Resident Evil: Afterlife
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Resident Evil: Afterlife

1h 36m
The Undead Apocalypse continues unabated as super-soldier Alice (Milla Jovovich) finds her way to a supposed sanctuary in Los Angeles, which may just be a deadly trap set for her by the ruthless Umbrella Corporation. The fourth film in Paul W.S. Anderson's blood-soaked saga finds Alice teaming up with Claire (Ali Larter) and Chris (Wentworth Miller) and a handful of stragglers to save what's left of humanity.
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Resident Evil: Afterlife

1h 36m
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Avg Percentile 26.94% from 2102 total ratings

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Rated 11 Apr 2020
The clone opening is the funniest piece of shit then they ruin it ... oh hey Paul WS is back. Still mad over the shower scene, everything about it. I don’t know whats happening in this series anymore and I was barely scraping by two movies ago.
Rated 27 Sep 2010
Takes on a bunch of new elements from the latest video game--I have no complaints about that. Has good action and the 3-D was a plus, but suffers a bit from pacing issues where the plot seems to stop and take a stark turn. Jovovich is still hot and I'm not sick of Res E zombies yet, so I say to Anderson, keep 'em coming.
Rated 02 Dec 2017
Resident Evil Marathon, Hour 7.1: W.S. skulks sheepishly up to the Wachowskis: "Hey, um, can I be your friend?" They scowl under their pink hair and go hang out with Netflix. Jilted and ashamed, Paul forces Shawn Roberts to play Agent Smith, providing superficial companionship. "I'll do a slow-motion Tokyo scene in the rain," he mutters under his breath. "I'll add umbrellas. Get it, Wachowskis? I can do subtext, too!" He retreats into an ennui of explosions and angry white boy music.
Rated 06 Apr 2011
Stupid, but at least has a modicum of entertainment buried beneath the stupidity and useless pandering to the 3D craze. The whole thing is so nonsensical and badly staged that it doesn't just rewrite the rules of physics and logic, it rewrites it using crayon and Eastern European finger paint, the kind that causes brain damage and should be kept out of reach of children. Which seems to be the only target audience for this franchise.
Rated 16 Sep 2012
Paul W.S. Anderson vs. the Laws of Physics, bout IV. Once again, the former wins, because the latter was awarded a lucrative payday to take a fall in the 2nd round. Just because an extra Van Damme made Double Impact the greatest action movie in film history doesn't mean fifty Jovoviches can save a franchise that was chewed up and shat out by a pack of zombie dogs the instant Michelle Rodriguez died.
Rated 25 Sep 2020
Ok they are all starting to melt into one movie in my memory banks now but I think this was actually a step in the right direction as they nerfed Alice to make her more vulnerable again which allows things to return to a more horror vibe than the pure action of the previous effort. Chris Redfield shows up and Miller's performance is suitably cheesy.
Rated 10 May 2022
Holy hell what hahahahaha! The opening where they dismiss the previous film’s sequel hook with prejudice is hilarious, as is the Matrix-as-directed-by-chimpanzees finale fight. This is probably one of the stupidest movies I’ve seen, give or take xXx The Return of Xander Cage. In one scene Milla is just about to take a shower before getting interrupted at the last second and I was finna chuck my TV out the window
Rated 12 Sep 2010
really awesome action movie 10 out of 10
Rated 17 Sep 2010
Okay, for info I have only watched the first movie before so my opinion might be a bit off the track. It's generally a good action-packed movie that's quite enjoying to watch. Milla is hot, as she normally is (or I'm just very fond of her), and there's plenty of gunfights. However, there are way too many scenes which were made entirely for 3D and were quite a disappointment for me. Another problem is the ending which is just silly... Final judgement: a solid zombie apocalypse movie.
Rated 09 Oct 2010
Some entertainment value, but most of it is just ridiculously overdone without any substance. There's about 15 minutes of actual plot progression 20 minutes of slow motion fights and the rest is just nonsense.
Rated 11 Oct 2010
Better than expected, Anderson really pushed the limits on all fronts to make this one, and it works. A nice follow up from the decent third film of the series. Its pretty much the first film with a lot more action. A heck of a lot more!
Rated 11 Oct 2010
These movies are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. I know they're awful but I will continue to watch them. If you are going to see this movie I would recommend seeing it in 3D.
Rated 16 Oct 2010
Another good performance by Milla Jovovich. This time I was (as in part 2) a little displeased by the fact that there were different kinds of (smart) zombies. It wasn't explained where these guys came from and/or why they were created.. big flaw. I was expecting the worst resident evil cause of the cast, but Wentworth Miller's (aka Scofield) performance was actually pretty good, same goes for Ali Larter. Bring on the next Resident Evil movie!!!
Rated 31 Oct 2010
Terrible... the final fight scenes are not inspired by but copied directly from Matrix...
Rated 01 Nov 2010
They just keep churning these out. This is like the Saw franchise of zombie movies. Add in a character that is essentially a ripoff of Keanu Reeves' character in the Matrix and you have this steaming pile. Should be called Resident Evil: Please never make another movie again.
Rated 04 Dec 2010
Way too many shots ripped straight from the Matrix. It's been 11 years since that film, surely there's something new or creative that can be added to the bullet-time visuals other than "Now with extra zombies!" Also, when you've got Wentworth Miller in the cast and the goal is to break out of prison, it's simply required that the prison break plan be brilliantly elaborate. "We'll swim through some water and then crawl down a hole" does not qualify as a brilliantly elaborate plan!
Rated 18 Dec 2010
Resident Evil: Afterlife is the best film of the Resident Evil series so far. It took most of the problems that the previous films had and fixed them. The story still needs work, and the acting isn't going to blow anyone away, but it's an entertaining action film that serves as a good way to continue the film series. It is a fun film, like the previous installments, but Afterlife just does everything better.
Rated 03 Apr 2011
What was left of a premise at the end of Extinction was lost within the first 5 minutes. Please let this series die.
Rated 28 Jul 2011
I find it hard to rate this badly. It isn't a very good film in any sense, but I still struggled to hate it like I should have. The acting is sub par, with a few characters bordering on terrible, the plot silly, the screenplay is far too jumpy, the slow motion horribly annoying...yet, I still enjoyed it. It has some nice vistas to take in, I like Jovovich...I don't know. I'm vastly overrating it here, I'm aware, but I did enjoy watching it. I think I have a strange zombie fetish...
Rated 07 Aug 2011
The most uncompromised in the franchise, with CGI of beautiful artificial action set-pieces. Anderson's procedure remains the same: a voiceover to place things in their place and then a movement-driven plot. The army of Millas ends with her losing her powers to the President (guy with sunglasses). She finds new allies, but has to kill a giant executioner in a raining room and stop the President. It ends frontally begging for a sequel, with survivors in the ship about to get attacked by Umbrella.
Rated 20 Nov 2012
There's something here about a franchise taking on the characteristics of zombies themselves, a mindless shambling automaton that doesn't quit because there's a chance Milla's husband will show you her boobs.
Rated 08 Aug 2013
Apparently Jovovich and Anderson had a toddler when this film was being made. I suspect she might have written it. It's got a certain weird child logic, as characters and creatures periodically pull magical powers right out of their ass, and the plans require a weird combination of clairvoyance and outright stupidity.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
Another slick addition to the series that is still high on cheese but has what the fans wants and delivers with impressive results.
Rated 22 Mar 2019
Yes, a couple of Anderson's choices make it obvious he loved the Matrix, but who cares when he puts his own (multiple) spins on it? He may be looked down on by many, but his work here is impressive. Not only does he maintain an always exciting pace (the first 20 minutes would be any other action flick's last 20), but there are several stunningly beautiful visuals here, whether they are CGI or not. As a writer he also always follows up on previous threads & treats this as the ongoing story it is.
Rated 11 Apr 2020
Under Quarantine Film Reviews #36: This is a big-budget B movie without any heart or charm of what makes a good B movie. Idiotic characters making idiotic decisions really sunk this ship. Just two more left, I can get through it.
Rated 12 Sep 2010
Yeah, it looked nice, only it was coping every effect from other movies, mostly Matrix. Doomsday's axeman was kind of nice, though out of nowhere.
Rated 13 Sep 2010
Enough with the slow motion every 5sec. What the hell was let big monster in the shower and how did he get a giant axe/hammer.
Rated 16 Sep 2010
Better than the last one.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
If you've seen the first few..might as well finish if off !
Rated 23 Sep 2010
Passes the time.
Rated 23 Sep 2010
Eventually the fuel would run out. My mild appreciation for the series has died in the 4th chapter. Not even solid 3D work will save it as the film borrows heavily from 'The Matrix' and 'The Thing,' and seems to regurgitate and combine the look and feel of Parts I and II of its own franchise. 'Afterlife' isn't necessarily worse than the other movies, I just have no interest left and was bored most of the time. When characters die again and again and again, what is the point in continuing?
Rated 29 Sep 2010
It had almost no story, and when you got to the end and the story started to make sense it didn't really matter. But the 3D was REAL 3D, and was a reminder why it was so effective in Avatar. Lots of fun action scenes shot with the same cameras as Avatar made this movie kinda of enjoyable despite a lackluster plot.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
It's (yet) another resident evil sequel. More zombies, that's the only thing it made it good. The rest is meh.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
The worst so far
Rated 05 Oct 2010
A huge disappointment. I always liked RE series because it provided mindless fun with great action, but this installment fails in that aspect as well as offers a terrible story. 3D was overused and nothing to write home about. It's not a complete disaster, but I expected more from a RE movie.
Rated 08 Oct 2010
I should've switched of the TV after I a saw "produced by Bernd Eichinger" in the beginning. Another prequel without a storyline, without good fighting scenes and without good actors. The worst thing: Afterlife got nothing to do with the awesome game, except some character names and the Umbrella Corp. sign. It's a pity because this awesome game deserves something better.
Rated 08 Oct 2010
Better than part 3, but that's like saying one pile of shit stinks less than the other. Story continues to degrade everything that made RE lovable, going so far as to make Wesker a pointless minion, Chris and Claire's reunion the most awkward and robotic thing I've ever seen, even though it takes great strides in bringing the terrible movies closer to the games stylistically (the Majini zombies looked great). The fight scenes are much improved, but this draaaaagggggsss for such a short movie.
Rated 09 Oct 2010
Lots of similarities to Resident Evil 5 video game, a bit too much like a video game at times but still good action. Didn't really like the start much.
Rated 09 Oct 2010
The was no real storytelling, but visually it has some stunning parts. Too many things taken from The Matrix. It's a pity they haven't take the idea of having a trilogy, not a quadrilogy (is this even a word?)
Rated 10 Oct 2010
The RE franchise has spiraled downwards since Paul W.S. Anderson directed the first rather solid film from 2002. Now he is back, and does he take the quadrilogy back up again? The answer is no. This is the worst of the four films! Yeah it has some great action scenes for the 3D audience, but that is it. The story, which were there in the first film, is simply non existing and this movie follow the trend of action films where you have a couple of decent scenes but the layers in between are crap!
Rated 11 Oct 2010
One of the worst movies of the decade. Being cheesy is one thing (like using samurai swords and throwing stars against armed guards) but it reaches a whole new level of idiocy by introducing terrible characters (the homages to RE5 actually don't help at all) and by far the worst story of the series. Worst of all, to zombie film enthusiasts, is that the director couldn't make up his mind about fast or slow zombies. The zombies become ridiculously slow when convenient, and fast all other times.
Rated 11 Oct 2010
Resident Evil is klaar, dit is eigenlijk gewoon uitmelker van deze serie. meer wordt er niet verwacht. Leuk je ziet weer wat karakters voorbij komen uit het spel, maar het voegt niet veel meer toe aan het verhaal. Het is letterlijk van de hak op de tak..
Rated 13 Oct 2010
Barely possesses a plot, the acting - stark, CGI - terrible, leaving the 3D to hold the audiences interest long enough for the film to end, it did not. The 3D did have it's moments despite plagiarizing them from several other films, most noticeable is the art direction replicated from the Matrix. Miller is cast so laughably he may as well have prison blueprints tattooed on his back. Also, there is a character called K-mart. I suppose in a few years the next Bond girl will just be called pepsi.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
If critics and fanboys weren't suckers for simplistic nihilism and high-pressure marketing, Afterlife would be universally acclaimed as a visionary feat, superior to Inception and Avatar on every level.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
Some points for the numerous scenes that are bad enough to be hilarious. The rest is just bad.
Rated 20 Oct 2010
Saw this in 3-D D-Box (with moving chairs and rumble seats, etc)... this movie felt like a tech demo of what movies could become. Great integration of the D-Box tech, and shot with D-Box in mind. Unfortunately, this is more of the same, and the action scenes just are grueling. Also, knockoff pyramidhead out of nowhere. Still better than part 2, but not as good as the legit-good part 1 or the bleak but interesting part 3.
Rated 01 Nov 2010
Outside of a scene or two that was good... this is uh... stupid. Not stupid in the entertaining way, just stupid.
Rated 07 Nov 2010
I did not like this one, no. The former movies had a motive. The becoming of a plaque and what followed afterwards. This one is not afterlife. This is just a rescue operation of some guys locked up in a building. And a bad one at that too.
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Lots of slow mo action scenes, excessive cgi, and Milla Jovovich's tight ass. Don't expect any oscar winning performances here but it's what you expect from a video game adaptation. Anderson has a good eye for interesting scenes but little else. Made purely for technicians to stroke off on 3d capabilities. The villain(s) are comically bad as are the paper thin character archetypes in this.
Rated 09 Dec 2010
Slightly more impressive camera work when compared with the rest however the slow-mo is used to such excess that it quickly loses any impact. The story is beyond retarded but it at least it admits that Alice becoming some kind of wargod was even stupidier so it attempts to remove that aspect of her character. Personally I think they should've never gone there in the first place. If you like the Resident Evil movies then you're a tool (so you'll probably like this).
Rated 23 Dec 2010
Even in 3D and Paul Anderson back at the helm, this franchise has still just gone towards the worse. The first picture in the line remains the only solid one.
Rated 12 Jan 2011
I didn't think the first half of the movie was bad. I enjoyed the idea of survivors being trapped in a prison where we almost get a glimps of survival. Then the entire last act was just a montage of rip-off's form various Resident Evil games. It is probably my favourite of the Resident Evil movie franchise - which isn't really saying much considering the four movies are an insult to gamers (excluding the Max Payne movie).
Rated 15 Jan 2011
eng; [Resident Evil: Afterlife]; alice sucht nach arcadia, welche immer wieder ein rettungsangebot per funk versendet - dabei trifft sie im hochsicherheitsgefängnis in LA auf überlebende.;
Rated 17 Jan 2011
5+ pretty good
Rated 22 Jan 2011
Terrible, awful, appalling, horrid, horrendous, repellent. By far worst of the Resident Evil series, or maybe I just grew completely intolerant to display of poor taste and artlessness of this kind. Either way, it made my head hurt.
Rated 27 Jan 2011
Film sredni fabularnie. Gra jest zdecydowanie lepsza. Scieszka dzwiekowa w filmie jest znakomicie zrobiona. Efekty z matrixa nie pasuja do takiego filmu. Brakuje w tym filmie przede wszystkim klimatu. Srednia pozycja.
Rated 08 Mar 2011
By far the weakest film of the Resident Evil series. If anything watch it in 3D for the effects, but in my opinion it's not even worth that.
Rated 15 Apr 2011
Rated 17 May 2011
As dim-witted and lifeless as its undead antagonists, Resident Evil: Afterlife is a wholly unnecessary addition to the franchise.
Rated 29 May 2011
Bad Movie
Rated 26 Jun 2011
I watched the first one, and it was pretty good. I watched the second one and found out the series had taken a turn for the ridiculous. I saw most of this one and realized the series was completely fucking insane. What a nightmarish mess of a movie. I'm sure some of the plot would make more sense having seen the other terribly-reviewed movies in the series but goddamn is that some drug-induced plot. Enjoy terrible acting, terrible writing and okay special effects? This is the movie for you!
Rated 04 Jul 2011
Well, I knew exactly what I wanted from this movie. Milla kicking ass and Milla in sexy clothes or even naked. The rest is watchable but forgettable action trash. The soundtrack by Tomandandy is pretty good but not as good as the Beltrami/Manson score for the first one. The cameo by Sienna Guillory was probably the best thing in this movie.
Rated 20 Aug 2011
Pretty damn lame.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
"Afterlife lacks tension, dread, angst, humor-you name an emotion, it's not there." - Simon Abrams
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Seriously... Milla Jovovich is good-looking and all, but this story is really running on nothing but outright theft from Romero and Wachowski at this point. Which would be OK-ish if they at least knew what to do with the bits they steal. Needs braaaains.
Rated 24 Nov 2011
I didn't even mind the previous ones that much, but at this point it's obvious not even any of the people involved in this can manage to care about it.
Rated 25 Nov 2011
2010 and people are still copying Matrix bullet-time FX from 1999, and not doing it as well as 10 years ago. Suffers from too much 3D gimmickry and not enough plot. Watching this will have the same effect on your brain as being infected with the T-virus.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
It was probably the weakest of the four so far. Not really any character development, cheesy dialogue, lazy writing. But you don't see a film like this and expect greatness. Just badass action and hot chicks. And it delivers on that. I mean, let's face it, Milla Jovovich is reason enough to watch any of these movies.
Rated 06 Feb 2012
Rated 14 May 2012
Marginal upgrade on the previous few, not that that is anything to write home about.
Rated 19 Sep 2012
It is in fact always the same, but I don't expect anything new from the Resident Evil film series.
Rated 29 Sep 2012
Very flawed movie, but not bad if you're just looking for mindless zombie-slashing, which is the entire reason I watch this series. I thought the executioner zombie was one of the better "final bosses" of the series.
Rated 19 Nov 2012
Wish I'd waited for the 4D version. That way it would've been over before it started.
Rated 20 Dec 2012
While this movie is very dumb, it is also very entertaining. Perfect drunk viewing.
Rated 09 Jan 2013
So stupid... so so stupid.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
A pretty big waste of time. I ended up being pretty bored with this one. I mean shouldn't a Zombie Apocalypse be at least a little heart pounding? I think the thing that really took me out of this movie was the slow-down effects they threw into this film constantly. Alice (Jovovich) does a spin kick SLOOOOOOW-MO! A bullet flies through the screen in 3D... SLOOOOOOOWLY. It happened so often the action scenes were a snooze. Sometimes I just want the zombies to win in a case like this.
Rated 02 May 2013
It feels good to finally know what really happens in prison showers.
Rated 21 May 2013
Dumb and loud, continues being a guilty pleasure of a horror/action movie. Not that bad in 2D also
Rated 23 Feb 2015
Rated 11 Aug 2015
Every fight scene features things being thrown in slow motion, bullets whizzing past in slow motion, shrapnel flying in slow motion, and the lead character Alice jumping in slow motion. She's like Sportacus on a hot-plate. I'm all for clever technology but when it gets in the way of telling a story, or when entire scenes are added simply to exploit a technique (like the gratuitous 'roller-coaster' scenes in IMAX films like Robots and The Polar Express) it just winds me up.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
It's amazing, really, that this series could get to four installments as nothing in this one feels new. The special effects are just retreads of those in earlier, better movies; the villain looks like he comes right out of The Matrix; the actors look to be going through the paces, though the script doesn't give them any dimensions or even emotion, really. A collection of dull actions scenes stitched unharmoniously together. I would like the serial-style cliffhanger except it means another movie.
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Slicker and far more visually appealing than Apocalypse, but still a silly zombie film.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
Revisited (2)
Rated 31 Oct 2016
My brain was completely mush by the end so I don't think I can fully process it. I'm just gonna say it was bad.
Rated 29 Jan 2017
Definitely the slowest paced of all the movies. Once again, Alice comes across a group of survivors and they band together if the hope of finding a safe haven. The side characters are bland, and really just serve the purpose of giving us something to look at as they're slaughtered. Lots of the filming looks like it was meant for 3D and was way overdone. However, a couple action sequences were done well. Overall, nothing really more than to just past the time, but better than Extinction.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
has about 8 fun minutes in it.
Rated 20 Mar 2017
While the previous entry in the Resident Evil series took on a more cinematic and even serious tone, Afterlife is hopelessly cheesy and violently ridiculous. It's so over-the-top that it puts the first two movies to shame, and I think the preposterous corniness of it all actually helps it, providing laughs when silly and dumb characters suffer horrible deaths due to hesitation or betrayal, and bludgeoning the viewer with impossible action. So... not so much out of tune with classic zombie films.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Rated 11 Oct 2017
Suddenly the iron bolted vault door unlocks itself and slides open. "It's a trap!" So they go through. In slow motion.
Rated 03 Jan 2018
Afterlife took inspiration from the wrong games in the franchise. The story is dependent on event from the games that only the player would be aware of. Paul W.S. Anderson's visual style is definitely improved by the need to slow down the edits to accommodate 3D.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
#18#, rw3, popcorn, franchise-revisit, oldies(2) }*{ #10#, popcorn, prequels, Milla.J
Rated 09 Nov 2019
Rated 08 Mar 2020
Rated 23 Mar 2020
An extra 10 points cause honestly I do think the fight scene with Wesker at the end is pretty sick, but this to me is proof. If you want to take your bad movie franchise and make it worse without any enjoyable features, call Paul W S Anderson. This is blandly written, acted and psychotically filmed with so much goddamn slow motion, it's hard to watch. Though I kind of liked this series up til now, this was one more than rough.
Rated 05 Feb 2021
Rated 13 Mar 2021
"This is borderline experimental"
Rated 09 May 2021
Rated 20 May 2021
I fell betrayed. Bad CGI. Dull story. Cannot watch. But I am too afraid, of Resident Jovovich Aftertouch
Rated 20 Oct 2021
Either the series is getting better or I'm becoming acclimatised to them - while this does nothing to stand out of the pack (or horde) of zombie films, it's fast paced, light on its feet and entertaining enough to be satisfying - while Anderson indulges in too much slow-motion (to a laughable degree), he keeps things moving along satisfactorily enough; the zombies, who now seem to have become an "Alien" hybrid, are genuinely unsettling at times. Competent and polished, if undistinguished.


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