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Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 41m
Peppermint is a revenge story centering on a young mother who finds herself with nothing to lose, and is now going to take from her enemies the very life they stole from her. (imdb)


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 41m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 29.62% from 305 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 27 Jan 2019
Garner is firing on all cylinders in Peppermint even as the entire movie burns down in flames around here. She's got intensity -- you believe her grief, insanity, anger, bloodlust. I actually feel bad for Garner because she gave it all she had putting on a great show in a movie that didn't deserve her. Plot moves easily and conveniently from point to point and potentially cool action setpieces are quickcut edited to ribbons
Rated 25 Nov 2018
It's ok. Jennifer Garner is good as the bad ass. The rest is fairly standard revenge craziness. It's an ok film to fill a Sunday afternoon.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
The kind of film that makes you feel embarrassed for everyone involved. Points for a couple of unintentional laughs.
Rated 18 Feb 2019
While this is a retread of the well worn revenge genre Jennifer Garner gives an incredible performance. The directing and editing are a bit off but the story moved along well and some of the action scenes were well staged. The secondary characters including the main bad guy were largely throw away. This is a fun solid revenge flick and if this kind of movie is your thing you won't be disappointed.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Ugly, witless DEATH WISH clone serves up the same overheated garbage that Bronson was peddling 30 years ago, but puts it to service a brazenly manipulative, sanctimonious screenplay (even doing an offensive tie-in to the #MeToo movement). Despite her action cred, Garner seems miscast (and ill-at-ease) here; there's potential for some dark satiric points to be made, but they are sacrificed for a hoary old police corruption subplot, where the most arbitrary character is revealed as the baddie.
Rated 16 Aug 2020
Jennifer Garner as a badass was pretty special and her performance is great. Revenge plot story was set up fairly well. Production quality is good. Many of the plot points were just too convenient or unconvincing. The fun begins when she becomes an assassin and starts eliminating the scumbags. Despite its many flaws, it was fun to watch. A guilty pleasure. Everybody knows you don't mess with momma bear. Knife in nose, "Hi, I have questions for you, you're not busy are you?" HAHA! Worthwhile.
Rated 04 Jan 2020
Nonsensical on every level.
Rated 15 Feb 2019
Garner has such a vibrant screen presence and she's athletic enough to provide decent action scenes. Too bad the material is so lazy. The fact that we never see her becoming a vigilante is unbelievably dumb.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
I dislike the concept of a vigilante, but I do enjoy vigilante movies, and how many have female leads? Seriously, you can put Riley right up there with any of them. I like her better than Charles Bronson in Death Wish or Clint Eastwood in those westerns. I don’t care that there is nary an explanation to be found for her quickly attained super-amazing death-machine skills. I just want more Peppermint. Predictable, formulaic, incredible? Yes, all of those. But fun, too. Sequel, please!
Rated 19 Sep 2018
okay movie
Rated 17 Sep 2018
I'll say this to this movie's credit: when I first saw the trailer, my initial reaction was, "Jennifer Garner does action? She looks so out of place. I wonder what else Michelle Rodriguez was doing that she had to back out of this?" Because this trailer FELT like a Michelle Rodriguez movie with a Michelle Rodriguez character. But I felt that she was pretty believable, outside of a few moments where it just got stretched a little too far. This wasn't a waste of time. You could do worse than this.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
Good story but not well executed.
Rated 22 Nov 2022
TV-drama quality acting, direction, and camera work.
Rated 23 Mar 2022
Basically.. none of the characters feel believable and most dialogue had me rolling me eyes. Action cinematography&choreog. is standard ig
Rated 08 Jul 2021
As revenge movies go, it's quite frankly refreshing to see it's the mother of the family who survives and wants to avenge her daughter. That opening hooked me immediately, and the explanation as to exactly how she turns herself into such a skilled killer was actually pretty believable. However, the movie doesn't really live up to it's build up. The action is good and the payoff is ultimately pretty satisfying, but everything else is either bland or uninspired.
Rated 22 Dec 2020
It's a revenge flick, fight scenes are boring - too many cuts.
Rated 01 Nov 2020
Preposterous, But mildly entertaining.
Rated 19 Apr 2020
Birinci sınıf aksiyon filmi. Herşey bilinen şekilde ilerlemesine rağmen bazı sürpriz sahneler var kısaca yönetmen iyi bir iş çıkarmış diyebilirim diğer taraftan başta sosyal medya kullanımı olmak üzere bakış açısıyla günümüze uygun. Jennifer Garner ise her zamanki gibi yine iyi ve filme tam oturmuş.
Rated 06 Apr 2020
Eşini ve çocuğunu uyuşturucu mafyası tarafından gözü önünde ölen 1 anne, adaleti aramaya başlar. Suça neden olan herkesten intikam almaya başlar. Jennifer Garner filmi izlettirirken, hızlı kurgu ile hemen sadede geliyor. Görüntü yönetmenliği kötü. Sahneler facia. Filmin sonunda, iyiler kötüler arada kaynasa da, intikam alınıp sıvışılıyor. Dişi Ramboniye.
Rated 11 Oct 2019
This is an average film that feels like it not covering any new ground. The script is predictable and there are only a few good action scenes. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 01 Oct 2019
ger; [peppermint - Angel of vengeance]; nachdem ihre Familie ermordet wurde und die Verbrecher ohne Anklage davon kommen macht die Mutter Jagd auf die korrupten und das Syndikat.;
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Bland, boring, cliche'd to hell and back. Flat & uninteresting characters. an underdeveloped protagonist. and a story plagued by pointless subplots. All that. and a twist towards the end that's just awful. Jennifer Garner deserves better than this.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
Skips through too much of the interesting stuff I think; there’s no real normal-civilian-to-badass-killer arc, we just skip ahead a few years and she’s done all that training entirely offscreen. Most of the revenge taking is unimpressive too, although maybe some of the subplots about various cops opposing/supporting her and the social media following she attracts were kind of fun.
Rated 14 Jan 2019
You will definitely come across worse revenge movies. Garner is good, but never Liam Neeson good, and this is no Taken, but what is..? *Okay
Rated 19 Dec 2018
Exactly what you'd expect, including the weird and anticlimactic ending. The scene in the pinata factory raked.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
Always nice to see Jennifer Garner deliver.
Rated 28 Nov 2018
There was absolutely nothing special about this movie. It was a very generic revenge story that I've seen many times before. I will say that Garner's performance is worth watching alone. Other than that, a pretty forgettable movie.
Rated 23 Nov 2018
Solidní žánrovka.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
Despite the dated editing and the vague racial commentary here, at the end of the day, it really feels like a generic action movie. It's not very good, but it still does its job. It feels a little aimless and convoluted in parts, which is probably what drags it down the most. It's hard to hate it, though.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
Solid revenge flick that wastes little time with exposition. Jen returns to her action hero roots and proves why she is a star. It's not going to surprise but it sure is fun to watch
Rated 22 Sep 2018
Pierre Morel delivers.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Another one critics not favoring. The same thing happened to her female action lead in Elektra. Critics and box office didn't support Garner. I liked both. This is a solid female version of Death Wish. Lots of action and a huge body count.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
Revenge stories are almost always fun, and the formula to get a decent one is simple. This hits that formula enough to entertain me but it is basic and brings nothing new to the table. The action sequences are okay but in the better examples of the genre they are more thrilling. The hard rock violence music is bad, and Garner tries but it's hard for me to believe her in that role. And yet despite the obvious flaws I was never bored and I'd watch the sequel.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
Garner's a great actress w/ a lot of screen combat experience & it would be smart to build a franchise around her. This probably won't be that franchise since the 1st half drags predictably as we wait for the tired Death Wish boxes to be ticked off. It does get better as it goes however w/ the filmmakers keeping most of the fights relatively plausible & adding something new: the idea that our hero may be more far gone than we think, and at its best, keeping it unclear as to how far she will go.


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