Night Train to Lisbon
Night Train to Lisbon
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Night Train to Lisbon

Night Train to Lisbon

Romance, Suspense/Thriller
1h 51m
Raimund Gregorius, a Swiss Professor abandons his lectures and buttoned-down, life to embark on a thrilling adventure that will take him on a journey to the very heart of himself. (imdb)

Night Train to Lisbon

Romance, Suspense/Thriller
1h 51m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 44.17% from 261 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 25 Mar 2015
This is one of those Euro-dreck movies that tries to satisfy producers from various different countries and thus leaves no chance for the director's vision to flourish. Not that the script was much good. The framing device was one of the most pointless I've ever seen. Why not just tell a Portuguese resistance story instead of seeing it through the eyes of some random professor? That aside, the plot was just ok but nothing especially memorable. Lisbon's architecture was the best character.
Rated 03 Nov 2020
Seems to be an excuse to bounce a bunch of philosophical ideas around while telling stories of the Portuguese resistance to Salazar and making a movie in Lisbon. One could do much worse. The story is engaging enough, though it does go on a tad. Lisbon looks great...such beautiful light in that city. Be comfortable with a slow-paced, almost meditative pace to the story-telling.
Rated 29 Sep 2019
At first I thought this had the potential to be really quite deep and indeed it is but its less compelling a watch than I suppose I'd hoped. There are some good bits of dialogue and its fairly thought provoking but it was a bit too complicated for my taste. There are a number of sub-plots present but I didn't find myself feeling engrossed, which is a shame as the synopsis made this sound quite appealing. There's a sense of mystery but it still didn't entirely 'reel me in' so to speak. Not quite
Rated 12 Apr 2017
Starts well, ends worse.
Rated 29 Mar 2016
Unlike Wim Wenders there is no Madredeus singing but shares the atmospherics.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
intihar, öğretmen, pesinden gitmek, kitap, geçmis, portekiz, salazar, polis, doktor, eczaci, hafizasi güclü kadin, aldatmak, direnis, devrim, gözlük degistirmek, göz doktoru, okul, mezuniyet konusmasi (İntihar eden bir kadini kurtaran ögretmen onu okuluna götürür. kadin dersin ortasinda sinifi terk eder. ögretmen paltosunun cebinde lisbona giden bir tren bileti bulur.)
Rated 22 Apr 2015
Watchable but not memorable.
Rated 29 Dec 2014
gerçekten kötü, alay edesi bile gelmiyor insanın.
Rated 26 Sep 2014
i realized that i like the movies which they tell the history of cities and people's life with this movie. watch it and rank it, maybe not the best but worth it.
Rated 16 Apr 2014
the movie has plot holes and is a bit dull sometimes, but overall it's a well acted good production with a captivating story
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Very European middlebrow assembly of old people telling a nondescript protagonist about their wartime past. Everything looks fine, splendid actors with weird accents included, but this is just so made up.
Rated 21 Oct 2013
I pretty much felt the same about both the novel and the film - very dry, and kind of boring. The story does have some charm to it, and I can see how it would appeal to others, but it simply didn't grab me. As an adaptation, the film is adequate, but doesn't really bring anything new that the book doesn't already give. It just puts to screen what's on the page, and that's all. There isn't too much to criticise, but there's also not much to praise. Oh, and the ending was extremely sudden.
Rated 22 Sep 2013
1158: not bad
Rated 08 Apr 2013
Berlinale 2013 & Bu filmin bana ne kattigini, ne sundugunu dusunuyorum ve bir cevap bulamiyorum. bestseller bir kitabın, hollywood formlari ile kurulmus beyazperde uyarlamasi. belki bir pazar gunu televizyonda denk gelirseniz firsat verebilirsiniz ama hepsi o kadar.


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