Ride Along 2
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Ride Along 2

1h 42m
As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product. (imdb)
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Ride Along 2

1h 42m
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Avg Percentile 23.39% from 252 total ratings

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Rated 17 Jan 2016
I have a problem. Just use Kevin Hart as a physical comedy prop that hoots and hollers, there is not a single person in the theater who cares about the story. We just want to watch Kevin Hart get hit by things and rag-doll into other things. I'm just shouting into the darkness after deciding to open my ~2016 Cinema Odyssey~ with a Hart on. I'm farting.
Rated 06 Nov 2017
Hart is as annoying as Chris Tucker, and Ice Cube is just not my cup of bland ineptitude. These not very nice things being said, the film is almost passable.
Rated 10 Apr 2022
Fuck Kevin Hart
Rated 26 Jan 2016
Lazy, drawn out, watered down, predictable. I await the inevitable part three.
Rated 11 Apr 2021
Similar in structure and tone to the first one Hart and Cube play off each other as nicely as they can. The jokes try and up the stakes a bit and seems like that hurt the film when it seems to be just cashing in on what worked well the first time. It's not a bad movie nor is it a great one. It passes the time. That's what it is good for.
Rated 22 Oct 2021
A logical, and indeed predictable, continuation of the first film and as such the only other 'video-game infused buddy cop' film that I know of. Sure, the laughs are cheap and in some cases in poor taste, but the action comes fast and the gift for repartee of Ice Cube and Hart is enjoyable to watch. Neither Ken Jeong or Oliver Munn add much of value, in fact Jeong detracts from most scenes.
Rated 14 Apr 2018
Technical: 19 Enjoyment: 8
Rated 22 Aug 2018
Man, I must really like Hart because this isn't good. It's actually kind of offensive in some areas. However, there is enjoyment to be had. They're some decent jokes, and the plot is solid. Jeong and Munn also help a lot because otherwise I don't know if Cube and Hart could carry this again because the writing is pretty awful. Altogether, everything is functional. It's pretty generic and absurd, but the cast really does do a bit for me and it made or breaked this movie for me.
Rated 17 Jan 2016
very funny
Rated 05 Dec 2016
For the most part this isn't and better or worse than the first movie. The only reason this gets a lower rating is due to the totally stupid GTA car chase scene.
Rated 01 May 2016
Ride Along 2 (2016) them having a ton of fun.... some of it contagious!
Rated 04 Jun 2016
This movie does not have a great plot or script. However Ice Cube and Kevin Hart make a good odd couple of team and they have good chemistry with each other. There are a number of funny moments and some funny scenes. If you enjoyed the first film I would recommend this one.
Rated 14 Jan 2016
Ride Along 2 is the lazy cash-grab sequel that everyone should have expected it to be. It's a lazy retread of many of the same plot points and jokes of the first film. Kevin Hart is loud and annoying, Ice Cube is grumpy, and it's supposed to be humorous. Both lead actors can be good, and can be funny, but they didn't gel together the first time, and here it's even worse. Both actors deserve better, and so do we. If you saw Ride Along, you've more or less already seen Ride Along 2.
Rated 13 Mar 2016
I suppose some may love Ride Along 2. But for me, comedian Kevin Hart's crude and raunchy motormouth shtick is wearing thin. There's no moral here, no message, no real reason for this movie to exist other than to make Universal Pictures money and to try to coax the cheapest of laughs from its paying customers. (
Rated 16 Feb 2016
Oh you so angry Ice
Rated 31 May 2016
Ride Along 2: Wherein half the jokes lobbed at Hart by Ice Cube attempt to jab at the former's "feminine" qualities (thongs, fashion sense, etc.) as a sign of weakness and otherness. Yes, let's keep lauding ideals of toxic masculinity and limit the freedom of gender expression. This was literally the only thing I could pull out of this movie that wasn't regurgitated from a long list of previous buddy comedies. Pretty sad.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
It should be fun to watch Kevin Hart and Ice Cube in a comedy. Sadly, it's a stretch to call Ride Along 2 "a comedy." It's simply a retread of the first Ride Along, a 2014 box-office hit, and proof positive that a bigger budget doesn't buy bigger laughs.
Rated 13 Apr 2016
Better than the first one. Me thinks. Benjamin Bratt bonus, perhaps.
Rated 22 May 2016
Part of my problem is that this focuses on DRAMATIC character development. In a weirdly half-assed kind of way. If the aim is to make these characters likable, relatable, or enjoyable... this is not the way to go about it. It's all meaningless and bland. Couple that with the generic plotline and the jokes that are mostly dependant on annoying personality traits, you've got a recipe for disaster. Is this a disaster? Not quite. Cube helps that a lot; he's hilarious. You can safely skip this one.
Rated 23 Apr 2016
Ride Along 2 isn't terrible, it's just the same generic buddy-cop movie set in Miami. Among the good: Munn, Jeong and a homage to GTA. The awful: a CG alligator. It almost felt like this sequel attempted Zoolander levels of wackiness but chickened out...much to its loss...perhaps.


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