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Romance, Drama
2h 0m
A small time boxer gets a once in a lifetime chance to fight the heavyweight champ in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect (imdb)


Romance, Drama
2h 0m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.16% from 10905 total ratings

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Rated 15 Feb 2016
The original - and still best - underdog sports movie. It understands that the sport and its outcome are secondary to the characters and their relationships, something most of its imitators (and some of its sequels) forget. An indispensable piece of Americana, and one of the greatest films of all time.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
It is so easy to dismiss it because of what the franchise, and Stallone, became (Rocky fights communism, and WINS!), but this is GREAT '70s American filmmaking. You could never make a mainstream American movie with characters like Adrian or Paulie nowadays, although that won't stop them. I can't wait for the remake where they throw a pair of glasses and a baggy sweater on Cameron Diaz. Oh, and score ever? Bill Conti, I doff my cap to you, sir. It remains my only 100 score on here.
Rated 19 Aug 2008
Take you back, do do doo dooo.. to a time when the studios gave audiences far more credit: Rock doesn't have to have a climactic scene where he verbalizes that all he needs is to believe in himself; Mick's motivation for training Rock can be self-serving w/out us disliking him; a loanshark can be a bad guy AND funny; Paulie can be alcoholic, abusive AND funny AND the hero's friend! Back then, an audience was expected to understand that even though Rocky loses, he wins and its better that way!
Rated 29 Sep 2008
Great movie with Stallone in one of his best performances. The dialog is realistic and the characters are fleshed out making for an engrossing picture about the underdog. While I'll have to be honest and say that the movie does require a while to get started once it does it's an inspiring and well worthwhile experience.
Rated 15 Nov 2019
Holy shit. What a movie. Took me years to get here. Rocky IV, a million parodies and homages, and Stallone himself today as self-parody had me sure there wasn't too much here. Well, I'm eating my words. The quintessential underdog and sports film. Pure heart in the best way possible wrapped up in '70s cool. They don't make them like this no more.
Rated 03 Feb 2014
The most underdoggy of all underdog stories? I like how there's very little macho bullshit going on and Rocky is a rather vulnerable simpleton. Also, shameful admission time: I always thought Adrian was the name of the trainer and not the love interest. It's a little weird how the whole thing ends quite sudde
Rated 12 Dec 2011
Makes up for any shortcomings with pure emotional force. This pretty much rules from start to finish.
Rated 28 Mar 2023
Raw eggs, raw beef, raw emotions, all America. Has the charm of authenticity, it's more like a slice-of-life movie than a sports feature. Sly basically invented mumblecore here. Poor Philadelphia appears to be in steep decline at the time, as it only takes a year to go from this to 'Eraserhead'.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Who could begrudge Stallone taking himself from average Joe to showbiz king by casting himself as an average Joe against an opponent who represents showbiz kings? A slow buildup unpunctuated by "action", moderately complex characters, humour that springs from the situations, trust that audiences can understand that losing can be winning, and charm: viewing this formula movie for the first time 40 years thence, one cannot but be struck by the degradation of the formula in the intervening decades.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
A mentally ill amateur boxer trying to cope with life in an post apocalyptic wasteland
Rated 27 May 2012
I've used Rocky's personal boxing style in my own life. It involves letting the other guy punch you in the face till he gets tired and you hope that you still have enough functionality to break his ribs.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's about boxing, but this isn't just a sports's about the complexity of relationships, of not accepting what life has dished out at you, of overcoming obstacles and never giving up despite the odds. This movie took a lot of grief for its Best Picture win but screw the critics.
Rated 03 Apr 2023
I never knew, but Rocky is a characterstudy, and a good one too. It’s bold to create a movie and personage around mild intellectual disability and I say that without irony, it’s really the subject, like Richard Jewell, and I can’t name a third movie with the same telling power (Forest Gump, for example, is a weak fairytale compared to Rocky).
Rated 26 May 2019
What can I say ? .....I cheer for the underdog and following your dreams At the end of the day that's what this movie is all about....Oh and yeah the boxing is pretty good too
Rated 12 May 2012
While not my personal favorite boxing movie, it probably is in all honesty is THE boxing movie. All memes and later jokes about the movie aside, it's very original and the score, directing, writing, and acting are all exceptional. Really is one of the better Stallone performances as well. It was probably great for it's time, and it still holds up as the best in the series (from what I have seen that is).
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Stallone's one true moment of greatness.
Rated 06 Mar 2010
Stallone mumbles his way to the finish line in this overrated underdog sport film. The bits featuring Rocky and Adrian were well-written, the rest is pretty bland and boring. Stallone going from "The Party at Kitty and Stud's" to this is IMO more inspirational than the film itself.
Rated 28 Jun 2008
Another great movie rocky had everything for a low budget movie... and 34yrs later is still a great movie to watch.
Rated 15 Mar 2008
Rated 18 Feb 2008
Rated 27 Dec 2007
People make fun of Rocky so much these days that you forget the original is actually a really great film. Few movies can tell a story the way this one does. What happened, Stallone?
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rocky is a very well written and acted underdog story. Sylvester Stallone did a brilliant job with creating this excellent film. It's very memorable and quite moving as well. Awesome!
Rated 29 Oct 2023
200th anniversary of the American Republic witnesses a fight between democrats (Apollo) and Republicans (Rocky), where the former stands for the "creed" in Apollo (moon), progress, racial equality, elitism, and the latter for community, white pride, working class. The interesting thing is Rocky competes against Apollo not only as a fighter of the people, but also as an entertainer, struggling to "advertise" himself and his cause. Brilliant political commentary behind the superficiality.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
This movie is such an incredible character piece about the lovable loser, Rocky Balboa. It ends up being one of the most uplifting pieces of cinema under the guise of being a simple sports film.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
If you view it while ignoring the fact that it later became a franchise, it is one of the most authentic movies I have ever seen. Stallone has written this story from the depths of his heart and it shows in the every aspect of the movie; it is more like a no holds barred reality show. I particularly liked the near tangible vulnerability of Adrian. The fighting scenes are unreal also, some punches felt like they hit you on the screen.
Rated 17 Nov 2015
"you're gonna eat lightning, you're gonna crap thunder". the exact same line I give my kids when I put chilli sauce on their food
Rated 28 Oct 2015
My favorite part of the movie was where he punched the guy.
Rated 07 Aug 2014
It's difficult to accept this film on its own terms after it helped cement the trend of pointless sequels, but Rocky could have easily been a product of New Hollywood, an embodiment of the great failure of the American dream. This story of a working class 'hero' that gets a big chance to rise above his station in life is affirmative rather than critical, but the film delivers an emotional wallop that nonetheless feels hard won, despite its transparently manipulative nature.
Rated 11 Dec 2013
For a movie about big tough men throwing the punches, there are a lot of emotionally fragile characters. It reminds me of the time Dana White and Chuck Liddell got in an argument about tupperware on The Ultimate Fighter.
Rated 27 Mar 2012
A pioneer in sports movies, and it certainly deserves recognition for that. Like many hugely iconic movies, it benefits immensely from its awesome theme song/score. At the end of the day, though, it suffers from being pretty boring throughout most of its run time.
Rated 20 Feb 2012
Not a fan of sports movies and I'm not a fan of this. I hadn't expected it to be good, but I at least expected it to be decent because it basically launched Stallone's career and became an international hit spawning far too many big budget sequels. As a word of advice, if you haven't watched it because you don't know if it's going to be any good, like myself, then don't waste your time.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
Rocky is no doubt the most blood-pumping, gut-wretching, inspiring, engrossing and charismatic character in the film business. Ever. He is among one of the leading heroes of modern society even today after 32 years. This is the ultimate underdog sports flick, and it's made in some many qualities with a deep passion. Just extremely well-done.
Rated 27 Jun 2008
Very Nice
Rated 13 Jun 2008
This is no "raging bull" but still a decent movie. It has the encapsulated spirit of the america in 70s. Stallone could go on to become a good actor from this, too bad the 80s happened.
Rated 12 Jan 2008
A very, very well done picture from the school of realism. Unlike the sequels, which place an increasing emphasis on the plot and outcome, the original Rocky is a pitch perfect character movie that builds on, and helped to define, many of the more pervasive cliches of the sports movie drama; however, here it's done with such conviction and heartfelt passion that none of it ever feels forced. All in all, a damn fine movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Another true American classic. If Rocky doesn't move you in some way, you are not human.
Rated 13 Oct 2021
A great character study: Rocky is a quiet, soft soul (his refusal to let Adrian leave is cringey though) prone to passionate, long-winded rants (his one to Marie misses the mark, but see his rambling rejection of Mickey before the quiet jog out afterwards); he punches cow carcasses to train for boxing bouts before heading to the pet store to buy food for his turtles. He doesn't care about fame or money or victory, he just wants to "go the distance" and find his love (see the excellent ending).
Rated 29 May 2021
It's interesting, when viewing a work that has codified a popular formula, to note what *isn't* present in the lesser copies--in Rocky's case, the genuine (and transparently autobiographical) pall of hopelessness, injustice and destitution that hangs over every character for the vast majority of the film's runtime and makes the melodramatic ending feel earned.
Rated 22 May 2021
At its heart, the film is really just a love story between two rather socially awkward individuals. The boxing and the training and what have you is just the backdrop of this love story.
Rated 16 Sep 2019
Yes this is a classic film, perhaps even a cult classic and yes there are undeniably some cliches present but I found myself rooting for Rocky and I liked seeing his relationship with the introverted Adrian develop. There's the famous scenes of him pounding the streets in the early morning, practicing day after day in the build up to the match. I could see how this could be viewed as a 'living the American dream' type watch, or perhaps moreso an 'underdog' tale. Its quite a solid watch.
Rated 11 Apr 2019
Rocky: "Ah come on, Adrian, it's true. I was nobody. But that don't matter either, you know? 'Cause I was thinkin', it really don't matter if I lose this fight. It really don't matter if this guy opens my head, either. 'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood."
Rated 28 Feb 2019
Classic underdog. I think the story arc has been refined over the years though. There are better instances today.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
The last five minutes of this movie made it for me.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
|BACKFILLING LOAD OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR LONG TIME -> Scores poss 20-30% out. Grateful if U drop me a cordial msg if U think memory dulled a gem or gave rosy tint 2 clunker. IE. Tell me WHY Im wrong & what U think I should score
Rated 11 May 2015
A stirring romance and an inspiring character drama above all else, this film more than so many others imbues a sense of determination to "go the distance" for the things in life that matter most. Endlessly motivating and endearing; this movie will forever be cherished.
Rated 31 Mar 2013
There's something both uplifting and brain damaging about this film, which is appropriate since it's about boxing. The uplifting part is all contained in the underdog story, a loser, a has-been, a once was rising up and defeating a greater foe. Heart warming stuff. The brain damaging part is listening to Stallone for extended periods of time use his patented Rocky-attempts-to-communicate-language and the idea that success and glory can be reached by punching some guy and getting the girl.
Rated 11 Jan 2013
Rocky isn't a bad movie, it's just not a very good movie. It's got selfish characters centred around the mostly endearing title character, slowly paced with transparent direction. To be fair, it held most of my interest, but I never felt inspired or passionate about anything that was happening on screen. The most effective part of the film is the final match, but even that is cut off just as it finishes like the story is tired of itself. I was hoping to get my blood pumping, but Rocky flatlines.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
This story of a down-on-his-luck boxer is thoroughly predictable, but Sylvester Stallone's script and stunning performance in the title role brush aside complaints.
Rated 04 May 2012
I was really expecting to not like this. After years of hearing it hyped up so much I thought that I could only be disappointed. But it's really a wonderful little underdog story. Stallone is excellent, and there's some great cinematography at play. And watching two grown men beat the ever-loving shit out of each other is always enjoyable.
Rated 22 Apr 2012
A surprisingly good film. Why surprisingly? Maybe I've been so exposed to the cliches that derived from this film and its sequels that I assumed this would be nothing more than a well-shot but superficial "under dog rises to the top" story. I was wrong. What it is instead is a great, well-written, unexpectedly nuanced character study.
Rated 22 Dec 2011
This is definitely by far the best in the series. The ending is good in the film, not to over the top. This movie spends a lot of time establishing the life of the main character which makes you care for him more. This did not deserve to win best picture but it is a good movie.
Rated 10 Oct 2011
Come on, lets do this. Raise both your arms above your head. Make closed fists with both your hands, that's it, good. Now sing it with me: DAAAA Dadadaa dadadaa dadadaa / daDAAA dadadaaa dadadaaa dadadaaa, DADAD DAD DADAAAAA! dadad DAAAAAA dadad DAAAAA Dadad DAAAAA gonna fly now....
Rated 17 May 2011
Rocky is not the brightest of protagonists/films but he/it is very loveable. Still: 'Best picture' in front of Network, Taxi Driver and All the President's Men? Was America really that desperate for a hero?
Rated 30 Apr 2011
Despite all the shit that followed, the original is still a stone-cold realist masterpiece. It's akin to On the Waterfront or Requiem for a Heavyweight, except it may be even better.
Rated 20 Feb 2011
For one who hasn't seen it, you may think it is a cliche. Actually, Stallone saved the cliches for the sequels. This is an interesting and charming character study. If you haven't seen any Rocky movie, watch this one. Only this one.
Rated 01 Nov 2009
I do not know what went wrong in '76. Rocky seems more like a marketing campagne for the american dream than an actual movie.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Sports meets legitimate film. One of the best movies ever.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
Another great sports flick
Rated 02 Jul 2009
It's nice to see a sports film where the message is it doesn't matter whether you win or lose as long as you do your best AND without being ham-fisted. Still with over 30 years of influence it all feels generic as hell.
Rated 22 Dec 2008
Obviously a classic. Rocky spends a little too much time small-talking with himself, but it's all about the character building so it can be forgiven. Enjoyable and memorable, if not outstanding. Hard to see after watching only the original what on earth this needed 5 sequels for, though. The theme song is absolutely fantastic, and the end is glorious.
Rated 11 Mar 2008
This movie surprised me with its underlying sweetness and Stalone's great performance. It's not really something I'd care to see again and again as the style and subject aren't my cup of tea, but it was a well-done movie and I appreciated it.
Rated 21 Feb 2008
Need to rewatch.
Rated 08 Oct 2007
The begins of a series that entered for the history of the movies.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The boxing scenes have shown their age as the years have gone by. But overall this is still one of the best boxing movies ever made (and heavily inspiring to boot).
Rated 21 May 2007
The ultimate underdog sports story. And the patron saint of Philadelphia is born.
Rated 25 Mar 2007
Ignoring the sequels, this movie was a stand alone classic. The ending made it for me, inside and out.
Rated 23 Dec 2006
One of the best films of its kind and proof for that even one of the worst actors can thrive in an appropriate role. Just watch the end of 14th round.. it's amazing.. "What's keeping him up?"
Rated 21 Jul 2024
Honestly kind of a tough movie to rate. As far as New Hollywood character studies go, it’s sort of poor, especially the depiction of Adrian as a nerdy waif and the idea that ruining the Thanksgiving dinner she cooks so she can date Rocky totally owns. But as a sports movie? Yeah, I get it, it’s evocative and the climax is pretty frickin excellent. I still sorta can’t believe this won Best Picture tho
Rated 11 May 2024
Good movie fr fr
Rated 19 Feb 2024
In a basic way sets a standard for a certain type of film, but there isn't anything substantial about it. There is a certain kind of meat-headed accomplishment to the script but I'm not really a fan of that.
Rated 23 Jan 2024
Opinión personal: 9 Actores: 8 Guión: 7,5 Fotografía: 7,5 BSO: 8,5 Otros:6 Iluminación: FX: Director: Humor: Vestuario/caracterización: Ritmo: 6 Total: 78
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Stallone read his American history and remade the Horatio Alger story in film form, in this case about a no-luck boxer who through sheer grit and persistence comes out on top. There is not cliche here so much as the source of new cliches, but the reason we have deja vu is that this story for is even older than Alger.
Rated 09 Dec 2023
It's not the greatest film, but it's authentic and that's what makes it a classic.
Rated 18 Oct 2023
One of those lightning in a bottle moments in filmmaking where everything fell right into place against all odds. Stallone, in his first big role, has the humility and humanity to make Rocky a three-dimensional hero we can all root for. The training and boxing scenes feel fresh, even though they've been copied many times by future films. Just a great underdog story that will still leave you cheering by the end.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
gurmelerin gözü yaşlı.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
So chatty, it's like a Woody Allen movie except butch.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
Simply not for me.
Rated 05 May 2022
I'm going to be brutally honest here. Only about 25% of this film is actually worth it's legendary film status. There's so many random and needless bits that drag the story out for the first 75%, that it almost lost me. But that last act... It makes it worth it. I'm convinced that's what people remember about the movie and why the public holds it so dear to them. They totally forget the shallow and boring bits. And you know what? That's perfectly fine. Overall a good film still.
Rated 05 Mar 2022
I don't like Stallone's acting; his slurred speech & innate bravado makes his performances a chore to watch. This film manages to circumvent this due to his strong script. Rocky's vexing bursts of anger are often followed by a moment of introspection & follow-through that makes him endearing as a character. Not making Weathers overly antagonistic was a wise choice; Young's performance wasn't. The sound editing for the finale is bad. I didn't love it, but I can understand its enduring appeal.
Rated 24 Nov 2021
Surprisingly good.
Rated 29 Sep 2021
I think for years when I recalled this I was thinking of Rocky II so when I rewatched it recently I was surprised to find this much slower paced and somewhat long winded character study. The relationship with Adrienne is also a little rapey by modern society standards. That said the score is legendary and Stallone's Rocky is likeable enough in this first entry of what became a massive franchise. Not one I'm likely to rewatch many more times though if I'm honest.
Rated 15 Sep 2021
Stallone didn't invent the underdog sports movie, but he sure as hell perfected it.
Rated 23 Aug 2021
The first Rocky is a perfect film.
Rated 24 May 2021
During the whole runtime I was like "Please fight, please fight, please fucking fight! I don't want to hear the shitty accent of Stallone anymore!".
Rated 03 Feb 2021
rvw. think i fell asleep watching this, the godfather, and maybe scarface back then. lots to love but slow, he seems like he has brain damage already, annoyingly pestering quiet adrian then too aggressive with her. then they're great and she's great but they dont let her shine as much as she could especially with more focus. the trainer relationship hardly gets going.
Rated 19 Dec 2020
It is truly remarkable and not typical for a Hollywood sports movie, that the protagonist does not win at the end. Stallone really does an amazing job portraying Rocky
Rated 19 Oct 2020
Why is this so beloved?
Rated 16 Jun 2020
Rated 13 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 22 Feb 2020
A simple, feel-good story with a lot of heart. Stallone is truly believable as a washed-up bum (he could have been a contender) that somehow gets propelled to a chance at the top. I'm a bit sorry I missed this one for so long.
Rated 15 Feb 2020
Great movie. From the life of being a thug he is now a boxer. He fights Apollo cruise in this one. Meets Adrian who later becomes his wife in this series. But this is mostly remembered for his boxing in the ring.
Rated 14 Dec 2019
I was a bit underwhelmed by Rocky. It got better as the movie progressed, but the first half of the movie or so was really slow and had some really awkward and terrible dialogue. It had moments of greatness, particularly when Rocky was facing his feelings of inferiority, but those really come into play the second half of the movie. It was an okay movie, but not one I would consider great, even though it may be the greatest boxing movie.
Rated 26 Aug 2019
I don't like Rocky, but I can respect it for what it is. One of the greatest sports movies of all time and introduced the montage as a way to shorten time passing in a film to American audiences.
Rated 21 Aug 2019
Top badass moment? The “giant worm” joke is pretty funny. This film is about Rocky, a debt collector for Wonga, who goes around beating up dead cows and wearing horrible clothes. (The grubby grey tracksuit is especially disturbing.) Then by running up some steps he magically turns every montage made since 1976 into a terrible cliché and gets off with the beautiful Talia Shire, before a guy named after a space rocket punches him in the face lots of times. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
Weird that the film takes the flavor scenes with largely one-dimensional supporting characters and decides to make that the bulk of the film when the angle about the unknown underdog being thrust onto the world stage has far more potential.
Rated 15 May 2018
Sylvester Stallone really knocks it out of the park here. He wrote a great script and acted his ass off in this one. The score helps lift the movie, with the track "Gonna Fly Now" really elevating the montage scenes. The spiritual victory at the end helps really solidify the movie, although a little more could have gone into Apollo Creed's character, which they realized in the sequels it seems.
Rated 08 May 2018
Slow, honest, charming, opposite of a modern movie. Rewarding, moving. Just saw it for the first time in 2018. Totally worth all the hype. Rocky is truly a hero and has the type of heart we should all aspire to have.
Rated 04 Apr 2018
Classic 70's-80's flick with fun characters and a lot of memorable moments. Not a particularly deep film, but c'mon, it's Rocky.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
Sylvester Stallone's script speaks volumes without falling into exposition or over-the-top territory. Sly's performance is nuanced and graceful, despite the characters punch drunk persona. Each scene builds character and drama. By the time of the final fight it is impossible not to route for this man.
Rated 04 Oct 2017


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