Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes
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Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes

Drama, Sci-fi
1h 52m
An astronaut crew crash lands on a planet in the distant future where intelligent talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the oppressed and enslaved. (imdb)

Planet of the Apes

Drama, Sci-fi
1h 52m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 63.53% from 6174 total ratings

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Rated 12 Nov 2013
As a kid, this movie always made me wonder how it would be to be locked up in a cage with a half-naked, mute, beautiful woman to be gawked at by strange beings as they force you to mate. I think I took the wrong lessons from this thing when I was young. Oh well. No turning back now.
Rated 05 Nov 2008
A very cleverly designed mirror. Contains one of the most powerful endings in film history.
Rated 15 Mar 2022
Introducing this to my son brought back memories of trying to figure out why Roddy McDowall is more attractive in ape form. Glad I'm past that part of my life.
Rated 20 Apr 2009
Since becoming one of the most widely recognised sci-fi classics, Planet of the Apes still hasn't lost its appeal. Despite the subsequental downplaying of the series with numerous spin offs, along with the massive overexposure of that once piviotal ending (even pictured prominently on the back of the DVD), it still stands out as an unusually well thought out and provoking bit of cinema history. Heston is excellent in the main role and the effects have for the mostpart aged surprisingly well.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
Heston just about devours the screen
Rated 09 Nov 2008
You know the saying, "Human see, human do."
Rated 15 Nov 2020
Before this film, studio sci-fi was often just American anxieties set against fantasy nightmares. But this story is more--with pointed allegories on war, counterculture, and the Civil Rights movement. It isn't a perfect film. The immersive world is sometimes dulled via camera shots that belong in Adam West's Batman. And Charlton Heston's later life as a gun nut/senile bigot can make otherwise profound scenes cringeworthy. Still, the ending is a classic: both for the twist & the powerful message.
Rated 18 Oct 2008
A culturial icon that makes you wonder 'What if..?'. We have the common anti-war message bundled with statements about science vs religion and pseudo-racism. This is the most prevalent example of the post-apocalytic twist that echos many earlier works including "By the Waters of Babylon" and "The Time Machine". The story holds its own in spite of the basic messages. A Heston classic - Recommended for action fans and thinkers alike
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Very smart and well done makeup effects.
Rated 03 Nov 2015
Though the film's concept seems just a little ridiculous on the surface, it presents an aptly realised social commentary wherein apes perpetuate many of the issues to have troubled humankind throughout time, most notably with regards to dogma and discrimination. The action is decent though infrequent, but there's plenty of strong dialogue and an absorbing atmosphere that's boosted by the excellent costumes, sets and score. Heston is hammy as ever but his performance still really works somehow.
Rated 06 Dec 2008
Extremely well made and allegorical look at religion and race and its role in our society, particularly during the Civil Rights movement of the late 1960s. Stay away from the remake at all costs!!!
Rated 23 Sep 2007
Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Largely nostalgic value. My younger sister and I used to watch this movie on Saturday afternoons with the TV muted, making up our own dialog for the characters as it went along. Heston overacts as usual.
Rated 01 Oct 2020
The movie has humans, apes, horses, and everyone speaking English. Commander Taylor at the end: "Omg, i was on Earth? Wtf?!" Seriously though, this is a surprisingly good movie despite the moronic premise. Like many other good examples of science fiction it uses a fictional reframing of a situation to make the audience question its values. Overall, it works. The apes are too goofy and the action scenes are clunky, but it works.
Rated 10 Dec 2018
George Taylor: "I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be."
Rated 19 Sep 2018
Planet of the Apes might be a little slow at first and the Ape effects are not at all convincing for modern eyes. Over time the themes and story still stand tall and work just as well as they always did. Not to mention one of the greatest twist endings of all time.
Rated 05 Feb 2017
This movie is as blunt as a hammer, but man oh man, Heston nearly turns this into camp. The last scene wouldn't be as memorable if Heston played it straight.
Rated 06 Aug 2014
Very, very goofy idea taken deadly seriously. Serling gets credit mostly for the ending, but the thing to be proud of is the surprisingly well written Zaius character, who has a somewhat legitimate beef against the protagonist.
Rated 15 Mar 2014
It's funny how the film's philosophical musings, man's search for answers about his past, future, destiny and nature, are actually summarized by 2001 in a single cut. Luckily, these musings don't stand in the way of an entertaining premise. If, like me, you're not familiar with the reboots and remakes, this is a quite an enjoyable film.
Rated 01 May 2012
Very original in concept and very ahead of its time in themes and in the sci-fi genre. It’s a little hard to watch the newer movies and not compare in terms of looks and effects. It feels as old as it is. BUT, that’s not necessarily a criticism. It’s still a very epic movie, which is great where you consider its lack of action and violence. Thought-provoking, and with one of the coolest twist maybe ever.
Rated 08 Dec 2011
Great movie! Can be a little slow at times, but otherwise a great movie today and I can only imagine the impact the movie held when it came out.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Excellent schlocky sci-fi with an obvious social statement.
Rated 22 Jun 2010
"Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death." Better than the new planet of the apes. Dont watch the followups!
Rated 03 Nov 2009
Rated 11 Aug 2009
One of those pleasant re-discoveries for me. As I have seen this before and read the novel it was based on, the basic plot twists and turn weren't new to me. But only now I can truly appreciate the irony and understand the allegory. It's a bit campy, overacted, and dialogs aren't very intelligent. But that doesn't distract from the message of the film. Instead it makes the film entertaining as well as smart.
Rated 04 Jul 2009
Its been oft-parodied for the end and the damn dirty apes line, but this is a well though out and exciting classic.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
This film is brilliant, a classic of science fiction. It has very good ideas and criticism and still, one of the best end in the history of the cinema.
Rated 10 Feb 2009
I loved how many ways you can interpret this... satire or shallow fiction it's very well put together.
Rated 17 May 2008
One of the most pivotal sci-fi movies of all time, the story is one of the most interesting and well done ones ever. Not to mention it's extremely quotable.
Rated 08 Nov 2007
Still so much more better than the remake. You'll have to look past the horrible outdated effects though. Still, the masks are very well done.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
What can you say about a superficially stupid sci-fi movie like this, when against all odds, it's really good? Shit, this is a classic. Bravo Schaffner and Heston! Jerry Goldsmith is kind of hit and miss with me, but his musical score here is a definite success.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Pretty good science fiction.
Rated 02 Mar 2007
Good film.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
posthumanism, mediaval animal trials, animal testing etc etc it’s so full intresting things and somehow i had only heard of the time dilation thing. a great scifi movie
Rated 28 May 2022
Still holds up, somehow that funky makeup/costume design works well. I tend to think of it as the slightly goofier relative of the other big "knock-knock, evolution" movie of that year, 2001.
Rated 29 Jul 2020
Don't let all the entertainment fool you, this is a film with a lot of intellectual depth; and it helped create a mass audience for the 'prestige science-fiction film' in a way 2001 could only dream of.
Rated 04 May 2020
An interesting film because it's patently absurd, yet works really well despite it's ... well, frankly ... dumbness. Heston lands on a planet that has trees and English-speaking apes riding horses, yet he is surprised to find out where he really is. It works so well because it's really fundamentally an allegory about the role of science, religion, reason, ignorance and violence in human society, so it can stand to be very very broadly told and more fantastical than scientific.
Rated 31 Mar 2020
Planet of the Apes is a great sci-fi movie. For its time it did some pretty revolutionary things, some of which have become tropes today but that shouldn't take anything away from this classic. Charlton Heston is perfect in the lead role of this movie; dashing and muscular. Linda Harrison plays a great beauty who is able to do a lot with a role that has no speaking parts. Roddy McDowall and Kim Hunter play the empathetic chimpanzees that help Heston's character. I can see the threads of a sequel
Rated 28 Dec 2019
There's some stuff in the first 10 minutes that just doesn't get explained. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt the story, you're just left to wonder if you'll find out later. Outside of this, this movie is excellent. It's a scientific metaphor for many ideas that are still relevant today. Because of this films popularity, most people know the ending. If you don't, I'd suggest watching this movie before you find out through some pop culture reference
Rated 25 Aug 2019
Excellent story that transcends its campy elements - I'm looking at you, Charlton Heston. Easily one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made and the best movie in the Planet of the Apes series to date.
Rated 23 Jun 2019
It is more than a bit cheesy by modern standards and it doesn't always get the political commentary right. However, it is a very fascinating sci-fi concept which is evidenced by it's many sequels and imitators. This fact makes it something everyone should watch and a more than serviceable film.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
How you end a film.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
bu kisir dongu beni tuketiyor yeniden uretiyor
Rated 21 Apr 2018
R - One of my favourite films. Re-watched because of the 50th anniversary, and this is just a great film. It's so well-known, and so iconic, that it arguably doesn't get the credit it deserves.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
A fascinating film. The whole concept is one of a kind and it's brought to life in a mesmerizing way. The make-up is phenomenal, the photography beautiful and the themes (e.g. science vs. faith) engrossing. The film's biggest achievement is probably how real they've made the apes look like (it's not just that the prosthetics are awesome, the actors did a very convincing job behind them as well) and there's a great story to go along with it too. You'll be watching with your jaw dropped.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
Very good dystopian sci-fi movie with biting satire.
Rated 31 Jul 2017
For its time, this is an amazing sci-fi film.. I can't even imagine how people must have felt at the time.. It does show signs of age but is still quite a decent watch with good questions raised. I can understand how it became such a phenomenon. Those stupid zooms though.. arghh.
Rated 19 Feb 2017
Rated 15 Jul 2016
Best make-up art ever applied to an actor. A great sci-fi classic that is superior in many regards over its remakes.
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Rated 16 Dec 2014
It would have been lovely to have seen this without knowing the big twist. However, as it is, this is a well done look at Man's relationship with the world, science, religion and how we treat the world and others. Admittedly the more more tropey lines may raise giggles now, with part of that due to Charlton going full ham for those moments. "It's A Madhouse, A MADHOUSE" and all that. A very good slice of sci-fi.
Rated 21 Jul 2014
Holds up a lot better than I would have thought.
Rated 21 Jul 2014
a great sci-fi epic that deals with issues of race and faith vs reason in a interesting way that still makes the film relevant today. Visually stunning and well acted, Planet of the Apes is a great film that any film fan should see(if they haven't already).
Rated 25 May 2014
Didn't know what to expect from this film, but I was genuinely impressed, and I can see why this is still so popular. Exudes b-movieness both in low-budget crudeness [everything from its poorly mixed Goldsmith score to hilariously delivered dialogue, incoherent photography, primitive makeup and sets] and in its ethic and warmth and authenticity; but this is a profoundly earnest film. After getting through the first ~15 min. or so, I was totally into it the whole way through until the end reveal.
Rated 21 May 2014
I actually kinda enjoyed this
Rated 12 May 2014
The overall message of religious dogma clouding reason and man as a violent destructive force still hold merit thirty-five odd years later.
Rated 02 May 2014
An absolute sci-fi masterpiece. Screenplay by Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame. A rare combination of Hollywood blockbuster with poignant sci-fi social commentary. Many younger moviegoers don't realize this was the "Star Wars" before Star Wars...
Rated 30 Apr 2014
Epic. Classic.
Rated 03 Apr 2014
I'm really not sure what the point of this was. There's social commentary for basically everything, and as such, almost all of it falls flat. The make-up effects and location shooting are excellent, though, and certainly provide for a film that's, at the very least, visually interesting. Charlton Heston is the worst actor in the world.
Rated 06 Sep 2013
tackles themes of freedom, authority, religion, animal rights and other things concerning man and government with an almost admirable lack of subtlety. has similar acting, dialogue and set design issues as star wars but supremely more enjoyable and interesting.
Rated 04 Jun 2013
This movie is a lot of campy fun. The movie sure looks dated but is is still entertaining. There are some interesting ideas in the script. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 04 Jun 2013
Great story - and so quotable!
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Sci-Fi classic that still holds up pretty well.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
Very much a product of the Cold War era, the movie starts and ends with a plea against war. The message does seem a bit of an afterthought though, and there's a fairly run-of-the-mill sci-fi flick in between. I would have loved if the movie had taken the opportunity to explore the human society from an outsider's point of view instead of settling for some cheap jokes about it. All in all, it was entertaining but there was potential for much more.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
Though I didn't like the monkey costumes and the lighthearted tone of the movie, it's still a fun film with intriguing ideas. Absolutely worth a watch.
Rated 18 Jan 2013
Classic cinema.
Rated 17 Nov 2012
I fell in love with this movie when I was 11. What's not to love? Talking apes!
Rated 04 Nov 2012
This could've been a silly film, instead is well done sci-fi, with great story, performances and some very classic scenes that will be stuck in your cinema memory forever. It does not matter the outdated settings and style, it even makes it more charming. This movie proves that you don't need a huge budget and intricate CGI to make a good futuristic sci-fi movie, you just need a great imaginative story. Charlton Heston's dramatic performance really carries this film to another level.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Holds up very well. Definitely a Classic
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Classic of course!
Rated 04 Feb 2012
For me this film criticizes the society in a great way, it's also a good story with excitement and humor, that for me makes a good film.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
tense film, with open parallels to the real world which will leave you frustrated and angry. The ending may be softened by 5 decades of familiarity and parody, but Taylor's debate with Dr. Zaius -- immediately following the maddening kangaroo court sequence -- hits as hard as a climax. My gut dropped at Dr. Zaius calm proclamation "Your case was preordained."
Rated 16 Jan 2012
It was awesome. It's always interesting when you make humans no longer the dominant species, whether it be in something like Jurassic Park (1993) or pretty much any alien invasion film. It was great to see so many classic scenes and hear so many classic lines of dialogue. Charlton Heston is melodramatic in his role, but it works. I already knew the final scene, just because it's so famous, but it was still fantastically epic.
Rated 16 Dec 2011
Forget having the black and the blond dead in 15 minuets, (and the passive-non evolved female) this is an increadbly honest and intense piece of celluloid truth.
Rated 18 Nov 2011
Great film. Even today the ideas it brings up regarding animal rights, religion, and the impact humans constant battling may have on our future are incredibly relevant. I'm not a huge fan of Heston's acting as I think he can be somewhat hammy, but after the first act it's not too bad. The story is so god that even the somewhat silly ape costumes quickly became unnoticeable to me (until they kissed, which still looked ridiculous). I highly recommend this film.
Rated 12 Nov 2011
Some stories make us think about other things - about the way things are in this world. This film made me think about two things - animal rights and the history of human slavery - both more powerfully and evocatively than films/documentaries dedicated for those purposes e.g. "The Cove", "Dancing with wolves". A classic - for it initiates an introspection on humanity.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
"This generational touchstone remains a playful widescreen fable of the bestiality that defines and destroys cultures." - Bill Weber
Rated 20 Aug 2011
It's still fresh in its faith/science clash and quietly strong, preserving one of the most interesting finales of sci-fi cinema.
Rated 11 Aug 2011
Well wrought and exciting sci-fi; bolstered by granite-jawed Heston and a lovely performance by Hunter as the ape who he befriends. Goldsmith's creepy score aids film immeasurably, even through some laughingly pretentious dialogue. Remaining cast members also have limited material to work with, but beautiful scenery and cinematography, and excellent direction by Schaffner, make it worthwhile viewing.
Rated 19 Jul 2011
Somehow I've managed to go 22 years of my life without seeing this. Even though some of it felt a tad dated I really enjoyed this movie. Charlton Heston did a great job as the lead. I think I almost jumped out of my chair when he first speaks to the apes, so cool.
Rated 18 May 2011
The _Star Wars_ of its day, this became a phenomenon of late '60s pop culture and won a special Oscar for its outstanding John Chambers makeup design. Stunning photography by Leon Shamroy and eerie music by Jerry Goldsmith.
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Wow! A remarkable film. The first half hour or so was quite weird technically, a lot of weird camera angles and such, after that however things soon took a turn for the brilliant. I was in awe for the rest of the film, it's relevant and thought provoking. The ending was magnificent, a lot of scenes were exciting and original and the story overall was amazing.
Rated 22 Mar 2011
This is a good movie. Here's the problem I had: the critical twist was on the cover. C'mon guys, we're trying to make cinema timeless here. At least give it a chance. Otherwise, it's a solid fish-WAY-out-of-water endeavor that basically says 'hey if we survive a crash landing, only the big dumb oaf will live on to see what's really going on.' That's probably the way America was then, I don't know.
Rated 08 Dec 2010
Typically dated sci-fi, but to it's credit, the famous ending is still fun.
Rated 28 Nov 2010
Still great! Love the science vs. religion. Love the racism commentary. Love the iconic lines and one of the greatest twist endings in the history of film!
Rated 06 Nov 2010
Brilliant and beautiful with messages needed as much now as ever. On the other hand, Taylor's antagonism toward the apes may drive the plot, but you should know enough to seek favor with your despotic captors.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
Somebody get Charlton Heston some pants!
Rated 30 Jul 2010
This film seems unnecessary to me, it's full of camp style, extremely bad acting, unimaginative dialogue... and an amazing twist that I didn't pick up on because apparently I'd come to the right conclusion 90 minutes or more prior to the ending. Seriously, just go watch 2001: A Space Oddyssey; it's infinitely better and studies much the same subject matter in a less forced way.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
brilliant. not much else to say
Rated 25 Feb 2010
Quirky and bizarre sci-fi film that paved the way for many sequels. It draws enough real life parallels so that the concept isn't entirely silly. The sci-fi events are also something straight out of EC comics which gives it a retro sci-fi charm. This succeeds in being an intelligent socio-political statement as well as an interesting film to look at based on its wonderful cinematography and interesting sets. Heston's belligerent astronaut also has some lines that have become classic.
Rated 07 Jan 2010
A great slice of science fiction that unfortunately went on to spawn some terrible sequels.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Much better than the remake. The make-up isn't exactly top notch, but the directing and the screenplay make up for that.
Rated 04 Dec 2009
Exciting science-fiction film. The makeup men who devised the fantastic ape masks rate a special bow.
Rated 26 Oct 2009
Eventhough it's old the story is great and the thoughts and questions it raises interesting.
Rated 22 Oct 2009
One of those movies where the concept is more compelling than the execution. Still this version is far superior to the crap that Tim Burton produced with his remake.
Rated 11 Sep 2009
A movie that stands the test of time.
Rated 11 Sep 2009
one of my all-time faves. heston's acting is just over-the-top enough to make it a thrilling ride
Rated 01 Aug 2009
I don't like Heston as a performer, but luckily there is plenty more here to enjoy. Chocked full of undeniably fun and well executed sci-fi concepts. Much better than Tim Burton's crappy remake thats for sure.
Rated 15 Jul 2009
Classic science fiction at its best. Heston is outstanding in this action packed tale of a bizarro world where apes rule everything.
Rated 30 Jun 2009
To quote Free Enterprise, "Beautiful, scantily clad, mute." <3 Nova.


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