Perfect Blue
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Perfect Blue

1h 21m
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Avg Percentile 70.96% from 2769 total ratings

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Rated 25 Mar 2023
A captivating, Lynchian mindjob of a movie that pitches us diabolical curveballs throughout. The biggest flaw is an ending that's a little too neat and tidy for what's come before.
Rated 29 Jan 2011
A mindfuck of near-unrivaled intensity with intertextual references to gialli and slashers, satire of fandom and celebrity culture and metatextual exploration of the boundaries between diegetic world, the fiction in that world and character psychoses. We share Mima's anguish and are thrown with her into the downward spiral of an ever-twisting story which breeds 'Mulholland Dr.' and 'Black Swan', albeit prefiguring both. Superb direction by Kon. Such a shame that he only got to make four films.
Rated 17 Mar 2009
One of my all-time favorite films, not just in animation, thriller, or some other arbitrary genre pigeonhole. This is my gold standard because it is assured in subject matter, theme and moral, while its more mature elements serve the story, not the other way around.
Rated 18 Jun 2009
Creepy. At times it's a bit tough to decipher in literal terms, but in general it works very well as a desperate and paranoid depiction of an identity crisis. The animation itself is not particularly awe-inspiring, but there are plenty of beautiful images scattered about. The film is technically rather audacious, boasting a very complex editing structure to demonstrate the blurring of reality and illusion, but this never becomes overwhelming.
Rated 26 Jun 2018
I always wonder about animated movies. Somewhere, someone came home to their spouse and kids and when they asked, "What did you do at work today?" they had to lie because they spent all day drawing a closeup of an exposed female crotch. I really liked the deterioration of reality that takes place which means it's time for my annual recommendation of Uncle Kent 2. Nobody's listening.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
Beautifully deranged thriller that deconstructs its entire narrative according to some increasingly relevant psychosocial horrors. Takes what it needs from giallo (& Lynch?) while grounding itself convincingly to the world of Japanese ent.ind. & maintaining a strong personal voice. Damn near flawless in its structure as every scene, edit & design choice is meaningful, transformative & supports the whole. I didn't really buy the therapeutic final scene but yeah, this was my kind of fucked up.
Rated 27 Jan 2021
I'm not sure my mind has ever been toyed with this much in a movie. I was so invested and entertained that I watched it again an hour after the credits rolled. Very original, extremely well directed and edited, and exceptionally told. Definitely not for the faint of heart, but everything was unsettling and creepy and strange that I couldn't turn away. I loved every second of it and I'm already excited for when I watch it again.
Rated 10 Apr 2010
for a film about identity crisis and confusing fiction with reality, this is actually more coherent than your average j-horror. really well done retro slasher with a lot of relevant commentary on big japanese cultural issues, and some ambiguous arty dream sequences thrown in for good measure. the animation is not high-budget but is really well-directed and effective.
Rated 02 Oct 2010
More interesting than I expected. The blurry line between reality, illusion and acting was pretty neat, and I didn't see that end reveal coming. At times successfully creepy.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
It's anime giallo as Satoshi Kon channels Argento and Bava in this psychological thriller. It gets a bit repetitive at points, but it provides a few surprises and is sufficiently entertaining. The short running time is a big asset, any more of this and it would wear out its welcome. I did think most of the animation was rather mechanical and unappealing, though. Also, despite the quasi-feminist viewpoint, there's an awful lot of rape. However, I enjoyed it more than the other Kon I've seen.
Rated 20 Aug 2012
The obvious highlight here is the editing, which does a brilliant job of blurring the line between reality and dreams, as well as fiction (the primary narrative) and metafiction (Mima's films). I can see why people are quick to invoke comparisons to Mulholland Drive. It's hard to say whether Kon is employing some rather unfortunate anime cliches or commenting on them, but fortunately it's not too indulgent. It's a hell of a ride, though I think I prefer Paprika.
Rated 14 Apr 2014
This is why Aronofsky never directed episodes of "Jem and the Holograms".
Rated 06 Aug 2022
*puffs on bubble pipe and leans back in easy chair* ... Yo, CHAM slaps! This is a nightmare. It's a good thing the original investors wussed out, this would've sucked live action - those floaty chases guhhhh.
Rated 27 Feb 2021
"The Internet? Oh, it's that thing that's become really popular recently, right? What is it?"
Rated 11 Aug 2009
This movie pretty much single-handedly changed my perception of anime.
Rated 29 Aug 2010
Takes the best giallo elements and puts them though Japanese perspective. The result is really fucked up mind blowing detective story with multiple layers of dreams, reality and imagination. After a while you start questioning what is real and what's not. Very re-watchable.
Rated 24 Jun 2011
Grows more and more fascinating as each new layer is revealed, laying every potential reality out on the table for the viewer to decide upon. A masterful psychological thriller. The film didn't necessarily need to be animated, but it might be all the more beautiful for it.
Rated 28 May 2021
Selena as giallo anime. Manipulative in the best way, the sleight-of-hand editing adds layers to the narrative and involves the viewer in the delusion. Lends itself very easily to a second watch in quick succession.
Rated 22 Sep 2020
Great animated flick for the kids.
Rated 05 Sep 2020
I be tripped out by what I just seen
Rated 23 Mar 2015
Hot take: the Mima that won in the end isn't "old" mima nor "new" mima, but a third one. Her problem all along was her inability to contain her own opposing parts: past vs present, expectations vs authenticity, purity vs sexuality, sanity (blue) and insanity (red). Her victory is in achieving a new mode of being: Synthesis Mima - one that contains her multitudes and has gained sanity and agency for it, as stated in the last shot by her being behind the wheel at last and engulfed in blue.
Rated 27 Sep 2018
I've always had an affinity for films with shifting perspectives that constantly melt into one another. There is no difference here -- as masterful editing and a tricky use of metafiction kept me on my toes the entire time. The film is an identity puzzle that's fun to chew on, though lacks the emotional resonance of the films it went on to inspire (Mulholland Dr, Black Swan). Kon was a step ahead of everyone else and I look forward to exploring the rest of his labyrinths.
Rated 27 Sep 2018
One of the most suspenseful anime films I've watched. Some parts were hard to digest.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The film explores a lot of interesting themes about the nature of reality. Unlike later movies that were similar, this movie can pull of its cliches and deceits with lots of style and aplomb. There are some brilliant scenes and one stupid scene, but ultimately, in the end, it manages to keep itself together and finish in a tight and satisfying way. Perfect Blue is almost perfect.
Rated 04 Aug 2008
Actress in trouble & reality. A bit like Lynch, but I would say more like Inland Empire than Mulholland Drive. Overall a great movie, but there are some little gaps in storytelling: the Real is seen as a reflection in the mirror etc.
Rated 01 Dec 2009
A good mind fuck movie to put it bluntly. Despite coming out three years earlier and being animated it does have a fair bit in common with 'Mulholland Drive" so if you like that you may like this.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
Fantastic psychological thriller. The animation isn't breathtaking but is sufficient and doesn't hinder the sense of realism. It's short, captivating and terrifying. It really does convey the sense of helplessness, the loss of surroundings and lack of reality that the main character finds suffering. I've heard it compared to Mulholland Drive by Lynch but for me it has a similar feel to that of Inland Empire. Even if you aren't a fan of anime, this is a fantastic film.
Rated 16 May 2020
Fandom, celebrity, identity, and losing one's youth is just the tip of the iceberg of topics covered in Satoshi Kon's haunting depiction of Japanese pop-culture. The film develops into physiological horror as the main character losing her sense of reality, which gives way to some quite shocking stuff. Really impressive.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
Holy shit, the most intense thriller I've ever seen. The spiral from paranoia into psychosis sucks us in through a first perspective fever dream. We never know any more than Mima does, and as an audience we experience the same disorientation and confusion as Mima. It blurs the line between acting, delusion, and reality. Phenomenal editing, some beautiful compositions, and top quality hand drawn visuals. I've never felt so uncomfortable/uneasy when watching a film before, genuine sense of dread.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
An overly lauded anime movie that I had a hard time paying attention to, much less following it's confusingly nonsense plot. It definitely doesn't help that a major plot point in the beginning involves J-pop which I have a strong distaste for, and inevitably gets brought up every three and a half minutes.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
DAMN, what a mirage dream film which sucks you in so far that you yourself begin to forget what reality is like. This film was the pinnacle for many thriller films like whiplash are made. The animation and story is so perfect that you honestly forget its animated. I won’t lie it is confusing but the story keeps ramping up you dont have time to figure it out which keeps on adding to the ever anxiety inducing soundtrack. Which to add the soundtrack is quite sureal as it fits perfectly to the film
Rated 04 Jul 2013
I haven't seen many movies that so adroitly weave their themes and motifs into the narrative and aesthetic. Like most of the best stories, this one uses a specific situation (in this case, a pop idol undergoing a career change) to comment on a general aspect of human nature (in this case, aging). It helps that Satoshi Kon did practically everything right along the way.
Rated 04 Mar 2014
#14#, [Unrated version; Original audio], story, ratings, director Kon
Rated 14 Mar 2014
Perfect Blue moves way too fast for its own good, and is too discernible where it tries to be confusing and thrilling. I found most of the revelations to be pretty obvious, and the final one comes out of nowhere for the sake of being shocking. The main character is also stupid and annoying. Some cheap animation quality and ugly faces here and there that's far below anything else of Kon's. Still worth seeing, but I like the story concept more than how it's carried out.
Rated 25 Sep 2014
Strong animated visuals and a quality blending of horror and suspense drive this great, creepy modern classic. I was reminded of Hitchcock, Lynch, and Argento.
Rated 29 Sep 2008
Innovative, unpredictable and chilling.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
yay more underwater yelling for aronofsky to copycat
Rated 28 Mar 2022
It took half the movie before it started to actually be interesting but by then I didn't really care anymore. I did finish the whole thing but can't see why anyone raves about this.
Rated 12 Oct 2020
Psychological thriller that mingles between fiction and reality. Probably on top-list among Aronofsky and Lynch.
Rated 20 Jun 2009
An anime thriller so trite it can't be said to have ripped off anything in particular, but violent and titillating enough to entertain.
Rated 11 Jul 2009
Worth watching more than once.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
A masterpiece of both horror and anime. Eat shit, Black Swan.
Rated 03 Jun 2010
Rated 18 Jun 2010
A captivating piece of adult anomation. This disturbing psychological thriller reaches a level of intensity that can keep up with the best.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
It seemed like it was way more confusing than it needed to be, as the disorientation really didn't seem to contribute to anything. Three minutes in, I thought that it was going to go in a different direction, and I was disappointed that it didn't.
Rated 04 Sep 2010
An excellent Lynchian look at reality, fame, and identity.
Rated 11 Sep 2010
Pretty well-made Anime. The animation is really good and it's a strange but good story
Rated 08 Dec 2010
My favorite Satoshi Kon work, the main characters paranoia and loss of reality is amazingly conveyed to the viewer.
Rated 31 Dec 2010
Psychosis, madness, paranoia, lost of identity...Pure genius.
Rated 05 Feb 2011
If you liked Black Swan then this is definetely worth a watch.
Rated 15 Jun 2021
Satoshi Kon's feature debut is sort of an anime giallo. It was originally intended to be a live action film, but the move to animation seems to have made it a far better film. Kon uses animation to render Mima's fractured sense of reality in ways that would be very difficult in live action. It allows him to sell the film's somewhat implausible final reveal in a fairly convincing manner. It's really the only film of it's kind, but makes you wish there were a lot more like it.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
Yet another masterpiece from Satoshi Kon. The amazing illusion that fools everyone, both characters and the audience. Totally didn't see it coming. It's maniacal and insanely fun at the same time.
Rated 19 Aug 2012
Mima the protagonist's high pitched shriek of a voice, big tits and completely clueless nature was definitely off-putting, but other than that this movie plays a clever game of identity crisis. I liked it. The tongue-in-cheek ending made me laugh.
Rated 07 Apr 2013
Interesting examination of star culture, social pressures and an ensuing mental breakdown. Except for a couple of plot points it's very engaging and well put together. It commits to putting you in the mind of this pop idol turned actress and the slowly consuming break from reality becomes all the more interesting by the consistent perspective. Animated cinematography is easy to overlook, but there are some very well done compositions which combine with good editing to heighten the atmosphere.
Rated 19 May 2013
I'm almost afraid of praising this movie, because I only checked it out of skepticism of the enthusiasm my Kumpels showed for it. But I was promised delicious mind-fuckery, and I left satisfied. And I heartily hope you will too.
Rated 15 Jul 2013
an animated mulholland drive, prior to mulholland drive, and in some ways even better than mulholland drive
Rated 11 Oct 2013
Absolutely immaculate editing.
Rated 20 Nov 2013
Incredible. Unnerving. Eye-opening. I've never seen a film be so real and surreal simultaneously. I wasn't so keen on the whole [SPOILERS] "It was the crazy manager all along!" but the rest is pretty much intense, psychological perfection.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Had to watch this twice for the full experience, but this is so good guys. The only movies I can really compare this to were inspired by it, so know that this is completely original and unlike anything before it. Give this a watch if you're into movies that fuck with your brain.
Rated 24 Apr 2020
While watching the first part, I thought that I'd be bored and could't finish it but the second part was astonishing! So dark and ominous... I can hardly believe my eyes. Absolutely brilliant!
Rated 23 Aug 2020
Terrific! Perfect Blue asks the question that we desperately need to answer to ourselves: What happens when we lose control of our avatars when they become an entity of themselves, and they start shaping who we are? ~ People perceiving us in ways that we don't choose and that perception becoming reality. If you take away someone's identity then what's left?
Rated 28 Jun 2017
f I feel down on Perfect Blue at all it's not because it's an ineffective thriller. In the moment, it works really well; it keeps you guessing from the second the trauma happens right up until we find out exactly what's going on. But it doesn't have a ton to chew on and its ending feels too "Hollywood" for the rest of the production. Still, it looks great and it's more than entertaining enough. It just leaves on a disappointing note and doesn't have a ton of staying power.
Rated 13 Feb 2020
Mima Kirigoe: "No, I'm the real thing."
Rated 01 Jun 2018
After re-watch, still equally manipulated and left on an ambiguous note in this psycho-thriller. One theory is not enough for me to conclude what is actually going on. The madness of Mima's character immerses you into this nightmare that almost never ends. Some obscurities that i'll forever look forward to viewing and thinking about again.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Perfect Blue is an intriguing yet terrifying dive into maturity, identity, and the dangers of becoming a pop culture figure. We see our main character mentally deteriorate as scenes bleed into other scenes making the experience like a break-less exercise, showing what great editing can really do to a film. The line between reality and fantasy is blurred to such an extreme that I began to wonder how much, if anything, of what I was seeing was real, only adding to the anxiety-inducing atmosphere.
Rated 25 Sep 2019
ok but what the hell happened
Rated 10 Mar 2019
This a great psychological thriller. Black Swan copies too much form this film.
Rated 16 Jul 2019
God, if only this were 20+ minutes longer.
Rated 22 Sep 2023
bu tarz animelerden nefret ediyorum. çizgi film çekeceğine reel çeksene bunu hangi çocuk izleyebilir. bana bu durum kendimi bildim bileli çok komik geliyor. onun dışında animasyonun konusu klişe bir kişilik bölünmesinden fazlası değil. içerisindeki anlamlar ve atmosferi de başarılı buldum. en başarılı bulduğum da black swan gibi iyi sandığımız filmin bu filmden çalıntı olması, malesef çok sevdiğim mulholland drive'ın bunun konusuna özenmesi.
Rated 20 Feb 2007
Great, clever psychological thriller. Nothing to envy real action films.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Creepy anime about a Japanese pop star and her stalker.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Very well done, but in hindsight maybe I shouldn't have let my daughter see this. Mind you, it's now her favourite film
Rated 15 Sep 2023
Solid movie, lovely animation, cool chase, messed up ending.
Rated 06 Apr 2022
A mesmeric blend of fragmented realities, disconcerting visuals and social commentary. Some of the best editing I have ever seen, conflates reality and illusion with ease and verve all the while culminating to a deceptively simple finale. Splendid yet trauma inducing animation. Also shines a light on the dark side of fame and celebrity culture and the dissociation of identity someone might feel working under the lime light. Satoshi Kon at his best, we lost him too soon.
Rated 07 Oct 2008
#858 & 07 Ekim 08, 18:19 & Satoshi Kon'un diger bir yapiti olan Paprika gibi gercekle ilizyon ic ice. david lynch'i hatirlatiyor. galiba satoshi kon, animenin d.lynch'i unvanini hakediyor. usta isi bir senaryoya sahip, zekice tasarlanmis bir psikolojik gerilim filmi.
Rated 12 Dec 2008
Psychological mind fuck of an experience, the best I've seen of anime [outside Cowboy Bebop / Evangelion] but the conclusion really leaves something to be desired. The use of sound / themes does give me deja vu ala Lynch but it’s never explicit and I'm still undecided on the exact relation of the two -- definitely an important work of its own. The editing is especially impressive.
Rated 28 May 2024
A very messed up, twisted story with fantastic animation. Sometimes it's easy to get drawn to the confusing, trippy side of it so it can be tricky to tell what is real and what is not and that's a great thing in a thriller like this. Also, perfectly paced and not too long a runtime for the story. Lynch-like feels were had here. Creepy tutu girl is chasing you with an icepick. Nopeee.
Rated 08 May 2024
One of those twists that’s so dumb and obvious that you guess it in the first few minutes but dismiss it out of hand because it would be too silly and would ruin the plot. Can’t believe people see ambiguity in this; comparing it to subsequent Lynch films is truly deluded
Rated 19 May 2022
Mükemmel, gidin izleyin. Başka diyecek şey yok.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
Could use a better score and would've worked better as live action than second grade anime, but otherwise great. Kon is the japanese David Lynch.
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Second viewing in 2021. First rating was 70. I love mind-bending movies, no matter how tiresome they become. And "Perfect Blue" is a mindfuck fest at its best! The reality, fiction, dreams, and illusions blend into each other. Plot twists follow another twist. Animation style is nothing extraordinary but you wouldn't need exceptionally beautiful drawings when you have such a gripping story.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
Great animé film... Aronofsky is more than just inspired by Kon!
Rated 18 Apr 2011
This film sets off innocent enough, but crescendos in its distortion. It is mind-bending at times, but like, say, Mulholland Drive or Black Swan, its surrealism is never alienating (if anything, it makes it more engrossing). I need to see this again.
Rated 22 May 2011
An essential anime film. This movie is quite a ride! It's a psychological thriller...but it's quite unique. I don't want to talk about it very much, because there's a lot that goes on. Check it out! More proof that Japan takes its animated medium much more seriously.
Rated 08 May 2020
An early exploration of the identity- shaping and challenging effect of digital technical traces, smartly doubled by the illustration of an idol as living in a perpetual tension between her synchronised fantasy image and her diachronisation (here depicted by the increasing exposure of her sluttishness), and of cultural industry as relying on both hypnotising effects of synchronisation and shocking effects of diachronisation. Challenging visual style, though a sense of melodrama in how it ends.
Rated 02 Jan 2012
Carried by remarkable editing and a palpable unease, Perfect Blue derails heavily with its under-realized third act and cookie-cutter conclusion. Despite its shortcomings, there's enough intrigue an fresh ideas to warrant a viewing or four of this engaging thriller.
Rated 08 Jan 2012
All of the tricks, the hallucinations and the titillations are enough to keep you watching, but at the end it doesn't really add up to much.
Rated 26 Jan 2012
The beginning of this anime story seemed pretty normal and familiar. Then, about halfway through, shit gets real! Everything goes kinda crazy. And then there is twist after twist after twist... I found myself having no clue what was truly happening. That being said, I quite enjoyed it. I thought it was really well directed, with impressive transitions and clever ways of subverting the audience's expectations.
Rated 19 Dec 2012
One of the most formally daring, and quite scary thrillers I have seen, live action or anime. I've heard some people compare this to Black Swan (only not crappy) plus Psycho, which sound's about right. Dense, layered and repays multiple viewings. A masterpiece.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
Rated 21 Aug 2014
The animated format serves well this profoundly personal psychosexual exploration of obsession by giving freedom to the fiercely visual portrayal of the copious levels of perspective reality submerging the central character.
Rated 30 Oct 2014
Revisited (2)
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Not a huge fan of this brand of psycho-thriller.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
Props to Kon for telling what is ultimately a fairly standard SWF slasher story in a unique way, by utilising the form of animation to more effectively portray Mima's fracturing mind-set, Ultimately seems more derivative of De Palma's brand of Giallo than really striking out in its own direction, but it's still a largely engrossing watch, with the animation design striking at times, and the murder scenes well-staged.
Rated 16 Jul 2015
Today I learned anime can be absolutely TERRIFYING. It gets off to a slow start, but... holy shit.
Rated 23 Sep 2015
Slightly shaky start in the sense that the cuts were too fast so that the movie seemed a little incoherent (1st 10 mins). The movie is a fine example of a good psychological thriller. The build up to the climax is exciting and the same can be said about the climax itself. The climax can appear to be conclusive or too deterministic for a modern viewer who is used to having open ended finishes to many movies these days. Also check out the Aronofsky reference.
Rated 16 Oct 2015
Things become a bit confusing maybe 3/4 of the way through the movie, but it really pulls through by the end. I find the whole "fallen idol" concept fascinating, and this movie explores it well, especially all the elements of sexuality and maintaining a public image.
Rated 02 Oct 2023
Japanese animation has been a blind spot for me for far too long. I can count on one hand the number of anime movies I've seen. Perfect Blue was the first that 100% worked and enthralled me
Rated 26 May 2020
kafa yakan bir öykü. Kim neyi yaptı gibi bir soruyla hikayeyi takip etmeye çalışmak nafile.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
Great and psychotic film. Reminds me a lot of Paranoia Agent. R.I.P. Satoshi Kon


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