always play the annoying creepy guy? Anyway, all the praise goes to Zoe Kazan with her fantastic performance and writing. It truly is a magical dark comedy :). Why on earth did they put Antonio Banderas in this??..
Rated 03 Nov 2012
Farkli konusuyla dikkat cekiyor ama sadece o kadar.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
Note to myself: never try to change your girlfriend. Curious things may happen. Quite impressive part from Z. Kazan both as an actress and as a writer.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
24 Ekim 2012 & freudian but not original and not really valuable.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Paul Dano is terribly irritating as always, Zoe Kazan is great in different Rubys.. Given the very interesting and promising theme, it could be a much better movie, but misses a lot on many details..
Rated 16 Oct 2012
Kind of spoiled by the ending
Rated 15 Oct 2012
You know when they market comedies as a "comedy-drama" just 'cos they've got a romantic subplot? Yeah, this one fully warrants its "-drama" suffix, because holy hell, there are a few scenes here where comedy goes out of the window and things get real, real intense. And they work marvellously. There's one climactic sequence in particular that surely rates among the best of the year. Standout performances, a winning concept, and a phenomenally good screenplay. Full review at Letterboxd.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Kazan's script tries to impress with some remarks about how writing fiction is different than living a life that looks fictional -- and all the moral issues involved in both parts --, but eventually falls short in fake, tricky, crowd-pleasing schemes. And, for the worse, Dayton and Faris' lack of imagination doesn't help at all. A common love story justified by a low fantasy argument. Weird science is much more uncompromising -- and better -- than this one.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
Quirky/cute, wears a little towards the end, but all over not bad.
Rated 11 Sep 2012
Funny and dramatic! It managed to get all the audience laughting
Rated 08 Sep 2012
If I had to compare 'Ruby Sparks' to something, it would be '(500) Days of Summer'. You know from the beginning that things aren't going to end well for our lead. In this case, it's Calvin. When Ruby appears in his life, quite suddenly so, he finds her as the answer to all of his problems. At least until the realities of relationships present their own problems, but he has the power to change it. That moral dilemma keeps you invested, while Dano and Kazan keep the high concept grounded. So good.
Rated 21 Aug 2012
I walked into it half-dreading a manic pixie nightmare, but I have to say this movie goes in directions much more strange, dark, and interesting than I expected. There's a scene near the end that is one of the three or four times in a movie theater this year my pulse has actually quickened in a "What the fuck! What's gonna happen!" kind of way. I'd definitely recommend it. Zoe Kazan is very promising as an actress and a screenwriter.
Rated 19 Aug 2012
Admirable for getting intense and dark rather than staying cute through the whole thing. I loved Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan and I will welcome any Elliott Gould appearances with open arms. It's not groundbreaking by any means but enjoyable just the same.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
The obligatory trend of cute dogs in indie films lives on. Not that I'm really complaining about it. Dano and especially Kazan bring vivid life to a not entirely unfamiliar premise. Also, I'm convinced that Dano's mom (Annette Bening) secretly possesses the same ability as him. Seriously, watch it again. Guess we'll find out in Ruby Sparks 2...


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