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Sci-fi, Action
2h 4m
A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race. (imdb)


Sci-fi, Action
2h 4m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 44.07% from 7826 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 06 Jun 2012
A movie industry professional once told me that some bad movies have great scripts, but it's never the other way around. 'Prometheus' comes awfully close to being an exception to the latter. The first two acts are impressively handled, but in the end Sir Scott's visual flair is defeated by a script from the 'Cowboys and Aliens' dude. Instead of horror it reaches for hard sci-fi, but leaves only simple questions like: Huh? Why was anyone doing what they were doing? And what did it matter, anyway?
Rated 01 Jun 2012
What a disappointment. The biggest flaw in Prometheus is one of Alien's greatest achievements. Alien is a movie about humans being human. Everyone reacts to the events in a thoroughly natural and believable way. In Prometheus I have no idea why anyone did anything or why they reacted in such ways. If you want the biggest example of this compare how Vickers and Ripley handle their respective quarantine arguments and how the crew do or don't respond.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
Nice first five minutes. Then stale ideas, weak dialogue, unconvincing characters and unexplained plot elements slowly take over, until these too are swept away by a good old-fashioned monster parade. Nevertheless, there is quite a lot of historico-mythological resonance wrapped around the pseudo-scientific cosmic speculation, for those who enjoy ruminating over the clues, and some pleasant imagery wrapped around the undeniable narrative and dialogue problems. More than anything: needed a cat.
Rated 31 May 2012
Right off the bat: Alien this is not, and there are more than a few problems throughout, most notably script related, such as weak dialogue, terrible pseudo-science, plot-holes, and an abundance of underdeveloped characters who seem totally unimpressed with what's going on. That being said: As a big scaled Sci-Fi adventure Prometheus is deliciously bleak, beautifully shot and delivers on quite a few well-conceived ideas (as well as one brilliant DIY scene). A disappointment but a gorgeous one.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
I'll admit that the plot is more than a bit of a mess. Motivations, character and story developments, etc. are often rushed and even arbitrary, and there are a few fairly sizable holes. But on a thematic and visual level? This movie kills it. It's thoughtful and it has the balls to follow through on some very interesting, very wild ideas. It does a great job of upholding Alien's commitment to exploring notions of religion, sex/rape, birth and scientific discovery. As a fanboy, I'm very happy.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
The link to Alien seems like a shameful marketing ploy on Scott's part to make people watch his shitty movie. I waited and waited for something interesting that relates to the original movie, only for it to end by him taking a massive shit on the franchise he created. The rest of the film sucks too. Pseudo-intellectual bullshit with a terrible screenplay and acting (bar Fassbender) with heaps of wasted potential.
Rated 21 Mar 2014
This is the worst prequel to Predator imaginable. No Arnold, no Glover, no invisibility, no dreadlocks. No mention of the Predator at all! What were they possibly thinking???
Rated 17 Jun 2012
The biggest letdown of the year for me... It started so promising, with references to LeGuin, Lem and "2001" and a wonderful "rustic" sci-fi feel. But then it became literally "Alien , Regurgitated" and suddenly all kind of irrational things began to dominate the movie (such as saying "Hey, kitty kitty" to an alien snake). How can an expedition to meet an alien species can be so unprepared for such an encounter? Fassbender's acting and the design of the ship were the elements that shone.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
Prometheus tries to cover a lot of ground in regard to our place in the universe and existential disappointment, but doesn't connect this to characters we can care about or a plot that goes anywhere - besides an extended tie-in to another sci fi franchise. Fassbender is once again the highlight but everyone else left me indifferent or was actively hateable. Also smacked a bit too much of Scott yelling LOOK AT ME I AM STILL SHOCKING.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
Prometheus is a frustrating film. It has a lot of really fascinating, profound questions, but rather than answering them it just responds with more questions. It's a big idea picture, but it misses on carrying out those ideas, and in hunting for these big answers it falters on the little things that make a story tick, like characters and pacing. It's wonderfully shot and acted, but the script's inability to focus and fulfill on the promise of it's ideas holds it back.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
Well, Prometheus was a promising project that was supposed to reveal most questions that were left enigma after the first encounter with the Alien. So, visually it is fantastic and here Scott recouped what he missed back in 1979. Plus Fassbender's character is haunting. But the rest, oh God, why? Why was it so difficult to polish audaciously raw script and develop weak characters. WHY was a simple logic unkept that failed to coincide with the first movie?
Rated 09 Jun 2012
I don't see a reason to point a finger at Scott, he's a competent filmmaker and delivers what's undoubtedly a technically outstanding film. Lindelof's script is the real killjoy, leaving you with a bunch of questions about the characters' motivations and Alien mythology that shouldn't have been raised in the first place, ultimately ruining the original's appeal. Fifield's words: "I'm here to make money" prove fatefully relevant in the end.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Scott's best movie in years, which sadly isn't saying much. As a horror/thriller it works, despite some odd pacing and editing, and Rapace and Fassbender are great. But Scott also wants to make a new 2001 and doesn't know how; the bits that aren't borrowed from Alien turn into a confused, inconsistent mess of von Däniken's ancient astronauts and "science can't explain!" twaddle that makes me imagine a South Park-style "THIS IS WHAT RIDLEY SCOTT ACTUALLY BELIEVES" subtitle for half the movie.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
Scott's first venture into sci-fi for 30 years is undoubtedly going to be picked apart as much as possible, but it left me happy! Admitedly as a sci-fi nut, I'm predisposed to like this & there are plenty of issues here (clunky script, messy ploting, too many characters, big questions/small answers!), but it just totally entertained me! "Prometheus" just looks & sounds great, & Rapace & Fassbender are epic. I look forward to a directors cut & a monster of a sequel, if the two leads are kept on.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
Some credit for scope I guess, but the film was pretty much a disaster relative to potential. Every single "twist" was predictable. The screenplay was just nowhere near good enough to justify this being made into a film, let alone Ridley Scott taking the helm.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Doesn't deliver on its premise or set up. By the end of the film, you just feel like something much more should have happened or the questions should have been more impactful. A lot of potential but hardly utilised. Fassbender the obvious highlight.
Rated 31 May 2012
What? The guy with Alien and Blade Runner now makes THIS? I guess it's called PROmetheus, just because it's a PRO-creationist PROpaganda, that anyone with a background of 2-3 average sci-fi books will find unbearable to watch. The characters (straight-out from Lost, as one can expect given the screenwriter) are doing nothing but talk how important questions their mission will address. At the end of the day we get Daniken-like nonsense at its worse. Even the beauty can't save this horrific mess.
Rated 21 Jun 2012
In some ways, this movie is actually repulsive. The stupidity of the crew is incredibly bothersome to me. How scientists/explorers could be so ignorant and idiotic is beyond me. If, at the very least, the majority of the crew were rational beings, capable of rational thought and responded to situations rationally, this movie would be infinitely better. A crew the viewers could actually root for would solve most of the major flaws imo.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
Most of those points are for the movie being an absolute visual feast. It's GORGEOUS, top to bottom, start to finish. We're lucky to see two or three movies a year that look this good. If the painterly side of filmmaking interests you, see this on the biggest screen in town. The plot, the script, and characters, on the other hand... more problematic. It's fitting that this was written by Damon Lindelof, because the enticing-yet-scattershot mythology and "That's it?" ending are pure Lost.
Rated 14 Jul 2012
If you don't want the critics to gangfuck your movie, perhaps you shouldn't put so many holes in it.
Rated 08 Jun 2012
For people willing to look at it on its own merits as a sci-fi horror film, it's hard not to be impressed at times, even if the story is baffling and silly. There's a, uh, let's just call it the "do it yourself" sequence, and it alone made the entire movie worth watching. Michael Fassbender is also a highlight. That's about as much praise as I can give it, though.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
As with most of Scott's films, the production values are top notch eye candy; it's a shame the rest of the film can't live up to his impressive vision and scope. Alien is just as mysterious and tense as Prometheus, but unlike its prequel, Alien had a contained story focused entirely on survival. Prometheus is all about answers, answers, answers, and it has none. Truth is I was enjoying the film until it went absolutely nowhere. Worth a look, but this needed much more going for it.
Rated 30 May 2012
Expectations cranked to max (I blame the teaser), this was a near-fatal disappointment. The messy script, which doesn't begin to deliver upon its own promise, proved unforgivably inane. On a scene-to-scene basis, the attempts at giving characters depth and the lines they speak are the most shocking elements. And we're talking some real cringers. It does (of course) look good, but Rapace is miscast, the tension lacking, and the cool moments few. Most credit goes to a motherfucking bad-ass Theron.
Rated 07 Jun 2012
In terms of sound and visuals it's awesome; in terms of plot and characters it's practically a remake of Alien, but a little less polished and subtle in every regard. Some of the re-imagining of that masterpiece undoubtedly improves on the formula, but you can't help but feel like you've seen a better thought out version of the same story before. I enjoyed the film quite a bit, but there was potential for much more.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
The first half was promising, then it turned into a mediocre scare fest. Script isn't up to par and the acting (except from Fassbender) overall wasn't all that impressive. Missed chance for sure. Barely 'decent'.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
Despite its many evident flaws (as others have already pointed out), Prometheus succeeds in the many things it gets right: the striking visual grandeur, the elaborately crafted set pieces, the teasing existential questions it raises, and the slow burn of contained suspense and claustrophobic atmosphere that match its philosophical tone. Sure it isn't deep and it could never have lived up to impossibly high expectations. But taken at its own merits, it's one damn fine, highly entertaining film.
Rated 05 Oct 2012
Rather repulsive to anyone educated. We have a perfectly proved theory for the beginnings of our species. Building a haphazard and dragging sci-fi, full with false profundity, around supposedly posing that already-answered question, was just irritating. The veneer (audio visual) was pretty nice, but beneath that was just stupidity. Full of tacky horror tropes too, although it does set-up the resilience of Shaw quite effectively.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Only formally a prequel to Alien, Prometheus is essentially a retread of the same aesthetics and the same themes of body horror and existential dread but in a story that places them front and center as opposed to being the subtext of an otherwise by-the-book slasher movie. It's more in the style of 2001, or At the Mountains of Madness, but not necessarily better for it. It is briskly paced for its length and occasionally very tense, but the characters are just too sketchy for this kind of movie.
Rated 22 Apr 2016
Confusing and somewhat underwhelming, but has enough cool stuff in it to merit a recommendation if you're a die-hard Alien/Ridley/sci-fi fan.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
Ridley Scott's expedition into Alien-mythology and life's existential questions was bound to be a tricky maneuvering act, but no one could've foreseen a detour of this magnitude. It avoids everythings it wants to explore, and the story screams for characters that care and wants to be cared about.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
A horrible story in a beautiful wrapping...
Rated 31 May 2012
I was baffled with this movie. It managed to astound me as an amazing sci-fi epic but also managed to crush my expectations in one fell swoop as it ended. The whole thing seemed so lazy in its attempt to pose big questions and then Scott shoehorned in the creation of the Alien just at the end. It was ridiculously messy for a Ridley Scott film also; I am a sci-fi nerd at heart and the visuals blew me away but the film itself was a rather big let-down. I'll stick to Blade Runner and Alien.
Rated 19 May 2017
Director Ridley Scott with much anticipation, returned to the intriguing universe first seen in his classic sci-fi/horror film "Alien"(1979). Unfortunately, most fans were frustrated with this prequel/spin-off film that uses the mysterious origin of the "xenomorphs" to lure fans into a two hour episode of "Ancient Aliens". Despite the attempts at exploring larger themes about the origins of life and belief, the weak script and dumb characters crumble under the lofty weight of those ideas.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
The visuals are gorgeous, and Fassbender is incredible as usual, but that's about where the good stops. The script is incredibly poor, with some of the worst characterisation I've ever seen, and too many dumb scenes that happen for no reason and have no bearing on anything. The answers to the Alien mysteries are incredibly underwhelming and do nothing but devalue that movie. The cast are alright but they're given nothing to do. Nothing but a shameful attempt to go back to the well....FATHER.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
I take issue with a lot here but first things first - the Alien formula (which this generally follows, esp. later on) was never really about the hard sci-fi that this so desperately attempts to attain. The mix is off-putting in an already problematic film doused with incoherent plot points and one of the worst examples of senseless, thinly written characters. Had ambitions not been so high, I might have been more forgiving.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
The technical achievement of Prometheus lifts this film to a watchable status, but the hack-job story and nonsensical Alien tie-ins almost choke it to death. Any connection to the Alien franchise almost lessens the entire series, but removing those strands makes the stakes painfully uninteresting. Come for the Alien buzz, stay for the costume design, art direction and production design. Just try not to let Spaihts and Lindeloff smother you to death in the process.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
I really liked this. I didn't go into Prometheus with expectations through the roof, so maybe that's why I managed to enjoy it so thoroughly? It isn't Alien, and I don't really think it's trying to be. The screenwriters certainly left a lot to be desired, but Scott manages to work with it and create a visual feast studded with plenty of memorable, intense sequences. The characters aren't particularly strong, due to the weak script, but most are well acted with Fassbender giving his best yet.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
Seems like a lot of people are annoyed because the actions of the aliens and their magic goo don't really make sense - but that's the point. It's beyond us. God's will is His own, the Christians (like Shaw) say, and I think part of what this film is exploring is how difficult a concept that is to accept ESPECIALLY for a worshipper. We have left the bonds of earth too early in this film. The Alien is our cosmic punishment, the eagle chewing up our liver. A Rosetta Stone for Scott.
Rated 21 Jun 2012
Ridley Scott gets points for being ambitious, but Prometheus is undeniably flawed. Enough plot holes to park a fleet of Eldorados; artistic design which has been praised, but that I found bland and trying just a bit too hard to "do a Giger"; and, ironically, having the android be the only character which is not tissue-thin. What we have here is a film that can't decide whether it wants to be sci-fi or horror. While Alien managed to be both, Prometheus manages to be neither.
Rated 27 Sep 2012
There's a really cool movie buried beneath an impressively large heap of Bad Ideas (and dead Engineers). Atmosphere and visuals were top-notch, and the first 30 minutes I was enjoying the ride. But ye gods, how can you not become infuriated at the maddening decisions and lack of interest from every character? As more elements are added to the plot (and sometimes forgotten quickly after) the whole thing starts to collapse in on itself. Painfully disappointing.
Rated 08 Jun 2012
Neither one thing or the other. It brings up interesting questions to make up for the lack of development - the only reason it wants to inspire debate is so that Damon Lindelof doesn't have to do ALL the work on a sequel. Pretty to look at, but fails completely when you actually discuss it, like the film makers wanted you to. Why does such and such happen? No reason - that's just what they wrote down - there is NO hidden agenda. There is NO bi g plan. Repeat viewings just highlight the fl
Rated 03 Jun 2012
The stunning beauty of the opening scene is, unfortunately, the most appealing part of this film. While a well developed prequel is always interesting, this one just lacks in almost every department - descending into horrible clichés at the end. It's a good watch though, but just not living up to its full potential.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
Seems intent on expounding on the alien mythology way more than it needs to. Some things are better left as a subtle mystery. Scott hasn't lost his aesthetic weirdness when it comes to sci-fi. There are some cringeworthy gross scenes that will elicit similar reactions as with the original alien. One "operation" in particular was darkly amusing. The editing is disjointed though, it seems like significant scenes are missing. Much has been said about Fassbender and it's totally deserved.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
This is probably the most expensive B-movie made so far. And not half as much fun. Beautiful visually, but more preachy than a Sunday sermon. Didn't expect to be this disappointed. Comparing it to 'Alien' would be a joke. At least Michael Fassbender makes a handsome, well-spoken robot.
Rated 16 Sep 2012
It's ok, but feels like the ideas are held back by the execution. Despite some good performances there's no real sense of these characters being anything other than templates for the narrative. A lot of it feels predictable and contrived and not very satisfying, narratively or thematically.
Rated 30 May 2012
I must admit that the special effects and overall scale of the film, and the 3D presentation is epic. But for crying out loud the plot is thin as paper and the writing is very very bad. None of the characters are acting in a logical way. There is no explainable motivations behind their actions and the story behind the alien race contradicts itself. After watching the movie, now two times. I have a feeling it's just a collection of cool ideas put together without any logic to link them.
Rated 30 Jun 2012
I think the comparison to the original Alien is a strange one, since this tries desperately to not be a horror movie - at least not in the expected sense, as the first is a completely visceral affair, and this film really hopes to be a cerebral one. And once you adjust to its wavelength, where it all seems "off", with characters reacting to broad strokes questions (Daddy issues, God issues, Death issues) over 'tinier' ones (ah, those facehuggers), most of it is dreadfully well-constructed.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
It's elegant, sleek, highly relying on atmosphere and thrilling. The BIG scene is just as good as anything ever done in the body horror genre. A tremendous movie-going experience.
Rated 19 Jul 2019
Finding our creator is a compelling enough hook for the first 3rd, as we're introduced to a motley crew that seems to have primarily been chosen for their ability to create conflict & stupidly touch things they shouldn't. Then it seems to become just another variation on the original w/ an existential discussion tacked on. But the last third is riveting as plotholes are filled, an alien's birthed in a way to rival the original, & humanity's origins are far worse than anyone's likely to expect.
Rated 21 Jun 2012
Wonderful sci fi adventure in deep space, highlighted by Fassbender's awesome turn as a humanoid robot with a hidden agenda. Sure there's a plot glitch or two, but it's great to see some science fiction that never loses its sense of wonder and isn't afraid to ask (and answer) lots of Big Questions. The 3D in this flick is actually worthwhile, making all the high tech holographic projections come to life. The clever tie-in to the Aliens franchise makes a nice bonus.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
A visual feast, featuring Giger's last film work before his death in all its glory. And the central theme of ancient astronauts is a good addition to a scifi story - regardless of any scientific validity, it's a fascinating idea, forcing us to ask deep questions about ourselves. The problem comes when this juicy central theme is wrapped in poorly written characters, with one (Fassbender's David) feeling like he just walked in from a better film. A diamond buried beneath a pile of coal.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
An entertaining and ambitious sci-fi lark. The dialogue was weak, characters' motivation was frequently a mystery and there were some issues with pacing and editing. Nonetheless, the effects were great, there were some tense and horrifying moments, and the performances were solid, Fassbender in particular. The lack of resolution to many of the questions posed was equally frustrating and intriguing. The end result maybe doesn't do the ambitious premise justice, but this is recommended viewing.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Prometheus feels like two movies, one a prequel to Alien, the other an exploration of "why are we here, who made us" themes that has been awkwardly mashed together into one movie. Important moments are never given time to breathe, reducing their impact, and are often barely even mentioned afterwards. This makes the grandiose themes seem small and ultimately uninteresting. There are some good performaces, notable Fassbender, and nice visuals, but poor characters and weak story bring the film down
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Unfortunately, Prometheus wants to be Alien and Blade runner at the same time and ends up being something in between in a not too good way. I would be interested to see a directors cut as it felt as if many scenes were cut from the film.
Rated 13 Oct 2016
Oddly enough feels like an Alien Prequel made by people who didn't have the rights to Alien. If this is a prequel why do they have better technology and spacesuits? The things from Alien that it explains didn't need explaining and almost ruins the mystique a bit. There are some pretty good moments but also some of the worst lines of dialogue I've heard in quite some time. Characters tend to say exactly what is happening out loud. The plot generally doesn't make much sense.
Rated 31 May 2012
Falls short of being a masterpiece, mainly due to a fairly lacking storyline that doesn't exploit its premise to the maximum. Lots of interesting and intense scenes fail to fully add up to a coherent whole. Scott knows how to shoot a sci fi picture & Fassbender makes a great robot.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
Even if the screenplay is messy, the performances and visuals in this movie are flawless. There were some nice touches of horror as well. Fassbender and Rapace were fantastic in their performances (but that was expected, both are great actors).
Rated 10 Jun 2012
Has its problems, but at least this director allows the viewer to see clearly what is going on, compared to so many science fiction type movies that conceal everything in darkness and through rapid-fire editing.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
If there is a 6-hour cut somewhere--and there probably is, considering it's Scott--please let me watch it because I feel like I've been duped. Scott made a half-finished film. Oh, and the writing everyone seems to be whining about? Yeah, it's that bad, and I've always defended Lindelof.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
This feels like a landmark in the eternal conversation that is science fiction. It's Frankenstein with a terrifying twist: what if we're the unwanted monster, the abomination whose existence our creators can no longer abide? Morality and human empathy might just be tiny human constructs that have no power beyond our pale blue dot, blinking meekly in an unimaginably vast, cruel galaxy. There's more to the film's success, but it's this existential unease that makes the film's tone so powerful.
Rated 25 Jun 2012
LOVED IT. Loved the epic summer bigness of it, loved how ice-cold and shiny-black it is, loved how Scott pulls out at least one world-class water cooler supergore moment for the ages, LOVED Rapace. Just loved the scope of the thing, altogether. Sci-fi rarely seems this huge and ballsy and giant-sized in ideas and scope anymore. A glorious, moody, high-minded throwback.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
80% boring CGI for it's own sake, 20% actually interesting and atmospheric sci-fi.
Rated 14 Jul 2012
Following the formula of a spectacle film, Prometheus combines impressive visuals and action with a shallow exploration of a philosophical theme. It succeeds wildly with the former, especially in one scene which I won't spoil, but struggles (admirably) with the latter. It's an interesting mix of camp and nihilism, but one should be careful not to dismiss its many flaws, primarily with its character motivations and narrative arc, based solely on the idea that it's meant to be lazy and incoherent.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
After seeing it a second time, I can confidently say two things about Prometheus: it raises WAY more questions than it answers, and after a while the movie feels like it's main message is just "Look how much awesome tech we're gonna have in the future! And it all glows in the dark!" A sequel better come out to give some closure, because it doesn't stand well on it's own, or lead into Alien very well either.
Rated 13 Aug 2015
Three years later and given time to think about this has left it as a hollow mess of a film in my mind. Has some really visually striking moments, but it makes no god damn sense. Perhaps, I'm to harsh, but despite trying to steal exact moments from the original Alien, this lacks most of what I loved about that film. I have a fonder memory of The Master of Disguise starring Dana Carvey. I can't even blame Scott, the script is so baffling bad.
Rated 21 Jun 2012
Very sleek and visually impressive - the body horror scenes are brutally effective and the whole visual to the film is very powerful. It's just that the script is directionless and unsatisfying. There's little surprise from events, characters act in bizarre, irrational ways and there's very little context or motivation to the characters. Almost nobody seems human in this, and even those that approach human-ness feel very 2D. The final shot is awful as well.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
I can't decide if this film is a bigger insult to science, or fiction. Its one of the most poorly plotted films I've seen in my life, filled to the brim with stupid characters constantly undermining each other in a race to the bottom. Damon Lindelof proves himself completely incompetent, numerous scenes fail on the most basic level-- it feels not even like a rough draft of a script, but an early outline, where the inconsistencies and logical problems haven't been spotted yet. Utterly dismal.
Rated 17 Jul 2012
Well, apart from the lousy script, it has good production value, good acting, good action. But then again, when a story is so incoherently knit together (which means, the knitting is not really present), it just destroys it. I'd rank this higher if it wasn't for my expectations, but I'd definitely always rank it like this, should I ever see it again. Stop creating stereotypes without self-irony, or part of me will keep hating you, Hollywood.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Visually great but too many weak characters and an incoherent plot. Reminded me of Alien vs. Predator, which is not a good thing. Still, worth watching.
Rated 06 Aug 2014
Galaxy of Terror with a big budget. Fetishwear space suits and intergalactic deadbeat dads. Fuck you if you don't like schlock.
Rated 04 May 2016
I think a lot of the hate this film gets is from people who insist on getting all the answers spoon-fed to them. This film refuses to do that, and prefers to give you questions and stuff to think about. I found the plot rewarded deeper thought. Some of the answers are there, and some are not, but it is not as nonsensical as everyone says. I actually liked this movie a lot.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
I'm not quite sure where to land on this. As a sci-fi epic, it's spectacular - in visuals, in scope... There's laziness in the script though, and too many overused tropes. With so much more potential in the premise, while it's done well to a point, it falls short. Any scene without Fassbender seems like a scene wasted. Scott back on form? Definitely. Masterpiece? Maybe not. That said, Prometheus is intense, suspenseful, technically sublime, and totally worth going out of your way to see.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
While it is amazingly shot and well directed, it can't live up to it's own concept. It asks a lot of big questions and can't (or won't) answer anything, just so it could do so in the sequel they so kindly set up for. The 1st act systematically sets up each device the crew will need later in the movie, practically with a wink. Once the action picks up, it feels like the audience is missing a step.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
Disappointing prequel to a great film. Atrocious dialogue that explains simple things to the audience as though we are stupid. Lacks logical cohesion, feels more like many separate scenes. Some bad character interactions and decisions that should have been completely scrapped or reworked. Big build up early on that really fails to go anywhere and of course a weak ending.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
A good if unusual and inconsistent film. Some interesting characters, particularly David the android. The themes seem to be a fear of sex and reproduction, human arrogance and curiosity, and uncertainty. It also presents some interesting scenes regarding the Alien fandom, though it's best viewed as very much its own film. I thought David seemed to be the most compelling character, both human and inhuman, while Shaw has some good development. Very good, but certainly inconsistent, though it works
Rated 11 Jun 2012
The direction, acting, and general cinematography are all very well done. It's just a shame that the script is so weak. There's a lot going on visually, and it proposes some interesting ideas, but that's about it.
Rated 26 May 2022
Un petit bijou de science-fiction. Michael Fassbender fait une ouverture fracassante, un androïde qui se promène en tongs, je suis peut être obsédé mais diable que les claquettes et les tongs lui vont bien ! L'acteur est parfait et il le démontre en adoptant des styles variés qui viennent à chaque fois pimenter l'excellente intrigue de Prometheus. Les acteurs sont excellents, on a de l’héroïne costaud (Noomi Rapace), du venin (Charlize Theron), du bellâtre (Marshal Green).
Rated 08 Jun 2012
Besides being a disappointment partly also because of hype, I really don't know what R. Scott had in mind with this. Ambient is far from anything else in franchise. Cast is great, but wasted due to absurd and totally retarded script. For a movie of such length and with so renown director, this is unforgivable.
Rated 08 Jun 2012
The most expensive deep space expeditions,crewed by complete idiots
Rated 11 Jun 2012
Despite its flaws, it is a thoroughly entertaining and intriguing story. It has problems that could have been easily fixed but I won't let those minor details ruin the next chapter in an exciting sci-fi five-ology. Were it either 20 minutes shorter or 30 minutes longer this movie could have been nothing short of amazing. The production value was flawless and it is easily one of the best looking movies I've seen in a long time. Looking forward to a director's cut.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
Easily the biggest disappointment of the year.
Rated 31 Oct 2013
Pure brilliance.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
Take away Scott's credit and the film's connection to Alien, and Prometheus would be getting quite a lot more praise. The film is absolutely gorgeous, the score is wonderful, the horror is top notch. Does it approach the 1979 masterpiece? No. However, Prometheus is bigger in scope than the claustrophobic original, and maybe that is where it tripped up. Too much was expected and too much was attempted. Still, one must admit that Prometheus stands above the most recent films in the genre.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Imperfect, but very entertaining. There are some brilliantly intense sequences, a few genuinely horrific moments, and standout performances from Rapace and Fassbender.
Rated 23 Sep 2012
Until they can make their androids' heads stay on, Weyland should probably consider recalling some of their android models. This seems to be a recurring design flaw.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
Unbelievably disappointing. Just weak, nonsensical writing throughout.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
I can forgive a 3 laws-less droid but; Why the silly accents? What's she done to her face? Why is everybody so incredibly stupid? While the first hour of landscape and exploration was cartoony-but-fun-ish, the second was a lame creature feature. The new departures from the alien mythos were interesting but barely serviced -guess it's all coming in future instalments.
Rated 21 Sep 2012
Despite a sizable budget, impressive cast, great special effects, and connection to a wildly successful series of movies, this film largely fails to distinguish itself from all the other space-based sci-fi-horror flicks of the past 10 years. The connection to the Alien films actually seems tacked on, especially the useless bit at the end. There are many better options if you're looking for a dark, space-based sci-fi horror flick to watch. Try Event Horizon instead of this.
Rated 30 Sep 2012
I really need to see it again to say anything useful about it, but I can say that it's beautiful, moving, funny, and the best science fiction film in a while. Where do we go from here? Anywhere.
Rated 30 Jan 2014
Not nearly as bad as expected based on critical reviews, but I do recognize the underdeveloped script. A proper sequel could handle many plot issues, if we see one. The positive takeaways: it's a gorgeous film and Scott's direction is phenomenal. Set designs and special effects are some of the best in years and I loved the homages to the original Alien film. The ending does leave some questions unanswered though and that's a disappointment, but it's an exciting sci-fi horror romp nonetheless.
Rated 17 Sep 2012
Visually, one of the best films I've ever seen. Other than the visuals it really isn't worth watching. Everything felt rushed and what was rushed wasn't all that interesting. Clearly this would've been a better TV show or miniseries. It also bugged me how they clearly were aiming for a PG-13 rating by going out of the way to not drop an F bomb or show a boob. We like F bombs and boobs Ridley you dumbass. If you thought Fassbender was good in this, please remove his P from your A
Rated 13 Jun 2012
Wonderfully icky Caesarean scene aside, Prometheus is a frequently dull mess, and one that apparently believes that merely broaching The Big Questions is sufficient to seem smart and, in that vein, avoids any semblance of narrative clarity in order to seem even more profound. Really, it just makes me wish they'd put the script through the wringer a bit more. Like some classic sci-fi, it's inscrutable -- just not in a way that's fruitful. It's no 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hell, it's not even Sunshine
Rated 17 Nov 2012
I don't think I can come up with very many movies I've seen that are both incredibly cheesy and thought provoking at the same time. This film is pure existential silliness.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
Just a bunch of special effects (really pretty special effects, admittedly) strung together by an incoherent plot, weak characters, and some vapid philosophising. Fassbender is great, though.
Rated 20 Jun 2012
I was pretty disappointed walking out of the theater, but there's some good stuff here. It's just unfortunate that so much was given away in the trailers and advertising. And I made a point to not watch the last trailer that everyone said was spoiler-y. Yet a movie that is able to be summed up so effectively within a few minutes probably isn't too good, right? Maybe a director's cut will somehow make this better, but I doubt it. Pretty, but hollow. The script is horrendous.
Rated 04 Sep 2012
I think there's a saying like "may you never disenchant your own myths". This is exactly what happened here. If you can't sequel it, prequel it. The promise of answers, that nobody asked for, may have its allure to some. But even those should feel cheated by the way it's presented. The plot progression ranges from interesting via irritating to infuriating and creates two holes for each one it's closing. that's what i'd expect from a david lynch movie, not an alien origins story.
Rated 08 Jun 2012
This is just so frustrating. Some nice set-up and build (clunky dialogue notwithstanding) is then shot to shit with some really poor pacing choices. Set pieces fly past with little comment given, too many characters and not enough time spent on them and plot holes like woah. What saves it? The visuals and acting, neither of which dip below good and in Fassbender, Rapace and Elba, we get some really good work. Director's extended cut please. Also, the "sting" soundtrack has got to go.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
One of the best scifi movies I've seen. A throwback to classic scifi, it's self-aware but deceptively straight-faced. It explores deep philosophical ideas and accepts that there are no answers. It's nihilistic but entertaining, misanthropic but lighthearted. It's also one of the most aesthetically pleasing CGI-driven films I've ever watched. And enough can't be said about Michael Fassbender's David. It's a vital character brought to "life" by an excellent performance. Great movie.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
What really spoils this is Scott's anxiety to bring something completely new and reboot the franchise, creating a new saga (or spin-off, I don't know) with Prometheus' characters and questions, while reviving some scary moments of the first film and trying to explain the origin of human life through Daniken's ideas, I suppose. Well, he can't do both. And I guess things will get worse if Scott continues to extend this. 2024 UP: grows immensely after shitty Romulus. Should be 154min long.
Rated 21 Mar 2014
What a train-wreck. Prometheus takes all that was great about the first two original Alien films' mythology and makes a nonsensical mess of it. This film is the antithesis of what made the Alien franchise great in the first place. Characters act with foolish, contrived, unbelievable stupidity. The plot is a hodge-podge of ideas clumsily sewn together to form a messy, uneven, illogical tapestry unfit to wipe your ass with. The only redeeming element is the visuals. Fast forward through the rest.


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