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Revolutionary Road
Romance, Drama
1h 59m
A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children. Based on a novel by Richard Yates.
Directed by:
Sam MendesRevolutionary Road
Romance, Drama
1h 59m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 54.68% from 3838 total ratings
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Rated 31 Dec 2008
You love her, you don't, you head off to Paris, you stay, you cheat, you don't cheat, "HE'S WELL", "HE'S NOT WELL"; I wanna bet my left nut that the book is far more engaging, because this felt like such a shallow adaptation. And who cares about Winslet (she gave better performances in the past) or Shannon, Dicaprio deserves all the praise. A disappointing case of style over substance. Ladies, fire up them tissues!
Rated 31 Dec 2008
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Oh, the horrors of suburbia! If only these two could break away from the hordes of "regular" folk, they'd all be so much happier! Their lives, so much fuller! For such deeply flawed people (who were no doubt that way before moving to the soul-crushing 'burbs, despite what the film wants you to believe), I highly doubt a change of locale would have provided the magic elixir to their many, many problems. As bland and unaffecting as the life these two chowderheads so desperately want to flee.
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Rated 15 Jan 2009
It's a good film, no doubt about it and with a great score by the way, but I think it's only the mainactors that make an alright story a good film in this case. I mean the cinematography by Deakins is as good as always but Di Caprio and especially Winslet are the real reason that make this film worth watching.
Rated 15 Jan 2009
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Disappointing. I loooved the book. Ok, so I get that these two can really argue and throw things at each other. Mission accomplished there. But I don't get WHY the Wheelers are so special and what is SO BAD about their suburban life. These were questions I never had to stop and ask in the book--those details were very apparent and thoughtfully laid out. I think this was supposed to make me feel something & make me get emotional, but it didn't...and it doesn't take much for me to get teary-eyed.
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Rated 27 Jan 2009
I was slightly disappointed by this film. I love Kate Winslet but many scenes felt overacted and unneccesarily melodramatic. The movie consisted of them arguing, whining, arguing, crying and more arguing. The pyschiatric guy was right: I'm glad that I'm not their children.
Rated 27 Jan 2009
Rated 07 Sep 2019
Missing character development up front. The point in their lives that we join these characters feels so odd. The husband is a prick who we're told repeatedly has a great mind without ever seeing that, and the wife's goal is to find happiness for herself by making her shitty husband happy. There's not enough to them as characters to justify caring about all of this drama. The high quality of the production did not outweigh the poor quality of the script for me. That ending is so up its own ass
Rated 07 Sep 2019
Rated 02 May 2011
Okay, perhaps American Beauty said it more seductively, creatively, and with a bit of humour/darkness mixed in. But I still have great appreciation for every moment of bleak fifties reality (that still exists today for many) thrown in this one. Sometimes people have to scream to be heard-- still lands on many a deaf ear either way.
Rated 02 May 2011
Rated 12 Sep 2010
This is the worst episode of MAD MEN I have ever seen.
Rated 12 Sep 2010
Rated 26 Aug 2009
I guess you could call this the opposite of a romantic comedy.
Rated 26 Aug 2009
Rated 07 Feb 2009
Yates' brilliant evisceration of the American dream and its accompanying self-delusion is so incendiary that it implicates the reader. This hits all the plot points but, with the exception of the scenes with Michael Shannon, confuses Yates' stunning satire with bloated, hysterical melodrama.
Rated 07 Feb 2009
Rated 31 Jan 2009
Sure, you've seen it all before, but the outstanding acting from Shannon (who nearly steals the movie in his 3 short scenes), DiCaprio and specially Kate Winslet, besides the polished production values, result in a handsome, entertaining and engaging film.
Rated 31 Jan 2009
Rated 18 Jan 2009
The main characters are well acted and Mendes knows his character direction but the story doesn't really offer anything new.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Rated 17 Jan 2009
The progression of the story felt segmented and really lacked some much needed fluidity; This is the scene where they meet. This is the scene where they argue about topic 1. This is the scene where they decide topic 2. This is the scene where they cry about topic 3. Etc. Etc. It showcases some fantastic acting ( by DiCaprio especially ) and there are definitely several powerful just left something to be desired.
Rated 17 Jan 2009
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Jesus, this movie is ridiculous. You can tell it's Oscar bait because the actors do a lot of shouting
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Rated 07 Feb 2013
I missed the first 15 minutes, so I don't know the exact number of cigarettes smoked in this film, was anyone able to count them all?
Rated 07 Feb 2013
Rated 08 Aug 2012
Without a fleshing-out of the characters' psychology or backstory, I felt oddly distanced from Winslet and DiCaprio the entire time--a death sentence for a melodrama focusing on them for two hours. Even with such a 'depressing' ending, I just...failed to react in any way to it. Ultimately, the film just feels too cluttered and condensed, a--to borrow a line from DiCaprio--'hollow shell', I imagine, of Yates' acclaimed novel. For a superior look at marital discord: 'Blue Valentine'.
Rated 08 Aug 2012
Rated 30 Jul 2012
It's actually more thematically powerful and realistic than American Beauty. What it largely lacks that American Beauty excels in however, is a natural charming way of entertaining you. Regardless, it's still quite fascinating and Michael Shannon alone makes it worth watching.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Overly dramatic, which distances us from the characters. The same types of difficult choices and differences of opinion that are depicted in the film do arise in almost every relationship at some point or another, but rarely would I expect anyone to behave as extremely as Mendes would have us believe. The idea was to capture the trapped feeling that suburban life can cause, which can be powerful, but rather than melancholy or honest reflection we get irrational rage and disdain. Poor choice.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Rated 10 Feb 2011
I didn't like Revolutionary Road. Dramas need either interesting or likable characters, this film had neither. The performances were good, I won't deny that, but there wasn't much point to having deep characters that we have difficulty caring about. When something that attempts to stir emotions happens, and the only thing I can think of is, "the carpet is ruined", then you know the film didn't do its job. Boring and emotionless, Revolutionary Road didn't make me care, not one bit.
Rated 10 Feb 2011
Rated 30 Dec 2010
A handsome drama boasting great performances. But why so emotionally inert?
Rated 30 Dec 2010
Rated 03 Sep 2010
Both leads and indeed also the support cast are outstanding, with Winslet in particular brilliant. It's credit to how both Leo & Winslet have improved as performers when you consider how good they are compared to the horrible bloated turd that was "Titanic". "Revolutionary Road" is also beautifully shot, & has a wonderful & effective musical score, where it falls down is that Mendes fails to make you care for either of the two main characters, lessening the films impact and ending significantly.
Rated 03 Sep 2010
Rated 23 Jun 2010
Mendes returns to dysfunctional suburbia without the humour and ingenuity of 'American Beauty'. The characters are at fault: She's too likeable and he's basically an asshole. Enter Shannon in a show stealing performance, in which he dissects the couple the way a kid with ADHD and a hammer might perform heart surgery on a kitten. The film finally runs out of quiet desperation and opts for all out tragedy, only to become the textbook definition of heavy-handedness.
Rated 23 Jun 2010
Rated 01 Jan 2010
Husband has big job opportunity, wife has a nervous breakdown. Set in the 50's. It's boring subject-matter. Cannot find one reason to recommend this flick to anyone.
Rated 01 Jan 2010
Rated 12 Sep 2009
What are the obstacles of everyday life, and why is it so difficult to be happy? Seeking happiness and self realization. All that is in us, but instead of following our hearts, we're trapped in our self-built cages and fighting against windmills for years and years. I felt a bit confirmed by Sam Mendes Movie.Very recommonendable.
Rated 12 Sep 2009
Rated 20 Jul 2009
It's uncomfortable. Tons of tension throughout, and great performances from everyone.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
Rated 22 Mar 2009
A rather accurate reflection of the american family. With passion rather than pills. Thought the end was a bit long.
Rated 22 Mar 2009
Rated 08 Feb 2009
As an avid fan of Mendes, I was excited for this one. It's his least best work to date, but his skill and talent are still blindingly awesome. It's a drama about relationships through and through, and what I took away from it is that any couple, no matter how made for each other they are (special), things can still go wrong and it's always work. The film offers no easy answers. I understood both characters' points of views, but that's what makes it such a powerful experience to watch.
Rated 08 Feb 2009
Rated 30 Jan 2009
An ironically non-revolutionary plot with a hilariously cheese-clad script is elevated from merely watchable to almost decent by some good acting (even Winslet who I usually hate delivers) and a great score. The fact that this is directed by the director of American Beauty is both noticeable and devastatingly disappointing; this is clearly not as good. The unspoken agreement that producing melodramatic and supposedly "intelligent" bores like this will reap awards needs to stop.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
Rated 30 Jan 2009
Mendes returns to the idyllic suburbia but has little of American Beauty's charm with him. The actors do a fine job, but the script is unsurprising and seen a million times before. The ending is also disappointing especially since the director can't wrap it up at the right moment. A nice relationship drama with a few powerful scenes, but lacks originality and edge.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
Rated 24 Jan 2009
Kate and Leo both show why they're considered to be two of the brightest stars of this generation, and yet Michael Shannon manages to steal the spotlight everytime he's on screen. The film's strength is it's focus on real issues and the hopelessness that ensues as a result of the pursuit of normalcy. Revolutionary Road is bleak but real.
Rated 24 Jan 2009
Rated 22 Jan 2009
Mendes' 2nd foray into suburban nightmare(is the city really going 2 help?). Ironically, despite the complaints about a need 2 FEEL life, the couple feels everything a 100-fold w/ every fight (& there's plenty) exploding into over-the-top hysterics. Perhaps it's the dialogue or incessant hand-wringing, but film feels like a play w/ the 2leads PROJECTING 2 be heard in the last row. Neighbor's loony-bin son provides some welcome dressing-down, even though here 2 the character exchanges r 2 staged.
Rated 22 Jan 2009
Rated 19 Jan 2009
A movie elevated - but only just - from "decent" to "pretty good" through impressive acting by especially Kate Winslet and some good photography by Deakins. The story itself too often seems too excruciatingly obvious.
Rated 19 Jan 2009
Rated 15 Jan 2009
Tragic, depressing, and revolving around an unlikable husband and more unlikable wife. The material admittedly seems heavy-handed. It's vile, haunting, without remorse; an angry film shooting for fiery honesty, and I was disturbed by its polarity. At the same time, the acting is extraordinary and this movie flies by, pinning us scene after scene amongst a perplexing whole. There's no hope in Sam Mendes' alienating, frustrating and horrific film, but as an actors' piece, it's a raging fire.
Rated 15 Jan 2009
Rated 12 Jan 2009
Decent, nothing special. I hate when a film is so obviously gunning for Oscars. When it all comes down to it, this film is about a bunch of unlikable people and when they fail it doesn't matter. Leo should've smacked her one. And I would be lying if I didn't laugh at the climax.
Rated 12 Jan 2009
Rated 05 Jan 2009
Phenomenal. Revolutionary Road sets the bar for modern films dealing with marital struggles in terms of direction, writing, and acting. It is the kind of resounding success in all categories that puts it up there with other greats like Virginia Woolf. The drama and tension in the story is unexpectedly flooring and all around riveting. There are few films in recent years that leave a residual impact like this one. It is nothing if not one of the best films of its class.
Rated 05 Jan 2009
Rated 14 Jun 2021
bi insan iki saat film yaparken ruh değişimlerini nasıl yansıtamaz. şu yönetmene ayrı ayar oluyorum arkadaş ya... kadın o kadar sinirliyken nasıl yumuşadı da süpriz hazırladı, adam Paris fikrine saçma sapan diye yaklaşıp beş dakikada nasıl karar değiştirdi, patronu doğru düzgün bir şey sunmadığı halde niye Paris fikrinden caydı. Ya hiçbirinin cevabı yok aqqq. Ağır bir Abd rüyası ve evlilik kurumu eleştirisi olmasa neler derdim neler.
Rated 14 Jun 2021
Rated 24 Mar 2021
"plenty of people are on to the emptiness; but, it takes real guts to see the hopelessness" - shannon steals every scene he's in. deakins' cinematography capturing the promise of "ideal" life and mendes working against that narratively and in the way he uses the range of performances varying from subtle to theatrical complements each other brilliantly. i see why this is received as "melodramatic" but i think tonally this works well to make irony more than what it is.
Rated 24 Mar 2021
Rated 08 Mar 2021
Self-deception, scape-goating, and nostalgia get entangled with the idea of the self and the perception of the person. Leo & Kate do a good job of portraying real feelings within an all too familiar delusion. The book is probably better.
Rated 08 Mar 2021
Rated 30 Dec 2020
Condescending, preachy melodrama isn't worth the emotional labor it requires of its audience.
Rated 30 Dec 2020
Rated 25 Jan 2020
A perfect screenplay and some of the best acting performances I've ever seen. Fantastic film.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Rated 13 Sep 2019
This is a film partly about being judged by your local community and forging your own way, I suppose. Its also about claustrophobia, self doubt and frustration. There are some fairly intense scenes with the couple arguing and it struck me that it would perhaps make more sense if viewed as a play, rather than a film as such perhaps. I thought the incidental (background) music was quite good - its a fairly atmospheric watch at times. Its also quite raw and unsettling as well.
Rated 13 Sep 2019
Rated 08 Sep 2019
I like the idea of two broken people taking out their problems with themselves on each other, as well as the exploration of anxieties inherent to the American middle class, but it's hard to reconcile both of those themes into one coherent film - slightly curious if Yates's original novel does it better.
Rated 08 Sep 2019
Rated 07 Jan 2019
They are very very different feelings about this movie before & after real life marriage :( And it is still the best DiCaprio...
Rated 07 Jan 2019
Rated 07 Dec 2018
REVOLUTIONARY ROAD lets its slow burn convince the viewer that there may be a hope of averting inevitable catastrophe, before ending in a swift punch to the gut. It unfolds like a seismograph reading of a disintegrating relationship, highlighting the periods of calm and the smaller tremors leading up to the big one. Not a good choice for date night.
Rated 07 Dec 2018
Rated 07 Aug 2018
Good story about a couple that shouldn't be together and is trying to make it work nonetheless. I appreciated the complexity of the characters, of some of the arguments, how some of their misunderstandings develop. If they had toned down the Hollywood melodrama (the useless and out-of-place cheating in particular), it would have been way better.
Rated 07 Aug 2018
Rated 26 Mar 2018
"No, wrong, wrong, that's wrong, and that's wrong, that's wrong! So wrong, all of this is wrong, that actor is wrong, and that actor is wrong... He's alright... but that actor's wrong. Where's the part where... and the whole plot about... argh! Why have they removed all these important things?! The story makes no sense without the different perspectives!!" Never read the book first.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
Rated 14 Dec 2016
Sobering,harrowing relationship drama filled with bad habits hidden beneath sharp tailoring.When dreams die,what will we find to keep us alive. DeCaprio & Winslet are spell-binding.Directed pristinely by Sam Mended.
Rated 14 Dec 2016
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Need to rewatch.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Rated 15 Apr 2016
The story was clear as well written a novel. The message is not too strong or too important but yet it was told in a beautiful way.
Rated 15 Apr 2016
Rated 14 Jan 2016
Rated 14 Jan 2016
Rated 27 Aug 2015
there are opportunities for dicaprio and winslet to shine, they radiate desperation and turmoil. but altogether it's too blunt to me. whenever you're able to derive something from the staging, it's explained by an instrumentalized supporting actor anyway. in fact everyone besides the two main actors is instrumentalized, even the kids who aren't there. there's no "normal" people, so the course of the plot can't shed this contrived vibe, every "twist" feels like it's out of some bad romance novel.
Rated 27 Aug 2015
Rated 16 Feb 2015
Brutal yet somehow airless.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
Rated 16 Jul 2014
The first fight is a fierce row full of energy, anger and truth-telling. The problem is when this scene is repeated at least three more times. Also Michael Shannon is more a plot device than a character.
Rated 16 Jul 2014
Rated 27 Mar 2014
Muy buenos actores pero el desarrollo de la película es muy lento.
Rated 27 Mar 2014
Rated 29 Dec 2013
only watched it for michael shannon and he was barely in it
could not watch this all
Rated 29 Dec 2013
Rated 22 Dec 2013
Brilliantly acted and emotionally powerful, Revolutionary Road is a handsome adaptation of Richard Yates' celebrated novel.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
Rated 31 Jul 2013
This sure does feel like an Ingmar Bergman-lite affair, and filmic portrayals of bored and frustrated '50s suburban family life isn't exactly new. But this film does have an impressive aesthetic quality, the art-design and cinematography looking handsomely detailed, and the performances are all quite well done, making this is a quick and easy two-hour watch.
Rated 31 Jul 2013
Rated 09 Mar 2013
Yet again we see Mendes exploring the artificiality (and subsequent breakdown) of the American dream. Very well shot, but DiCaprio completely out classed everyone else on screen. Some of the more dramatic scenes are too soapy and over-acted, but I think that's a result of the transfer from book to the screen. We're left with a moving, dramatic adaptation that's pretty rough around the edges.
Rated 09 Mar 2013
Rated 27 Feb 2013
Beautiful to look at, as I'd expect from Mendes. Very good score too. As for the performances, I consider them "good," but I can't help but be bothered by the over-the-top, overly dramatic nature of many of the scenes. Both leads needed to tone it down about two notches. I did really love Michael Shannon - he plays unhinged better than anyone in the business. This is a solid film but it doesn't always hit all the right notes.
Rated 27 Feb 2013
Rated 14 Feb 2013
Titanic sweethearts moved to suburbia, married with children. So what next? A critique of middle class morality and values? Possible, but not sure of it. I found the acting by DiCaprio and Winslet very impressive despite the boring and explicit storyline. In the end, Michael Shannon steals the whole show in his several minutes of screentime. But it came as no suprise, did it?
Rated 14 Feb 2013
Rated 28 Jan 2013
This is a lovely film especially lifted by the wonderful performance of Kate Winslet
Rated 28 Jan 2013
Rated 30 Nov 2012
It's a textbook example of a well-crafted movie, beautifully shot, impeccably acted, and structured like an elegant three-act play. So why does the movie feel as pleasantly deadening as the midcentury Connecticut suburb where it takes place?
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Rated 27 Oct 2012
decent , making a movie on how depressed a couple are is not enough Mr. Mendes
Rated 27 Oct 2012
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Telegraphed too many plot points and the characters are all pretty hard to like but it's well shot and acted.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Rated 26 May 2012
I think I watched a director's cut or something, because I saw just two scenes in this movie, in both of which I saw Shannon.
Rated 26 May 2012
Rated 27 Mar 2012
I don't know if Sam Mendes thinks his audience is dumb, or if Sam Mendes is dumb, but this movie is about as deep as a high school report on Death of a Salesman. But not one of my high school reports on Death of a Salesman, cause that shit was dope.
Rated 27 Mar 2012
Rated 21 Jan 2012
A life drama that's exceptional only because of the brilliant performance by the main actors, as the story is one seen 10000 times already.
Rated 21 Jan 2012
Rated 03 Jan 2012
Brilliant acting but a very depressing story.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
Rated 16 Oct 2011
"Dutifully reproduces incidents and particulars while only rarely glancing at the underlying element of self-deception, of acting a part, that defines said moments." - Nick Schager
Rated 16 Oct 2011
Rated 07 Jun 2011
It's not bad, but it's dead depressing and it moves slowly at times. The acting is great though, and again, director Sam Mendes explores the theme of broken household in America.
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Rated 07 May 2011
"RR" is an excessively melodramatic film. The cast is not good enough to make this project fly, while the direction is too nerveless to utilize what was an interesting idea. If there's one reason to watch this, it is Michael Shannon. And if there's one reason to make such a film (especially after having directed "American Beauty"), it is Shannon's lines, although the rest of the film is superfluous. What "RR" needed was a different director. And a different cast. And a different writer, I guess.
Rated 07 May 2011
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Revolutionary Road paints a terrifying portrait of a couples' attempt to break from the bondage of conformity in the 1950s and its ultimate destruction on their sanity. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Michael Shannon all give award worthy performances.
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Leo's acting deserved an oscar. Best performance I've seen from him so far. Winslet her character, like her acting as well, was quite annoying and didn't really shine as much as DiCaprio. Premise was not really interesting, due to a lot of rough edges. My score is mostly based on DiCaprio's acting.
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Rated 17 Jan 2011
I like Leo.. and I didn't like this movie
Rated 17 Jan 2011
Rated 24 Dec 2010
It's cynical dramedy for people who pride themselves on being smart -- that is, unsentimental.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Rated 22 Dec 2010
not a bad movie, dicaprio and winslet are good as always, but the movie itself was sooooo boring
Rated 22 Dec 2010
Rated 26 Jul 2010
Sam Mendes, the director of "American Beauty", revisits the themes he had so skillfully examined in his debut and the result is another amazing cinematic journey. The performances are almost heartbreakingly good: Kate Winslet, Mendes' ex-wife, is breathtaking as April and Leonardo DiCaprio is constantly improving (he's really good in this one). The film may be difficult to watch, but it is well worth it. Overall, perhaps the best dramatic picture of the 00's.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
Rated 23 Jul 2010
so well put the contradictions, human psychology, desires, being yourself at the same time with being someone else.
Rated 23 Jul 2010
Rated 08 Jul 2010
This doesn't work nearly as well as I thought it did on first viewing, it's just waaay too artificial. Yates' dialogue is meant to be read and pondered, not screamed at a viewer at high pitch.
Rated 08 Jul 2010
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." This film certainly seems to take that into full effect. Beautiful, tragic film about the dreams everyday people make to escape routine, and how they only ever remain dreams.
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Rated 28 May 2010
Why don't more people adore this movie? Two intellectuals in seemingly mundane situations going through a profound existential crisis. What's not to love? Winslet should have won her Academy Award for this, not The Reader.
Rated 28 May 2010
Rated 27 Apr 2010
Great characters presented by awesome performances on all parts.
Rated 27 Apr 2010
Rated 25 Apr 2010
It was much better than it looked, but not much of a conventional 'mendes' movie, quite slow really, but a nice look into the relationship between two adults and their lifes,
Rated 25 Apr 2010
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Excellent work from all involved fails to gel; characters are strongly drawn yet embody archetypes more than real people. It becomes difficult to care about their inability to communicate with each other. DiCaprio is nevertheless particularly believable as a middle-aged wreck.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Rated 15 Mar 2010
A very stylish film about how miserable people can become despite living seemingly normal lives, with strong performances from both Winslet and DiCaprio. Having said that I couldn't find any sympathy for a couple driven by misled illusions of grandeur who were falling apart because suburbia was somehow a living hell. There was nothing special about them and I wasn't convinced that was the premise of the film. A very bleak watch.
Rated 15 Mar 2010
Rated 04 Mar 2010
Not a fan of the suburban hell genre, though I imagine the book is richer and more suggestive. And though Michael Shannon is a welcome jolt of energy, his character is an ill-conceived narrative device (thanks for spelling out the theme, dude). I'm not 100% sold on DiCaprio's performance. I realize both Frank and April are actors --in her case she's explicitly a failed actress-- but Winslet is better at signaling this and when her character's emotions become real and unrehearsed we feel that.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
Rated 23 Feb 2010
Everything in this movie looks beautiful (it's strong suit), even as the central characters suffer because they feel trapped by life. This would have been a far more interesting movie had they actually moved to Paris and had them discover they weren't satisfied there either. Then maybe these characters might spend a moment in introspection, realizing that their current existence is not someone else's fault but their own. That the film celebrates Winslet's final choice only adds to the delusion
Rated 23 Feb 2010
Rated 18 Jan 2010
Extraordinary performances from Winslet and DiCaprio.
Rated 18 Jan 2010
Rated 18 Dec 2009
While not great or anything, this film about a young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the min-1950s struggling in their relationship, does profit from two very expressive performances from Winslet and Dicaprio, both showing very powerful facial expressions that I'll probably remember most about this film. The cinematography was also noteworthy, as well as the soundtrack which especially during the credits reminded me of the excellent American Beauty soundtrack.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Rated 17 Dec 2009
Winslet and Dicaprio shine with radiance. Two real life lovers find themselves torn apart by life and different wishes. As dramatic as they come, as real as they get. Emotionally driven, the story was a refelction of how much two people can hurt each other before they realize enough is enough. The best film of 2008, the oscars missed out on 2 solid performances.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
Cast & Info
Directed by:
Sam MendesCollections
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