Recursos Humanos
Recursos Humanos
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Recursos Humanos

Recursos Humanos

Comedy, Drama
1h 32m
An adaptation of “Recursos Humanos”. Gabriel Lynch (Pedro de Tavira), a somber supervisor of the printing division has just applied for the manager’s position, but his dreams will be dashed when the position he thought was his is stolen by Constantino (Giuseppe Gamba) - a junior whose only Grace, it’s being the son of someone important within the company. From this moment on, Gabriel will stop being just another office worker, to carry out a revenge that will change everyone’s destiny forever.

Recursos Humanos

Comedy, Drama
1h 32m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 28.56% from 1 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 13 Mar 2024
Protagonista edgy que se cree que está en Fleabag, un mensaje anti-capital sacado de tumblr, mucha heterosexualidad, las mujeres tienen roles totalmente unidimensionales (los hombres no se quedan muy detrás), un guión desastroso. Lo que les reconozco es que la fotografía está bien. Pero en fin, que no les dió el piné, básicamente.


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