Mortal Engines
Mortal Engines
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Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 8m
A mysterious young woman named Hester Shaw joins forces with Anna Fang, a dangerous outlaw with a bounty on her head, and Tom Natsworthy, an outcast from London, to lead a rebellion against a giant predator city on wheels.

Mortal Engines

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 8m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 27.89% from 727 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 19 Sep 2020
Was 'Mortal Engines' dreadful? Yes. But was it b... oh I've already reached the end of this review.
Rated 05 Feb 2019
Brexit - the Sequel
Rated 17 Feb 2019
I know the plot is ridiculous, most characters are cartoonish, and the ending is completely predictable ... but come on ! A floating city serving as the cool Oasis for freedom fighters ! A half dead half robot in love with the hero but who also want to kill her ! A giant wall protecting the nature lovers from the baddies ! And London transformed into a giant fucking tank ! This just has too much stupidly fun ideas to pass on
Rated 17 Dec 2018
It's a bad Steam Punk version of a bad Star Wars movie. So it's not very good.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
* Just plain bad. Even down to basic editing it was bad. Can not even get to the story and acting. The books were meh so I wasn't expecting much, but to make it even worse than the books is an achievement. It was a very high budget highschool student movie with the clihés it used to show 'cool characters' and 'character moments' that were just awful.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
It's just CGI static noise. It doesn't have a single grippable edge to it, the characters and plot are clearly written by the Blockbuster Algorithm (tm) to be as generic as possible to not distract from the admittedly impressive visual effects.
Rated 23 Feb 2020
Give this absurd amount of money to actual established directors to make their stupid nonsense and not THIS. I was on board with this then felt like it was about done and I was only 50 minutes into the thing. Slow and lumbering and boring. I got more of a kick in recognizing the one London location a big fight happens in as the same one I enjoyed in Hands of the Ripper.
Rated 27 Apr 2019
A film that cannot decide between aping Terminator, Star Wars or that Monty Python sketch with pirate buildings. Frustratingly banal.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
The worst "Star Wars" remake by far.
Rated 11 Jan 2019
Hahahahhahhahahah. (Rating and review based on the trailer, hahahahahhha.)
Rated 28 Dec 2018
It's fine. Predictable and the characters are meh, but at least it has a story and is focused...and there are some cool visuals along the way.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
[Watch in theater for big action] I went into this only expecting action-for-the-bigscreen, but the story was revealed well, the scale of everything was conveyed well, and honestly I enjoyed myself. It has a very Bioshock + Star Wars vibe to it.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
It's amazing how it starts awful and gets worse every second. Bad in every aspect!
Rated 06 Dec 2018
A terrible movie on almost every level but the truly awful characters makes it worse than necessary. From that sickly annoying botox kid to the most uncool cool Asian in recent movie history.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
It's not too bad of a setting if you can forget everything you know about Newtonian physics, inertia, and Command/Control structures. They were so fixated on the "Wow" factor, that they completely let go of the plausibility of the events, even in the premises of the setting. The acting is mediocre, the Shrike storyline was not half bad (Pinocchio becoming Gepetto basically though); but in the end, it feels like it is nothing more than a giant destruction fetish. Good videogame material.
Rated 06 Aug 2023
Normally, I'm a substance over style guy, but the look of this steampunk flick is amazing. Unfortunately, that's where any praise must end. It's got dystopian Star Wars-derived moments (too many to count), people talk in infodump paragraphs, and it leaves in enough plot holes to drive a motorized city through. I'm going to remember this as it should have been, not as it was.
Rated 01 Dec 2020
Can we make another Star Wars with a rebel squadron attack and an I'm your father bit but make it more like Terry Gilliam directing Mad Max with buildings like The Crimson Permanent Assurance or Howl's Moving Castle so instead of aliens it's different cultures and cities like Princess Mononoke or Lord of the Rings with a bit of Twilight young adult romance. Oh, and could you put a Terminator in it too?
Rated 24 Apr 2020
*spoiler alert* When Hester is talking about Shriek and how he collects these sort of dolls and says that she thinks he "finds himself in them" or something like that, and then there's this cut and 2 seconds later Shriek literally says (regarding one of the dolls): "it has no heart... like me". Now that's what i call fantastic writing, truly amazing, i cried. *mega spoiler alert* THERE ARE FUCKING MINIONS IN THIS FILM, THE YELLOW FUCKERS, I'M NOT KIDDING, UNIVERSAL WTF ARE U DOING.
Rated 14 Aug 2019
Worldbuilding, prod design & efx are spectacular & once you begin to understand what's going on, it tosses in an odd but touching tale of a profoundly lonely cyborg who can only be stopped by his humanity. It's fantastic stuff for 1/2 the film & then you start noticing how derivative it all is. It also becomes tiresomely Woke. Liberals never tire of dystopias attacking Western values but aren't they supposed to be timely? A colonialism metaphor when the news is about immigrants trying to get in?
Rated 08 May 2019
Full of imagination, love the locales it goes to and Junkie XL's score which just sounds like a quickly altered version of his work for Fury Road. Himlar is good actress, rest of the cast goes for it even though the characters are pulled right standard issue out of the YA Dystopia toy box. Long start to get action rolling, clumsy world building, and truncated arcs getting abrupt reveals left and right show its a movie producers lost faith in but this could have been something, a glimmer remains
Rated 11 Apr 2019
A ragtag bunch of misfits and rebels band together and ultimately engage in a thrilling airborne dogfight so as to try to prevent the deployment of a vast weapon threatening mass destruction. Familiar? While in STAR WARS the plans were concealed in the inner computer workings of a small robot, and while in ROGUE ONE the plot concerned the difficulties brought by trying to email very large attachments, here the issue concerns the importance of always carrying important data on a USB stick.
Rated 03 Mar 2019
Fairly standard formula
Rated 27 Feb 2019
rvw. cool moving/transforming cities. zombie bot was really cool and how he raised her. flying city was cool. death star was kinda cool. i loved the anime influence
Rated 14 Feb 2019
Maybe don't rock a Minions reference when you're also rocking such a ludicrous story line.
Rated 13 Feb 2019
Mad Max: London but it's in New Zealand. Visuals are kinda okay but everything else is classic adventure/action movie; nothing new. Also, there are tons of things that don't make any sense. I hope they won't make a sequel. Even Robert Sheehan; Nathan from the Misfits couldn't save the movie. This film doesn't offer anything.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
A whole cast of meh characters surrounded by some awesome machines that do stuff that's cool. Take it for what it is and you'll enjoy it.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
Has its cheesy moments, the acting is inconsistent, and the pace is far *far* too quick for all that the film attempts to tackle, but any movie that takes such an unsubtle crack at colonialism and the warmongering of the Christian West (atop London, the greatest "predatory city", rises St. Paul's Cathedral, a literal weapon of mass destruction)—and pointedly features a diverse, badass cast—is a movie for me. And it's fun and unique to boot.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
It's a YA movie that I understood completely without having read any of the books. That's a great accomplishment. I don't know how well this movie works when you don't see it in cinema because the massive city constructs are a sight to behold on the big screen.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
So, soooo bad. Visually pretty stunning, but the script was so badly written and editing was so bad, that it ruined everything.
Rated 14 Dec 2018
Great cinematic experience (watch it in theatres!). Amazing what they managed to do with such a relatively low budget, it looks beautiful. I liked the protagonists, they were very likeable. It doesn't succeed in everything it tries to do, but the ideas are there. I wish it would've been more of a road movie like in the first/second act of the film. Perhaps spreading the story out over two films would've allowed for more depth. The third act felt unnecessary, clichéd and crammed. Still good film
Rated 13 Dec 2018
Haters hating, but it's more than just a poorly written steampunk movie which somehow has the plot of the original star wars trilogy. It's actually fun. Like, really fun. And very beautiful. Could be more fun if it had more big cities fighting, but I'll take this movie as is. I liked it.
Rated 13 Sep 2024
Occupied me and my chick’s attention for an evening just fine, though it’s a structural remake of the original ‘77 Star Wars down to a molecular level. Effects pretty good, Hugo Weaving amusing. Subplot with the Terminator thing tracking the main girl for half the movie got kinda tedious. Most sexless movie ever, they don’t even kiss in the end or anything. I demand a directors cut with full insertion & cumshot
Rated 18 Jun 2024
I wanted to like the ridiculous premise but I was falling asleep by the end. I think if I had seen this in theaters when I was like 7 years old I mightve loved it. I will say London as a wheeled city that devours other towns and assimilates their resources and people is like a good literal physical embodiment of colonialism.
Rated 29 Oct 2023
Starts promisingly, with an intriguing and original sense of set and costume design (with a few amusing "anachronisms" thrown in), but loses its way sometime at the end of the first act and turns into a lumbering and tedious LOTR knock-off (we can see you Jackson & Walsh!), effectively wasting its cast of enjoyable performers, especially Weaving who appears completely lost at sea. Further hampered by an inconclusive finale, presumably a set up for a projected sequel/franchise.
Rated 24 Oct 2023
an average chinese propaganda but shrike made me cry :---(
Rated 30 Aug 2022
Great visuals, terrible rendition of story. It makes sense for a traction city that big to look like that, not like whatever the illustrations in the books are (big square metal things).
Rated 31 Oct 2021
1883: good job in making a new apocalyptic world! like it!
Rated 04 Feb 2021
Too bad. They worked hard on the CGI, but was the plot worth all the efforts? A young adult-type of story taken too seriously and 20 years too late, predictable everything, a lot of characters seem just rushed or crammed in.
Rated 09 Jan 2021
The concept of moving cities is stupid and cool, but it works here. Bit of an adventure with mostly good characters. Robert and Hera do fine as the leads. Even the cyborg has more personality than me. Some side roles are underdeveloped and there are obvious cliches but I think overall it's enjoyable.
Rated 29 Dec 2020
Great looking film. Too much plot put in and too much left out leaves a hollow story that hits the beats it is supposed to without earning any of them. I hope the book is better. (It probably helped that I had low expectations for this film.)
Rated 18 Jul 2020
Just too Disney for me. Good concept though
Rated 31 May 2020
Loud and messy, a big-budget fantasy action film with a B-list cast and source material nobody's really heard of. The storytelling packs in several character arcs and plenty of world-building detail, but sometimes comes across in the same ridiculous vein as Wild Wild West rather than Star Wars. Was it a crazy mess with overreliance on CG? Yes. Would I watch another instalment to find out what happens with Tom, Hester, her family and destiny? Possibly, it was a slight guilty pleasure at times.
Rated 13 May 2020
Rated 23 Apr 2020
Beautiful shots, good music, but flat story, not well montaged.
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Fütüristik bir macera. Bu sefer bilimkurgu filmlerinin şöleni yapılmış. Harika bir görsel efekt şovu ile açılan film, ülkelerin bir araç ile gezdiği dünyayı anlatıyor. İyiler ve kötüler arasındaki denge, yeni kahramanlar derken Londra yada Çin'i kötü kaderden kurtarıyorlar. Bilimi kötüye kullanma filmlerinin devamı gibi sürse de, 90 lı yılların bilim kurgu filmlerine de göz kırpıyor. Arkadaşım bir yok edici.
Rated 01 Dec 2019
Visually really cool, but the plot was a total hash of a book whose plot wasn't that good to begin with.
Rated 06 Nov 2019
Visually this is a joy and the traction cities are absolutely nuts as concepts. I don't often say this about a 2 hour movie but ME may have benefited from being a little longer if they could have fleshed out some of the story arcs and supporting characters a bit better. Sadly the plot is also very predictable with almost every reveal seen coming a mile off, but that said Mortal Engines isn't the worst 2 hrs of fantasy escapism I've seen. It isn't getting one, but I would have watched a sequel.
Rated 21 Jul 2019
Dağ fare doğurmuş. Görsel kısmı bir tarafa bırakırsak beklentilerin çok altında kalan vasat film. Ne olup ne olacağı baştan sona belli.
Rated 24 Jun 2019
Rated 21 Jun 2019
Initial and final action scenes are good except score is repetitive, middle third is a drag. Delete the Shrike and give Hugo Weaving more scenes, maybe recast the rest of them.
Rated 02 Jun 2019
Wasn't as bad as people said but wasn't as good as I'd hoped. Never read the books. Beautiful world building. Actors that look quite like younger versions of more famous actors. Not sure what the plot was about. Fav scene: Shrek's dying recollections of his daughter.
Rated 13 May 2019
Formulaic, uninspired and often silly plot with much negative depth meets glorious steampunk visuals that make it hard to completely dislike this eye fest. Very Bioshock.
Rated 03 May 2019
eng; [mortal engines]; nach einem weltkrieg haben menschen fahrende städte entwickelt, welche immer nach neuem futter gieren.;
Rated 19 Mar 2019
Mortal Engines is disappointing film that fails because of its characters and cast. While the production design is impressive and works for the most part, every interaction with the plot seems to leave it in ashes. The action and writing is more akin to fantasy than post-apocalyptic sci-fi but preformed with very little of the gravitas needed to make it work. The exception is Lang's Shrike who is great. The cast diversity is laudable but the chemistry is very weak, making for exasperating watch.
Rated 13 Mar 2019
I’m sure that when the book was written in 2001 it had some originality to it. But today, it’s a Steampunk Dystopian YA version of Mad Max while feeling like it’s following in the footsteps of Divergent and The Maze Runner. It has a moment early on where it’s actually decent, but it focuses too much on an average story instead of decent characters and world building, not that either of which are very good to begin with.
Rated 09 Mar 2019
Peter Jackson had faith and it shows in the visuals. This isn't your trashy Twilight-esque preteen fantasy schlock. However, as beautiful as some of the settings are, a number of characters feel underdeveloped. Props for it telling an enclosed story unlike many other would-be franchises.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Production design, cinematography, visual effects and costumes are decent, if not good, as are a few of the performances. Pretty much everything else is cheap. The awkward ADR and the score especially cause some occasional but serious silliness. Was genuinely surprised that Holkenburg composed this wannabe Fury Road knockoff crap. Does score points, though, due to the use of the right kind of genre elements. Says I. Can people please stop giving Fran Walsh money for writing scripts?
Rated 15 Feb 2019
I'm thinking a discount showing at the theater might have been in order. Some pretty cool visuals, but not a whole lot else that really stands out.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
Fikir iyi aslında ama uygulayış aşırı young-adult
Rated 12 Jan 2019
I truly don't know what to think of this movie. It's simultaneously very derivative and very ridiculous and over the top. It's simultaneously pretty to look at and sloppy. The performances are alternatively dull and great (except for Sheehan, who's a total scene stealer here). As it is, I just leave it at exactly half.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
I'm all for jumping aboard a ludicrous high-concept premise just to see where it goes, but I've found my limit. What even is this? Every single character, plot point and circumstance is completely contrived, though maybe that's an effort to mask the contrivancy of the premise. At least the set designers had a good time.
Rated 25 Dec 2018
Although it's based on a book I haven't read I kind of enjoyed it, however I'm sure that if I read the book I'd be disappointed. Thanks to a friend who has read the book I know that her scar is meant to be much bigger and is meant to disfigure her face. I'm fairly sure, as is often the case when it comes to character injuries and (call me crude) but it's because they need a hot protagonist. But overall it had a good performance from the cast, good screenplay and decent plot.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Steampunk style action movie with a Star Wars vibe (and plot TBH) is how I would describe this. I was expecting a bit more of a Hunger Games harder edge which I would have preferred but I was still happy and the steampunk designs and visuals are absolutely stunning. I'll be in line if they decide to do more of the books (and I'd hope if they do they can add a bit more complexity) but it works well standalone (unlike Gridelwald) telling a decent, if relatively predictable action adventure tale.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Waste of time.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
I struggled with the idea of giving a Peter Jackson (ish) movie a mediocre score. But honestly, despite tepid expectations, I just didn't enjoy the movie enough to recommend that others should watch it. Visually stunning, and may even demand a 3D viewing if you're so inclined. But it took me altogether too long to get on board with the kinda-dystopic-but-not-really premise, and the material that I did enjoy, was too little and far between. Motivationally frustrating. Imaginative, but lacking.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
Mortal Engines is a perfect film to watch in theaters! Christian Rivers (the director) has his hands in the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and King Kong! Grand beautiful graphics! But as a completely novice director I sometimes wanted to get up and slap him! Still absolutely worth watching in theaters, not going to be as great on your laptop.
Rated 12 Dec 2018
Well, at least it was better than Crimes of Grindelwald. I have low expectations from fantasy movies these days. It was ok. Thank you, next.
Rated 07 Dec 2018
Shallow and uncharismatic characters.


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