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Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 33m
A tale about a family whose suburban home is invaded by angry spirits. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and take the youngest daughter, the family must come together to rescue her. (imdb)


Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 33m
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Avg Percentile 19.16% from 482 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 11 Jul 2017
Finally got to see the otherworld! I'm also excited for the Pulp Fiction remake when they reveal the suitcase is full of onion rings.
Rated 28 Jun 2015
Takes the original premise (find the most unlikable family in the U.S. and place them over the gates of hell) and updates it with gratuitous modern touches like cellphones, unemployment and wooshing sound effects, all while adding a message: yes, John Deere does make a quality product.
Rated 30 May 2015
This is unaquivelently the pinnacle of the fantastic horror remake wave, spearheaded by the visionary auteur Michael Bay's Platinum Dune company. In generally it's refreshing that great modern directors take it upon them selves to update old and often quite boring films that showed potential, but were helt back by the amateurish touches of lesser directors (looking at you Paul Verhoven)
Rated 16 Jun 2016
Tame, lame and misguided. If this movie serves any purpose, it is as a scene to scene comparison with the original, to show just how good Tobesteve Spieler-Hoopberg was, how great the 80s were and how all is lost in this world. The chamber of Guf is empty. John Doe has the upper hand. Let Bill Gates activate Skynet. Oh Lord Satan, please rise from hell and end it all... What I mean to say is that I don't have much love in my heart for this particular remake.
Rated 28 May 2015
Three Jump Scares: The Movie.
Rated 25 Aug 2020
Strongest part of this was totally dropping the name Carol Anne and injecting Sam Rockwell dad. The "they're here" line reading is the flattest take imaginable - Closer to a Tobe Hooper version of Poltergeist.
Rated 05 Oct 2015
Pointless, of course. Almost shockingly tame. And oh-so-deeply misguided.
Rated 23 May 2015
Poltergeist is a lazy and inept horror remake that is a complete waste of time and money. It isn't scary, it doesn't have anything in terms of characters or intelligence, and it's incredibly boring. Its only redeeming factor is that its running time is barely an hour and a half, meaning I only had to waste that much time on it; I feel like it might have been unbearably bad had it tried to clock in anywhere close to two hours.
Rated 24 Jun 2015
The first act is very strong. Sadly, it turns more into Insidious than Poltergeist, adhering to the Hollywood trend of removing all ambiguity. If I had any attachment or appreciation for the original (I prefer the sequel,) than this probably would have been a disaster.
Rated 29 May 2015
I can see the good intentions this started with. "Hey! Poltergeist was a good movie! Let's remake it, except we'll add some better effects, some character development, more humor..." Unfortunately, it feels like the writing process got about as far as writing down the end points of the character arcs, and then the scariest parts from the first movie, and then said "Fuck it, time to shoot!" An unscary, unfunny, annoying, illogical imitation of the original.
Rated 28 May 2015
Another year, another unnecessary horror remake. They shuffled a few things around & modernised some stuff, but it's just a polished, bland & less creepy version of the original. The only improvement I can think of was that they actually gave the teenage daughter something to do. Rockwell's completely miscast here & none of the rest of the cast are anything special either. It's just another paint-by-number PG-13 Hollywood horror looking to make a quick buck on a familiar franchise.
Rated 24 May 2015
A major plot point of this movie is that the family lives close to power lines.
Rated 28 Nov 2016
Abysmally bereft of personality or scares. All points are for Sam Rockwell who shucks and jives his way through this abomination like a duck through water. I don't know what I mean, other than he knows the shit won't stick to him.
Rated 14 Jun 2015
I liked the visual and sound effects of the electronics, but I lost interest after the girl went through the television and the movie turned into a paranormal investigation TV show
Rated 16 Jun 2015
Very poor remake.
Rated 30 Sep 2015
A horror movie that you have seen before. Use of the little girl thats knows more than anyone cliché was really tiresome. The scary scenes were okay overall, but reminded me of the same scenes in other horror movies; this is really clear when they use the clown like in "the hole" (2009). The last 30 minutes, is where the movie turns from a horror movie into a action movie. Movie is not really fleshed out. Not emotional, nothing.
Rated 09 Mar 2016
This movie really, really sucks. It's the original Poltergeist with every ounce of charm or subtlety or ingenuity drained and turned into a lame-ass loud-noises CGI bump-in-the-night grotesquery for babies. It also contains the worst acting I've seen in a wide release in ages. Some real sophomore-year-of-film-school level embarrassing line readings, from kids and adults alike. I might have to amend my previous statement of Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension being the worst film of 2015.
Rated 08 Jun 2015
A rather poor remake of the classic that borrows everything from the original. Trees reaching in to grab the boy, little girl sucked into the darkness and then appearing in the TV. Rescue by rope. Doesn't this writer have even one original thought? Why was this movie made? They didn't introduce anything new or better. It's disappointing to say the least to watch the same movie, only not as well made and utterly lacking the originality and freshness of the original.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
Taken on its own, it's an above average horror film with two well-cast leads.
Rated 13 Nov 2017
not so good
Rated 26 May 2015
Upon a little more consideration, I dropped this from a 45 (which is close to recommending). It just wasn't that scary and when I think about it; isn't that the point? I give it some props for a little humour and some fun scenes. I wasn't bored, but the script needed major work.
Rated 04 Dec 2015
Jared Harris is the illegitimate love-child of Max Von Sydow and William Atherton.
Rated 07 Aug 2015
Been too long since I saw the original, but I've no doubt that the original is better. With that said halfway through 2015 we haven't exactly been flooded with good horror films, so from that perspective Poltergeist (2015) was a alright experience. Fairly bland characters with the exception of the little girl Kennedi Clements who looked the part. The horror was fine. Nothing revolutionary, but thankfully didn't use too many shortcut scares and instead tried to bring a more overall thrill.
Rated 02 Nov 2017
There's a whole lot of hate going on for this one. Let's put it in perspective, I have a higher PSI for EVERY Paranormal Activity movie, than I do for this one. That's almost offensive. On a completely superficial level, I prefer big budget special effects to people randomly throwing things and slamming doors off camera. This one might not be as good as the original, but in the vein of horror remakes, it's ahead of the pack, in fact, I quite enjoyed it.
Rated 19 May 2016
I kind of liked it actually. It's by no means as good as the original though. The only thing it really does as far as being new is showing the other side or whatever. Somewhat copy and paste, a bit predictable, but enjoyable.
Rated 28 Jul 2022
its a poor recreation of the classic the CGI is good though
Rated 29 Oct 2021
I was able to watch this remake in 3D, and it definitely added to the scares. Sam Rockwell's acting was great. I feel like this film is underrated.
Rated 16 Apr 2016
Gosh its like it just keeps yelling BOO at you and hopes the cacophony of chaotic sights and sounds will eventually hit with a scare. Terrible direction robs the few creepy things of any joy...loved the lights leaving the lightbulbs except they had star trek levels of lensflare. The moment with the girls shadow likewise might have been scary in a quiet part but its thrown in the middle of random shouts and loud noise and quick cuts. The cgi inside the portal was extremely poor.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
Unnecessary with a capital U. If they really wanted to milk the Poltergeist franchise, I would have been more interested in seeing the girl grown up and grappling with her psychic powers (in the ilk of Doctor Sleep).
Rated 26 May 2015
Viewed May 25, 2015. I actually had quite a bit of fun with this one. It reminded me of The Conjuring, especially with the way the camera moves, and the way that the film plays with light and sound is always interesting. It also has some really well-done jump scares, and Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie DeWitt kill it in archetypal horror parent roles. My only problem is that there's literally no reason for this film to exist.
Rated 06 Jul 2022
Not good. Maybe because the direction, the script and acting are all shit.
Rated 29 Jul 2019
If that little boy was so scared of everything, why did he audition for a horror film?
Rated 25 Jan 2020
a boring remake that didn't add anything
Rated 27 Jun 2015
The original Poltergeist was spooky and had that great eerie feeling - the remake just adds more jump scares, unnecessary cgi and updated devices. Just another soulless "horror" movie.
Rated 28 Nov 2019
Rated 01 Nov 2015
Another pointless remake that has no reason to exist other than to exploit fond memories of the original. The best scenes are taken from the 1984 version and contain none of their chilling power. Clements is cute but she lacks O'Rourke's angelic otherwordliness; we don't believe that spectral forces would be consumed with possessing her. Harris is no replacement for Rubinstein and the attempts to update the story for the digital world of laptops and smart phones seem desperate.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
Outlandish CGI effects and dull performances unfortunately let down this wholly unnecessary remake. Which is a major shame because all in all there is a stunning performance from Jared Harris hiding somewhere in this mess begging to get out and shine. He is let down again by a franchise role, and so is the bored audience.
Rated 28 Jul 2019
I'm not sure why but this movie felt a bit off. I tried not to compare it to the original or at least not judge it against the original. I think the problem with this is two fold, first we do get enough character development and I at least didn't find them very likable or relatable. And Two they go too far with everything, there is no subtlety or less is more approach here.
Rated 31 Jan 2016
There are scenes in Poltergeist where I question if what I am watching is indeed a film. It's very bad, including the acting (especially by the kids), and the script is piss-poor as well. The freakiest part about the movie is how disrespectful the kids are to their parents. Not much to see here and if you missed it, good for you.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Pointless. Brings nothing new to the table, except that Sam Rockwell is always a better option than Craig T. Nelson! Is it just me or did Hollywood finally unleash the Lindsay Lohan clone they made years ago? (Saxon Sharbino)
Rated 04 Jun 2015
I fell asleep
Rated 06 Nov 2015
The script is well written, witty and funny, the characters are more fleshed out than in the original. You would think those would be universally good aspects but they rob the film of any sense of tension so it fails as a horro film. It ends up just beign a pleasant, mild film.
Rated 26 May 2015
Originally I was vibing with this. In hindsight, not so much. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that Poltergeist is a good movie, or that it was worth remaking (has the original aged SO POORLY as to deem this a good idea/necessary/worth spending $35mil on?). There's nothing in this movie that breaks new ground, but at the same time it wasn't AWFUL to me. I quite liked the CGI but the 3D & other effects were mostly a waste. Paper-thin characters. Very formulaic, even for a remake. Safe to skip!
Rated 11 Oct 2015
S'aiight. Follows the original almost word-for-word.
Rated 02 Apr 2017
Rated 22 Dec 2015
Damn those real estate agents :D
Rated 24 May 2015
Perfect example of a senseless Hollywood remake that tries to lazily update a classic for a new generation. The focus on the children takes away the original film's moving portrayal of the struggle of parenting. Instead we are left with a series of cheap scares that happen at a frequent rate and don't feel earned or well executed. It seems as though the script is going through the paces of hitting all of the familiar beats of the original film.
Rated 27 Jun 2015
Well, I finished watching it. I guess that gotta count for something. Not remotely scary in any way but if you got nothing else to watch I guess it*s worth a watch. It's not a movie I will watch again!
Rated 06 Aug 2017
A pointless remake that rarely does anything good or interesting.
Rated 07 Jun 2015
Of course there's absolutely nothing silly about the way a movie like this hints at important spiritual truths ... then distorts them, twisting faith and truth into a tangle that's serves only to rehash a hollow, spooky "thrill." (
Rated 11 Oct 2015
so unneccessary.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
a pretty good entry into the horror genre of 2015 - it is better than Unfriended in terms of scares but lacks the originality and intelligence. generally acted poorly but that is saved by a terrific first half of true scares. The gaming industry has clearly had an influence on this film as the end sequence looks like it has been taken directly from a video game. Poltergeist - coming to XBOX and PlayStation Soon!
Rated 22 Jun 2015
Toothless, pointless, humourless. Why even bother
Rated 25 Aug 2017
It lacks the subtlety and effortless grace of the original, and knowing how every scene will more or less pan out due to sheer familiarity alone does dampen the shocking nature of the proceedings somewhat, but "Poltergeist" has real moments of depth, care, and genuine ingenuity when it's not being a low-effort remake, with some standout performances, from Sam Rockwell and Jane Adams in particular, and a jaw-droppingly unhinged finale that I won't soon forget. A commendable effort all around.
Rated 12 Dec 2015
I watched it for Sam Rockwell, who is an acting god. I appreciate that they made some changes so it wasn't just a complete remake that was a useless waste of time. However the changes they made didn't really matter and it still ended up being a movie that literally everyone will forget about within a year. It's certainly watchable, but not wort your time.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
Just another flat remake of a horror classic.


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