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Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 48m
A pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities.
Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 48m
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Avg Percentile 43.86% from 1843 total ratings
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Rated 13 Mar 2011
Even if their scenes could have been pulled off more skillfully, the monsters in this works better than those in 'The Descent'. 'Pandorum' can't match that movie's tension and claustrophobia-inducing feel but, even though it references other sci-fi a lot, it holds its own, with a solid premise and a nice ending. Categorize with high-end B-movies such as 'Event Horizon'.
Rated 13 Mar 2011
Rated 20 May 2010
Sure it may be a remake-in-spirit of Event Horizon and sure it may be chock full of fairly guessable twists, but it quickly becomes a compelling adventure story constructed of a rich pastiche of films ranging from the obvious Alien to--rather strangely--the Poseidon Adventure. All the moving parts click fairly well in part thanks to the unexpectedly excellent cast and the fact that the philosophical core is actually rather insightful.
Rated 20 May 2010
Rated 17 Mar 2010
Event Horizon meets The Decent. Expected nothing - but really enjoyed it.
Rated 17 Mar 2010
Rated 02 Feb 2010
It's about time for some new, good horror in space flick. Pandorum isn't it. Some restraint would have helped, but there's plenty wrong with the movie on a lot of levels. The suspense vanishes as soon as we see the (uninspired) creatures, characterisation is not present, the twists are so stupid they become loops and the plot is very, very weak. There is a decent movie buried underneath the bad, but in the end we got the mines of Moria in space. With Dennis Quaid. *sigh*
Rated 02 Feb 2010
Rated 13 Nov 2009
I liked the whole Event Horizon feeling. The ship interiors were great. They managed to create a haunting atmosphere which unfortunately lasted to the first encounter with the creatures. They were the biggest flaw of the movie and ruined everything. Instead to the tension-horror approach they took the action-horror route and that failed miserably. The action scenes weren't clean and often leaved a wreck of plot holes behind. Event Horizon stands superior compared to Pandorum.
Rated 13 Nov 2009
Rated 27 Sep 2009
Easily ranks up with the best sci-fi/horror movies ever made. It has some good actors, a good story--at least for a sci-fi lover, and some of the most action-packed and intense scenes ever created.
Rated 27 Sep 2009
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Descent in Space has some great tension, some fun sci-fi and a couple of decent performances but suffers from a disappointing twist and some truly awful action scenes. Worth a watch to fans of the sci-fi/horror genre.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Rated 11 Nov 2009
There's a lot good in this flick. The basic idea, visuals and actors were pretty good. The sleazy end was not a bad idea. The paranoia was also fine, but the storytelling and executing the entire film failed in big scale. There was too much of talking and hassle around, no pacing at all, some scenes were junk and monsters were odd combination of grace and narrowminded pointlessness.
Rated 11 Nov 2009
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Pandorum presents a lot of interesting ideas, however it feels like they try and throw too many at you without fully establishing them. In turn, it makes the movie come off way clever than it really is. The alien like life forms are interesting, but there doesn't seem to be a lot to them aside from being a plot ploy. Foster was fine, but I never really took Dennis Quaid as a exeremely gifted actor, but he was easily the best part of the movie. Overall, it's a decent watch.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Rated 13 Apr 2017
I'd rate it lower on a rewatch, but it caught me at just the right time. Great premise and an ending that I thought I saw coming but then added a nice final flourish. Lost me when I went Oh it's Cung Le what the hell and then tried to incorporate zzz actionhorror stuff into the cool sci-fi story, but all in all I enjoyed it.
Rated 13 Apr 2017
Rated 10 Jul 2014
Ciekawy bylem do samego konca co stalo sie na statku. Dobry film :)
Rated 10 Jul 2014
Rated 07 Aug 2013
Yeah, i m a sucker for this Sci Fi Movies and i liked this one quite a bit. It had good action sequences, a surprising ending and some nice visuals. Thumbs Up!
Rated 07 Aug 2013
Rated 24 May 2013
The right atmosphere was lacking from the start and the monsters that looked like Gollum didn't exactly help. The so called twist at the end wasn't very interesting either.
Rated 24 May 2013
Rated 15 Dec 2012
Surprisingly good. I would say to go into it with low expectations, so you can be pleasantly surprised that it isn't garbage. People throw around comparisons to better movies, like Event Horizon and Alien, and even though it'll never be as good as those, it still does its own special thing. But definitely less of a thinkin' man's movie. My biggest complaint is probably the editing. It's hard to tell what's happening in some action scenes, and the way some footage gets sped up is irritating to me
Rated 15 Dec 2012
Rated 26 Jan 2011
Good action sci-fi. Nothing fantastic but everything is well done
Rated 26 Jan 2011
Rated 24 May 2010
It could have been epic. Great actors, amazing spacecraft visuals and apart from some somewhat lame dialogue a really good script. But the monsters are horrible and the action editing is painfully bad.
Rated 24 May 2010
Rated 24 Feb 2010
A rip-off of Eden Log from start to finish. Luckily, this film doesn't aspire to the same level of metaphor. On the other hand, it doesn't even commit to its own exposition, introducing important facts right and left and then failing to comment on them any further. Then characters make weird dangerous choices that service only the plot. Ben Foster is really excellent and the sets are good...I like space movies...otherwise this was weak and shamelessly derivative.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Rated 22 Feb 2010
A genuinely interesting and suspenseful sci-fi horror reminiscent of the early "Alien" style school of filmmaking. At least that was the case before the mutated humanoid monsters showed up, after which the all too fragile substance of the film rapidly crumbles down into typical territory. Despite some great ship interior designs and the apparent intention to combine some rather interesting franchises Pandorum goes nowhere, only emerging from a creative coma for a surprisingly revelatory ending.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Rated 09 Feb 2010
Didn't care at all.
Rated 09 Feb 2010
Rated 31 Jan 2010
Surprisingly good. I think that the movie was well written with all almost no loose ends. Some of the science was questionable but that's universally true for all sci fi movies. As a space survival movie, I enjoyed it quite a bit and was totally satisfied with the rental.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
Rated 23 Jan 2010
A pleasant surprise, tho I wish they had delved more into the "Pandorum" effect and how it affected Gallo as well as the mindset of Gallo. Also if the focus had been more on the philosophical and moral implications of what was going on (and things were slowed down a bit) it would make this film that much more kickass.
Rated 23 Jan 2010
Rated 20 Jan 2010
An inspired and visually competent throwback to the Alien Series, with great creature FX and some thrilling performances, frankly from Foster and Quaid. With that being said, it does falter a lot in the third act and it has a lot of gaping plotholes along with unsolved questions.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Rated 15 Jan 2010
While it is far from having an original story (nor other elements), it sums them up quite succesfully I would say.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
Rated 28 Nov 2009
Great. This is good sci-fi featuring a classic onion style storyline... the layers are gradually peeled away until you see the grand concept in the end. The director, Alvart, stays true here to his mind fuck signature style. I really had to watch this twice to truly appreciate the epic and apocalyptic scope of this film. Very highly recommended.
Rated 28 Nov 2009
Rated 27 Nov 2009
Awesome flick. keeps a great pace, introduces characters well. Enough action, mild amounts of gore. Good back story that keeps you thinking while the rest of the main story goes on. Likeable characters that builds into a great ending.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
Rated 19 Nov 2009
A mash-up of a dozen better Sci-fi movies. Despite a decent performance by Quaid nothing remarkable at all.
Rated 19 Nov 2009
Rated 13 Nov 2009
Reminds me of several awesome ideas put together (Dead Space, Titan A.E. and Alien to name a few), with a twist at the end I didn't see coming. The pacing problems it had didn't stop me from enjoying it.
Rated 13 Nov 2009
Rated 10 Nov 2009
There is one big problem with "Pandorum". This Movie is just one piece of a hugher puzzle. It is the first part of a great idea. The resettlement from the earth to talis should be the start for a number of movies. But i think after moderate success the chances for Alvart to complete his idea aren't very good. Pandorum has some really good moments.
Rated 10 Nov 2009
Rated 18 Oct 2009
Passes the time.
Rated 18 Oct 2009
Rated 28 Sep 2009
Nothing original, but a decent mash-up of Alien and The Descent.
Rated 28 Sep 2009
Rated 23 Sep 2024
Pandorum feels like a spiritual sequel to Event Horizon amidst a cultural mish-mash of a bunch of other (and frankly better) movies. It's not completely brainless as there are some sequences that are tense, good horror scenes, and some ideas that are interesting but the movie just runs out of steam by the middle of the second act and all the good ideas either amount to running around the same hallways or half-baked concepts which are washed away in the lame action scenes and a lackluster plot.
Rated 23 Sep 2024
Rated 28 Mar 2024
Nice sci fi horror
Rated 28 Mar 2024
Rated 08 Mar 2024
Dull, lugubrious ALIEN imitator starts out with some promise, with the establishing shots of the ship well designed and conceived, and a nice bit of dogged anti-heroism from Foster, but soon loses its way on an endless series of derivative, repetitive (and confusing) chase sequences; Quaid does his best, but the screenplay effectively hamstrings and sidelines him, not allowing any proper buddy camaraderie to develop between he and Foster and leaving the movie with a dire lack of tension.
Rated 08 Mar 2024
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Reminded me a lot of Event Horizon. The atmosphere, characters, dystopian universe. Overall enjoyable film if you enjoy sci fi/thriller or horror. Not a very scary film, occasional jump scare. But thrilling enough to keep me captivated.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Rated 24 Aug 2023
This is an ugly, ugly movie. I guess that's what happens when you forget to take your ADHD medicine before combining Alien, Mad Max, The Matrix, and a big, ol' pile of trash.
Rated 24 Aug 2023
Rated 09 Jul 2023
Amazing story but terrible acting skills.
Rated 09 Jul 2023
Rated 15 Jun 2023
Frightening, competently made sci-fi horror.
Rated 15 Jun 2023
Rated 30 Dec 2022
Beaucoup de peine pour Christian Alvart, qui après les échecs successifs de Pandorum, et le Cas 39 (bons tous les deux), a décidé d'arrêter définitivement le blockbuster, pour se concentrer sur du cinoche Allemand. En mêlant habilement le premier et le second degré, Pandorum est exactement le film que j'attendais, en plus les acteurs sont bons. Reste de l'action foutoir visuellement, c'est con et je serai toute ma vie sévère sur ça.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
Rated 31 Aug 2020
Like Event Horizon except both better AND worse.
Rated 31 Aug 2020
Rated 30 Jul 2020
Starts off with a great Alien-like vibe but quickly turns silly.
Rated 30 Jul 2020
Rated 12 Feb 2017
Genuinely Lovecraftian cosmic horror, right down to white-anglo supremacy and a (perhaps in-part due to budget) lack of internal logic.
Rated 12 Feb 2017
Rated 11 Jan 2017
I am a sucker for sci-fi horror
Rated 11 Jan 2017
Rated 15 Sep 2016
İçine bol gerilim katılmış bilim kurgu filmi. Özgün hikayesi, sürprizlerle dolu ilerleyişi sebebiyle etkili bunun dışında zaman zaman tempo düşük kalıyor ve görsel olarak yetersiz olduğu anlar var ama yine de izlenmesi gereken filmlerden.
Rated 15 Sep 2016
Rated 20 Jul 2016
Pandorum suffers from a low budget, badly executed horror elements and flat acting, but these defects are compensated by a really good premise and many clever plot twists. It is a deeply flawed movie, but the good parts are so good that it I found it very easy to forgive the numerous amateurish missteps. Overall I really enjoyed this movie.
Rated 20 Jul 2016
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Some fun with the girly girl fleein' about all swords in the air 'n' shit but if you want a space horror there's far better to choose from. It's one of those "fun" films if jump-scare horror films don't actually scare the shit out of you as well they shouldn't.
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Rated 19 Jul 2014
A tedious sci-fi horror film in which a crew stricken with amnesia tries to save their Noah's ark space-ship from a small army of mutated humans that closely resemble the orcs from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies. A lot of money went into art direction that's 100% derivative. It's a snoozefest that slow builds its way to nothing and I would like to watch another movie very soon in order to cleanse my palette.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
Rated 22 Jun 2014
I like the creatures. That made 70% of my rating. 30% is the space setting. That is it. Hated the second half of the movie.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Rated 19 Apr 2014
A very mumbly sci-fi horror with some kind of message in the end. One question: When you meet a fellow human and you don't know what is going on is aggressively screaming your lungs out at that person always the best idea? The space agency should have sent 12-year-olds instead. At least they would have acted more rational.
Rated 19 Apr 2014
Rated 07 Apr 2014
Enjoyable B-movie trash. Borrows elements from Alien to The Descent to Event Horizon to create a claustrophobic space-horror movie. It really has nothing going for it, but it goes through the motions well enough to stop the experience ever being boring.
Rated 07 Apr 2014
Rated 24 Feb 2014
This film might have been better without the monsters
Rated 24 Feb 2014
Rated 06 Oct 2013
The movie starts off with an interesting premise, but the longer the movie goes on, the further into a downward spiral into awfulness it goes.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
Rated 24 Sep 2013
The beginning promises a nice, atmospheric sci-fi movie, but it very quickly just discards all the potential and descents into yet another uninspired zombie flick.
Rated 24 Sep 2013
Rated 27 Jun 2013
great tension, though pretty dark, twists and plots
Rated 27 Jun 2013
Rated 19 May 2013
ger; [Pandorum]; eine raumschiffcrew wacht auf nach einem tiefschlaf mit erinnerungslücken auf und wird an bord von bluthungrigen kreaturen überrascht.;
Rated 19 May 2013
Rated 15 Jan 2013
I was shocked to see Rotten Tomatoes only gave this 42% AFTER watching this Intense sci-fi thriller. I guess I just love this kind of Aliens come Moon claustrophobic horror/thriller.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
Rated 04 Dec 2012
unremarkable sci-fi/horror. Couldnt bring myself to find much horror in the beasties doing the chasing about, the ending is a rushed "ok, how shall we wrap this up then?" and the twist is poor.
But if you're going to be tasked with rebuilding the human race Antje Traue
isnt too bad a partner to find yourself working with in that endeavour
Rated 04 Dec 2012
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 5
* Script : 5
* Directing, Aura : 6
* Ease of Viewing : 5
* Naked Eye : 5
Rated 26 Oct 2012
Rated 20 Aug 2012
The sets were too dark & the story was sadly weak throughout most of the movie. But still it was fairly exciting when I wasn't rolling my eyes during the fight scenes or when a monster was shown. This could have been a much better movie, but it quickly devolved into space zombies. The over arching story had tons of good potential, but most of it was lost to ridiculous monsters, unrealistic fight scenes and pointless plot diversions. This story should be retold, only with everything done better.
Rated 20 Aug 2012
Rated 21 Jul 2012
A fairly neat sci-fi premise and some cool set design is bogged down by dull, dull, DULL acting and cinematography. Worth seeing once perhaps if you're really hard up for some Alien-esque action.
Rated 21 Jul 2012
Rated 10 May 2012
It bombards you with exposition and tells you want "pandorum" is about 30 times. The humans on this ship can take an unrealistically insane amount of damage yet it's still a decently watchable film for sci-fi fans. The ending kind of goes off the rails in just about every way, but the twist is decent enough that you won't be completely disengaged.
Rated 10 May 2012
Rated 26 Mar 2012
An amazing sci-fi - horror movie! Although the lame 'aliens' (that turn out to be 'a form of human') I didnt really care for, I loved the buildup and the character development. A great twist at the end which is betrayed by the title of the movie and some halfway decent acting. Horror fans this is what you're looking for!
Rated 26 Mar 2012
Rated 18 Feb 2012
Some nice ideas, but spoiled by ham fisted, bombastic direction, murky mise en scene, and tedious horror/sci fi cliches.
Rated 18 Feb 2012
Rated 25 Dec 2011
I enjoyed this. I expected a B-movie type of sci-fi hack and slash (which it kind of is), but it rises a bit out of it and I even enjoyed the (original) ending. Good watch for a lost night.
Rated 25 Dec 2011
Rated 25 Dec 2011
several plotholes, very dark and claustrophobic at times, but overall good and the twist at the end is not bad
Rated 25 Dec 2011
Rated 20 Oct 2011
"The further Bower journeys into the spacecraft's bowels, with Payton providing navigation tips from back in their original sleep chamber, the less Pandorum unnerves." - Nick Schager
Rated 20 Oct 2011
Rated 14 Oct 2011
Highly under-rated, this will gain cult status eventually.
Rated 14 Oct 2011
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Acting is not bad and the movie had enough twists and turns to keep me going. It evolves rapidly and goes through a bunch of genres. Not bad at all.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Film was predictable, and didn't have an ending I'd accept. Lots of potential, but not enough was fleshed out. All and all a pretty disappointing sci-fi film.
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Rated 01 Jul 2011
Sci-fi with some intriguing twists/psychological elements. Hindered by confusing lighting and editing at times.
Rated 01 Jul 2011
Rated 14 Jun 2011
It had a pretty good premise, and pretty good actors, but a lot of cliche's and plot fallacies. It also ripped off Fight Club pretty hard. Other than that, I still enjoyed watching the movie.
Rated 14 Jun 2011
Rated 23 May 2011
Shockingly dull for a thriller, probably because borrows so heavily from better science fiction and horror. It's all disorientation and dark corridors, occasionally punctuated with those monsters from Firefly. The movie is so in love with its paranoid space-amnesia premise that it forgets to deliver much in the way of plot or characterization.
Rated 23 May 2011
Rated 21 May 2011
Starts off with promise, then spirals downward into goofiness of the worst kind.
Rated 21 May 2011
Rated 24 Apr 2011
Extremely boring movie for me. It had some nice stuff at the end, but I couldn't wait for this to be over.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
Rated 03 Apr 2011
More influenced by then innovative, Pandorum's space horror concept, somewhat cliche, serves as a long-winded and sincere testament to the horror sci-fi films that came before it. What really elevates the film however is the superb cast, Quaid becoming the narrative's go-to palette cleanser. The reliance on sound editing and clever cinematography to make the best of the elaborately designed set locations, rather then relying on pricey special effect shots, is rather refreshing.
Rated 03 Apr 2011
Rated 23 Mar 2011
I only really have one complaint about this film and it's that it wasn't very original. It was quite derivative of many other sci-fi thrillers. However, this didn't really hinder my enjoyment of it. It was a fun, reasonably intelligent, exciting and well-made movie from beginning to end. Ben Foster and Dennis Quaid were great.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
Rated 17 Jan 2011
- might want to skip this one
Rated 17 Jan 2011
Rated 13 Nov 2010
the fighting in the movie is absurd. if it were not for that, this movie wouldve been so much better. the suspense was great, and it was pretty well acted. just the fighting...ugh.
Rated 13 Nov 2010
Rated 08 Nov 2010
Strange, very strange. I had expected something completely different. After 20 minutes I was somewhat affraid this would turn out some lame horror flick, but luckily it didn't. The story seems solid at first, but contains several plotholes. Direction was good, but I wasn't overwhelmed by it. Acting was good.
Rated 08 Nov 2010
Rated 23 Sep 2010
It starts off alright then becomes a train wreck.
Rated 23 Sep 2010
Rated 23 Sep 2010
I was pleasantly surprised. Watched it on a lark on Netflix instant watch and maybe I was sleep deprived but it was actually OK.
Rated 23 Sep 2010
Rated 24 Aug 2010
they were on the planet the whole time...
Rated 24 Aug 2010
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Christian Alvert does a good job with directing this creative and entertaining sci-fi thriller. Lots of action and suspense and Ben Foster was a surprise pulling this type of role off. Well done with a great ending.
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Rated 06 Aug 2010
Interesting premise but no suspense as a film and poor pacing.
Rated 06 Aug 2010
Rated 30 Jul 2010
More of an action movie than an horror movie. Still, its fun to watch.
Rated 30 Jul 2010
Rated 19 Jun 2010
the monsters of descent meets the feel of alien...this movie had some great moments..but the plot twist is lame and the ending is horrible.
Rated 19 Jun 2010
Rated 03 Jun 2010
I'm a sucker for space flicks, what can I say
Rated 03 Jun 2010
Rated 14 May 2010
It does some things well, and there are some genuinely creepy things, but the monsters are the worst part of the movie. It almost feels like the interesting parts of the script were wasted on such a mediocre film.
Rated 14 May 2010
Rated 12 May 2010
The film has a good sense for the insane, and played to its strengths in casting its two leads. The stupid, stupid mutant zombies and wire-fu fighting don't help the film at all. I was confused by its (unintentional) schizophrenia, lack of follow-through and derivativeness until I noticed at the end credits THIS WAS PRODUCED BY THE DIRECTOR OF Event Horizon. Ohhhhh. That actually does explain everything.
Rated 12 May 2010
Rated 11 May 2010
Cok klise bir bilim kurgu-korku filmi. Turun sevenleri begenebilir ama digerlerine tavsiye etmem.
Rated 11 May 2010
Rated 13 Apr 2010
I might be the only one who felt that this actually got better as it progressed. In a sleazy, B-movie kind of way the second half was somewhat fun and fastpaced, whereas the first half was brooding without being neither as scary nor as (pseudo)philosophical as it should have been. Also: Way to chew up scenery, Dennis Quaid! Let it rip!
Rated 13 Apr 2010
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Overraskenden gysende og vellavet b-stribe - ikke slået større brød op end der kunne bages.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Rated 24 Mar 2010
I wanted to like it for its ideas, but just couldn't justify it in the end. It can't make up its mind what genre it is. Not enough story in the beginning then ends by dropping the whole story on you in the end. The camera work for the monsters felt cheap, I'm sure it was supposed to be creepy/scary but the fast-moving-jerky camera seems like its just there to mask whether the special effects are good and ruin any chance you have to see what's going on. All thats left to do then is the gross-out.
Rated 24 Mar 2010
Rated 03 Mar 2010
It's a ripoff (or hommage, depends if you cared about the movie or not) of horror sci genre. Basically the plot is somewhere in the middle between Alien and Event Horizon. But. The last third of the movie is really bad, and just screams of desperation. Acting is mediocre too. Still, recommended to people who like cheesy B type sci fi's.
Rated 03 Mar 2010
Rated 28 Feb 2010
Horror at the edge of the universe. Starts of nicely, but as it progresses it embraces too many cliches, and eventually becomes really distasteful b-movie.
Rated 28 Feb 2010
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