Moonrise Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom
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Moonrise Kingdom

Moonrise Kingdom

Romance, Comedy
1h 34m
A pair of lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out and find them. (imdb)

Moonrise Kingdom

Romance, Comedy
1h 34m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 66.04% from 7447 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 17 Jul 2012
Few American films have this level of reflection on the tumultuous essence of childhood. This is one for all the weird kids out there, all the freaks who don't fit in. Anderson's aim is true and while the dialogue carries his signature quirkiness, the strength of the film lies with the honest examination of what it means to be an adolescent discovering one's self, the world, and feelings of love. Just like the books that Suzy reads, it's a charming fantasy that mixes reality and the imaginary.
Rated 26 Oct 2013
Notable in that this is the film that convinced me Wes Anderson is not pretentious, but he really just has a style that he developed and enjoys and is not trying to shove some sort of deeper meaning into his work by way of style. Now please excuse me while I take my afternoon tea before I go monocle shopping.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Pierrot le fou for children. Wes Anderson for lovers. Bill Murray as an American treasure. Bruce Willis as someone who's uncool. Edward Norton as a funny scoutmaster. A gorgeous film. (two times)
Rated 03 Oct 2012
I didn't mind the story nor the delivery, and - okay okay - Anderson, of course, knows how to block. But he can frame and reframe incessantly and perfect the hell out of his mise-en-scene from here on and until he retires, at the end of the day I invariably find his self-conscious direction style and his oh-so-offbeat characters tiresome to some degree. I guess I should just stop watching the guy's films, huh?
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Entertaining remake of BADLANDS in another key, focusing on that film's themes of youth-as-outsider in a humdrum if not conformist world, rather than on the more mysteriously philosophical questions that made Malick's 1973 debut such a cinematic masterpiece. While the performances in both films are notable for their deadpan delivery, here this is at the service of a wry romanticism rather than a quasi-Heideggerian exploration (still somewhat wry) of an emptiness at the heart of existence.
Rated 26 Sep 2012
Anderson's films often come across as possessing too much forced awkwardness. The human interaction and scenes in his films never feel genuine as much as just art statements by a director primarily concerned with stylizing reality. In this he manages to capture human emotions without overdosing us on superficial flourishes of his director paintbrush. The childhood nostalgia comes across like a warm memory and the characters relatable. The 60's film style only adds to its folk story like charm.
Rated 19 Jul 2017
I knelt by the river, threw my head back and the tribal elder emptied the gourd of sticky-sweet liquid down my throat. The reason for my fasting became clear as the twee nostalgia hit my empty stomach with paralyzing force, and I had to fight the urgent signals my body was giving me to reject it. When I awoke I understood that Wes Anderson had created the most white-bread cornball shit I'd ever experienced, and I've seen You've Got Mail.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
Charming and peculiar; it seemed like a wonderful symphony of fairy-tale characters, adventure motifs and the banality of adult existence. It certainly was neither profound nor poignant, but it was endearing and - often - quite funny. At times, it filled me with light-hearted regret that I didn't live in that world as a young teen.
Rated 06 Jul 2012
It's a movie about childhood for adults. Not nostalgia, but rather in reminding us how very little we knew, and thus how magical the world seemed, and what a crime it is when adults are too wrapped up in their own adolescence and immaturity to recognize that no kid should be left to feel they are alone in a world they don't know very much about yet, that every kid needs someone who is undeniably on their side. A nice trilogy reminder for parents, with Little Miss Sunshine and About a Boy.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
Told with unflinching candor and marked by Anderson's unassuming craftsmanship, my love for this film is matched only by the leads' apparent love for each other.
Rated 19 May 2012
You have to admire everything about this film. Anderson's vigorously consume every cinematic possibility within his style. It's not refreshing, because he's done that with all his other films, but this time it seems as if it might work. The reason why i'm not head over heels with this film is the due to the fact that I didn't find it nearly as funny as ".. Mr Fox" - the characters just aren't there.(I would like to note, though, that I saw the film with a boring french audience.)
Rated 31 Mar 2013
Wes Anderson found the most suitable setting for his wacky style and everything worked perfectly in this movie. It is a very balanced melange of Blue Lagoon, Catcher in the Rye and Lord of Flies with the adults still around. Throw all this in a perfect storm and some brilliant imagery, it was an admirable piece of art. Neo-romantic fable, that was what this movie is.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
Sweet offbeat story of a couple of 12 year old misfits who find each other and fall in love. They set out to spend some time together and the rest of the island is sent into chaos searching for them. Their old foes have a change of heart and soon they are helping them. A delightful quirky story with a sweet premise and happy ending. Most entertaining.
Rated 26 Sep 2012
I get it. It's kids acting out grown-up themes. And it's quirky... boy, is it quirky. It's also Wes Anderson on repeat.
Rated 01 Jul 2012
This movie is so goddamned adorable it hurts. It's also the most beautifully shot of Anderson's features I've yet seen, evoking an idyllic storybook quality through soft lighting and distinct splashes of color (and of course, his usual two-dimensional/symmetrical framing). Almost every character is extraordinarily empathetic, and the whole film is just so good natured. Not to mention quite funny. So far, this is the best I've seen from Anderson.
Rated 26 May 2012
A wonderful cast, beautifully photographed and another brilliant musical score from Mark Mothersbaugh; "Moonrise Kingdom" has Anderson stamped all over it. The young leads are probably the movies highlight, but the experienced support cast all thrive within Anderson's style. The whole storm scene in particular is close to perfection. Some will complain there's not enough new from Wes here, but they should've watched the trailer and known not to bother. A completely charming gem from Anderson.
Rated 19 Jun 2017
Anderson's an undeniable master of mise en scene, but it has become so repetitive. Anyway, this movie was a lot of fun in the first act when the kids first run away. Unfortunately, it loses steam after that.
Rated 15 Apr 2014
This movie was very weird but what do you expect? It's a Wes Anderson film.His movies ARE very weird but very good.I think this movie deserves a lot of credit. I loved the cast. Bill Murray was awesome,Bruce Willis was fantastic,and Edward Norton was,well spectacular.I loved Edward Norton in this movie.His troop was so funny.Great directing,acting,screenplay,and writing.
Rated 14 Dec 2013
Wow. Best movie of 2012? Probably. Wes Anderson, for me, is hit or miss, but he scored huge this time. The characters are just quirky enough, the story is heartwarming, the film is funny. Fantastic. I think Edward Norton and his scout troop is probably the highlight of the film. That, or when the grossly underaged Kara Hayward strips in an awkward, boner-inducing scene. Fantastic.
Rated 18 Jan 2013
As always, Wes Anderson has no interest in capturing the world as it really is, but rather with the eye of an illustrator. The recurring references to Suzy's books seemed very appropriate as the entire movie, from the whimsical characters to the meticulously framed shots seem to come straight from the pages of a children's story. I'd say Anderson is firmly in the "love it or hate it" category, but I really can't imagine anyone truly hating this movie - it just has too much charm for that.
Rated 10 Dec 2012
Some really interesting cinematic choices made here - from the stage show style of the opening scenes, to dynamic first-person perspectives. You can tell from the opening dialogues that the flick will be classic Wes Anderson and in no way does "Moonrise Kingdom" disappoint in that sense - it's quirky, weird, funny and loveable without crossing the line to pretense. Fun characters + fun dynamics = reason to invest. There are some absolutely hilarious lines of dialogue. Exceptional dramedy.
Rated 24 Nov 2012
Wonderful attention to aesthetics, as expected with Anderson's films. Seriously, every shot could be framed in a museum, and that alone is a cinematic feat. The story and the characters, however, are disappointingly shallow in comparison.
Rated 08 Nov 2012
A beauty to behold with Anderson's trademark color palettes and his usual offbeat charm. But these are mostly superficial pleasures. It didn't quite engage me at a deeper emotional level.
Rated 07 Oct 2012
Wes Anderson > Tim Burton
Rated 26 Sep 2012
Wes Anderson has a lot of obvious strengths and weaknesses. I find sometimes his weaknesses outweigh the good and things get lost. This movie was a pleasure. The urgency that the characters find their own situation leads to a lot of touching and funny moments. The best movie he's made since tennenbaums.
Rated 01 Sep 2012
While I couldn't even finish The Royal Tenenbaums because of the incessant quirkiness, Moonrise Kingdom really hits the spot for me. Sure it is still full of Andersons trademark quirk, but in this case it really works. It's a lovely story about two oddball kids, skillfully mixing adventure with some dark humor. The performances by the child actors are surprisingly strong. And visually the whole thing is simply stunning. The more I think about it, the more I like it.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
I've disliked ever Anderson movie I've ever seen. I sat stone-faced through "Rushmore" and wondered who could possibly find any of this funny. I fell asleep not twice but thrrrrrice! during "The Royal Tannenbaums". But this...there was something about this that stuck with me. It could have been the work of the two lead children, who were both fantastic and knew their characters extremely well. A welcome return to form for Ed Norton, too. I forgot how funny he could be with the right material.
Rated 08 Jul 2012
Upon first viewing I was left with an ear-to-ear smile. Every character, even those on screen for a short amount of time, are given purpose, direction and depth. Anderson has a sincerity that is often either not recognized or seemingly misinterpreted. Here it is obvious. It's a tale of young love where the two lovers are equal parts far more mature than their age dictates as well as extremely naive. Beautifully done.
Rated 03 Jul 2012
It's so constantly self-recognizing and abundantly "look how quirky. SOOOO quirky!" that it annoys me. I got sick of the deadpan, quickly-spoken dialog. The two lead kids irked me almost every time they talked. I get that it's just Anderson's intentionally quirky way. I really do. I'm just tired of it. I do think it was heartfelt, emotionally resonant and it had some funny moments. And all of the adult actors were good and I did like some of the less Anderson-y shots (there weren't very many).
Rated 30 Jun 2012
I was all ready with my "Peter Tweenaway" quips and declare this Anderson's best by a wide margin until he loses the plot somewhere in the last third (similar to Life Aquatic). Also lots of the best bits are recycled Badlands, no?
Rated 25 Jun 2012
It's a seemingly simple story. Parts of Moonrise Kingdom gave me a Godard vibe. I think Wes Anderson watched Breathless a bunch of times and decided to translate it into a cutesy pre-teen tale that reflects on the adolescence of adults in a Topsy Turvy, meta-communicative fashion, with mostly positive results. The relationships between the adults seem much more immature than that of the young leads. It works as an ensemble, but would have been even better with a closed focus on the lovers.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
Moonrise Kingdom is Wes Anderson's most accessible film, but remains not just one of his own unique creations, it's his absolute best. It's always touching with laughs aplenty, its characters instantly endearing with their quirky Anderson deliveries. Even beyond this, the film is brilliantly made; flawlessly, in fact. It's the best film I've seen in years. I'd consider it perfect. I'd consider it timeless and worthy of a place amongst what most us already consider unshakable classics.
Rated 20 Jun 2012
It's fun and fairly well written just like any other typical Anderson flick, though I just couldn't help but feel that he's just full of himself now. It's no surprise that he's still making the same film after almost two decades, but it's never felt so forced. Anderson's pleasant sonic and visual charms couldn't save me from not caring about any of the characters or their outcomes. I didn't hate it, I think I've just grown tired of Anderson's same old same old.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
Simply wonderful. Visually perfect (dazzling use of colours, playful camerawork), structurally brilliant, packed with a load terrific characters and ideas, "Moonrise Kingdom" is quintessential Anderson -the surreal beauty of "Rushmore"'s final shot stretched into feature length. Well, not really, since that would have been a perfect film and "MK" has its faults but its eccentricity, tenderness and optimism, along with the undeniable visual flair, still make for an extremely enjoyable viewing.
Rated 25 May 2012
One of the few films I've seen where the cinema audience laughed aloud. It gave me the feeling of huge adventure within a small safe area that I felt when I was a child exploring the park & neighbourhood where I lived. I loved the autonomy and small areas of leadership within the scouts as that also matched my scouting experiences. I did waver a little during the lightning scene but as a piece, I loved this film.
Rated 18 May 2012
"For the first 15 minutes or so, Moonrise Kingdom feels like the movie Wes Anderson's detractors have always accused him of churning out. Then it finds its footing and becomes a film that only Anderson could have made." - Andrew Schenker
Rated 18 Jul 2019
I'm quick to fall for WA films but somehow I'm always left with a faint indifference. The persistent uniformity of his fine-tuned cutesy quirkiness can end up flattening the tone, encrusting the drama & taking the punch out of the punches. The brilliantly crafted aesthetic goes past effective storytelling even undermining emotional moments. So comfy, precise & indulgent it feels like a gorgeous & charming but mechanistic vision of childhood pain & imagination. A repressed part of me adores this.
Rated 22 Oct 2017
A visual delight.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
Awkward and boring. Sorry, everyone.
Rated 24 Jul 2015
Not for me. Typical Anderson style, which is to say quite irritating, something about it just rubs me the wrong way. Early on in the film I was very close to just turning off the film, but I kept watching and was kind of glad I did, it did get better. But still not a good film. The characters, script and acting all could have used more work. The cinematography is pretty nice but the whole over-the-top quirky vibe kind of ruined it for me. No substance, only watch if you like Anderson's style.
Rated 27 Jun 2015
Written, directed, and produced by Wes Anderson has never sounded so good. This transcends beyond being his best work I have seen, into being one of my favorite movies. Paired with brilliant acting, vibrant settings, and Anderson's quirky and unique direction, Moonrise Kingdom tells a beautiful story of adolescence, emotions, and maturity. A must-see.
Rated 19 Mar 2015
The first half is, like, a 90 and the second is about a 75. Throw on a few points because it's so nice to look at the whole way through and here we are.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
I wish this wasn't as excellent as it is because it is basically Vampire Weekend: The Movie.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Underneath all the hipster bullshit is a beautiful tale about growing up and that first summer crush.
Rated 04 Feb 2014
light-hearted with a soft bite. undoubtedly extremely well compiled and its explorations of youth is interesting; nevertheless, something about it prevented it from really affecting me. perhaps it's the quirkiness that never felt entirely natural, a bit forced, not helped by the two leads whose effort was admirable but suffered the usual issues of young actors.
Rated 26 Jan 2014
Anderson's style is all over this, but it doesn't get in the way of the fun, charming story. It is beautifully shot, with good performances from the cast, and the soundtrack was curiously effective. The two young leads were excellent. This was funny, smart, efficient storytelling, and very likeable.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
In a word, "Brilliant"!
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Flubbing fantastic. My third Wes Anderson movie, and the second one I gave a perfect score to. I should really rewatch his older work.
Rated 26 May 2013
I can appreciate the quirkiness for which Moonrise Kingdom was going, but it's just too over-the-top for me to enjoy. I like Wes Anderson's previous offerings, but this one just doesn't feel like his usual work. Great cast, interesting approach, just not for me.
Rated 11 Jan 2013
Very Wes Anderson movie. The movie will entertain you all throughout. The movie has everything in it to make it good -- acting, script, dialoge direction. The acting by the kids are amazing. A must watch for one and all.
Rated 09 Jan 2013
Easily the most beautiful Wes Anderson Film. It is also the most shallow. The world is magical. Every shot is filled with grandiose detail. Unfortunately the world is filled with forgettable characters and uninteresting events. I love most of Wes Anderson's work but this is a big miss. While technically superior, this is his worst effort since Bottle Rocket.
Rated 31 Dec 2012
Wonderful soundtrack. Beautiful execution. Quite funny in parts. Missing something. There seems to be a lack of development. Specifically Bill Murry's character, but others as well. After the first escape attempt the movie has little more to say. Seems to be an exercise in narrative composition, a la the record at the beginning instructing the listener on how classical music is composed. Also the Noah's Ark references were a bit heavy handed.
Rated 29 Dec 2012
Delightfully quirky. A sweet, kind of, tale of young love. Lots of little easter eggs for the sharp eyed. Overly serious scouts, verging on hammy adult performances, another great from Wes Anderson
Rated 27 Dec 2012
At the risk of losing my reviewer cred, this is only the second full Anderson movie I've seen. Now: I really liked the mythic elements and style. But Anderson (so far) strikes me as bit of a young and hip version of everything people (falsely) accused Kubrick of being: Someone who might well understand emotions but can't really make his audience emphatize. The film is smart and interesting, but I felt detached from it, though I feel that'll pass after a few more films or a rewatch.
Rated 27 Nov 2012
Fantastic, this has wonderful photography, great characters, and perfect music. I haven't seen a film with such amazing energy in a long time.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Absolutely horrible. Brutally boring, terrible script and hammy acting. 3 points for Edward Norton. But even he has no hope of saving this film from awfulness.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
This isn't really a comedy but it could hardly be considered a drama. It's... something else and is also Anderson's most purely beautiful work in both heart and visual style. I also have to mention the outstanding score by Desplat. Anderson's best film since Bottle Rocket.
Rated 08 Oct 2012
Everything you would expect from Wes Anderson and maybe more.
Rated 05 Oct 2012
Long live childhood!
Rated 04 Oct 2012
Welp, this is an incredibly beautiful and wistful movie about childhood with which Anderson's style meshes perfectly. There's a tendency in the narrative to go to dark and vulnerable places, but the notably fantastic cast lighten the load with sincere (sometimes blunt) character quirks. By the end, you just feel more...well, human.
Rated 02 Oct 2012
It's definitely original but maybe even too much so. I find Anderson's style here mostly annoying. The story is unfocused and moving at such a fast pace it's impossible to concentrate on anything. Still, the plot is nice enough and there is a lot of interesting content like the music and the visual style.
Rated 28 Sep 2012
Damn Criticker, 96? So it's not as good as Criticker thought I'd think... but I still really enjoyed it. The costumes, the weird and quirky world (and characters) that Anderson created, the way it examined childhood, and the humour, it all made this a joy to watch. Everyone puts in good performances, and the musical choices were nice.
Rated 24 Sep 2012
With time Wes Anderson has matured and grown a much-needed heart - without losing his unique cinematic eye. 'Moonrise Kingdom' balances just about perfectly the fine line between gorgeously nostalgic 16mm art and unspoiled tenderness. This is movie magic in it's purest, rarest form.
Rated 20 Sep 2012
Worth the price of admission for Bill Murray's angered dash on the beach.
Rated 09 Aug 2012
This film didn't change my feelings towards Wes Anderson. I can certainly appreciate how well it was made, how absorbed you get in the world he creates, and the cast giving great performances. I was real excited to see Francis McDormand as she has that face that suits most Anderson films. She was indeed great - but I just can't seem to care about them. I understand the message of teen love and growing up and all those things. Maybe it's the quirky dialogue and mannerisms that doesn't draw me in.
Rated 05 Aug 2012
The first 30 minutes of this cartoonish fairy tale (it would've been better as an animated short) r relentlessly unamusing, unless u find quirky kids repeatedly behaving like adults amusing. There's a tiny handful of poignant moments 2 b found in the outsiders-against-the-world storyline, & a daringly "adult", yet sweet, moment between the kids, but this is like being waterboarded w/ whimsy. Whimsical = less than humorous/amusing. Humorous/amusing = less than funny. 90 minutes of whimsy = lethal
Rated 14 Jul 2012
No surprises that Anderson would successfully capture the spirit of youth, but that doesn't explain just how well he did it. Contrasting this boundless excitement with the cynicism of the adult world just drives this home further. The two leads are wonderful, but everyone else has their time to shine, especially Norton's scoutmaster and Willis doing something different. A fun ride, and endlessly hilarious.
Rated 11 Jul 2012
Very ambitious, and very sterile.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
A very joyful Romeo and Juliet with that Anderson touch.
Rated 06 Jul 2012
Immensely charming in its visual design, script, and performances. 2012's tolerable cinematic love story (since we only get one a year).
Rated 04 Jul 2012
The seamless formalism of Anderson's cinematography blends an array of marvelous sepia-toned colour palettes, film grain, and meticulously choreographed scenes, all set to finely scored and curated music (that ranges from Benjamin Britten's The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra at the opening to Françoise Hardy's debut album in the spectacular beach scene) and a story that powerfully synthesises a childlike romanticism, touches of black humour, and social realism into a fluid narrative.
Rated 03 Jul 2012
The love for Wes Anderson eludes me. Terribly weak characterization admist some very pretty visuals and talented directing. It's hard to find sincerity within Anderson's work and his characters as well even though I'm completely confident that Anderson is as genuine as they come. Meh, I don't get it.
Rated 02 Jul 2012
Anderson's best, and his most complicated structurally. Perfectly executed from start to finish.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
All right, nothing special. It's disappointing that most of the movie is with the kids because child actors are the absolute worst thing. Has a few funny parts, drags in the beginning, then gets really ludicrous towards the end and finally wrapping up with a nice ending. Jason Scwartzman was excellent in his small role, nice to see he finally got rid of the 16 year old haircut. Anderson's second worse movie.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
A lovely and optimistic film. It is, by any account, a great movie. The characters are interesting, the story is well paced, the actors are amazing, and it's a beautiful film. This film has a touchingly sincere thread of optimism despite the fact that many of the protagonists face some deep depression or difficulty. The love story of Sam and Suzy is the heart and soul of this movie and it's very well done. A great demonstration of the innocence and depth of young love.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
I'll be very surprised if I'm not looking back in a few months and naming this film of the year. Moonrise Kingdom is about as close to cinematographical perfection as I have ever experienced. It is impressive on every level, every step of the way. Genuine American cinema at it's finest.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
If you're one of those people who don't get what the big deal about Wes Anderson is, this movie will confirm that feeling beyond any doubt. As a moviegoer who prefers verbal humour, which this movie is utterly devoid of, but who also loves physical comedy and can even laugh at the occasional fart-joke, I can positively say that I haven't laughed once in this movie, and I can with all confidence say that anyone who did has reached a level of mental degeneration bordering on retardation.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
It's hard for me to imagine why this movie gets such great reviews. I saw it in the theater yesterday and the the only redeeming factor of the whole experience was that I saw it for free. The audience was roaring with laughter at such inane humor that it was surreal. Although I grew up most of my life in the States, I think this brand of humor is really quite thinly American. I thought the story was quite rubbish and the quirkiness which I appreciate in moderate doses was really over the top
Rated 12 Jun 2012
A sincere, heartfelt tale of childhood. Anderson finds comedic use for every formal element available, which, combined with lovable performances, ensures a permanent smile on your face throughout the entire film.
Rated 10 Jun 2012
this is what royal tennenbaums and darjeeling limited should have been ...
Rated 09 Jun 2012
It is sincere and joyful without being excessive or sentimental. I almost felt bad that I was expecting more cynicism or irony.
Rated 04 Jun 2012
This is another amazing work by Wes Anderson. The script is delightful, there are so many humorous and interesting characters. The cast is great with numerous actors giving fun performances. The film also has a stunning visual look. I can not help but highly recommend this great film.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
My favourite Wes Anderson yet: he completely and utterly nails the central characters. The tone and narrative are pitch-perfect and the cinematography is spot-on.
Rated 31 May 2012
The future of cinema.
Rated 30 May 2012
Gorgeous, hilarious, and genuinely heartfelt in a way Anderson's films have never been before.
Rated 25 May 2012
Not exactly a stylistic jump for Anderson but it's a refinement of his style - darkly humorous, fantastic framing/use of music/casting. It's nice to see Anderson develop his skills from his experience with Fantastic Mr. Fox - interesting stop-motion work and some impressively stylish practical effects. I especially enjoyed the performance of Bruce Willis - it's very different and it pays off well - although Anderson always gets good performances out of everyone - even his younger leads.
Rated 04 Aug 2024
I watched this way back when I had no idea who Wes Anderson was, and still was transfixed. It’s a postmodern beauty.
Rated 24 Jun 2020
ii fena değil
Rated 31 Aug 2019
It's Anderson's most scattered narrative work, but the cinematography is lush and it speaks to a yearning nostalgia for childhood.
Rated 08 Mar 2018
Anderson's verbosity still sits wrong with me at times. In "The Grand Budapest Hotel" the endless diatribes were undercut at every turn by shocking violence or profanity, and it worked. Here, it's still mostly endearing. Not flawless, mind, but I can look past it. Thankfully, everything else about "Moonrise Kingdom" IS flawless, a depiction of naivety and childhood innocence that is endearingly sweet and supremely funny, with fantastic comic turns from Edward Norton and Bruce Willis. Wonderful.
Rated 01 Feb 2018
Great acting, adorable story. Testament to the fact that Bill Murray doesn't need the starring role to make a big impact. It blew my mind that there wasn't a bad child actor.
Rated 08 Nov 2017
Probably my second favorite Wes Anderson film after Grand Budapest . It's cute and wonderfully shot.
Rated 07 Oct 2017
good movie
Rated 05 Feb 2017
It's always hit or miss with Wes Anderson. That was a miss.
Rated 21 Mar 2016
The beautiful forested island scenery dotted with hip 60s aesthetic (hello, portable turntable) paired with Anderson's impeccable visual flair and love for detail is a match made in movie heaven. Sam and Suzy, meanwhile, lead an elope plot that is as captivating (the flood side-story adds a great sense of impending doom to the forbidden love; Desplat's mournful score is wonderful) and tragic (the leads' parent issues add great depth) as it is cute (see the book-reading; culminating beach shot).
Rated 12 Mar 2016
Not my favorite Wes Anderson but I still think its an okay movie. Probably wouldn't watch it again though.
Rated 13 Feb 2016
Interesting film that was funny and had a great ending.
Rated 29 Dec 2015
in the spoonerverse a band of large cats overthrow 17th century china
Rated 27 Oct 2015
A melodramatic love story and a fugitive crime thriller, but you know, with boy scouts. It is the height of Anderson's idiosyncrasy, detached and endearing and funny and all those things you expect, with arguably the best assembly of actors hitherto seen in any of his films.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
"That world doesn't have as deep of consequences as the real world."


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