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Red Notice
Red Notice
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Red Notice

Red Notice

Comedy, Action
1h 58m
An Interpol agent tracks the world's most wanted art thief. (imdb)

Red Notice

Comedy, Action
1h 58m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 27.25% from 819 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 13 Nov 2021
For the past decade I’ve been too concerned about movies being enough intellectually challenging. I entirely forgot the formula is meant to entertain. This movie throughout does. Doesn’t hurt that the leading trio consists of my favorite and charismatic actors.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Wise cracking dialogue is so much more effective when it is done sparsely; here we see it used in every line, by all protagonists, in all situations and it is just ridiculous and boring. But, boy, did the script writer think he was funny!.. I hate to burst his juvenile comedic bubble. As a film, just everything was telegraphed a mile away. The Rock is in Nolans House! the Bishop follows them to Argentina! The car is bulletproof? that will come in useful for the chase scene then! Yawn
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Ryans Jokes were great. The Rest is a typical Rock Movie not my Cup of Tea
Rated 12 Nov 2021
I know, it's fucking dumb. But I guess I wouldn't be having fun if Red Notice wasn't so stupid. The chemistry between Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson and Gal Gadot is very good. Thanks to them, there were many scenes where I laughed. And that's what the movie is all about.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
The concept isn't hard to discern: a fantasy comedy in which Johnson and Reynolds reprise their characters and relationship from HOBBS & SHAW (the repartee is practically identical), adding to the mix Gadot's sexy eyes and known ability to wink. The result has a few chuckles and amusing fisticuffs, and it works about half the time. Also: the premise is noticeably similar to ARMY OF THIEVES.
Rated 19 Jan 2022
Stupid popcorn entertainment, which worked surprisingly well for me.
Rated 26 Nov 2021
I went into Red Notice with low expectations and I'm certain that aided my enjoyment of the film. Reynolds doesn't stray from his quick-talking schtick that is almost indistinguishable from any of his performances in the last 5 years. At least he has decent chemistry with Johnson. The only worthwhile performance is Diamantopoulos. Despite the lazy writing, the coalition of one-note characters comes together in a somewhat entertaining film, that delivers a decent action-comedy with a few laughs.
Rated 20 Nov 2021
Rock & Reynolds is a solid tag team, and like a middle-of-the-road pro-wrestling match, Red Notice is predictable, but slightly satisfying in how it sticks to gimmicks and tropes faithfully: all things in their place, as they should be. Good action in places, amusing in places; not cinematic art. Designed to be consumed easily by lobotomised "users" while they eat Uber Eats and swipe through Tinder, snoozing Siri's 127th reminder to cancel that unused gym membership. All things in their place.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
I wake up, check my twitter feed, and my eyes open wide with "Red Notice records the biggest opening day in Netflix history." WTF? So the world's population's message to Netflix is, "Please, give us more of these lazy movies where the leads play the same character for the umptieth time"? For real? And some people say "It's meant to entertain so it's fine"? Everything has become a remix of a remix of remix, and it's fine? No wonder NFLX keeps churning out these lacklusters without missing a beat.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
There were some funny moments, but mostly I yearned for more chemistry between Reynolds and Johnson, much less Gadot/Johnson. The spy action was a waste of time and the gunfights/car chases were total fillers without regard for the value of the treasure. At the end of the day, why is Interpol using deadly force to stop a jewel thief? Suffers from tropey bad guys teleporting in after good guys spend time unlocking doors. Fav scene: Gadot in her red dress and that final swimsuit.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
My expectations might have been particularly low, but I got way more than I expected from this. The action is subpar and it really isn't even that funny, but for some reason I enjoyed myself for most of the run time. Sometimes it's good to have a movie to turn off your brain and watch.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Stupidly good fun, don't even have to pay attention to the bland story, just enjoy Reynolds and Gadot.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
It's nothing new. Seriously nothing new, it's scene from so many mid 2000s action and heist movies with a bit of Indiana Jones in it too. It's the Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard but with treasure thieving instead, and less gunfights. The actors are pretty much playing themselves, with some changes in the power balance or skillsets. But I signed up for that when I pressed the play button and got just that so it's fine by me.
Rated 22 May 2022
So in the opening there is a chase where Reynolds is escaping up scaffolding and it seemed like they were trying to creatively use the scaffolding in a Jackie Chan-esque way. First, Reynolds (not really his fault) lacked the enthralling flow of how Jackie Chan moves. But second, I wonder why no fight choreographer has really made a living by replicating what he did. There has to be creative fight minds and nimble stunt men $200mil could buy that could come close right? Guess not. Ok movie tho
Rated 24 Jan 2022
"Red Notice" is a perfectly competent, perfectly bland caper without the complexity or depth that make the best heist movies tick. The Rock and Reynolds are two of my favorites, but they're not bringing anything to the show here that either hasn't done a dozen times before, yet together they just don't have much magic. There's not a lot complain about here, but I won't be seeing it again any time soon.
Rated 26 Nov 2021
"Red Notice" is a lighthearted buddy film with Reynolds and Johnson playing to their typecasting. It's watchable with a couple of laughs but forgettable.
Rated 22 Nov 2021
Lowest common denominator stuff with absolutely cavernous plot holes. Dwayne does Dwayne-y stuff, Ryan does Ryan-y stuff and Gal struggles to keep up. It’s not without some minor charms, and all three of the leads are watchable for differing reasons. Mind boggling that this cost $200m.
Rated 20 Nov 2021
Once again it is proven that Miss Gal Gadot is not an actress; even her eyelashes lack talent and yet she is in a movie. That is the funniest thing about the movie.
Rated 18 Nov 2021
Almost (and I stress Almost) endearingly american piece of entertainment, that between the lowest common denominator plot, detached performances and weirdly fake looking aesthetics ends up feeling like an expensive Las Vegas reenactment of a much more suave and sophisticated caper.
Rated 16 Nov 2021
For the most part this is fun, despite or perhaps because of the flimsy storyline. I like Reynolds regardless of the role he plays, but in particular when he is given the freedom to just be a wise-ass as he is in this film. The Rock is serviceable as Reynolds' butch frenemy, but Gal Gadot does not do much for me as the unstoppable seductress. Chris Diamantopoulos as Sotto Voce is a completely ridiculous character, in particular his voice, but that's what you want in a villain.
Rated 16 Nov 2021
Placing Johnson in the characterless role of foil for Reynolds’ irritating and unfunny schtick sucks away every ounce of his natural charisma, but when the rest of the film is just as bland and uncanny, it hardly even seems a remarkable feat. Someone on twitter said this movie feels written by an algorithm, and more than anything else that explains it: only complicated maths could produce such an uninteresting result from the equation on the tin.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
I enjoyed this much more than I'm apparently allowed to based on a lot of the reviews. It's nothing ground breaking - or even great - but it's a fun couple hours of 'shut your brain off' action.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
This is a fairly OTT fast paced action adventure romp that relies heavily on the charisma of it's three leads as its selling point, and for the most part it works. Reynolds and Johnson play much the same characters they've been playing in every other movie in recent years so you know if their banter is going to work for you or not, but Gadot in particular is having such a good time throughout it's difficult not to go along for the ride.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
Red Notice? More like Red Noticeable Stunt Doubles, amirite? Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds are buff dudes, but they are also getting old and somehow I kept spotting their stunt doubles despite the heavy use of CGI. Not even good CGI. Some of those backgrounds were atrocious. The plot was also razor thin. The opening chase was fun, but with the subsequent heist of each subsequent egg, the movie got less and less interesting.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Never aiming for realism - Gadot at one point in a fight flings Dwayne Johnson over her shoulder like a sack of sexy, sweaty potatoes - it aims for pure entertainment, but (as Reynolds quips at one point) maybe we should look for a box labeled MacGuffin. The artiface even in a film like this is unbearably distracting: it eventually comes off like the Bond, Indy, and The Emperor’s New Groove fluffy algorithm smoothie that it is, absent any of the Rock’s protein powder.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
Entertaining but with this cast it should be a hell of a lot better. The material isn't deserving of this cast, a cast that couldn't be more charming if they tried. I'll just say it, I thirst for Gadot (who was so good here) and even though I'm straight, I'd let the Rock do me in the bum because he's the Rock. Reynolds is of course great as well, and the dynamic between the three of them is fantastic. I didn't laugh or have as much fun as I should have, though.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
It's Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds so you know exactly what movie you're going to get.
Rated 21 Sep 2024
I really enjoyed this. I think this is a pretty good adventure story with plenty of twists and turns, and all of the actors here do a fantastic job in their roles. My one complaint would be that The Rock's character comes across as unlikeable for a large portion of the movie, but by the end, I understood and appreciated what they were doing with his character. I look forward to the planned sequels.
Rated 18 Feb 2024
ger; [red notice]; ein spezialagent und profiler soll einen meisterdieb fassen denn dieser will drei goldene eier stehlen - doch ein anderer dieb namens läufer funkt ihm dazwischen.;
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Hırsız-polis, kaçma kovalama, aksiyon, hapishaneden kaçış, naziler, korunaklı odaya girmek, kimin eli kimin cebinde?
Rated 10 Dec 2023
Not quite sure why the brickbats were out for this formulaic but easygoing buddy film - Reynolds and Johnson are in fine comedic form and seem to have a good time bickering with each other, and the glossy (apparent) globe hopping makes for a varied and colourful Bond-ish tone, only losing some of its momentum in an overly protracted third act (and the boys are not really presented with much of a villian in Diamantopoulos). Easy to take, and just as easily forgettable, but a pleasant diversion.
Rated 21 May 2023
Temposu yüksek, aksiyon sahneleri başarılı başka bir özelliği de pek yok mantık hatalarını da es geçersek hiç sıkılmadan keyifle izleniyor.
Rated 07 Apr 2023
Really wasn't expecting much, but this was more fun than I'd hoped.
Rated 13 Jan 2023
Divertissement moyen, appréciation des acteurs : The Rock sobre et efficace. Gal Gadot fait son numéro de Diana Prince et Ryan Reynolds est irrésistible comme toujours dans le rôle de l'espion sexy un peu simplet. L'intrigue ressemble à un Indiana Jones et les rares scènes d'action sont tout juste potables. On ne s'ennuie pas mais je ne le regarderai jamais une deuxième fois.
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Worse than I expected. Very cringe in several areas. I like all 3 leads, so disappointed even for a silly popcorn flick. Not here for the plot, but was just too stupid to enjoy. 4.2
Rated 24 Sep 2022
It's fine...but with the talent involved it is pretty disappointing. What should really be an exciting action/comedy just feels very by the numbers, and tries to through in surprise twists to spice things up but ends up feeling a little "eye-rolly".
Rated 05 Apr 2022
At least this doesn't even try to hide how stupidly self-aware, silly and derivative it is -- even then, everything is too try hard to make anyone care about anything going on here. Some bromance jokes land, but nothing else works, Gal Gadot just can't act and we have two more of these coming in the next few years.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
#22#, exp3, rw2, popcorn, story, cast.
Rated 26 Mar 2022
Rated 10 Mar 2022
Klişe ötesi hikâye ve diyaloglar görmezden gelinemese de eğlenceli Dwayne Johnson ve Ryan Reynolds kimyası bazen utanç verici olsa da çoğu zaman yüzlerde bir gülümseme oluşturabiliyor.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Original Streaming Content: The Movie
Rated 21 Feb 2022
It was very OTT and simple, but Gadot made it shine and funny. It was an easy entertaining movie.
Rated 08 Feb 2022
As far as Hollywood action movies go....this is one
Rated 06 Feb 2022
Just another atrocious action-comedy which brings nothing new to the table.
Rated 30 Jan 2022
1895: funny and unrealistic Action!
Rated 18 Jan 2022
There is such a thing as too much "witty" dialog. It's an OK heist movie when Reynolds isn't being horrible to the Rock.
Rated 17 Jan 2022
Here we have a run-of-the-mill Hollywood macro if you will. Generic? Check. Stale? Check. Undeveloped and often nonsensical characters? Check. Slapdash looking set? Check. An overall overcooked goofy shtick/plot to the film? Check. And so on. I tell ya these mass-produced, mediocre action/comedy/egomania/fantasy films are a plague.
Rated 16 Jan 2022
Ryan Reynolds not taking anything seriously fits this movie spot-on. A turd, but an occasionally entertaining turd.
Rated 15 Jan 2022
I mean, it's kinda fun and entertaining. But it just feels so empty. A bunch of common tropes, actors acting themselves and a ridiculous ending (although it's probably better to have it end that way). But I must say the cinematography was surprisingly well done and some of the locations were gorgeous.
Rated 09 Jan 2022
So annoying, particularly Ryan Reynolds' character.
Rated 08 Jan 2022
james bond ile indiana jones arası hareketli bir film.
Rated 07 Jan 2022
Egg hunt
Rated 06 Jan 2022
While its not a bad film, I found myself able to predict every big moment just before it happened. When that begins to occur it really doesn't matter who is performing and at what level it takes you out of the film. It's serviceable but nothing overly special in terms of style, plot or action. All it did was assemble the three most recognizable stars in the world and figured that would be enough to captivate audiences for nearly 2 hours.
Rated 26 Dec 2021
Very enjoyable action comedy
Rated 06 Dec 2021
Rated 03 Dec 2021
It's a throwback to the old days of Hollywood. Not in turns of being a classic, with memorable dialogue or anything like that. More the side that threw it's big money stars into any old film and let their natural charm style it out. It could work back in the day and sort of works here, if you like Reynolds, Johnson and Gadot. The plot? Heist! Cons! Action! Stuff! Well I'm not putting more effort in than they did. A film put together by accountants.
Rated 01 Dec 2021
Entertaining throughout, though it has one or two too many fight scenes.
Rated 01 Dec 2021
After first Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise produced the second film and turned it into his personal pornography. Now Ryan Reynolds has done the same. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP MAN!! Also i like dwayne jonson but in this film he was a completely obscure and support character, not even funny. And i know we're not going to miss ryan reynolds for a while.
Rated 01 Dec 2021
That was... terrible.
Rated 27 Nov 2021
With every 20 minutes it's dropping a tier.
Rated 25 Nov 2021
Some of the stuff that -really- annoyed me throughout the film did sort of make sense by the end, but by then, I'd already had a not-super-entertaining time. Hard no on giving it a rewatch and hard whyyyyy on it becoming a full-on franchise.
Rated 21 Nov 2021
2021'de #IzlediğimFilmler : 314. Red Notice (2021) Böylesi 3 inanılmaz aktörü görünce ister istemez beklentileriniz çok yükseliyor, ama maalesef film çok sıkıcı olmuş. Kamera arkası görüntülerinin filmden daha eğlenceli olacağına eminim.
Rated 21 Nov 2021
Fully digestible completely forgettable. More than anything this feels like a live-action Lupin III movie.
Rated 21 Nov 2021
Does exactly what you expect from the poster: three charismatic stars bantering, smouldering and variously getting into and out of trouble for ~110 mins. DJ could have been afforded his character cutting lose a little, but I did enjoy his straight man to Reynolds' goofy wiseass schtick. Just a slick, well-paced and fun heist film that isn't taking itself too seriously and neither should you. If you don't like the leads or the formula then you really only have yourself to blame for watching..
Rated 20 Nov 2021
There isn't a lot of things that are new or ground breaking in this movie. However the charm of the 3 leads makes the movie watchable. The script does have some absurd and unbelievable moments. Overall I would recommend this for some mindless fun.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
Ryan reynolds boş bir duvara bakıp iki saat konuşsaydı daha ilginç bir film olurdu.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
If you do a remix of previous Dwayne Johnson & Ryan Reynolds films and invite a Amazon woman, this is what you get. An incoherent fun mess.
Rated 18 Nov 2021
Reynolds in the same char for the 157th time. Enough with it.
Rated 18 Nov 2021
It's fluff. A vessel for the charm and charisma of the actors, who totally carried it. I'll agree that it's nothing new from The Rock or Ryan Reynolds, but hey, it doesn't have to be. Tried-and-true is totally fine by me. It's fun, and it's a lil bit twisty here and there, which I liked as well. All I expected was to have a good time, and I did. :)
Rated 17 Nov 2021
Why is this
Rated 17 Nov 2021
Pretty average movie overall, but the chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson is pretty good, and Gal Gadot is very lovely and charismatic. There were a couple of moments that made me crack up. All in all, quite entertaining
Rated 17 Nov 2021
Pretty entertaining and funny action adventure, albeit being very formulaic. Red Notice has many unexpected twists and turns, but it's a bit too long. I liked the international aspect of the movie. Ryan Reynolds is always a treat; Gal Gadot with her constant dear-in-headlights look – not so much.
Rated 16 Nov 2021
Well, look at the cast and you can guess what to expect. A fun, not at all serious action film with nu surprises and some good drone shots (what else would you expect from Thurber?). Don’t expect too much and you’ll have an amazing time.
Rated 16 Nov 2021
I really like Reynolds, but overal this was just a new and maybe slightly funnier version of national treasure.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
A couples chuckles but mainly meh more than most.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Not so bad at all. Good cast. The plot twists are a bit meh.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
It's getting really hard to distinguish Ryan Reynolds' movies, or Dwayne Johnson's for that matter. But it's light and some moments made me laugh (probably not the intended by the writer places).
Rated 12 Nov 2021
Leaves me with the strange feeling that half the movie was missing. It was a nice half movie though, funny and fast paced, pretty much what was expected from the trailer.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
I'm all for it. Give me the fun.


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