Paranormal Activity 2
Paranormal Activity 2
Your probable score
Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity 2

1h 31m
After experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.

Paranormal Activity 2

1h 31m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 26.83% from 1835 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 23 Oct 2010
Suffers from some of the same flaws as the first, but with much improved pacing, a less repetitive structure, and more interesting characters (and more frightening scares, to boot). Also, lots of cleavage, which makes me wonder how Roger Ebert didn't give it at least 2.5 stars.
Rated 01 Nov 2010
Same score I gave the first. It's a little more professional and better-paced, with more varied characters, but lacks the freshness of the original while being similarly reliant on jump scares above all else. (However, if Katie Featherston had revealed her breasts, I would have given it a 100 and declared it the cinematic masterpiece of 2010.)
Rated 01 Nov 2010
A sequel to a movie that didn't need to have a sequel. Unoriginal, uninteresting, unbelievably boring. This movie takes everything that was enjoyable and scary about the first film, then just repeats it verbatim. Unlike the first however, there is an attempt at developing the plot (the demon is owed a baby for the family's wealth) but the movie would have been better off without it, it clashes with the plot of the first movie as the demon's motives now seem ambiguous and random.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
Entirely redundant, unless you count the newly included racism (not only can Mexicans clean and babysit, they also keep out those pesky demons!). The end unexpectedly throws an interesting moral kink into the mix, but the film can't quite pull it off. Disappointing.
Rated 18 Nov 2010
PA went pro, divided the narrative through several cameras and, unfortunately, also lightened the chills. Still, it serves as a nice sequel, delivers a [REC]-frenetic-like but less scary finale and it's got that amateur, voyeuristic freshness.
Rated 31 Jan 2011
The elusive "horror sequel that doesn't suck." We don't get these too often, but when we do, I applaud them. While it doesn't contain the freshness of the original, this sequel manages to out-creep its predecessor. The basement angle was really a great idea, and I loved how the story interwove with that of the first one.
Rated 19 Mar 2012
10 minutes of movie jam-packed into a 90 minute film. If, however, you have a thing for static night vision shots of swimming pools, this is the film for you, baby.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
Moving pots and pans is all fine and good, but my favorite special ability ghosts seem to have is the ability to smell out a cash cow.
Rated 21 Oct 2018
Top badass moment? The pool cleaner needs its own show. Better made than PA1 but less scary, this is a film all about a perfect family with a big house and swimming pool. And you know, it’s probably jealousy, but I’m quite glad they got screwed over by a demon. Even their back story failed to make me feel sorry for them. They left too many lights on at night too; trashing the planet even as they slept. But it was great to see Katie again; she's soo cute. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
"Anyone watching Paranormal Activity 2 closely enough will see that the transitions between different cameras in the film isn't motivated by any internal logic but rather a narrative one." - Simon Abrams
Rated 01 Nov 2010
First one jumped to conclusions, this one draws it out. It had better looking and more interesting scare scenes but it annoyed me to no end that there was exactly zero difference between the build-up and structure from the first one. Even the god damn Ouija board scene comes at the same point as the last one! The acting was once again mediocre, except from the baby and the dog; see what I mean? PA2 suffers from being quite boring despite the scares, and the ending just falls flat on its face.
Rated 16 Dec 2010
In essence a carbon-copy of the first film - simply replacing a young couple with a young family - PA2 offers nothing new whatsoever and is likely to disappoint even ardent fans of the original due to the tedious predictability of it all. There are many worse horror movies out there, but this is still just an unashamed cash-in.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Waste of time! Fucking boredom!!
Rated 27 Feb 2011
Oh crap. What a big dissapointment. The build-up is so slow, just one hour of watching anything move (nothing does...). Only the kitchen-scene is great. The last 20 minutes are interesting, but go too fast. Explaining the events in after-titles usually means it's a bad film. And a bad film it is. If you're into this kind of movies, watch the first one, not this junk.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
Vastly inferior to the original, the scares in the prequel have more flare but less imagination and the characters might as well be cardboard cutouts with scream sound effects.
Rated 13 Sep 2011
first one was way better
Rated 24 Sep 2011
we've seen this all before.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
Boring and lame.
Rated 04 Nov 2011
I was looking forward to seeing this movie. I enjoy the type of scares it produces. There were some good scares in this movie, and the story line wasn't that bad, but I felt the whole thing was lacking. The ending especially.
Rated 04 Nov 2011
Steps up to the plate after the first with more things going bump in the night, only this time when a random door slams after thirty seconds of silence, I wasn't impressed or taken off guard, actually aside from the neck breaking, it was downright sad.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
I hate EVERYTHING about this film. I came so close to storming out of the cinema with this one, which I never do. I really cannot find anything positive to say about it apart from the fact it isn't as soul destroying as the "remake" of "Day of the Dead". Definitely one of the worst mainstream horror sequels of all time.
Rated 19 Dec 2011
Foreign people are magical!
Rated 05 Feb 2012
Rape on the first one.
Rated 06 Mar 2012
Awful. The film ignores the themes and constructs of the first film just to replace them with cheap scares and bad effects. Instead of evolving on a simple idea Paranormal Activity 2 attempts to "one up" its predecessor all the while wrapping scenes with an overall sense of franchise continuity which leads nowhere. I don't look forward to watching the third instalment.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
Disappointing. Since we know what to expect from the first, it's annoying that the makers don't even try and shake it up a little bit. It's the same stuff with a slightly more interesting family dynamic and a cool dog. Nice that it ties into the first one in a sorta logical way, but I'm here for the scares, not some connect-the-dots family history. And the (few!) scares we got were uninteresting and predictable. And what a bland ending. Bleh.
Rated 03 May 2012
The dog is awesome other than that it's your usual horror spooky house cliche slog fest. They need to just show us the damn demon already. If he's a little goat man with a leprechaun hat (like I suspect) then the series will be redeemed.
Rated 10 May 2012
they should have called it "normal activity" or even more suitable "no activity"
Rated 23 Aug 2012
It lacks tension, but great how it expands on the story of the first one.
Rated 12 Dec 2012
More cameras, more characters, more effects, more background information, and more of the same. Despite the technical improvements, it was actually less successful than the original. It maintained the same flaws (annoying characters, cliched plot, and a lack of editing), but all the additions took a way the tight focus and small scale that allowed the first to work.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
Found footage blah blah, merge in to one bleh bleh bleh. Not bad though. Still, all of these films are becoming one big mess in my head.
Rated 25 Oct 2010
Not good (or scary) as the first one but the connection they made with it is mind-blowingly good.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
It was good, think i would have understood it a bit better if i had seen the first, It wasn't as scary as people were saying it was but i liked the style and that it weren't predictable.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
Rated 31 Oct 2010
Boring and not scary.
Rated 31 Oct 2010
Everything in the house was mic'd?
Rated 03 Nov 2010
The bottom line is that it's lesser than the first in almost every way. I felt the pacing wasn't as good (I appreciated the slow build in the first), and while there were some really good scares, it felt cheaper than the first. I was more invested in the characters this time around. It's still a good movie, for the same reasons as the first but to a lesser extent, though it suffers from lacking the mystery of the first and being redundant.
Rated 03 Nov 2010
It doesn't have the same UMPH as the first one, let's get that out there right away. At the same time, re-doing this same idea is still so much better than 90% of the other horror that's out there, it's totally forgivable that the sequel is less atmospheric and arguably cheaper in the way it goes about trying to scare you. I liked the dynamic of the family very much, and I was quite interested in the logic behind the demon's appearance; the first movie just makes it appear a random occurrence.
Rated 29 Nov 2010
Slow build up (almost too slow). Had some great scenes and I actually prefer it to the original.
Rated 07 Jan 2011
Nowhere near as bad as sequels tend to be (certainly no Blair Witch Project 2) but problems abound. What worked in the original just doesn't feel fresh here, even though it's stepped up. PA2 just seems to plod for quite a long time; Its text, though ably delivered, is just too familiar; the thicker plot, with the demon now having a motive, is detrimental; and the ending just looks like laziness. Thankfully, 3 is much better.
Rated 27 Jan 2011
Kinda boring for the first 70 minutes, scary for about 15 (even though they had to rip off REC and The Blair Witch in the same scene to do it), then really cheesy for the last 5. So many plot holes. Yet somehow, it almost works. Much like the first one, lots of wasted potential. Also, I'd really like to see some more jailbait roles for Molly Ephraim, thanks Hollywood.
Rated 30 Jan 2011
"Oh, so that's why the doors went slightly ajar in the first one, huh." The ending is mind numbingly terrible.
Rated 05 Feb 2011
More of the same... But being a prequel to the first the creators earns a few point on intertwining the two story lines quite good... This one was not scary at all though and is basicly just the same movie!
Rated 07 Feb 2011
Same as the first one. They will ride this cash cow untill someone pays them not to make same movies anymore. I predict Paranormal Activity 8 coming out in 2015.
Rated 08 Feb 2011
Part of what makes a psychological thriller good is letting your imagination fill in the details. This movie basically explained everything in the first, not only hurting it's own quality, but dragging down the first a bit too.
Rated 11 Feb 2011
It starts out good, but the problem with it is that it doesn't escalate high or fast enough as its predecessor. Nothing happens for an hour, and then the last 10 minutes is a total [REC] ripoff. The original was well balanced, this wasn't.
Rated 11 Feb 2011
Very little activity of any sort for most of the film and when things begin to happen towards the finale, it's so poorly shot you can't tell what's happening. The found footage genre is no excuse for terrible angles and poor direction when films like [REC] are genius in their execution of the style.
Rated 15 Feb 2011
Better than the first one, but the story is still on the ho-hum side. Lesson to aspiring screenwriters: Sometimes not explaining what's going on and shrouding everything in mystery does detract from a story.
Rated 15 Feb 2011
The first paranormal activity was all build up, a slow piling of things that were just off. The sequel by stark contrast is larger and louder in the worst ways: a bigger cast, a bigger house and louder thumps in the night. The central gimmick of creepy voyeurism through security cameras works; while at the same time putting a wall between the audience and the scares, lacking the immediate tension of the first person perspective. Improved acting, but thats it.
Rated 16 Feb 2011
Same old, same old...
Rated 19 Feb 2011
A sound disappointment after the nerve-rending suspense of the first installment. Most of the movie plays out like a bad series of home movies, and the "demon"'s actions seem more like a run of childish pranks, or perhaps the antics of a bad roommate. By the end of the movie my patience had run dry and what could have been a memorable ending seemed boring and, simply put, disappointing. Go ahead and watch if you saw the first. Otherwise, pass; newcomers will find nothing of note here.
Rated 27 Feb 2011
Rated 03 Mar 2011
More of the same, with less scares, despite plenty of opportunities for disaster.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Gostei do primeiro Paranormal Activity, pelo ambiente realmente aterrador que proporcionava, mas a sua sequela e um bocado inutil e nao e minimamente assustadora. O que o primeiro filme tinha de bom era que poderiamos sentir o verdadeiro terror dos protagonistas, em que os acontecimentos nocturnos dominavam totalmente as suas vidas. Algo que nao acontece aqui.
Rated 11 Apr 2011
Worse than the first one. Nothing (or a rehash of the first one) for one hour and then it gets watchable but in the end it's just not enough.
Rated 05 May 2011
The big cliché, but pales so badly in contrast to The Blair Witch Project.
Rated 13 May 2011
These days, films rely on gore and shock to scare their audience. You won't find any of that here. But it will scare you more than anything you've seen in a long time.
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Damn, couldn't they have made it like the first, with just one camera?? The extra cameras really made the movie less interesting because more of the noises are explained and you dont get the feeling everyone is locked in one small room, but in one big house.. which takes away from the scare effect. Dumb idea. I laughed when at the 'floating baby scene'. I really liked the ending though!!!!
Rated 31 Jul 2011
tried to ride on the coat tails of the original by doing the exact same thing again.. ended up just being boring.
Rated 20 Aug 2011
Better than the first one, but has the same problem that many horror movies seem to have; the further the story progresses, the less scarier it becomes and usually the over-the-top ending is enough to ruin the entire movie.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
While it improves upon the original, it is still a long, drawn out, unimpressive horror that is not scary at all
Rated 26 Sep 2011
This was actually one of the scarier horror movies I've seen in awhile. You knew when something was gearing up to happen, but it still caught me off guard a few times and scared the crap out of me. There is also a slight story/backstory to go along with the events, unlike the first entry in the series.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
Spooky sequel is a good time killer, but lacks the visceral energy (and acute sense of growing menace) that made the first film great. Performers are fine, the last half is often hair-raisingly scary, but set-up and execution often feels contrived in spite of the effective jump-scares.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Better-paced than the original, with better characters. (They're still kind of entitled douchebags, though.)
Rated 27 Oct 2011
Once again, did not expect to like this movie, even though I enjoyed the first. Surprise again! It's not a rehash. They do some very creative things with the scares, and even manage to tie the story elements between the two movies pretty well. Loved the dog, he's the most convincing actor by far. I actually felt kind of bad for it... that dog sounded legitimately frightened at times. Look forward to seeing PA3!
Rated 30 Oct 2011
good links with the first movie but boring overall... only a few creepy moments
Rated 20 Nov 2011
It starts out ok, but the problem with it is that it doesn't escalate high or fast enough as its predecessor. Nothing happens for an hour, and then the last 10 minutes is a total [REC] ripoff. The original was well balanced, this wasn't.
Rated 09 Jan 2012
4- might want to skip this one, not that hot :: Here's the formula for this film: Bore, then startle, then bore. Repeat.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
I found it to be pretty much a less good version of the original. Scarier and scarier shit keeps happening until we build up to the scariest part in the climax. I found some of the scenes between the scary ones a bit boring, to be honest. I really liked the ending though. I liked how the whole film was tied back to the first one. Yeah, it was okay.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Meh. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who didn't like it, but I enjoyed it more and it seemed to have better scares and a weaker story. Not great but it's an alright sequel.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
A few good scares and the multiple camera idea are dragged down by repetitious editing, annoying archetypes, and an anticlimactic ending. A step down from the mysterious atmosphere of the first. There's a problem when the dog is the best actor.
Rated 27 Feb 2012
First one had more impact. I usually enjoy a long build-up of tension, but, my god almost nothing happens in this movie. Do you like watching in-ground pools being vacuumed? If so, this is your movie. I appreciated the avoidance of some cliches, for example I thought the teenage daughter and the parents were better than your typical family caricatures, but then other cliches reared their ugly heads.
Rated 16 Mar 2012
The movie would have been better just using one camera... like the first movie.
Rated 25 Mar 2012
Wow, shitty writing in this one. It's scary as hell-- I mean that, it's really fucking scary --but it's pretty dumb and only really worth watching once. Never saw the first one, probably won't have to now.
Rated 29 Mar 2012
A more interesting family to watch than the first film. Interesting dynamic with the dog, baby, and the teenage girl. A whole bunch of nothing happens for most of the film, though, with the last twenty minutes being the only interesting bit. I like the tie-in with the first film, but a lot of what happens is more of the same, and the first movie certainly has an edge in that department.
Rated 22 May 2012
Needed more "Activity" but still decent.
Rated 24 May 2012
Nothing happens until the final scenes of the film. That being said if you liked the first you should be at least entertained.
Rated 30 Jun 2012
Too much boring white people being scared by ghosts, cool ideas with some of the startles while again most of the movie is just reliant on things slightly moving at night to create tension that is wholly reliant on people knowing what genre the movie is, the acting and dialogue was off-putting and too bad so much focuses on the interactions between family members. The movie did leave me pretty creeped out and I do quite like the movie not relying on exposition while delivering a coherent story.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Given that this is the sort of project greenlit on the strength of the opening weekend numbers of the original rather than because the filmmakers had a burning desire to tell the story, it's not a bad job. But only time will reveal it as a franchise killer like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 or a springboard for a hardy series like Saw II.
Rated 23 Sep 2012
This movie had the slowest start EVER! I actually checked and the first sort of freaky thing that happened was at the 53 minute mark. Otherwise you are just watching a lot of home videos from a not very exciting family. Once they got over the hump of boring-ness the movie got a lot better. The scares were plentiful toward the end and I really liked the twists that end up being in these movies. It's a great series but they need to make sure and put a little more tension straight away.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 4 * Script : 7 * Directing, Aura : 6 * Ease of Viewing : 7 * Naked Eye : 6
Rated 31 Oct 2012
A tedious sequel that either copies or loses sight of everything that made the original what it was. Much longer than it needs to be, the movie fails to being anything new to the table and is suprisingly dull at times. I gave it this high a score because that characters are moderately likeable this time, the twist is clever, and the haunted pool cleaner is the funniest thing I've seen in a horror movie in a long time.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Even knowing what's likely to come-the doors opening on their own, the skeptical characters scoffing at metaphysical explanations, the unheeded warnings from paranormally gifted guests-doesn't make it any less nailbiting to watch.
Rated 02 Dec 2012
85th ...
Rated 06 Dec 2012
If I didn't watch the first one first I might've liked this more but since this is just a slightly less stretched out version of basically the same movie it sucks.
Rated 09 Dec 2012
Do you think Oren Peli is in cahoots with sports games developers? They're both good at delivering the same product every year for more money.
Rated 10 Dec 2012
The ghost in this movie isn't scary, he's just a dick. Pulling their pool rover out of the pool? That's just petty.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
Rated 29 Apr 2013
The original wasn't really good enough to warrant a sequel. It was a one-trick pony that a lot of people seemed to like. This stinks of a rushed cash-in based on the unexpected success of the original. It's really just the same film again, but more bad than before.
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Alright, trying to add plot to the series. Explain some stuff. It doesn't really do it. But maybe a little bit?
Rated 09 Jun 2013
Bigger budget doesn't mean better film. Same format, missing all authenticity and originality. Rinse, repeat.
Rated 28 Jan 2014
It's slightly better than the first thanks to some clever additions, plus there are definitely more scares. One for the Horror fans!
Rated 15 Nov 2014
Always the same things happening: doors opening at random.
Rated 07 Nov 2015
Where it improved on the first film, in the long run didn't really matter much.
Rated 03 May 2016
Why would a demon spend so much time and energy haunting the family when all it wants is the male child? Just take the effing kid and go, there's no need to be scary, or close/open doors and cabinets for no reason.
Rated 28 May 2016
The first movie all over again, with nothing really new. The only difference is that this one is much worse.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
A lot like the first but worse in every way. The unlikeability issues of the characters from the first film are much stronger here, and the build up is much longer, which makes it all the worse. It's still creepy but the pacing and events feel much more manufactured for the audience rather than organic to the narrative structure. It also ties in to the theatrical ending of the first film, which means the ending here goes from interesting to stupid.
Rated 01 Jun 2018
58.00+1.03 = 59.03.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
Paranormal Activity 2 is an improvement on the first in all way except general execution. The less-is-more style and approach is gone. And what were left with is a marginally well acted but totally forgettable horror found footage sequel.
Rated 28 Sep 2018
Jump Scare: The Movie. It doesn't even have an iota of the tension the original has, which was thin to begin with.
Rated 12 Mar 2020
Just the first one but a little worse. There's some originality issues here, for sure. PA2 just doesn't do what the first did on such a smaller budget. It's not as tense, unnerving, or unsettling, just blander.


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