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1h 29m
A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber known only as the Tall Man, who keeps a lethal arsenal of terrible weapons with him
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1h 29m
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Avg Percentile 47.98% from 944 total ratings

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Rated 01 Jul 2023
The elements are there for a good, possibly great horror movie, but they never come together. The script and editing are so scattershot that you have trouble following what's going on. The eventual explanation for everything is half-baked, and even the iconic flying death balls manage to disappoint in the end. The random swerve ending is just more nonsense. Not the horror classic it's propped up to be.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
I'm guessing the brainstorming process went something like this: "Hey Don, what's your next picture gonna be about?" "Well it's got a flying ball in it..." "Ok". "...and a tall guy..." "Mmhhmm" "...and a hairy kid..." "All right." "...and Jawas..." "Wait, what? " "...some motorcycle wrecks..." " Huh?" "...and a girl who likes to have sex in a cemetary..." "Ok, so what's the plot?" "Who knows. Let the editor figure that out." Apparently everyone involved in this was high at the time.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
It begins with a couple having sex in a cemetery. You win, movie.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
Never have I said to a movie, "this better all be a dream, cause that's the only way this shit comes close to making any sort of sense," only then surprisingly I got my wish, or kind of, at least I think so, maybe...This is the kind of movie where, exactly what's happening, is ultimately secondary to the creepy surreal atmosphere, unique visuals, and Coscarelli & company's quirky charms.
Rated 12 Dec 2014
Be-mulleted Guitar Player, Ponytail McIce-Cream Truck, and Boy face off against Jawas and a David Carradine impersonator to mixed results. I watched this on a battered VHS I got from a thrift store, and I'm confident that's really the only way to watch this thing.
Rated 18 Nov 2016
Don this doesn't make any sense at all ... why is he a bug .. why what spleen said. "because ... ... ... ..uhhhh .... hmmm ... ... dream logic" All you crazy kids stop having your relations on the tombstone of old man McCutcheon, that's how ya get ghosts.
Rated 18 Sep 2014
The Tall Man was great - a real odd 'un. I also liked the flying balls and had a soft spot for Ice Cream Guy. This was generally a bit naff, and entirely ludicrous, but curiously likeable - I can see why it is considered a bit of a cult classic, and it was clearly made with some thought and care, if not a huge amount of talent. There is a certain dreamlike quality to it, which works reasonably effectively. Worth seeing if you are in the mood for some cheap 70s nonsense.
Rated 31 Dec 2012
Not creepy in any way. No scary moments, no fear, no nothing. Shame, cause I expected it to be scarier than this. More silver ball please
Rated 10 Mar 2009
Phantasm is the same to Don Coscarelli as Night of the Living Dead is to George Romero. It's his greatest achievment, and is also the only reason he still has a career. It's a strange and obviously low budget movie, but I still find it enjoyable. The acting is subpar, but the story is still entertaining, and there are a couple of breif boob shots. If you get bored while watching just try to decide if the main character is actually a boy or a girl.
Rated 16 Sep 2017
Oh no, an old man and his pack of Jawas are taking our corpses! An interminable movie where nothing happens, the creepy grownup with a skullet who still drives an Ice Cream truck and hangs out with his friend's 13-year-old brother is NOT the bad guy somehow, and incredibly overrated effects. Just awful, no idea how anyone thought this was good ever, much less in 1979.
Rated 08 Aug 2017
Although Coscarelli's breakthrough feature is a muddled, often nonsensical mess, it has plenty of spirit and occasional touches of inventive ingenuity. It's not particularly scary or thrilling though, and Angus Scrimm's Tall Man should be a far more intimidating presence.
Rated 06 Nov 2011
Surreal horror flick involving a series of strange occurrences at a creepy funeral home. It's got alternate realities, flying steel balls that drill into people's heads, and scaly dwarf creatures...a little something for everyone. This wasn't really scary but it was weird as fuck.
Rated 10 Oct 2020
While making very little sense, Coscarelli's low budget tone piece is Lynchian in its weirdness. What he managed to do with such a small budget is incredible.
Rated 07 Oct 2020
Includes some occasionally inspired ideas, but it's mostly campy grindhouse. Probably the biggest issue is that the film never quite manages to capture any sense of dread, partially due to a generally unthreatening antagonist. Scrimm does as good a job as he can given the script, but the Tall Man is no Freddy Krueger or Pinhead. He's just a small business owner and the local kids just won't leave him alone--constantly trespassing on the grounds, breaking and entering, messing with the coffins...
Rated 05 Sep 2011
it plays at being just like all the other horror flicks coming out at the time, but phantasm is unique. very strange, fun creepy moments, and a nice twist of the surreal the whole way through. truly enjoyable for genre fans.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Phantasm turned into something unexpected. I have seen the box art for this movie for years and assumed that it was a by-the-numbers horror movie. I was expecting a lot of blood and some jump scares. I was not ready for such a cerebral film that kept me engaged and guessing about what really was going on. The movie is creepy throughout and I would much rather have a creepy movie than a slasher movie. I'll definitely watch this again and I'm interested in where they take this series.
Rated 30 Jan 2010
I liked the sort of dreamlike, isolated feeling. Like, how the characters on screen seem to be the only characters that exist in the movie's reality, but only when on screen and anytime someone new is introduced it almost seems like they just materialize out of thin air.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
Silly but richly atmospheric horror hybrid that channels the surrealistic fervour of the Italian masters of imaginative incoherence like Argento into a uniquely American creation whose domestic roots can be traced back to other low budget genre experiments in psychic dislocation like Carnival of Souls. It's an unashamedly adolescent film that explores loss and the fear of death through the perspective of a young boy that is characterised by curiously ineffable moments and a bold visual style.
Rated 08 Oct 2018
Creepy, chilling, well-paced. This would be a perfect movie if not for the issues with dialogue and occasional editing goofs. I saw the newish 4K restoration, and it's definitely worth seeing in theaters.
Rated 26 Dec 2009
It's easy to see why this became an enduring one-of-a-kind cult fave and why Coscarelli and crew couldn't quite recapture the black magic in the widely separated sequels.
Rated 24 Dec 2009
Some genuinely distubing stuff in this iconic horror film. The Tall Man is so freaking scary, but I really think the whole alien tie-in was what made this movie and its franchise pretty weak.
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Unfortunately, this is another extremely overrated horror flick that has aged very poorly
Rated 10 Dec 2009
A truly original horror movie, written, directed, co-produced, photographed, and edited by twenty-one-year-old Coscarelli. It's full of unforgettable images, including a sinister hearse and a deadly, flying silver ball.
Rated 01 Apr 2010
A well-made and unsettling horror film.
Rated 16 Oct 2010
Fairly interesting horror flick. I am not a big fan of the genre but this one had enough odd, creepy moments I was entertained.
Rated 10 Mar 2012
Well I was in the mood for a horror flick, so I found this one on netflix. Definitely not the best horror film I've seen, but there are plenty worse. Kind of weird/unique. Not exactly scary, but I'm sure it gave some people the frights in the 70s. Not exactly the finest acting, but the story is the best part of the film. I kind of liked the ending surprisingly.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
Just rewatched this in it's remastered glory. This holds up and and watching it is always a hell of a lot of fun. This series is fun to watch with friends.
Rated 30 May 2014
I'm willing to cut it a little slack because it's clearly an independent, amateur film, but that doesn't stop a lot of it being incompetent. It's hard to believe that there was a script for this - I think there was more likely just a few ideas and then they made it up as they went along. The best thing I can say about it is that it's sometimes pretty creative. Unfortunately, it's still surrounded by bad direction, bad editing, bad acting, and bad plot twists.
Rated 25 Dec 2014
Fairly dumb but certainly dark, this dated pick is a stylish and imaginative horror film, stunning for 23-year-old director Don Coscarelli who worked with a shoestring budget to create one of the determinate '70s horror flicks, in the last few months before '70s horror got steamrolled into '80s assembly-line sequel oblivion, a thoroughly silly and endearing blast of sensory information.
Rated 07 Aug 2018
Despite being full up on sex and violence, Phantasm has a sort of Spielbergian coming-of-age horror vibe to it, like Poltergeist, Gremlins, or more recently Super 8, or Stranger Things it's as much about kids on an adventure as it is about the scares. Some of the dialogue is exceptionally poor and there are moments of pure cheese, but there's a definite italo-horror visual flair. The main kid looks like some kind of bizzare hybrid of Jessica Harper in Suspiria and Karen Allen in Animal House.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie is awesome up until the last 20 minutes, then it just gets very odd (but then again, flying spheres aren't?). The tall man character is creepy as hell, and I like that they keep him very mysterious. Stay away from the sequels though.
Rated 15 Mar 2022
Wonderfully strange with surprising visual flair. The rustic 70's PNW vibe comes complete with an impromptu jam session. I disagree that the twist is bogus, to me it made perfect sense. It's just more about a kid dealing with grief and loss than a straight-up monster movie. That said, if Reggie the ice cream truck driver has to fight the Tall Man and his interplanetary dwarf army in every sequel then sign me up
Rated 13 Nov 2007
The plot seems to revolve around a tall funeral-home owner who enslaves dwarves (or converts human corpses into dwarves?) for use on his home planet. Also, his levitating "sentinel sphere" ejects a fountain of blood once it impales your face. Cheap effects, bad acting, incoherent plot, stoopid scares: clearly Coscarelli made this up as he went along. I enjoy it for its groovy randomness and humid seventies drive-in vibe. Essential for fans of watching the '71 Plymouth Barracuda too.
Rated 30 Oct 2022
I could hardly grasp what was going on or anything about the basic “mythology” of the old dude and his jawas, etc. Hard to be scared when your eyebrows all crinkled like “uhhh wtf?”
Rated 14 Jan 2022
Not a strong story, full of lines like "Gee, dwarves." but many scenes are odd and inventive, it looks shockingly good, and the Tall Man is an excellent series mascot.
Rated 29 May 2008
A superb horror movie, truly original, and there's been nothing like it since. Even though the tall man isn't really that scary, I'd be surprised if you weren't scared of him by the end of this movie.
Rated 22 Oct 2008
Flashes of originality are completely undermined by the random and ridiculous nature of this. Where to begin? The acting, dialogue and overall construction of the movie were just not very good, and that's being generous. It'd be a waste of time to call out all of the WTF scenes (ie, ummm, how 'bout calling the cops at some point?) littered throughout this thing...and in a way, I found them all charming in a late 70s/early 80s dopey horror movie way. Still, not something I'd watch again...ever.
Rated 09 Jun 2007
Was good when it came out. It's hokey today. It just doesn't stand the "test of time." The flying balls of death were pretty innovative, however. I am a big fan of them.
Rated 11 Oct 2023
Why on earth did this spawn so many sequels? My best guess? It's certainly unusual for the horror genre and I can easily imagine this being a midnight movie fave for stoners. I won't insult it by saying it's Lynchian, because it makes more sense than that, but it does establish what seems to be supernatural horror & then explains it all with space (?) aliens. Then it's more supernatural (?) elements. I'd have graded it higher bc I wanted to know how it ends, but the slow pacing made me FF.
Rated 25 Apr 2007
Has some pretty amazing moments, but also a lot of silly bits too.
Rated 01 Apr 2007
One minute it's scary and original, the next it's stupid. Possibly the most uneven film ever made
Rated 31 May 2020
What the hell did I just watch? Can't help myself now and have to watch the sequels!
Rated 21 May 2009
Self-conscious and silly horror movie sets loose a Pandora's Box of evils -- a blond femme fatale who knifes her lovers in a graveyard, a gangling undertaker who walks in slow-motion, hooded dwarfs skittering around as if on skateboards, a creepy-crawly severed finger oozing yellow blood, batlike creatures with bright-red taillight eyes, and a flying silver sphere that pumps the blood out of human heads.
Rated 24 May 2020
There's a girl having sex in a cementary, some sort of a magical fortune teller, a tall weird man running a funeral home, a kid and his brother and their friend the weird bald icecream man with a pony tail, some evil dwarfs, people being brought back to life (I think?), an unintelligible subplot involving another world with a large gravitational pull, and a ridiculous plot twist. Oh, and a flying ball that scans for people to kill by piercing their heads. So yeah. That's basically it
Rated 04 Oct 2018
Don't know what low budget charm means.
Rated 31 Jan 2007
It’s very inventive and ambitious considering it’s limited budget. The friendship between the characters is believable and quite unique for a genre film. Music is a bit derivative of other scores but effective. The film is largely about exploring the mystery and it (fittingly) seems to follow a dream logic, but to me it’s 90% setup and 10% pay off. I’ve seen the film a couple of times now and while I was entertained, it sadly just doesn’t grab me the way the best of the genre does.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
There is great and there is lousy with Phantasm. The majority of the movie is admittedly kind of dull and borderline annoying with the kid being very obnoxious and the overall story being little more than an X-Files episode. That being said, the horror/sci-fi elements we do get are borderline inspired and very worthwhile. A budget increase of any kind would have done wonders for this movie.
Rated 15 Sep 2022
By now means „good“ or „coherent“ in a traditional sense, and it takes the better part of a not exactly great first hour to get to the interesting bits, but there’s something magic about it all.
Rated 29 Mar 2019
Em honra dos 40 anos de lançamento hoje. Esse filme é MUITO estranho, quero dizer a narratividade dele, muita coisa inclusive me lembra alguns aspectos do David Lynch, virtualmente a questão onírica da coisa que na verdade é um fake twist do twist, mas aqui o mesmo é irrelevante, é a linguagem peculiar que comanda o filme. BlurayRip YTS.
Rated 03 Nov 2023
Apparently the cemetery was the only available place to hang out in that town. Well, that and Dunes Cantina where you can find a girl to f*ck.. in a cemetery.
Rated 04 May 2019
The Tall Man: "You play a good game, boy, but the game is finished. Now you die."
Rated 10 Feb 2022
Boring, with a few cool sets that make some interesting visuals but the enjoyment is drowned by the stupidity of the movie and it's ending
Rated 18 Aug 2019
Terrible acting, terrible editing, & some really bad writing cannot be saved by a surprisingly good soundtrack & a few interesting ideas. The entire movie plays out like a bad dream, with little to no explanation ever being given as to what's happening and jarring cuts to and from scenes making it all even harder to follow. The very meh acting is only hampered more by terrible dialogue. Overall, there's really not much to like here, & though it's oddly fascinating at times it's still not good.
Rated 10 Feb 2022
the plot twist was terrible
Rated 02 Jan 2022
Some campy stuff by today's standards, but highly enjoyable and unique.
Rated 21 Oct 2021
This film has some exciting moments, unfortunately it also has several boring scenes. The characters are not very exciting or distinct. There are some neat special affects, especially with the small budget. Overall this film is a minor disappointment.
Rated 12 Apr 2021
I know it was meant to make everything seem like a dream, and dreams are often very incoherent. The problem is that one has to go through the entire thing before getting the explanation as to why it made absolutely no sense. Being told "gotcha!" in the end doesn't heal entirely the feeling of displeasure and outrage that lasted the previous 60-80 minutes.
Rated 14 Oct 2020
I feel like I never got to drink this Kool Aid. The fact that it's so low budget isn't a strike against it, but when considered against its nonsensical plotting and pacing, then the schlock only adds to the boring nonsense. This truly is just nonsense. Is the brother just dubbed the whole time? What is ever happening in this? It wants to disorientate, but it only confuses and plods along at a glacial rate, often retreading ground aimlessly. Ninety-minute horrors shouldn't feel this long.
Rated 08 Jun 2020
Bizarre, corny, not scary, but somehow it's pretty entertaining.
Rated 21 Jan 2020
BOY!, This starts of as a promising sci-fi proto-slasher, making up for its amateur acting and low budget by some solid directing and a nice cult vibe. But gets more and more incoherent along the line; a typical example of throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. And disappointingly ends in the cop out of all cop outs.
Rated 26 May 2020
Criticker thought I'd like Phantasm 9% more than I actually did, which is a pretty close prediction, but the reason why I'm held back here is because this is such a strange film in general. There's a lot of moving parts in the movie that don't make a lot of sense, and I think that's because it's trying to play itself out like an actual nightmare, and those can be confusing if that's the idea, bravo, but narratively, it's confusing and I'm left wishing there were more answers.
Rated 21 Mar 2009
"...has an undeniable low-budget charm..."
Rated 02 Mar 2007
Classic horror.
Rated 09 May 2007
Rated 14 Aug 2007
While a horror classic, after rewatching so many times you can really see a dozen ways in which this could have been tightened up and made better. Regardless, still a great watch with some unique effects.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I want those flying spheres
Rated 14 Aug 2007
boring and ridiculous
Rated 16 Sep 2007
respectable indie horror effort
Rated 23 Sep 2007
BOOOOOOOYYYYY!!! e: Damn it, someone else beat me to it.
Rated 31 Dec 2007
Still Don Coscarelli's finest hour. Extremely hard to describe, but it's an interesting mish-mash of ideas that come together to create a really fun horror film.
Rated 18 Jan 2008
The absurd feeling of this flick is the source of much of its horror, and the flying death-spheres provide the gore to give this old classic plenty of staying power.
Rated 25 Apr 2008
Love the 70's vibe, but this movie is weak.
Rated 24 Nov 2008
great when it came out
Rated 04 Jan 2009
BBOOOOOOOYY! This was one of those film that I laughed my ass off at. My Ma actually bought this piece of junk for Halloween in an attempt to scare my sister and I. Oooh how it backfired. Apparently, this was just absolutely terrifying in the '70s! There is just much to say about this movie...
Rated 27 Jan 2009
Had its moments, but it was just too slow and at times boring. Liked the Tall Man, hated the ending. Bad explanation for the ending.
Rated 08 Mar 2009
"...effective here and there through some appealing eccentricities."
Rated 08 Mar 2009
Good Movie
Rated 30 Jan 2018
It's really fucking boring, but under the influence of weed and company the ending rounds this one off to be a somewhat entertaining experience.
Rated 08 Apr 2009
Horror classic, creepy and unsetteling, and very strange and interesting all at the same time. The Tall Man is the best horror villain I can remember. I reccomend this to any young creature of the night.
Rated 21 Apr 2009
I hated this piece of crap.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Very 70's, but unique. Terrible acting, awesome sound design.
Rated 28 Jul 2009
Cheesy and fun and worthwhile on its own merits, but it's especially cool to see all the working elements that provided a template for mainstream horror films in the '80s.
Rated 24 Aug 2009
The best in the series, a classic.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
Rated 12 Mar 2010
Phantasm is so weird and unique that it becomes better the more times that you see it. The film itself is a masterclass in mood and atmosphere. It is downright ridiculous at times but it basks in its own unapologetic strangeness. The main problem with this that many of the creature effects do not hold up but with this sort of film you are watching it more for the atmosphere rather than the effects.
Rated 03 Feb 2013
Rated 29 Jan 2014
Rated 23 Sep 2014
Jeg klarer ikke fatte at denne er lagd av samme fyr som Bubba Ho-Tep. Ingenting henger på greip, skuespillet er helt krise, og klippingen ble gjort i blinde. Bra skurk.
Rated 13 Dec 2014
I guess this is kind of a divisive movie, and I'm on the end that didn't care for it. It just kind of felt like they were taking brainstorming table scraps and trying to smoosh them together into a complete movie. All the horror and sci-fi elements feel very loosely connected, the movie overall feels pretty unfocused, and there are some really random Dune references that have nothing to do with anything. Like an entire scene lifted directly from the beginning of Dune, amounting to nothing
Rated 16 Jan 2015
cheesy, but good entertainment.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
The acting is a little weak and motivations are a bit thin, but it's entertaining and tense and I can understand why this might be a highly regarded horror film by those who like the genre. But it isn't satisfied with that, and in the final third it gets increasingly convoluted in the most nonsensical ways, throws in explanations that are undercooked and wholly unsatisfying, increases its reliance on shock value, and the final scene is the culmination of all of this with its worthless 'twist.'
Rated 09 Dec 2015
Cult Classic


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