News from Home
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News from Home

1h 25m
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Avg Percentile 65.89% from 251 total ratings

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Rated 25 Mar 2023
A marvelous film about the passage of time, movement, how space and life interact with each other. It captures a melancholic aura, an atmosphere of routine haunted by what is far away.
Rated 20 Nov 2015
More than a simple time capsule or city symphony, though it is a glimpse, full of urban ambiance, of bygone places and fashions. It's personalized, a meditation on immigrant condition, of new perspective and growing alienation. Long take heaven.
Rated 23 Mar 2015
and as time goes by we all disappear into the mist
Rated 11 Oct 2023
Long. meditative shots with a stationary camera, capturing whatever happens by, often in fading evening light or at night, in fringe areas of Manhattan, subway stations, trains, the ferry--and a glorious 11-minute take, shot from a car moving slowly up 10th Ave. A voiceover reads letters to the filmmaker from a mother who doesn't quite understand why she had to go to New York. It's not for everyone, but I loved it, in part because New York looks like it did when I first fell in love with it.
Rated 10 May 2023
Conveys the strangeness of living far from one’s family, and, without ever hearing a word from or seeing an image of that non-native protagonist, it suggests the ambivalence of that situation and the conflicts to which it gives rise. As a result, it’s difficult to decide whether Akerman is exposing herself through her cinema or hiding behind it, which might be thought of as the film’s virtue and vice but also as what makes it interesting, despite the repetitiveness that can easily become tedium.
Rated 06 Dec 2022
I think Akerman and her mother would have sent each other their Wordles.
Rated 19 May 2020
Akerman acts as a structuring absence for her own film, in which we hear letters from her mother (though never Akerman's responses) narrated over a languid montage of New York's liminal spaces. It's a bittersweet evocation of a bygone era and of the growing distance between mother and child, made all the more haunting with knowledge of the circumstances of Akerman's tragic end. The last shot went on so long it stunned me.
Rated 19 Mar 2011
The juxtaposition of sound and image creates striking parallels. The lens invades the lives of unknown citizens, giving us a glimpse of their personal existences but a fleeting one. The letters, meanwhile, seem to provide only minor details but reveal the increasing anxieties of a mother separated from her daughter by an ocean, with only fragments of information to comfort her. The length of the shots and gaps between narrations heighten the viewer's investment in these concerns.
Rated 20 Aug 2016
Somewhat interesting images paired with uninteresting letters.
Rated 11 Apr 2015
Perhaps it's my own perspective on the two subjects at hand, the isolation of a big city and the banal but loving closeness of home, but this feels like two great film ideas mashed together rather incongruently, creating something that's still good but noticeably less than the sum of its parts.
Rated 10 Mar 2016
?stanbul Modern.
Rated 06 Jul 2018
I had a really calm sort of dozy experience with this film that I would love to recreate
Rated 26 Oct 2013
Chantal Akerman, at some point moved to New York. While living in New York her mother frequently sent her letter from Brussels. These letters are read by Akerman herself, at the same time that you learn about New York '77 life. New York skyline is growing dimmer gradually until it disappears entirely.
Rated 05 Jun 2020
Viewed June 3, 2020.
Rated 21 May 2022
Estreava há 45 anos em Cannes. Me identifico demais com a Akerman para além do seu cinema, num plano pessoal mesmo, especialmente a relação que tinha com a mãe e News from home engloba muito disso comungando com eu ter saído de casa aos 19 anos para morar longe, mas nunca deixando de ter a voz de minha mãe pairando por aí. É um filme muito verdadeiro sobre a relação mãe e filha, mas também desconcertante por sabermos que no futuro Chantal não aguentaria a perda da mãe. Box Obras Primas
Rated 19 Feb 2024
A great time capsule, and a beautiful understated work of art as well. For these reasons this could potentially be of interest to a range of people. For example, absolutely golden moment for anyone interested in graffiti which is not a focus of the film. It's cool to check out the shops and the world trade center too.
Rated 02 Dec 2022
This is relatively inoffensive and the right length for something like this, but the whole exercise is pretty boring. It's interesting seeing some scenes of 1977 New York, but not enough to really justify it. The letters made me feel a bit guilty about not calling my mom more, but didn't do much else for me.
Rated 19 Oct 2015
I think Jarmusch ripped off the ending shot for PERMANENT VACATION.
Rated 22 Jan 2024
I know that I will be coming back to this film as it speaks so much to me personally. Akerman proves how well she has mastered her craft. How can shots of the city and a few letters come together to tell you the loneliness, the sense of being the other in a foreign land, complicated and very much loaded relationships with family, woes of motherhood, class (especially working class of 1970s), and much more? It's so simple, but it touches upon all. Note to self: Strive for this kind of filmmaking.
Rated 23 Feb 2024
Happy 3000th ranking to me. More movies should aspire to be as effortlessly simple as News from Home, in many ways a city symphony that cleverly portrays a complex relationship between an estranged daughter and her possessive and manipulative mother. New York street sounds are almost therapeutic in their ambient, minimalist nature, and I’m sure making this film must’ve been therapeutic to Akerman herself, truly one of my modest country’s most fascinating voices.


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