Movie 43
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Movie 43

1h 34m
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Avg Percentile 15.37% from 1081 total ratings

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Rated 23 Dec 2013
The least appealing thing since my body.
Rated 27 Jan 2023
Is it possible to be disappointed that a movie isn't as bad as everyone says? I mean, sure, this is not a good movie by any stretch, but it had some funny ideas (even if the execution was poor), and most of the A-list cast seemed committed to their ridiculous bits (Emma Stone in particular). Rather than the epic, soul-crushing trainwreck its reputation led me to expect, this movie is just run-of-the-mill bad.
Rated 01 Nov 2013
Mightily bad, and truly despises women. Easily earns its 0, and then some. I daresay Baby Geniuses II: Superbabies is better than this.
Rated 27 Apr 2013
When it's over you get rewarded for the journey. You get to never watch it again.
Rated 03 May 2013
While this movie is hit and miss, at least these actors allowed themselves to be involved in gross out comedy and debauchery that could come across as embarrassing. It shows that they don't take themselves seriously, and neither should you when it comes to watching this movie. I'd rather have 10 of these movies than another straight up serious shitfest like Catwoman, Kate and Leopold or any more Transformers sequels.
Rated 05 May 2013
An absolute DRAGON of a movie that has Halle Berry's face, producing giant unfunny turds, puking embarrassing jokes out of his bowels, and being the ugliest motherfucker in the universe. I wanted to kill myself so badly, this movie just made me really angry. Not a chuckle out of this angry bitch.
Rated 08 May 2013
This movie is such a shame. The idea of a comedy anthology with a whole bunch of stars in it is a great idea. This end result is godawful. Were some of the shorts better than others? Of course. But were any of them actually good? No. Not a single one. There were small bits that weren't a complete waste of time, but not many. Far too much immature, lame humour without a bit of taste. I imagine most of the actors involved regret doing this. I know I regret watching it.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
A supremely unfunny, senseless, disjointed sequence of cringe humor that works better as a catalyst for depression and hopelessness in the art of cinema than anything resembling laughs. If I were any of the surprisingly big-name stars that show up in this drivel, I'd probably strike it from my resume and try to pass the existence of this film off as a case of mass hysteria.
Rated 23 Oct 2013
Holly... what?? no.
Rated 13 Aug 2013
Okay. I get where they're going with virtually every joke, and okay, *sometimes* the setups work. It's not like you won't laugh, because sometimes you will. If you want a complete narrative, go elsewhere; it's sixteen disconnected shorts only connected by one arc that nobody should care about. I like some of the people in it, I just, I don't know what the point of this was. The supermarket & Gotham speed dating shorts were my favorite. And certain moments were funny. Otherwise, just pass it by.
Rated 02 Aug 2013
A few sketches were funny. Most were not.
Rated 27 Jun 2016
This movie is so incredibly bad that everyone starring in it must have made a deal with Satan or something.
Rated 22 Jul 2013
How they got this many respectable actors to sign on is a mystery for the ages.
Rated 01 Jun 2017
Wretched. I watched this with family members who found it hilarious (yes, people who like this exist!). The same family member made me sit through The Hollow Man despite my protestations, another "movie" I detested. I wanted to pluck out my own eyes and stuff them in my ears so I couldn't witness any more of this waste of existence. Some people have memories of the cool night sky under the aurora borealis. Others, the joy of a new baby. I have memories of Hugh Jackman with neck balls. *Sigh.*
Rated 25 Sep 2017
(Viewed in 2013): Painfully unfunny anthology comedy was originally envisioned as a modern Kentucky Fried Movie but was unfortunately retooled to resemble polished Youtube clips. Shot over 4 years and featuring a star studded cast, Movie 43 is a colossal waste of talent. Many of its participants were practically tricked into it and wanted out but were contractually obliged, a fact that its creators seem strangely proud of. The formula: 12 skits + 12 directors = 3 laughs (at best). Avoid.
Rated 13 Jun 2013
Wow this movie has an epic waste of talent. There are so many good actors involved but hardly any laughs present. Really bad writing and unfunny premises. The sketches seem like they were written by unfunny 12 year children. A lame family sitcom is funnier than this movie.
Rated 27 Apr 2013
Ehh, some bits were funny.
Rated 01 May 2013
Computers do what now?
Rated 26 Jun 2014
How much of a comedy needs to make you laugh in order to call it a success? If that percentage is 50%, then Movie 43 is a successful movie to me. I laughed at about half the sketches, and even the ones that weren't funny were watchable because it's almost impossible to get over the inherent silliness associated with watching A-list stars embarrassing themselves in a dumb comedy that has no restraint or sense of taste. You might not like Movie 43, but it's an experience you won't soon forget.
Rated 17 May 2015
MUCH better than I expected. While very hit or mess there were some genuine laughs in there. Broad as hell, but not as abysmal as I expected.
Rated 12 May 2015
Yep, this was about as horrible as I expected it to be. I'd be angrier about it if I hadn't pretty much known exactly what it was going to be like going in.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
watch it when you're high, it's marvellous!
Rated 16 May 2022
The plot + writing - 0 The acting - 3 The entertainment value - 1 The look + sound - 0
Rated 02 Nov 2014
Imagine knowing nothing about this film and going to see it at the cinema - imagine how disappointment you get from a film that has no plot and is just several sketches that are mostly irredeemably bad. No story, no laughs, no fun. I would be fucking furious and I knew exactly what I was getting into. Every sketch is a failure, none of it is funny, the links between sketches are painfully self-aware we-know-its-bad-but-just-go-with-it.
Rated 25 May 2023
Definitely not "the worst movie ever"... I think the critics who said that must have been doing it as a favor to Wessler if anything. The worst movie ever would try to be something it's not and waste your time trying to get there. This movie is exactly what you think it will be -- dumb comedy sketches to give you a break from real life. Some hits and some misses comedy-wise, but the comedic timing is actually quite good overall -- likely due to the actors involved.
Rated 13 Jul 2014
I actually found some parts mildly amusing, but all in all it's just way to over the top and more often than not just trying to gross you out and apparently embarrass an ensemble of A-list celebrities.
Rated 07 Jul 2015
Rated 20 Jun 2014
It's a mystery how so many well known actors agreed to be in a film with a script this horrible. Not a single laugh to be had in the entire film.
Rated 26 May 2014
Hated this!! Couldn't even finish it. But I don't personally like vulgar movies. I felt it was just stupid. Tons of great actors and actresses. Just wasn't my kind of movie.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
4+ worth experiencing :: barely... and only *some* of it.
Rated 01 May 2014
Pretty much the only redeeming feature of this movie is that they know it is bad.
Rated 07 Apr 2014
Shocking how many A-listers signed up for this. There were definitely a few laughs, but not a single short was--in its entirety--good enough to even watch on its own. I was warned that this would be bad, but I like a lot of "bad" raunchy comedies, so I decided to try it anyway. You can't win em all, I guess.
Rated 25 Mar 2014
Rated 03 Mar 2014
What happens you put together a bunch of funny people and make a bunch of different sketches? You get the worst movie of the year. Even the worst hitter in baseball will bloop in a hit with 12 plate appearances, this movie could not and ends the day batting .000. A few sketches had a laugh, maybe two but even then it failed. Even SNL will hit a sketch on a bad night, these guys couldn't. Did no one sort of question how brutal this was......seriously, the talent!
Rated 23 Feb 2014
25 points for the non-existent budget, serious time investment and huge efforts the producers had put in.
Rated 20 Apr 2017
Pretty sure this was one of those things made to help pad out the books and do some Hollywood Accounting for whichever studio. Fraud on film.
Rated 30 Sep 2018
I can understand a film trying to be a comedy and not being funny. I cannot understand trying to make something so completely repulsive and trying to pass it as comedy.
Rated 09 Mar 2018
How did this happen?
Rated 16 Jan 2018
More reviews here :
Rated 09 Mar 2020
Seen: 2. What can I say? I'm not proud to have seen this twice, but the movie has a reputation for being an all time turd, and I felt compelled to see it again. Chin balls, home schooling, and truth or dare are great, everything else is mostly flimsy and off-putting. But I got some genuine laughs from this movie.
Rated 14 Oct 2017
This is just baffling. I more or less skipped through it, because its so painful to watch. At the same time its oddly fascinating how stunningly bad it is. How does this film even exist? Its like a practical joke on all these a-list actors. There must be a good story how the producers managed to force so many people to take part in this piece of shit.
Rated 22 Mar 2020
Painfully stupid and idiotic. It's as if we are in an alternate reality where a 15 year old is given $100 million to write a script and fill the cast with A-listers. Will watch again.
Rated 01 Aug 2017
Movie 43 is almost painful to watch.
Rated 20 Aug 2020
One of the worst rated movies that I absolutely enjoy. Inappropriate humor mixed with A-List celebrities create a combination that had me laughing for hours. Thank you for making this movie.
Rated 07 Jun 2015
This movie is brilliant! I feel sorry for those that can't appreciate it. The best way to describe this movie is as one of those 4am Adult Swim infomercials. Literally anything goes and everyone involved is game. Sure not everything lands but I give it credit for being completely uncompromising. The weirdness of this movie is sure to make it an underrated/overlooked cult classic once it finds the right audience.
Rated 31 Mar 2017
bad movie
Rated 13 Oct 2020
Made me laugh, mainly because of the unexpected high tier actors in it. Besides that, main plot is horrible, as well as most of the sketches.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Can't lie I laughed at a few things. Not a fan of the meta stuff tho.
Rated 15 Sep 2021
When it ended it left me wondering, did I just go through all of these cringy sketches for nothing? I watched a shitty movie and all I got was… nothing. Not one thing. There's some actual effort in there, if I was still 13 maybe I'd have had a laugh or two, but I'm just too old for this shit.
Rated 08 Apr 2016
Rated 02 Jan 2016
Having an ensemble cast full of good actors, doesn't automatically mean you're making a good film. This film is a total mess and nothing works in it. Just ... kill it! Kill it with fire before it lays eggs!
Rated 17 May 2019
It's like being f#cked in the brain by a donkey with syphilis.
Rated 18 May 2013
What the...? That first Winslet/Jackman scene sure caught me by surprise. But not in a good way. The sketch with Justin Long is the only I give thumbs up.
Rated 27 Jun 2013
This Was Not A Good Movie,I Did Not Like It.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
So bad it's good. Well, sometimes.
Rated 22 Jun 2013
This is basically a feature length R rated sketch show with an unbelievable amount of A-list actors. It's all really low-brow and some of the sketches were based around single jokes that didn't work and dragged on for too long. Also, the trailer spoils a lot of the best punchlines. Still, I laughed pretty hard at some things in it, so I can't call it a complete waste.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
Think of the most weird, strangest, disgusting jokes you can and you won't be far off. A cast of some of Hollywood's finest playing out a series of unlinked sketches, only joined together by an unrelated story (which is by far the worst part). Unfortunately I am a sucker for anything like this and however bad the film is it got me laughing.
Rated 17 Jun 2013
My theory on this movie is that a 4th grader with the dirtiest mind ever found a magic lamp. His first wish was to use some of Hollywood's best stars and have them act in one of the most offensive movies ever. His second wish was to convince someone to actually produce this film. The last wish was for it to be funny but I think that final wish was ignored. This movie took some of my favorite actors and brought my respect of them down about ten pegs. Just awful immature horse manure.
Rated 12 Jun 2013
Some movies are so bad that they actually become very funny. Some other movies are just diarrhea
Rated 03 Jun 2013
It does have its humorous moments. I laughed out loud at several parts. But the parts that don't work really ruin it all for me.
Rated 20 May 2013
not funny, makes no sense.
Rated 20 May 2013
Rated 25 Jul 2013
If you were even thinking about watching it. Do it. A complete cluster-fuck of talent and script. More laughs than Judd Apatow's last movie.
Rated 13 May 2013
weirdest comedy ever; definitely not for everyone's taste.. If you wanna see half of hollywood in weird situations, then this is your movie
Rated 02 May 2013
Shameful. I felt embarrased for everyone involved.
Rated 09 Apr 2013
Awful. This movie is awful. Some movies are so bad that they become good, or at least mildly enjoyable. How the filmmakers didn't even make that a reality is just a miracle to me, because this movie is truly, truly awful. It's not even so awful it's memorable, it's just completely terrible and 100% forgettable.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
this was about the percent of shorts I enjoyed :/
Rated 02 Feb 2013
It's REALLLLY bad, but in a very watchable way.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Machines: They're Filled with Children. A Farrelley brother produced it so I should've known what I was getting into. It's about as bad as you could expect. Most of the good bits are in the trailer, just pared down and censored.
Rated 29 Jan 2013
They obviously set out to prove you could actually take stupid over the top. The only reason this isn't a zero is the locker room scene near the end, which was funny, though they used the punch line in the previews. How did they talk all these big names into doing this. Other than that, it had all the earmarks of a high school film club project made while everybody was high.
Rated 28 Jan 2013
I was going to start this review by saying, "boy, that sure was a film!" but to be honest, I'm not sure it actually *was* a film. Stupid as all hell, but if you go along for the ride and embrace the insanity, you'll probably have fun. And then regret it. full review at Letterboxd
Rated 21 Oct 2013
It's bad, but at least it knows it. I can't say I'd recommend it to anyone, but some of the segments are at least worth a few laughs (Super Hero Speed Dating, Homeschooled, Beezel.)
Rated 01 Feb 2014
A movie that literally implies that you'd have to be held at gunpoint to want to watch it and actually lives up to the claim...
Rated 28 Jan 2014
2nd wonder why all these stars wanted to be part of this
Rated 23 Jan 2014
eng; [movie 43]; zwei jungen suchen nach dem movie 43 und entdecken dabei die abgründe des netzes - welches aus diversen filmen entsteht.; (manchmal witzige minifilmchen);
Rated 27 Dec 2013
Bad, but at least every 5 minutes you can be surprised by what actors lower themselves to this shite and the sketches at least keep you interested in seeing what bad idea they come up with next. Thing is, I think a few sketches sound good on paper, but the writing and direction fall completely flat. It's all so grotesque. I don't know.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
MOVIE 43 features a large cast of talented actors, and was made by quite a few people, some of whom have made good comedy in the past. But this is, for the most part, a grimly unfunny series of skits, some of which waste a decent idea, and some of which (such as the Emma Stone-Korean Culkin sketch) have nothing at all to offer. Only James Gunn's partially-animated nightmare about a perverted, psychopathic cat truly scores--and it comes at the very end. Some of the cast do what little they can.
Rated 14 Dec 2013
A kind of extraordinary, one-of-a-kind experience that is not the irredeemable disaster it has been pilloried as, but not especially redeemable either -- think FREDDY GOT FINGERED if Tom Green had managed to rope in an A-list cast (and two Oscar winners!) Good fun for a game of spot-the-star, and seeing these stars participating enthusiastically in so many grotesque situations should give the average movie buff a perverse thrill.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
Very, very bad. Had a couple funny parts though like the basketball scene.
Rated 13 Nov 2013
Awfulest. And yes, I turned it off after 15 minutes.
Rated 25 Oct 2013
[Extended International Version] - A few (3-4'ish) of the shorts are quite worthy, but the rest of those are mostly letting their cast down - and the plot trying to hold this together is pure crap from all involved. *Preview*: #13#, exp-3*, hype, popcorn, cast, R2.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
It's definitely a bad movie, but there is tiny, tiny, tiny spark of potential here, and there are at least a couple of things to like about it. Richard Roeper has called it “the Citizen Kane of awful,” but that's overstating the awfulness of this film. It doesn't suck THAT much.
Rated 19 Oct 2013
The first two segments were laugh-worthy, but it dropped off big time from there. I wouldn't really waste the time on this.
Rated 17 Oct 2013
stellar cast, but it gets in its own way
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Whether or not the actors had fun or not making this, watching this is excruciating. A series of unfunny sketches connected by an even less funny frame narrative.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
Have to admit I haven't seen it but a) Critics I trust slammed it b) Friends I trust slammed it c) I hate gross out, stupid comedies and don't want to waste my money seeing this to confirm that fact d) I am trying to 'teach' criticker my tastes - i don't like gross out comedies or torture porn. So sorry if it pisses anyone off that I am rating something I haven't seen: I understand and if this was just a general rating site not making personalized suggestions I wouldn't do it, promise
Rated 03 Sep 2013
Underrated for what it is! Yeah, I think most of the 'stories' were pretty horrible, but I liked the scenes with Emma Stone and some of the scenes with the bullied (by his parents) highschool kid. Regarding the rest of the movie, it was very random and sucked :D
Rated 31 Aug 2013
Not the worst raunchy comedy ever -- haven't you guys seen anything Adam Sandler did in the last few years? It deserves some credit -- credit? maybe this isn't the right word -- for being absolutely over the top, fucked up, disgusting and ridiculous. The fact that there are so many great actors here in the most weird roles of their lives just makes this even more interesting, if not simply ironic. Homeschooled, iBabe, Veronica, Tampax, Machine Kids and Truth or Dare are the highlights.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
It's as bad as they all say it is. With a few laughs here and there, but mostly just awful awful bits that overstay their welcome.
Rated 28 Jul 2013
There's a kind of geek show aspect to this movie, as you'll want to check it out to all while asking yourself how it got made. The story, via Google, is that the director called in some favors from friends in exchange for working only one day on the picture. There. I just saved you 90 laugh-less minutes that could just as well be replaced by watching some random YouTuber's Funny or Die playlist.


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