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Rated 07 Feb 2007
Bleak and cynical and often uproariously funny. Much of the credit belongs to Thewlis, comparable to McDowell in Clockwork Orange or DeNiro in Taxi Driver. He doesn't so much straddle the line between good and evil as he does swerve back and forth over it like a drunk driver. In the end he is neither redeemed nor vilified. Lesley Sharp is also superb as his ex-girlfriend. The sour note in the movie is Jeremy, whose absolute vileness doesn't ring true.
Rated 23 Jul 2009
From the start you get the feeling this isn't a very subtle film, and Thewlis owns the screen all the way through. Top part of the film for me will always be with the night watchman though, where they seem to bond, sort of. Only time Thewlis has an inkling of "likeability"(I love him though) about him. But even though he's an asshole, he always has a thought through reason for his venomous tirades, a way to back it up it you might say. Also see it as a well placed attack on Thatcherism.
Rated 06 Jun 2008
A great film. Johnny is a truly excellent character. You'd love him if he weren't such an asshole, not to mention a serial rapist. He's a great bohemian gutter philosopher type. Indeed, my favorite part of the film was the part with him and the security guard Brian, where they very eloquently discuss the secrets of the Universe. I have to agree with all the people saying that Jeremy is far too two-dimensional a character. He stands out like a sore, simple thumb in a film of great complexity.
Rated 08 Apr 2007
Epitome on endless human cruelty. Miserable to watch.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Intense, intellectual and visceral. Naked is not for the squeamish or slow witted, but is an incredibly rich film experience. One of the best movies ever made, IMO, even if it can be very difficult to watch at times. #4 in my all time top 10.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
Johnny has all the charm of a philosophy student enamored with nihilism. Using his existential angst and accrued stank from homelessness, he wracks up a queue of self-loathing women begging to be sexually assaulted. While not committing rape, our protagonist wins over drunk and bored strangers by rambling on about the end of mankind. Edgy! Naked is a sociopathic romp through an alternate universe where every human being has been replaced by a pathetic pile of slag.
Rated 07 Feb 2007
Thewlis is fantastic as the brilliant sociopath Johnny, and his conversations with various odd city folk are fascinating. I don't understand the purpose of the misanthropic and abusive Cruttwell character Jeremy; if he is the rich and bourgeois counterpart to Johnny's disenfranchised and bitter everyman, which seems likely, then he's too simplistic and, though occasionally amusing, is unpleasant to watch.
Rated 14 Mar 2007
Highly intelligent but not necessarily wise. Naked is laudably realistic in certain ways (the impressive acting helps), but so uncompromisingly verbal, witty and cynical as to end up contrived and stagey. Not that it aims for actual realism, I guess, as Johnny seems like a Jesus allegory (there's even visual symbolism supporting this) plus there's a karma motif. Either way it's a callous movie and not particularly enlightening.
Rated 18 Oct 2008
A psychotic, intellectual and fantastic masterpiece. Although it's unpleasant to look at sometimes and it features disturbing subject matter, It's a joy to watch and the character of Johnny is extremely charismatic and likable.
Rated 01 Feb 2009
Thewlis' acting is brilliant, and the scenes with him wandering around London and interacting with strangers are great. However, the first half hour at the house isn't as interesting and drags, and the last half hour gets really annoying, especially the roommate who comes back. The last shot is great, but doesn't make up for the obnoxiousness that happens before it. A disappointingly uneven experience.
Rated 13 Aug 2008
Naked is full of characters that range from despicable to pitiful (with the exception of Louise), and it's quite compelling. Johnny, though he's a rapist and thief, is very charismatic, and his musings on life are entertaining and often insightful. The subject matter is pretty disturbing, but it's not difficult to watch because of the strong comedic element, which is very sarcastic and pessimistic.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
Almost unbearably bleak at times, we sense that these characters have been in similar situations many times before and will be again in the future, never digging themselves out of their holes. Thewlis is, of course, the highlight, never once stepping out of place, although every performance is fantastic. I found all of Johnny's rants interesting, as much of a despicable bastard as he is.
Rated 12 Jan 2008
English drama... well, it's got to be gritty, doesn't it?
Rated 18 Feb 2012
I hated almost every second of this. I didn't find it especially clever or poignant. Instead I thought it was unbearably misanthropic and inconsistent. There are some interesting moments in the middle where Johnny is wandering around talking to lonely people, but after that it goes right back to being an awful train wreck. While this might among the most unpleasant films that I've ever seen, I don't regret at least giving it a chance. I just couldn't stand it.
Rated 03 Mar 2012
About as insufferable as a Holden Caulfield livejournal.
Rated 28 Aug 2015
Like a train wreck, you can't look away. Johnny is complicated, intelligent, dangerous, sarcastic & absolutely lost. He has a knack for pushing boundaries & pressing people's buttons. He has uncanny success with needy women. Almost every question was answered with another question. A few tedious preachy end of the world religious rants. The message is muddy. The action is raw and sometimes brutal but riveting. Mostly excellent performances.
Rated 07 Apr 2008
It's beautiful.
Rated 16 Oct 2008
I've always loved David Thewlis, and this definitely doesn't change that. Johnny is an infinitely lovable and infinitely hateable character, whose insightful rantings are both thought provoking and alarming. Nearly every character is brilliant. Pretty great, this.
Rated 28 Dec 2008
David Thewlis gives one of the best acting jobs I've ever seen in this bleak, brutally honest masterpiece which stands as one of Mike Leigh's greatest films.
Rated 09 Jun 2021
Entel bir İngiliz'in iki saat boyunca ülke turunu ve bomboş kafa ütülemesini çekmek istiyorsanız izleyin.
Rated 01 Mar 2011
If ever a rapist and thief could be considered charming, it's Johnny. Though he's riddled with character flaws - beyond his obvious moral transgressions, he displays a general dislike for humanity - it's wildly entertaining listening to his rambling philosophical notions, and Thewlis turns him into a sort of everyman folk hero. The stream-of-consciousness nature of the film is surprisingly effective and held my interest throughout. A really intimate and engaging film.
Rated 27 May 2013
We're just a crap idea!
Rated 17 Jun 2013
Miserable, harrowing, vile, loathsome, pathetic, and hilarious. The sequence with the security guard is one of the best pieces of cinema I've ever seen. The only real flaw is Jeremy, who I think is a little too repugnant to really "work" with the rest of the film.
Rated 16 May 2014
Naked is terribly funny, an archetypal black comedy if I've ever seen one - though I recommend non-native speakers turn on subtitles to catch all of Johnny's fast, witty dialogue. The thing that prevents me from loving this movie more is my lack of a connection to any of the story, characters, or themes. I wonder what the point of it all is, but I suppose that reaction is only natural from a movie that exhumes more nihilism than anything else.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
Johnny is an existential tornado obliterating everything in his path, and Thewlis' performance is truly astonishing. Leigh's career has had its fair share of ups and downs but he was firing on all cylinders here, offering complex, well written, multi-layered characters that eschew conventional morality and dimestore psychology. The search for meaning in a fundamentally indifferent universe is met with no easy answers. Leigh simply shines a flashlight onto our dark and chaotic world.
Rated 11 May 2018
I'm not in love with it but Thewlis definitely put in good work and helped make an unlikable character almost likable, but ultimately I still felt he deserved any shit he got. He was intelligent though and interesting, which is all I needed, and that's because the dialogue in this is snappy and clever. The last bit in the house and the Jeremy character in general are low-points, but I liked it, it's deserving of most of the praise it gets.
Rated 24 Oct 2007
David Thewlis is brilliant, and so is Mike Leigh. To the friend who asked "so what was the point of this movie", go see something with Robin Williams in it and leave me alone.
Rated 14 Mar 2008
David Thewles gives one of the best performances I think I've ever seen. The movie has a very realistic, stream of conscience feel that makes the viewer feel almost like a voyeur into the lives of these people. The scene with the security guard was especially life-like. The last shot of the movie has stayed with me permanently.
Rated 27 Apr 2008
Exhausting. Stunning. Painful.
Rated 05 Dec 2008
Shows the reality of what those who seek the truth and authenticity are forced to endure.
Rated 14 Jan 2009
Quintessential 90s Angst movie! Thewlis is on fire! Smart, dark, funny and bleak.
Rated 25 Jan 2009
The first hour and a half are probably the best movie ever made by a white dude. The return and slaying the suitors was absolute tits up garbage. Quality ending. Guess that would have all fit under "uneven."
Rated 18 Mar 2009
The dialogue dripping with sarcasm and extreme dark comedy make this a very intriguing and sometimes disturbing film. Thewlis is both likable and despicable and epitomizes the film's wildly varying tone. On the whole it works except maybe for Cruttwell's character, but even he does a lot with the thin character.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
An immensely interesting character study and a great performance by Thewlis. It's painful to watch this existential anguish, this descent into misanthropy and refusal of full acceptance of nihilism. Don't mistake Johnny for a bastard, he simply can't find anything worth loving.
Rated 13 May 2009
a fantastic film
Rated 05 Aug 2009
Thewlis's performance is incredible. All character's are interesting and well defined and performed, except perhaps Jeremy, whose role is ill define and whose character is much simpler than the others.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
Fearless, especially Thewlis' performance, and impervious to easy classification.
Rated 22 Aug 2021
An unusually angry, aggressive effort from Leigh; mercilessly cruel to his characters and indulging in a degree of violence (sexual and otherwise) out of character from his usually more compassionate efforts. The grim score has overtones of Bergman to it, and Thewlis' philosophical musings seem to point in a Bergmanesque direction. As always, beautifully performed (Thewlis is outstanding), but a tough watch due to Leigh's uncompromising approach. Fascinating as an outlier in his filmography.
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Naked is hard to discribe. If you find "access" to this unpleasant sometimes painful movie you will be fascinated. I did it. A story about humanity and the selfishness we act as a part in our brutal and stupid society!On the outside we are all like strangers. The exaggerated character drawing creates the right atmosphere. Mike Leigh's best movie!
Rated 25 Mar 2011
Mike Leigh is excellent at choosing and directing actors - Thewlis and Cartlidge in particular. Terryfic film!!!
Rated 03 Aug 2011
Well, basically, there was this little dot, right? And the dot went bang and the bang expanded. Energy formed into matter, matter cooled, matter lived, the amoeba to fish, to fish to fowl, to fowl to frog, to frog to mammal, the mammal to monkey, to monkey to man, amo amas amat, quid pro quo, memento mori, ad infinitum, sprinkle on a little bit of grated cheese and leave under the grill till Doomsday.
Rated 27 Oct 2011
The movie is difficult to praise because all of the characters are repulsive human beings (minus the security guard) yet it is so depraved and sadistic that it becomes fascinating to watch. Thewlis gives a really convincing and great performance as Johnny - an unemployed, educated non-conformist with a dark side. The dialogue is engaging and interesting throughout and I actually liked Jeremy, he was so over the top that it worked. The only scenes I didn't like were with the 3rd roommate, Sandra.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
I must admit, I've always had trouble with Leigh's films and this one finally seals it. I'm not sure if any other director has been as heralded as "realistic" while being so opposed to subtlety. I think the problem lies in the improvisational nature of his films which sees his actors so intent on aggressively creating and establishing a character (and little else) that after 2+ hours I feel beat over the head with the obviousness of it all.
Rated 18 Mar 2012
Really, this is 125 minutes of David Thewlis talking...and talking. That isn't bad, he plays the psychopath well.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
As dry and gray as London on a summer day. I'm fine with depressing movies, but there seems to be a whole subgenre in British film so gray and nihilistic that it's really as dull as dirt. And this flick like so many others in this subgenre are filled with tragic characters that I couldn't give a shit about as they ask for a spot of tea and prattle on about forgetabble bullshit. Completely unwatchable.
Rated 21 May 2012
Best main character ever (and I saw the Muppets Movie).
Rated 23 Jul 2012
Most of the characters are either horrible people or just plain disgusting. David Thewlis' character is one of these, but his extraordinary performance makes him quite likable. He's a very interesting character actually. He's clearly very intelligent, spouting limitless philosophical and existential musings. However, instead of putting his intelligence to good use, he's essentially a nihilist. Anyway, it's an intriguing and occasionally brutal film, and I thought it was very good.
Rated 04 Aug 2012
Very difficult for me to make a decision on this movie. Too many conflicting pros and cons.
Rated 25 Aug 2012
Naked is an amazing film for a few reasons. The sociopath and Johnny represents some kind of duality of man, which is a little tired. But it's the intellectual and physical journey of Johnny that is very compelling because we all have pieces of Johnny in us and many of us aren't very different from Johnny at all.
Rated 13 May 2013
Deeply unpleasant yet impossible to look away from. Mike Leigh takes what could be an incredibly dark and bleak tale (and it is that) and adds a great sense of humour to it. One scene we could be enthralled with David Thewlis' character Johnny, who is smart and funny, but at the same time a deeply horrible bully who routinely does horrific things. But we still empathise with him - some of the time. Greg Cruttwell plays the logical extreme of Johnny - and his presence is most disturbing. Belter.
Rated 30 May 2013
David Thewlis performed beautifully, and truly captures the narcissistic, and anti-social mentality of Johnny. I truly loved the counter-part of Jeremy, a psychopath with his intentions of women clear and concise, while alternatively I enjoyed the ambiguity of Johnny's mental standpoints on women, as well as his own lost interpretation of himself. Beautifully written, and the cinematography fit each and every scene incredibly well. All over, one of my favorite movies to date.
Rated 13 Oct 2013
"Dünya dolusu insan nereye gideceğini bilmeden şuursuzca koşarken..." gibi onlarca film için sarfedilmiş klişe cümlelerin perdeye en iyi yansıdığı filmlerden biri belki de. Karanlık, melakolik, iç burkucu ve bir yandan da komik. Ama komiğin en siyah tonu.
Rated 10 Jan 2014
crawling into the unforgivably bleak and grimy world of misfits, following someone who has suffered a complete existential crisis. that performance by thewlis is one of the most brilliant ever. i had a bit of a double take when he howled like a wolf, lol. with its wandering and its philosophical tones, this is the sort of movie jim jarmusch would make if he was assaulted by a gang of rabid monkeys.
Rated 28 Oct 2014
I whip my haaaaaaaaaaaair back and forth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }X8
Rated 07 Feb 2015
See, Brian, God doesn't love ye. God despises ye. So there's no hope.
Rated 05 Sep 2020
"Naked is far and away Leigh's bleakest and most brutal film—a character study of a sociopath who wounds people emotionally rather than killing them, yet implicitly reserves his harshest attacks for himself. This is what happens, it says, when the human soul is stripped of its protective layer of civility and compassion."
Rated 03 Aug 2017
Rarely has a movie about characters this despicable been so compelling. It's almost hard to tell why Thewlis is so magnetic and compelling but it all comes down to one of the great cinema performances (and Katrin Cartlidge damn near matches him) combined with some excellent dialogue that manages to bring the darkest kind of humor into this dreary tale.
Rated 21 Feb 2007
Pretty good.
Rated 13 Jan 2008
(2) 13 Ocak 08 & nihilizim'i inceleyen, dahiyane bir film! senaryo, diyolog ve mukemmel-minimalist Thewlis'in oyunculugu unutulmaz.muzik az ama hos.mike leigh cok cok iyi is cikarmis ve bence yaptigi en iyi film. insan Thewlis gibi olmak istiyor, ortalikta nihilist bir takmamazlikla dolanmak istiyor.eksi sozluk, "naked" basligi (yazar:ny doll) aslinda bir cok seyi ozetlemis. 5.paragraftaki tespit cok dogru! 590.filmim
Rated 27 Jan 2008
A mustsee for Thewlis' astonishingly perfect performance which is, I think, the best I've ever seen. His character is so fascinating. Anything involving the character of Jeremy, on the other hand, injure an otherwise great film.
Rated 02 Mar 2008
# 617
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 15 May 2023
Naked estreava há 30 anos em Cannes. Que filme absolutamente repulsivo. Amei. Amei porque abri um vinho para conseguir passar por essa provação e entendi completamente porque os incels do "he's literally me" que se identificam com todo maldito sociopata do cinema também colocam o Johnny na roda. Não digo que é obra-prima porque desconforto não é minha meta de cinema, mas é de fato uma obra interessante, porém o Leigh fez obras muito melhores desde então. RARBG.
Rated 06 May 2010
I'm pretty sure I saw this when I was like 15 and half-asleep, with my younger brother and his friend sleeping over. Anyway, all I remember is some rape, a pregnant chick? And the dude being all shifty and dodgy as hell. Probably could have been funny or good, but all that is too much to take at 2am.
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Very engaging dark British comedy exploring nihilism; and much to the chagrin of the common viewer, there IS a point here which Johnny finally gets while clutching the porcelain god: THIS *IS* ALL A JOKE, but not a very good one.
Rated 24 Sep 2010
Thewlis is insanely brilliant in this immensely quotable film that's one of the most fun times I've had being depressed.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
Brilliant Dialogues ! But with the lack of suspense and specially reasonable motivations. too slow!
Rated 18 Apr 2011
In Finland we used to have a bohemian actor Matti Pellonpää. You might know him from Kaurismäki films. He could go through a part like this with the same charm David Thewlis did. Anyway. Naked is prob. the best film by Mike Leigh. It's witty, intellectual, sexy, edgy, warm even with the dark side of life, well scored, perfectly acted and nicely built characters. A well written story indeed.
Rated 28 Jun 2011
A jolly old story about an intellectual rapist folk-hero.
Rated 27 Jul 2011
This might be my most favorite Mike Leigh film. It contains some of the most thought provoking dialogue I've ever encountered in a film. At times it seems a little bit sick and twisted, but this viciousness oddly enough only aids the film in its stunningly realistic portrayal of the human existence. Sex is used in such an ingenious way, as a vehicle to showcase our barbarity and hopeless vulnerability. The bleak themes dealing with the inevitability of death, loneliness, and nothingness
Rated 24 Mar 2023
It was interesting at times but disappointing to me, and the rape scenes were disturbing; every male was abusive and a rapist. Why was this necessary?
Rated 01 Dec 2011
Rated 10 Feb 2012
A disturbing film about a disturbed, violent man and those who live around him. Which is worse, the clearly violent man or the man who hides his violence?
Rated 11 Jun 2012
know what i mean?
Rated 26 Jul 2012
The acting is fantastic all around in this one, it was interesting to see David Thewlis in a non-Potter role. Bumped down a point for some of the most passive, interchangeable female characters I've ever seen, however.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Certainly Mike Leigh's darkest film, Naked is one of the starkest, most emotionally, viscerally affecting films I've seen. Phenomenally drawn characters; it's terrifying how much Leigh makes us care about this man.
Rated 05 Aug 2012
Painful to watch but if you can stomach it, you will be well rewarded with a top notch script, a stunning performance from Thewlis and a pretty good supporting cast. The only real issues I had with it is the score.
Rated 24 Jan 2023
Really interesting but didn't quite work for me, though it's interesting throughout. Thewlis is absolutely phenomenal, though, playing a fascinating multi-faceted character who at times hilarious and at times infuriating. The funniest scene is the conversation between Thewlis and Bremner's Archie, as they both absolutely nail it. "Eh?" At the end it kind of had me wondering what the point was, though. Is it just a character study? Probably worth seeing if you're into this kind of thing though.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
One of the greatest films of the 1990s, and I only managed to wait 19 years to see it!
Rated 11 Nov 2012
Really outstanding performances by the whole cast, but especially Thewlis.
Rated 02 Jan 2013
mike leigh'in tartışmsız en iyisi. böylesine çıplak bir insan hali, bu derece gösterişsiz bir filmde, cümlelerine zarar vermeden ancak böyle gösterilebilirdi.
Rated 10 Jan 2013
Rated 22 Apr 2013
I got this movie recommended by a forum, and it certantly was worth watching. The character of Johnny is both totally hilarious and interesting at the same time. A bunch of legendary quotes. I really enjoyed the movie. Not giving it a 9/10, but definitly deserves a 8/10.
Rated 05 May 2013
It looks like a lot of people didn't care for the Jeremy character, but I thought the implicit compare/contrast between the Jeremy & Johnny brands of sociopathy was a pretty interesting & important part of the movie.
Rated 30 Mar 2021
Rated 05 Oct 2013
Rated 16 Jun 2022
You just know this dude would be QAnon freak. Awful person, compelling character, phenomenal performance. The supporting cast is in top form as well; Sophie's whole storyline is so tragic. I'm glad Thewlis and Leigh both won at Cannes for this.
Rated 07 Mar 2021
the adventures of english rapist tom green, who goes around insulting and annoying everyone with pseudo-intellectual drivel until he finally gets his ass beat a couple times. godawful plot, but made very well.
Rated 11 Mar 2014
Johnny is the most cinematic of Leigh characters -but that doesn't strip him of his realness. Although I agree the segments involving the Jeremy character were kinda superfluous, when the film centers on Johnny (and Thewlis' riveting performance) the result is an intensely emotional, sharply philosophical and ultimately, very bleak work. One of Leigh's finest, funniest and most intriguing in fact.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
Johnny Fletcher is among the most irritating characters in film history and not in an aesthetic way where you want to watch him be an insufferable prick for over 2 hours
Rated 08 Jan 2017
There is a good chance that I might have put this in my all-time top 20 films list only if I was like 10 years younger and True Detective among others hadn't just prostituted the shit out of nihilism to general public.
Rated 03 May 2017
Interesting movie with a lot of talking, very harsh sometimes and bit dry, but the acting is very good and it gives you the feeling of being on the edge of society.
Rated 29 May 2018
Sarcastically surreal
Rated 07 Jun 2024
Don't get it
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Crazy Movie
Rated 29 May 2024
Thewlis is unreal
Rated 29 Jan 2019
Boş vermişliğin ve çürümenin felsefesini yaşamının merkezine koymuş keskin entelektüel yetiye sahip bir ana karakterin, dış dünya ile etkileşimini gözlemlediğimiz diyaloglar ve ilginç anlarla dolu bir film.Filmde farklı sosyal sınıfta kişilikte olan karakterlerin ana karakterle girdiği etkileşimin farklılığı izleyiciye normal hayatda görülmesi zor deneyimleri göstermektedir. İlginç bir film yorum yaptığım her film gibi bunu da öneririm - 10 üzerinden 8.5.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
+Have you ever seen a dead body? -Only mine
Rated 13 Oct 2019
"hiç düşündün mü, hiç bilmesen de şu berbat hayatının en mutlu anını çoktan yaşamış olabilirsin ve geleceğinde hastalıktan ve acılardan başka bir şey olmayabilir."
Rated 13 Jan 2020
Johnny: "I've got an infinite number of places to go, the problem is where to stay."


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