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Rated 30 Jan 2019
Cuarón is a true master at crafting beautiful sequences that tell a story visually. However the underlying writing & structure of the film feel somewhat contrived & work against it as some kind of modern incarnation of neorealist cinema (a contradictory concept by itself). It is completely soaked in nostalgia both in terms of theme & style which also muddles the water for me. Whatever narrative thread I clung to ended up feeling slightly cheap & impersonal (the opposite of its intent I'm sure).
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Either this film will pack a bigger punch after a 2nd viewing or the story just didn't strike a chord with me in any meaningful, relatable way. They say less is more - something to keep in mind given the film's modest scale - but in some cases, less is less.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
Cuaron's memories are those of routine with sprinkles of tragedy. These tragedies are heartbreaking but show the immense strength of women and the sacrifices made in order to nuture. Of course all of this is subtlety done and against a stunningly gorgeous set of images. Cuaron's camera lazily gazes to soak in a whole lotta life.
Rated 14 Dec 2018
An emotional, intimate story, vividly told, with unbelievably good cinematography (GO SEE THIS ON THE BIG SCREEN IF YOU CAN) and some surprisingly intense scenes. Plus, the only film I’ve ever seen that fully understands how stupid dogs are STOP SHITTING EVERYWHERE.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
Introducing Italian Neorealism (in Spanish) to the Netflix audience! Not as monumental or heavenly as most critics claim but still it's beautifully-crafted.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
It works at many levels, and this is precisely the problem. It works, because it is so sterile; a director who internalized the most respectful aspects of modern film-making that they actually get in the way of storytelling. No clear political statement here, neither films need to do that, however in the end is there not a reconcile of classes through sadness, loss etc. which is not structural but on the opposite, very particular/contingent that you could change the losses between them.
Rated 09 Jan 2019
Relies on Fellini-esque wide shots with prolonged background choreographies. While this is technically almost flawless and uses all the means of modern filmmaking, there is no poetry whatsoever. It is ridiculous that we still praise an "evolutionary aesthetics" in 2018 (the wider and longer the shot the more beautiful, and the joy received from seeing the depth of field clearly-to predict the enemies). Also, politically very problematic. Who r u to exploit the maiden's life and manipulate it?
Rated 26 Feb 2019
I also thought this was very good. Aparicio and Tavira were both excellent in their roles, and the cinematography and visuals are outstanding. I have been following Cuaróns filmography for awhile and he has yet to disappoint me. This is clearly one of his most personal stories. I even felt a little teary-eyes towards the last ten minutes or so. You probably have to really like film to fully appreciate this, seeing as it's a little artsy and long. Overall I found this to be a great film.
Rated 28 Jan 2019
It's a bold move by Netflix for their biggest release of the year to be a black and white foreign language film only viewable on streaming. However, if you can put all home distractions away and get invested in this, it has an incredibly emotional set of stories to offer. Cuaron in the cinematographer chair does just as incredible a job as Lubezki typically does, and the first-time actors are just as outstanding. A masterful montage of memories.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
Microscopic brush strokes on a historical canvas. It’s easy to be hyperbolic when the easiest comparisons are Tarkovsky, Fellini, or Yang. The textures are always in focus, but we never lose sight of the background. Masterfully atmospheric. I think it even comments on some of Cuaron’s previous works as to differentiate itself (the labor sequence, the space film in the theater, for example). These characters cannot escape their reality, but they also will never lose their humanity. Beautiful.
Rated 23 Dec 2018
Movie returns back to it's roots. Black and white, beautifully crafted early 1970s, long, relaxing shooting, rich city life from eyes of a poor nanny, and well paced story of women in men's world.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
I nearly cried during the first shot and it was the credits over a damn floor. Cuarón's direction is exquisite in its patience, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail with long tracking shots, intimate close-ups, busy backgrounds, and remarkable soundscapes. Beyond its aesthetic beauty though, it's poignant in its ability to tell a story (Aparicio's great turn helps of course)-this one being a powerful character study about finding strength and peace amidst chaos (see Cleo's one-leg stand).
Rated 31 Dec 2018
It's utterly beautiful and deserves a cinematography Oscar nod as much as "The Favourite". Just wasn't as emotionally invested in it as I thought. There was some dragging moments all. Looks to be an accurate reconciliation of a point of time that just didn't quite absorb me.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
Cuarón at the peak of his powers. This masterful piece of cinema looks ravishing and has a strong emotional heft as it takes us through a year in the life of a Mexican family, specifically through the eyes of their maid.
Rated 14 Feb 2019
Nuanced, gorgeous, meditative and intimate, discreetly packing quite a lot of drama, without ever feeling forced or staged. (and they sure put that tripod to good use)
Rated 24 Nov 2018
so incredibly beautiful and moving. the lateral viewpoint and the confident framing plus the sheer audacity for the story to go where ever it wants to go and REALLY fucking go there makes this so strong.
Rated 30 Nov 2018
Wrenching and intimate. Slowly-paced but each image is so considered and so enduirng; the whole film sticks with you.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
for gods sake pick up after your dog
Rated 14 Feb 2019
It's good. It's real good. And the more I read about it the gooder it gets. The structure is good, the pan shots hella good. The personal angle? So good. The teaser trailer was better.
Rated 19 Dec 2018
It's slow first act gives way to some surprisingly intense scenes later on that definitely caused me to shed a tear or two. Overall, a compassionate, loving, intimate portrayal of a family that subtly hints at larger geopolitical themes. The acting is incredible and the cinematography is outstanding, meaning I can say with much confidence that this is the most beautiful B&W film of the last 30 years.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
There's a lot to be dissected here. Smarter people than me can do that. This film had a beautiful slow-pace that kept me engaged for its entirety. This is in a larger part due to Cuaron's cinematography, which is a ~delight~. This is a B&W film that feels like it earned the right to be in B&W.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
The film misses its potential to fully explore the complexities of the master-servant relationship, instead defaulting to melodrama about the importance of family.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
Beautiful Mexican neo-Italian-neo-realism.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
i took many notes on its wonderful cinematographic techniques, but this film suffers from the main problem of many autobiographical narratives, namely, including a great amount of tiny details, yet consequently leading to a sloppy and facile story structure.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
Features moments of extraordinary beauty, both in its aching story and phenomenal cinematography (the forest fire lullaby and ocean rescue are especially magnificent). Its subtleties and patience develop immense flavours steeping in hindsight but the soft distance of its perspective prevents an immediately profound impact.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
Beautifully shot, bursting with life, acoustically sublime, and as naturalistic as they come, but bar a couple of intense moments, the script/story isn't all that eventful and I was left wanting for more plot or at least character development. A lot rests on the vibrancy of the setting and the way in which it is presented, which may or may not be enough to carry the film for any given viewer.
Rated 14 Dec 2018
Honestly, I found this movie pretty boring. I don't want to hate on it though, as I've mostly boiled it down to just not "clicking" for me. Alfonso Cuarón does have some beautiful cinematography and nice long rotating shots done masterfully with good acting. The pacing of the movie went pretty quickly and there's a small handful of scenes that did hit me emotionally. Like I said, I don't feel bashing it is fair and I think it boils down to just not being my type of movie rather than being weak.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Beautifully constructed and thematically strong, but held back from greatness due to a reliance on nostalgia. It's just assumed that we have a connection to the time and place, and so no connection is attempted, rendering events as impersonal. As such, it began to lose me around halfway through.
Rated 15 Feb 2019
Hayatım boyunca beğendiğime en çok şaşırdığım top 5 film listesine girdi. Hiçbir zaman listeden çıkacağını sanmıyorum. Şaşırma nedenim ; nefret ettiğim Netflix'in filmin içinde olması, keza ısınamadığım Cuaron'un yönetmenliği ve son yıllarda oscar filmlerinin felaketliği... Ancak alt sınıfları içten bir şekilde anlatması ve feminist tavrına hayran oldum. Görüntü yönetimi ise cabası.
Rated 03 Dec 2018
Great at making you feel the emotions of the characters.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
A very slow gazing camera creates a film where every sequence is full of emotional depth and truth.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Not quite the "poverty can look beautiful sometimes" that I was expecting, but instead a (often distant, too calculated) mixture of technical virtuosity, autobiography and slice-of-life social drama.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Cuarón follows up a bunch of genre blockbusters with this serious shot at an art film, with formidable results. It's a lavish production combining grandiose exterior scenes with carefully-lit interiors, ambitious if sometimes manneristic long dolly shots, nuanced and naturalistic dialogue, mise-en-scene and visual detail. The story, though, is not terribly fresh or sophisticated. It superficially echoes neorealism, Mexican Bunuel, maybe a tiny bit of Bergman, but it's just not that powerful.
Rated 18 Dec 2018
Marvelous on a technical level, with stunning photography and many intricately staged crowd scenes and tracking shots. This film transport its audience to a very specific time and place and is then mostly content to observe a year in the life of its characters. I wish I had connected with the plot and the heroine a little more.
Rated 18 Dec 2018
Easily one of the most beautifully-shot films I've ever seen. Even if the emotional moments feel like they're supposed to be emotional moments, rather than feeling them. The car is the best character in the whole thing.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
A slow yet engaging film with a strong dramatic heart that's nevertheless overshadowed by a masterful technical craftsmanship.
Rated 23 Dec 2018
Roma is slow to get going, with nothing of note happening until midway through it's running time. In the meantime, we have some beautiful black and white photography and classy camerawork to admire. Gradually though, things start to coalesce around Cleo's predicament, and this is when the film finds it's stride, essaying the middle class family's upheaval - in a country going through it's own growing pains - in a way that manages to capture the essence of these people and the times very well.
Rated 26 Dec 2018
a heart touching and picturesque autobiographical masterpiece from alfonso cuaron. on the background of a middle class mexico city family, it shows daily life and political climate of mexico in early 70's.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
Beautifully acted, directed, written. However, emotionally, something is missing. I'm not necessarily going to hold it against the movie because it's still beautiful and pleasant, but with that crucial component missing, it cannot be the masterpiece that many think it is.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
Photography that rivals Soy Cuba; didn't think anybody had the ambition anymore. Plz don't watch it on a TV, thx.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Beautifully made piece of nostalgia is still nostalgia.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
Gorgeous photography; great direction; the whole story is just too real: the despair of the recently separated woman, the condition of a pregnant woman that is left alone; the daily chaos inside the house. Great work.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
A film about a maid trapped in her (inferior) status by a complex net of sentiments, class, lack of culture, inertia. Her lack of ideology is her ideology. And she is happy with it. She doesn't feel trapped. She doesn't know how to live differently. Or maybe it will, in the end. Without breaking the family, but being a real part of it. It's like Cuaron feels bad for her now, guilty, but he remember only love in his childhood by his maid. He hopes that, in the end, she was ok.
Rated 14 Jan 2019
good movie
Rated 25 Jan 2019
You can say some good things about this for sure. It's pretty. But my God, it is an unbelievable bore and I can't even begin to understand what I'm supposed to be invested in or how I'm supposed to get anything from it. On a boringness-scale from 0 to Terrence Malick this is about an 8.
Rated 04 Feb 2019
Beautifully shot, but has too much of the AUTEUR(c) stamp on it. A movie that tries to hard to be something more than a movie -- every scene presented as SIGNIFICANT. But the cinematography is gorgeous.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
A knife's edge to walk in terms of story: the film's ability to cross bold thresholds is granted by its lackadaisical storytelling style, but at the same time the film is meandering and events unfold slow, accidentally, like reality. For the most part, I think Cauron rides the line and Roma is a success. And when it isn't, it's still absolutely gorgeously framed. Probably the best-looking film of 2018.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
Wow! This was such a beautiful and often powerful piece of cinema. The labour scene was truly incredible filmmaking. Some movies clearly have a message that they want to make clear or are deliberately ambiguous about. For me Roma is about reflecting on life as a whole and I enjoyed the reflection it presented me with. I think with Roma we are now through the Netflix looking glass, in that their original films are no longer straight to video studio rejections, which is a relief for me personally
Rated 09 Jan 2019
Not only is this my kind of film, but this is the kind of film I want to make, albeit when I'm Cuarón's age
Rated 10 Jan 2019
It's a good movie but overrated.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Packed with striking images, and with a well-crafted story, this film follows a course antagonistic towards some of my strongly held prejudices, and thus ended up with a lower score than it perhaps deserves on technical merit.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
Slow paced, and hard to watch. I'm very tired of "quietly suffering families" movies.
Rated 04 Apr 2019
Beautiful to look at. The story isn't that exciting but it somehow manages to keep you interested nonetheless.
Rated 01 Mar 2019
Maybe I'm just a simpleton that can't appreciate craftsmanship even when it slaps me directly in the face but I found this movie to be nothing more than a showcase of artistic possibilities. Throughout the whole movie I felt more bored than intrigued and I had no grip on the characters or the supposedly dramatic story.
Rated 09 Mar 2019
It's been some time since a film has impressed me, this one did. The use of imagery to introduce a scene or set an emotion was impressive. The story had me fully invested in Cleo and her story. If you watch this film turn off the light and focus, you will be rewarded.
Rated 23 Feb 2019
Not a single piece of dialogue in the film matters. And what does that mean ladies and gentlemen? We've got ourselves a black-and-white silent film. I abhor silent film. I must have checked the clock 100 times waiting for it to be over. Once again, whenever critics praise a film's "cinematography", that's code for: "boring as all hell".
Rated 15 Feb 2019
You know, I wasn't sure about this for maybe even the first hour. But by the end, I thought it was quite good. It's a very simple film, but has plenty of emotional weight when it wants to, while remaining grounded and realistic. Alfonso Cuarón's direction is excellent, as is his obviously personal screenplay, and the black and white cinematography is absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't quite say I loved it, but I thought it was a really nice, unique film.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
Great mood and visuals. Interesting story that takes through the many settings and characters of 1971 Mexico
Rated 24 May 2019
Long story short, men are monster, women are all innocent. Of course the stories are true and even so many more tragic have happened to women, but just putting it together to draw a whole innocent picture of women is unreal and immature.
Rated 06 Dec 2018
I like the attention to detail, the loose and patient way in which the story is told and, above all, the many beautiful shots and the precision of Cuarón's camera. But I found that the ending was too neat, so it's not quite a masterpiece in my book.
Rated 07 Dec 2018
The maid's personal yet common and unspecific story is often at odds with the grand and detached visual presentation. It's as if Cuarón wants his remembrances to stand for more than the material provides. But except for two heart-wrenching life and death sequences, the spectacular and thus soothing images don't transcend the thematic underdevelopment. No matter how many airplanes go by.
Rated 28 Jan 2019
hizmetciyi asagi goren kontrgerilla ve cocuklarini okyanusa yuzme bilmeyen bir refakatciyle sunma gibi kimi celiskiler gucsuzlukler ve eylemler iki kadin uzerinden incelikli anlatilmis
Rated 14 Dec 2018
Powerful, elegant, deep and hypnotizing... Beautiful cinematography
Rated 15 Dec 2018
My initial response is that there's too much cultural disconnect for me to rate this film fairly. But on second thought, shouldn't great stories have the ability to reach most and transcend the disconnect rather than exacerbate it? Cuarón is a fantastic director, and this film is no exception-the cinematography alone is almost enough reason to watch. However, Cuarón's writing is shit--lifeless, boring, soap opera-ish shit. It unfolds poorly and the acting is way too horrendous to salvage.
Rated 05 Sep 2019
Doğum, orman yangını ve filmin sonlarındaki deniz sahneleri, üstün bir yönetmenlik becerisi. Teknik açıdan ne kadar övülse az gelir. Çok ustaca çekilmiş, realist ve klas bir film.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
definitely a time machine
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Sorry but it is boring. I ended up it with forcing myself. There is nothing special about this film except a couple of great scenes.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
At times a bit heavy-handed in its story-telling, but pulls of its ambitious scope with admirable ease. Most impressive however are its pictures - every single group scene is fantastic.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
Amazing. An absolutely beautiful movie.
Rated 15 Feb 2019
Best film of the year, from the best director currently working
Rated 19 Dec 2018
geleneksel "kartpostal mı film mi?" şenlikleri. çevresel seslerin arkasında kaybolmuş karakterler kağıt üzerindeki romantizm müptezelliğini her görsele taşıyor. yakaladığı anlar var tabii ama "ah yine de güzeldi" nostaljisi fazla kişisel ve kuru kalıyor. neredeyse kusursuz bir görsel-işitsel zanaatkarlık var ama anlatının donukluğu işlemiyor. belki biraz daha pan yaparak daha ilgi çekici bir hikaye sahneleyebilirdi cuaron!
Rated 21 Dec 2018
If Y tu mamá también´s narrator was the whole movie. A hard, necessary look at a forgotten moment in history (El Halconazo.) Ambiguous, almost omniscient view of its world, it tantalizes with multiple interpretations while patiently, magically mapping an era, and pointing towards the choices of our own. Sentimentality as a technique and done correctly here. Precarity. Its depiction of working class, women's, and indigenous realities should be analyzed carefully. Fue el estado.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
Seems more like an excuse to show off Cuarón cinematic abilities. He doesn't seem too concerned about telling the story. And that was okay with Gravity, but given the subject matter it's certainly not ok here.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
A mostly simple story about a Mexican housemaid. Some of the memorable highlights were scenes with her boyfriend and child. Even though it was shot in B&W, a lot of craft and care was put into making it. Overall, the pace was often too slow and there was not enough action or story to build excitement. It had many good qualities and attention to detail, but felt overly long, drawn out and seemed to lack a compelling story. Worth watching, especially if you are nostalgic for 1970.
Rated 19 Feb 2019
It is just a beautifully shot film. Whilst the story is quite simple, it is packed with emotion and Cuaron's sweeping, panning filming-style draws you right into the middle of it. Everything about this film feels really authentic and the imagery in black and white is just so beautiful. The iconic shot alone (see the movie poster) and the entire scene leading up to the moment is the best part of the film and almost completely won me over.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
An emotional roller coaster, in addition to the really engrossing story and cinematography.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
I feel bad for not liking this film. It is absolutely beautiful, and while I’m not sure if it being Black and White was for any particular reason or simply for the art of it, it worked. Unfortunately the story and characters are (perhaps intentionally) bare bones. Had the characters been individually fleshed out a bit more or had there been more to be invested in for the story, I’d have probably enjoyed it. Surprising that these are its faults with such a runtime.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
This review does not have enough characters for me to describe how good the directing, camera movements and cinematography are in this movie.Cuaron deserves every award available.The acting is also wonderful and so realistic across the board.This movie really is like watching real life, a conventional plot is nowhere to be found.Sometimes though the movie can become a bit slow because of that but overall it's a beautiful movie with some of the most of captivating scenes I've seen in a while.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
While it was well shot it needed more of a narrative.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Cuaron is truly an auteur and I loved so much of this fresco - the sets, the nostalgia, the crisp image and especially the framing and amazing shots. The joy for life oozes in every part of the story where death is close or simply in the background. I need to watch it again though, I think I will enjoy it even more.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
Gripping, powerful drama is a leisurely meander through a year in a life - of Mexico, of a family, and the family's maid (Aparicio in a stunning debut). Cuaron's deft mixing of the macro, micro and personal, and how he cleverly mirrors story points in considering each element, results in his greatest, most genuinely moving and involving film to date; we are all different, yet somehow all the same! Two particularly powerful and wrenching sequences in the second half are almost overwhelming.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
A brilliantly shot movie! It works fantastically as a slice of life movie, but for those looking for more of a narrative push they might be slightly bored. Really though I'd at least give it a chance because it is definitely one of the most beautifully shot movies this year.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Highly stylized, symbolic, slyly political, would be emotional-intellectual reminiscence of the auteur's childhood. Everything you would exactly expect an artsy-fartsy movie to be, it almost plays like parody -I mean, look at the title. And, however beautiful the craft is, it seems to be at odds with the overall effectiveness of the picture. Skillful, problematic.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
you can't go half fellini. still good tho—ugh it's hard to break from affectation and be original. //i want to see the carlos reygadas version
Rated 02 Jan 2019
A stunning mix of life-like neorealism with big production chops that crafts such vivid and extraordinary mise en scene, working wonders with the intimate and the cultural. What also makes Roma so alluring is its curiosities and mysteries, particularly with how the working class maid and her tragedies are viewed within this middle-class worldview.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
Roma is the definitive film of 2018. Cuarón invites the viewer into the doors of a Mexican home and paints a tale of class injustice. He continues his streak as master of tone and cinematography with this release and through engaging characters, makes it an emotionally gripping and ultimately gratifying experience.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
Recalls Ermanno Olmi in its unassuming intimacy, nostalgic melancholy and, not least, in its gorgeous, low-contrast B&W photography, which literally and figuratively casts its subjects in a loving yet nuanced light. One of those rare films that succeeds in feeling like walking through somebody's most vivid memories.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
Simple plot, but a tremendous sensitivity. The shooting of the scenery is fantastic! Very good.
Rated 14 Jan 2019
Unabashedly, mind-numbingly slow for the first 45 minutes -- which seems to act as a filter for those who aren't willing to be patient and respectful with their time. After that, it develops into a nuanced and heartfelt drama which leaves just enough lightly implied to keep the viewer digging for more. This film is also filled with extremely expensive and extended dolly shots which, for lack of a better word, seem to only exist as a flex.
Rated 17 Jan 2019
A staggering and immersive directorial achievement. Just a gorgeously made and directed film with an outstanding cast and some utterly exquisite moments throughout. For whatever reason, I couldn’t love it as a whole, but it’s a wonderful film to meditate on.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
There are a few scenes that are absolute technical marvels (opening mopping, the fire, and the beach) even though they aren't necessarily showy. The story moves very slowly and there are like 2 cuts per scene. By the end, the emotional connection you have with Cleo makes the whole thing a very, very worthy enterprise.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
Wonderfully observant and slow paced. Great shooting and acting, especially directing.
Rated 29 Jan 2019
Beautifully shot, and I mean it's downright gorgeous to look at, but it also takes a very long time to get going. The film takes it's time, and lets us look at every perfect shot for about as long as we like, but the pacing suffers and makes it hard to engage for the first 30 minutes or so.
Rated 01 Feb 2019
2018'in Tartışmasız en iyi filmi kesinlikle. Alfonso Cuarón'u Harry Potter Azkaban Tutsağında yaptığı mükemmel işten beri takip ederim,bu filmde adeta döktürmüş diyebilirim. İzlemeden ölmeyin!
Rated 02 Feb 2019
On an artistic and technical level, this is an obvious masterpiece. I am often left impressed and/or joyous by great cinematography, but very rarely am I amazed. Here I was. (The beach scenes) The narrative feels secondary to mood, time and place. Unfortunately, I was not as immersed in it as I would have liked, leading to the harrowing experiences on screen producing only 2nd degree feels. Might have been different had I seen it in a theatre. Great lead performance.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
A slice-of-life story that feels larger than it reads on paper. Every scene, with its rich details and deep focus, looks like a fantastical and complex diorama that we are leaning in to take a peak at. The lead and the family are all very believable, even in moments that could be classified as melodramatic. The lead in particular is impressive considering it is her first role and in Mixtec, which she didn't know. The narrative is paced well, giving us time to feel immersed in each location.
Rated 05 Feb 2019
Alfonso Cuarón, 70'lerin Meksikasını bize yansıtmak için siyah beyaz yapmayı seçtiği filmindeki neredeyse her resimde geniş açıyı tercih etmiş ve pan ve dolly hareketlerini en efektif biçimde kullanıldığı filmlerden biri olmuş bence. Başından sonuna kadar sıradan ama sıcak bir hikaye işlenen filmin uzun ve tek planlı sahneleri filmin sanatsal yönünü de bir o kadar ortaya çıkarmaya yardımcı olmuş. Ayrıca uzun sahnelerdeki trafik de yönetmenin bu film için ne ka
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Rated 10 May 2024
Purely distilled sadness, with all the subtlety of a brick through your window.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
An incredible movie, it is so well made and is so subtle that you really get into the world of memories of the director Alfonso Cuaron, you have to watch it to feel it.


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