Red State
Red State
Your probable score
Red State

Red State

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 28m
A horror film in which a group of misfits encounter fundamentalism gone to the extreme in Middle America.

Red State

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 28m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 37.84% from 1157 total ratings

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Rated 03 Sep 2011
What a tedious turd. Only John Goodman's character is likable in this garbage. The first half is dull as dirt, the second half is not AS dull as dirt. We watch some guy preach for what felt like an eternity , then we watch the same idiots shoot out windows for another eternity. There's a moment in the end where you think "If it ends like this then this will still be a piece of shit, but it'll be a piece of shit with a not bad ending" then we get that horrendous "coke can cock" ending.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
The most satisfying element is a willingness to kill off major characters when you least expect it. Pretty much everything else is a mess. An attempt to subvert genre expectations results in a muddled, boring showdown that keeps spinning its wheels. Adolescent exaggerations of easy targets, and whatever point Smith is trying to make about the government is half-baked at best. Bad writing, bad camerawork. Pointless and boring, further proof that Smith is a child with no idea what he's doing.
Rated 10 Dec 2013
Big Kevin Smith fan. But the main problem is that there's no one to root for in this film. It's billed as a horror film but it's more like a wannabe action flick. There is incessant automatic gunfire for nearly the entire running time. But no thrills. No laughs. Just comes and goes. After watching it you'll have forgotten about it instantly.
Rated 20 Jul 2013
It's not that good as a whole, but there's some amusing ideas here and there. I especially like the fact that KS had no commitment whatsoever to the three teens. The anticlimactic demises made me smile.
Rated 23 Apr 2012
Totally surprised by the mostly lowish scores here. Do you all just hate Kevin Smith that much? I'm not a huge fan either but credit where credit's due, he churned out a consistently surprising and original story here that kept me on edge throughout. Parks completely knocks it out of the pa...uhhh...Parks is REALLY good. His sermonizing while the sheeted victim is brought out to the altar was bone-chilling awesomeness. Crap ending aside, props to Smith for stepping out of his comfort zone.
Rated 10 Apr 2012
What a brilliant unexpected gem of a film. I sat down expecting to be watching a run of the mill torture flick but instead it turns into a different film altogether. Not as a dramatic change to make it a different film entirely but enough to make you go 'oh'. Had me gripped from start to finish and didn't out stay its welcome. My only gripe is that the ending was a bit flat and why is John Goodman not in more films?
Rated 26 Oct 2011
A kind of interesting little action/horror flick and a decent spoof of the Westboro Baptist Church. It's always nice to see an actor tear into a role with as much relish as Michael Parks does here. The ending seemed like Smith saw Burn After Reading and was like "Hey, I can do that!", but it was still kind of amusing. It certainly goes without saying that the reception would be stronger if Kevin Smith's name wasn't attached, since Smith hatred has become very chic in recent years.
Rated 07 Oct 2011
A real shocker that Smith couldn't get distribution for this turd. Pastor gives a great performance, but beyond that, terrible. Half of it is exposition, while the other half is predictable shlock. Check out the alternate ending on Wiki. That would've bumped it up a few notches.
Rated 09 Sep 2011
Rated 02 Sep 2011
When you think it's going to climax, the movie falls off a cliff. Shame it was going so well until then.
Rated 08 Mar 2024
Brother's and sister's, who are also my real family and in-laws, we are gathered here to expunge the unclean people from GODS Earth, whose trespasses against Him we will move the goal posts on at a moments notice. Heed not the swine of the 'Government' that squeals outside. Instead, take up your God given guns and go out there in a blaze of Glory! But use the children as shields first, their untainted souls are proof against heathen bullets!
Rated 16 Apr 2018
Change of pace for Smith finds him adept at shooting action and carnage, but more surprising is how much his script lets him down; overstated and obvious from the get-go (Parks' opening sermon drones on long after the point has been made), and attempts at social and political commentary are similarly laid on with a trowel, while being horribly contrived and illogically argued (the finale interrogation scene is toe-curling). At least the performers do their best, with Goodman the highlight.
Rated 14 Aug 2017
(Viewed on 18/11/11):Horror is a director's medium, so it's odd to find the usually verbose Smith taking a stab at it. The problems are evident from the outset: Park's opening sermon grossly overstays its welcome, and any sense of potential dread or menace immediately dissipates. It switches gears to become a siege film, but the pacing issues are never resolved, and the overly talky resolution largely negates what preceeded it, while the attempts at social commentary are obvious and cheap.
Rated 22 Jun 2016
Quite forgettable. Goodman and Parks are both good in their roles though.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
I was ready to turn it off but Goodman turned up, without him I'd have dodged that last hour dammit. Outside of Goodman everything stank and he didn't get much screen-time. Spoilers a-comin' - Blah blah blah teen sex comedy blah blah blah vicious intolerant murderers vs religious wackos blah blah blah patriot act LOL!!! - crap
Rated 07 Mar 2014
Rated 04 Aug 2013
While in the first hour Kevin manages to create an almost unbearably funny but abrasive closed universe -- these Jesus freaks kill, quote the Bible and leave time for us to laugh at their stupidity, the government forces act like if they were dealing with post 11/9 terrorists --, its conclusion seems vapid and poorly written as a mere satire from which we can easily escape anytime we want. Red State has the appeal of a powerful satire, but the intelligence of a forgettable comic book.
Rated 14 Sep 2012
Kevin Smith is really on to something here. The premise is great, and there are plenty of surprises that make you keep guessing where the story is going, even if the ending isn't as satisfying as the rest. And Hollywood, don't you think it's time to give Mr. Parks his due?
Rated 11 Jul 2012
It kept me entertained the whole (perfect) 90 minutes and lived up to the expectations I had coming in... with a handful of surprises (since the new horror thing is to defy as many conventions as you can). Parks is a show stealer and it turns out Melissa Leo is Always gold, and not only when she's dropping F-bombs during Oscar acceptance speeches
Rated 22 Apr 2012
It gets a pass off the top because it's K-Smith. That's a matter of my own personal taste. I will, however, re-iterate my complete disdain, as a matter of principle, for teenage dialogue no matter how realistic it might be. Michael Parks' dialogue throughout is absolutely gripping and commands attention. I also absolutely lost it at the "simple just shit itself" line. I think I would have preferred the original ending but this one worked, too. Heavy-handedness topped with classic K-Smith icing.
Rated 26 Feb 2012
Pretty useless overall. Unfocused, with scenes that take ages to go anywhere and a whole lot of repetition. I would have enjoyed it way more if the trumpets part actually led to, well, the more interesting option. Instead, it just devolves into more talking heads stuff and a snoozer ending. Goodman was pretty cool though.
Rated 16 Jan 2012
Honestly cannot believe i am giving a Kevin Smith film this low of a score. I really wanted to like it but i'm sorry, but there just wasn't enough substance to this movie.
Rated 06 Dec 2011
Other than a religious theme & caricaturish govt. actions that play out implausibly, there's not a thing that's recognizably Smith here. It'll make u wonder what the hell he was doing before since Smith's never directed w/ this much energy, attention 2 detail, or style. Apparently camera placement does mean a hell of a lot. His casting choices r also perfect as he uses name-actors 2 best effect & the unknowns - Michael Parks as the preacher & esp. Kerry Bishe as Cheyenne - r absolutely riveting.
Rated 21 Nov 2011
A pleasant surpirse from Smith. Didn't saw it coming.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
Smoking all that weed turned Smith into edgy teenager who just wants to make half assed comments about religious cults and US government. Story aside, I just didn't like the way the film is made. One thing for sure - this is completely different Kevin Smith film.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
A bunch of storylines that are all too short and frayed at the ends. Is it a horror? No. Not enough gore. Is it a thriller? No. Not enough tension. Is it a social commentary? No. It's too chicken-shit to take a side. Is it any good? Well, it wasn't bad...
Rated 19 Oct 2011
Smith has grown in leaps and bounds with his camerawork and moviemaking in general. The script isn't the tightest and sometimes doesn't make the most sense, but it is well done, and Parks and Goodman are both great. It isn't a great film but it certainly isn't worthless as some would lead you to believe. I for one loved the ending.
Rated 07 Oct 2011
This is Kevin Smith's most serious film to date -- which means he takes his job as a director of actors at least as seriously as he does his very serious ideological pretensions. Goodman is the primary recipient of that relative generosity. Still, this is a political movie made by a perennial adolescent, so much so that it's hard to tell which side the movie's on at any given moment. I wasn't bored much but I was frequently disgusted.
Rated 22 Sep 2011
I wouldn't call it a horror movie, strictly speaking, though it has some shocking scenes in it. However, I heard so much about the movie that I'm now somehow a little bit disappointed. It is a really good story with some great potential, but I think there could've been more to it. Nonetheless, Kevin Smith did a really good job in an unfamiliar genre. With every film I love Michael Parks more and more and it's really good to see John Goodman back on the screen again.
Rated 12 Sep 2011
Amazing story. Great plot. Never looses ground. Script was amazing. Dialogue was gripping. John Goodman was again shown to be one of the best in the current crop of actors. The first half of build gives wonderfully descriptive backstory for the film. The only complaint I found with this film is it looks like someone cut about 30 minutes out between the surrender and the officer case hearing. Something is missing; and I dropped the score for that single, sole issue in the film. Unforgeable
Rated 05 Sep 2011
Smith is surprisingly capable with an unfamiliar genre and does a really good job. Parks is superb and Goodman isn't far behind.
Rated 04 Sep 2011
Better then I thought it would be, whatever that means. Definitely does not look like a Kevin Smith movie, but it doesn't look exactly great either. The shaky cam got kind of old. I know it was supposed to be comedic, but I found the ending to be really arrogant. Overall it was a pretty forgettable movie.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Smith spends too much time lecturing for his own good and ruins what could've been a legitimately great film in the process. The best parts are all the unexpected deaths and I must admit the directing was well done. But it's way too inconsistent and frustrating at times. Also, the ending blew and was too abrupt. Nice to see Badger from Breaking Bad getting some work finally.
Rated 20 Aug 2011
Smith shows he can handle himself in an unfamiliar genre, and the movie is unpredictable in ways that viewers will love. It still has some brilliant satire along with many thrills and uneasy moments. But the real gold within this movie is the performances. Parks is terrifying and Goodman is spectacular.
Rated 16 Aug 2023
It definitely feels like a 2000's movie even though it came out in 2011. The premise is solid and there are interesting bits, but the execution towards the end left something to be desired. I do agree with the moral message of the film, though, that both feds and evangelicals suck.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
I really wouldn't call this a horror film at all. That aside, I didn't think this was terrible, to me it was a decent crime thriller, nothing more, nothing less.
Rated 09 Feb 2022
09.02.2022 Kartal
Rated 15 Oct 2020
Red State, gerçek bir ya nefret et, ya da sev filmi. Gençlerin, korkutucu bir Hristiyan tarikatının ağına düşmesi, devlet ajanlarının devreye girmesi ve hayatta kalma örgüsüyle dönen hikaye, şok ölümler, esrarengiz final ve düşündüren anlarıyla çarpıcı hale geliyor. Senaryonun havada kaldığı anlar olmasa, daha çok severdim.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Kevin Smith does an interesting movie about religious fundamentalists, that turns into an extreme shootout halfway through the movie. It's definitely different from the rest of his movies, but its endearing enough to make you keep watching.
Rated 08 Mar 2018
More reviews here :
Rated 17 Dec 2016
A whole lot of nothing here. I watched this because it was in the top 1000 horror films at They Shoot Zombies, this isn't a horror film
Rated 06 Sep 2016
Torture porn. Lame. Interesting premise, I guess.
Rated 10 Dec 2015
It has it moments (of being different than mainstream movies, which was great), but it also has it periods of being dull.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
One of the more enjoyable documentaries I've seen.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
"The slacker has become didactic," as one critic so succinctly put his reaction to this surprisingly heady thriller cocktail that provocatively grapples with religious demagoguery, prejudice in law enforcement, sensational media and the grey areas of gun control. It welcomes a new standard of audacity in Smith, as he very capably keeps the audience continually off-balance all the way up until an ending which chews over but, alas, then cops out of a truly mind-blowing finale.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
Haven't seen it -- just gave it zero on general principle -- Kevin Smith sucks balls
Rated 14 Jul 2013
Ok.........well ok. Hmmm. You could tell this was Kevin Smith trying to jump in to a different genre. Personally I didn't love it. It really only kicked in when John Goodman appeared on screen, and then it was just a bunch of action and violence. Still it had its moments.
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Rated 11 May 2013
Kevin Smith never fails to surprise me.
Rated 10 May 2013
A pile of vomity ass barf.
Rated 08 Apr 2013
A scatter shot of half baked ideas wrapped inside a plot where things just sort of "happen" one thing after another... I appreciate the exercise and the subsequent genre blending, but Smith doesn't seem to work well within any of them.
Rated 04 Feb 2013
Too much violence, too schematic, but an amusing figuratively deus ex machina ending and some fine performances keep this from falling below-average.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
It has it's moments, but I wasn't too impressed by this movie, and I love Kevin Smith's stuff. I guess it just seemed kinda disjointed - or maybe I was caught off-guard at the switch of tone/momentum early on and later on.
Rated 01 Jan 2013
Rated 29 Dec 2012
I like the way Smith gets us to engage with a character and believe that we're then going to be following them and their story for a while and then BLAM they're dead. I dont like the way the film builds towards a climax and then just dies a sorry death.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
I was pretty excited to see religious people getting massacred, but then Kevin Smith screws it up by making the cops shooting them just as bad. It's still worth a watch just for the fact that it changes genre like six times.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
A whole bunch of genres and story strands mixed into one script, Red State is an intriguing and tough to place experiment. Intentional as it is, this unconventional approach is its own undoing: never settling for long enough to allow the audience to get sucked in and sympathise with any one group of protagonists. Like most Kevin Smith films the ending is terrible and almost ruins everything that precedes it, but it's definitely worth one look.
Rated 23 Sep 2012
Starts with some promise but quickly devolves into a pointless, hard to care about mess. Also manages to waste John Goodman, which is a crime that I think carries jail time in some countries.
Rated 28 Aug 2012
Remarkable acting, a truly horrific plot. If it weren't for the end, it would be a perfect film. Kevin Smith grows up and becomes a real director.
Rated 22 Aug 2012
Oh Kevin Smith... I usually like your movies but this movie was pretty terrible. It had the uncomfortable moments of the Saw and Hostel movies without any real payoff. The ending was really abrupt (albeit funny) and I just felt bad and grimy after watching this. It just wasn't a pleasant experience at all. Some of the acting was well done and I was impressed at how skinny John Goodman was but this movie just sucks. I think it was just Smith's attempt at mocking the Westboro Baptist Church.
Rated 22 Aug 2012
I really enjoyed it.
Rated 04 Aug 2012
Rated 03 Aug 2012
Too simplified and caricatured to make much serious impact, and as popcorn-something this isn't that enjoyable either. *Preview*: #12#, exp-3*, story, (reviews), director-writer Smith/1, R2.
Rated 27 Jul 2012
Fuck this movie. It had a lot of potential and it feels like it copped out on every front. The dialogue is stupid and boring, the camera work and editing are equally bad. And the fact that one of the main characters seems to be suffering from bronchitis does not help either.
Rated 18 Jul 2012
This is a complete waste of your time, unless you want to see what someone who has no idea how to make a horror/action/thriller does when creating one. Kevin Smith does comedy well, but this genre isn't for him. It doesn't follow a cause-and-effect chain, it doesn't make sense whatsoever, and it is a mess in terms of practically everything that is involved in the filmmaking process. Despite this, it's almost worth watching just to see how bad it is.
Rated 30 Jun 2012
An interesting experiment with pretty mixed results. Coenesquely abrupt finale.
Rated 19 May 2012
So I came up with a nice conspiracy theory. The government only wants us to think we have free speech...mahnnn. Fred Phelps is like some sort of government agent who is, you know, paid to say this stuff so we think we have free speech...MAHNN. Also Kerry Bishe is quite lovely.
Rated 03 May 2012
Everyone is aware of the leftist beefs with both fundamentalist Christianity and the American law enforcement system. Most viewers are probably already converted. Still, Red State takes both these issues ad absurdum, all at once, and that's probably why its critics regard it as a mess. It's a tense film, but way too political and moralistic for its own good, and it somehow manages to caricature even its main homosexual character, even as it purports to attack homophobia.
Rated 01 Mar 2012
"Haha, fundies are fucked up. Haha, fundies are even more fucked up. Everyone is fucked up. Politics, what the fuck?" This was too bad to be even laughable and it doesn't even have decent political commentary. But I bet the pastor gets raped in jail.
Rated 20 Feb 2012
This is a hard movie to rate. The direction was really good (which surprised me). The story was almost really good? I usually hate the idea that genre tweeners can't work bc I think that's a marketing problem more than a movie problem. Here, though, it really seemed to take away from the movie. It wasn't action-y enough to be a good action flick, it wasn't scary enough to be a a good horror movie, and it wasn't funny enough to be a good comedy. Worth it just bc it's interesting though.
Rated 05 Feb 2012
red state starts out with some boring dialogue, moves on to a pretty bad ass shoot out, and then ends with some situations that make you think about the country we live in. The end part is basically what makes you think about this movie and is the most memorable but overall its all just OK.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Kevin Smith appropriately follows up his mediocre mess Cop Out with one of the biggest cop-out endings of recent cinema. The film is a truly miserable cinematic boor from a director who really needs to take his two seats on a Southwest flight and just leave Hollywood for good.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
Kevin Smith is getting less and less interesting. This time, he makes a siege flick that he calls horror. No suspense, no horror, just shooting and preaching. Parks and Goodman are entertaining, but the rest is completely forgettable.
Rated 22 Jan 2012
Its absolutely nuckin futs to realize some people actually believe the kind of shit the preacher preached.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
Sometimes it seemed like Smith was trying to push his negative opinions on religion, which didn't feel quite right even though I agreed with a lot of what he was saying. However, he showed several sides of the issue, mostly effectively. Michael Parks and Melissa Leo gave fantastic performances. It definitely has its flaws and I wouldn't exactly call it brilliant, but without the silliness of his other films, which often puts me off, I do think, in a lot of ways, it's Smith's best film to date.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
this was one misunderstood and really underrated film along with hard to see in theaters, very low key but one to look for, Kevin Smith did a great job on the film
Rated 19 Jan 2012
The first 15 minutes are a little rocky. The dialogue is Kevin Smith crude (which I guess is not surprising) but extremely wooden. Once the stage is set, the film really takes off. Smith creates antagonists that are realistic & truly scary. There's a sermon scene that goes on too long, but from there the film becomes a mad clusterf**k. In a good way. Smith makes some very bold & divisive choices. Among the chaos is a film that is unexpected & enjoyable, but simultaneously frustrating.
Rated 09 Jan 2012
3+ might want to skip this one
Rated 18 Dec 2011
Rated 13 Dec 2011
This is clearly a change of pace for director Kevin Smith. The story is interesting and disturbing. Tee cast are very good with performances by Michael Parks, Melissa Leo and John Goodman among others. Hopefully Smith will continue to make different and original films.
Rated 11 Dec 2011
The problem with Red State is that every single fucking bit of built up tension climaxes in a completely unsatisfying way. It's probably intentional, but it just leaves you pissed off and feeling like shit. The acting is top notch from nearly everyone, but it doesn't save the film. While I agree with most of the hamfisted rhetoric at the end, it's so blatant and obnoxious Smith might as well have just jumped behind the podium himself for the last 10 minutes.
Rated 28 Nov 2011
Smith really doesn't know how to do horror. Too much gun use and killing off characters randomly and abruptly can be shocking and effective but it can also leave you without characters to care about and it overuse in this film was never as effective as good old fashioned suspense building. Nice try.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
What the hell, Kevin Smith? You promised me a horror movie about the rising tide of religious fundamentalism. Instead, you delivered a poorly paced, unfunny, dull siege movie about how things might play out if Fred Phelps were also David Koresh. Dude, put the bong down and look at yourself. You used to have a career, damnit.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Kevin Smith trying to be Tarantino and the Coen Brothers....and halfway succeeding! Still mostly being Kevin Smith, though. Still, this movie's got balls. And a really fun, unconventional narrative. Awesome.
Rated 13 Nov 2011
The film had no theme. It seemed to be based on the Wacko incident and misuse of force. It was also based on a paranoia for the radical religious right. But it couldn't chose which side to villainize, and just came off like a weak senior thesis sort of drama. The characters had no consistency; they randomly did things to get from one plot point to the next, lacking the personality that to shape their actions into a believable stream. Again leaving it with that weak senior thesis sort of feel.
Rated 12 Nov 2011
Jaw-dropping. Smith shuns the genre cliches and creates a truly unpredictable thriller. Most interestingly is that he leverages the limits of his more inexperienced cast to invoke a nuanced affect that walks the tightrope between reality and absurdity. A truly masterful film. Why in the fuck has he been making comedy all these years? He's far better in more serious endeavors.
Rated 10 Nov 2011
It almost lost me near the start. I don't know if it was Park's performance or Smith's script, but the sermon that introduces us to Abin Cooper was a disaster. Instead of being captivated by his craziness, we are just bored when he rants. Things get better though, and there are a couple of big surprises.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
One of those rare movies where I both hate and like many aspects. In the way of film making this is no doubt Smith's best made movie. As for the story, it's quite hit and miss. I like the majority of it, but a few scenes could get stretched too thin and the actual circumstance that got into the meat of the story was rather lame. It's not as bad as some people say and definitely worth a shot if the movie description interests you.
Rated 04 Nov 2011
I felt that this movie started off strong and could have been a great movie. However as the movie went on my interest dwindled. The ending was disappointing for me as well.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
Fuck this movie with a barbed wire baseball bat. Fuck you Kevin Smith. You fucking child. Fifteen points for the mere possibility that some impressionable adolescent fanboy might just see this and actually do the world a favor and suicide bomb the WBC. If that happens then I'll raise this score up to 100. In the meantime, you are not allowed to make anymore movies.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
Remarkably restrained direction from Smith, featuring an excellent performance from John Goodman and a truly memorable one from Michael Parks as a gun-toting Fred Phelps.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
Rated 29 Oct 2011
tarikat, radikal tarikat, hristyan tarikati, iskence, homofobi, escinsel karsiti (marjinal bir tarikatin günahkarlari internet yoluyla agini düsürüp öldürmesini konu edinmis. Hikaye daha sonra farklilasiyor. ayni anda kiliseye polis baskini olur. ve tarikat mensuplari ile polis catisir. sonunda bir sur sesi ile olaylar biter. kiyametin koptugu sanilir ama olay öyle degildir. )
Rated 29 Oct 2011
Red States dialogue is fixated on sounding insane and off the wall. With nothing but religious fanatics trying to show "sinners" their wrong doings, Red State is a flat out thriller. John Goodman was awesome as was Michael Parks. This was Kevin Smith probably at his finest. His writing was gritty, it was dramatic and it was sure as hell intense. Smith is a master film maker, doing things with Red State many other directors would shy away from.
Rated 29 Oct 2011
Unfortunately I didn't care for the teens one bit - the cult and the ATF were far more interesting and exciting. Smith spends a lot of time preaching about a subject that literally almost everyone agrees about - so why include it? Certainly doesn't feel like a Kevin Smith film at all, but it's not the best it could be. He does manage to get great performances from most of the cast, Parks and Goodman especially.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
It was a blown away story. The directing and acting were top notch, though there was a couple of parts a bit too long. Along side of big names (like Michael Parks) I liked the part of Melissa Leo and the nose inhaling by Kerry Bishé.
Rated 28 Oct 2011
I'm livid. This shit wasn't horror, a thriller or a comedy. It was just shit. Picking on the gay-bashers? What a risky choice! Incompetent direction consisting of overdrawn scenes, more shaky cam than Cloverfield and a ridiculous ending that seemingly, poorly apes the genius of Burn After Reading? Such a waste! Such a cast! Kevin, I still love Clerks 2, but ya blew it, pal.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Kevin Smith keep making comedies because horror is not for you.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
i was just freaked out because skyler white was in it.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
A group of horny teens get captured by a congregation of psychotic fundamentalist Christians, who are subsequently raided by the ATF. The script lurches awkwardly through a couple of weird tonal shifts, but there's good suspense and gory action, and Michael Parks is just so fucking great that you don't care.


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