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Sci-fi, Action
2h 10m
In Moonfall, a mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler is convinced she has the key to saving us all - but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman believe her. (imdb)


Sci-fi, Action
2h 10m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 19.04% from 492 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 05 Apr 2022
I mean... it's Roland Emmerich. I knew this going in. Yet, I went in anyways. Shockingly bad at times. Empty hollow people , going places (how did they get there?) , doing empty hollow things. Existing only to shape specific destructive CGI moments. Some of his past films, have been at least cheesy bad enough to be funny, but this one lacks almost any of those moments. No one is interesting, everyone is a cookie cutout, and it's painful.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
M-O-O-N that spells- I turn my brain off entirely I just recognize shapes watching these movies. This somehow escaped from the summer of 1998. Linkin park cover of when the moon hits your eye leading me back into the blinding sun. I'm part of the moon now.
Rated 13 Mar 2022
I'll start worrying about China as an economic superpower, only when they manage to fund a Roland Emmerich film properly.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
As incredibly daft as I knew it would be, but nowhere near as fun as I had hoped. Berry's baffling self-seriousness was priceless, though.
Rated 21 Sep 2022
A self-aware self-replicating singularity threatens life on earth by wreaking havoc in- and outside our moon, which appears to be a megastructure built by our alien ancestors and now on a collision course with earth. The faith of mankind is in the hands of the usual misfits and rock-bottom-hitters, whose families also team up to fight off a group of Home Alone thugs and stop a trigger-happy general who wants to nuke the moon. A pity the thriving armed religious fanatics story arc did not return.
Rated 28 Feb 2022
About as asinine as expected, but also completely joyless.
Rated 07 Feb 2022
my man does it again. classic roland
Rated 05 Nov 2022
Roland Emmerich, king of lizard brained sci-fi disaster entertainment for a quarter century and showing no sign of stopping. Although I’d actually compare this less to any other Emmerich (maybe 2012 a little bit) and more to 2003’s The Core, with scientists going on a world saving mission so utterly and proudly ascientific that it would no doubt cause any actual physicists or geologists watching to gouge out their own eyes to make the pain stop. Witness Patrick Wilson phoning it in like a champ.
Rated 14 Feb 2022
Expected a terrible movie, but it was actually alright. If you liked Armageddon, you'll like Moonfall. I would have rated it higher, but the absolute cringe pandering to Elon Musk of all people along with the brutal product placement (Kaspersky in space???) took me out of it, can't stand the test of time with those kinds of inserts all over the place.
Rated 01 Apr 2024
It wasn't until they turned their Lexus to "sport mode" to defeat the moon's gravitational pull that I truly understood what I was watching. This review sponsored by Kaperskey.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
Two divorced families work it out, and another guy (with a mother suffering from dementia and a cat) undergoes an indeterminate fate. Things seem to have gone wrong with this production: successive lines of dialogue don’t quite match, frequently the intonation isn’t quite right, scenes seem to advance in a jerky way, the sense of scale it relies on fails really to be generated, and so on. Still, one does wonder where the narrative would have gone, had the intended sequels ever come to fruition.
Rated 08 May 2023
With an apparent effort to reproduce the success of "Independence Day," Emmerich plagiarized himself and wrote a screenplay titled "Moondepence Day". Clearly the studio, while still backing the movie, had the foresight to have the name changed, but apparently no one had the talent to make the general audience see this as anything other than a really crappy blockbuster.
Rated 25 Dec 2022
Moonfall is one of the weirdest movies I’ve seen in a long time. Despite genuinely starting off well and grabbing my attention early, Moonfall quickly becomes a literal mess, spending much of the film telling two completely different stories with no emotional weight to them. It seemingly kind of combines all of the worse things Emmerich does, and even its weirder elements aren’t that entertaining or original for that matter. This is kind of disappointing, given the talent involved.
Rated 29 Jul 2022
Maniacal schlock that plows through all barriers of stupidity on its mirthful journey. Roland Emmerich is the king of enjoyable garbage. He never met a disaster that couldn't reunite a traditional family at the expense of a step-parent.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
Apparently I liked this a lot better than most people? Huh. I'm not sure what they have an issue with. Is it because the science isn't realistic? Because who cares, it's a fictional world. Fictional science is perfectly fine. I thought this movie was a lot of fun, and it had some great visuals and audio too. I enjoyed the ending as well. Sure some of the side characters may not seem important, but it's important to see how the disaster is affecting regular people as well.
Rated 03 Jun 2022
It's not that the CGI is all that BAD, really. It's just that the script requires it to show us things that are, even by Emmerich standards, so incredibly dumb that the human brain refuses to accept it. Presumably that is why every other line out of the characters' mouths is to confirm what we're seeing, which in turn just makes them look just as dumb, creating a feedback cycle of dumbness that just leaves you depressed.
Rated 29 May 2022
A whole group of mental midgets had to get together to create this carnival of idiocy. The special effects are good, but laughable. The plot transcends inane and goes straight to unbelievably asinine. How did they get A list actors to play in this absolute piece of garbage? Almost anyone could have written a better story. Likely spoiled by too many cooks in the kitchen, and nobody with any sense to oversee the direction. BOO! Next time spend money on something worthwhile instead of nonsense.
Rated 06 May 2022
Dear god, what a ride this was. It is so silly, so over the top, so ridiculous in every conceivable way, that I found myself... actually enjoying it. Mind you, in a "so so so bad it's really good way", but still. If you want to have a laugh at how $150 millions can be spent in a movie that is 90% CGI of the moon going berserks, this is your movie. You won't regret it. Well...
Rated 10 Apr 2022
The usual Roland Emmerich formular, but even more stupid and without spectacular special effects, so there is really nothing left.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
Moonfall is an objectively bad film; from it's egregious screenplay occupied by two separate B-plots to the blatant car advert before the worst car chase this decade. The performances aren't much better but excusable given the atrocious dialogue, though Wilson doesn't come off too badly. Still Emmerich's disaster is not without some (so-bad-it's-decent) charm, as he borrows so heavily from his own filmography that the lore he creates is familiar & not uninteresting; shame everything else is bad.
Rated 26 Feb 2022
now admittedly i'm not a scientist, but
Rated 13 Feb 2022
Nobody kills off the planet like Roland Emmerich. Switch off your mind, grab some popcorn and enjoy.
Rated 09 Feb 2022
Will drive every sci-fi fan nuts. A crazy mash up of every other sci-fi film ever. Moon falling to earth (the day the earth stood still)family journey to safety in apocalyptic earth (Day after tomorrow), a gang of misfits on a spaceship to save the earth (Bruce Willis surely), the encounter with a strange alien intelliegence (VGER again?), we even got the x-fighter bombing run over lazer cannons. I had to stop myself saying "feel the force Luke" and bursting out into laughter.
Rated 09 Feb 2022
One of the most uneven movies of the decade, Moonfall isn't what it seems. For as long a runtime as the movie has, the intriguing A story is bogged down by a B story fit for a Sy-fy original movie. Worse yet, you could likely edit almost the entire B story out & vastly improve the movie. It's this unevenness that drags down the movie but there's also some quality performances & fun, albeit far-fetched, ideas that keep the A story afloat. It isn't terrible but could have been so much better.
Rated 05 Feb 2022
Just when you thought that Fast 9 is the most ridiculous movie ever made...
Rated 21 Sep 2024
Rated 20 Jul 2024
The glorification of pseudoscience and conspiracy thinking, plus its devotion to Elon Musk (ewwww) was *painful*. The disaster-movie CGI is good, but wasted on a film with such ideology. I can forgive the technobabble and silly plot, but I can't deal with the sense that someone working on the script probably thinks the reptilians put vaccines in the water to turn the frogs gay. Just... no, conspiracy thinking is not a "cute what-if", it's toxic cultism. Oh, and Kaspersky advertising = LOL.
Rated 12 May 2024
It has all the things you can expect from Emmerich: Destruction, visuals that are alternatively pretty good or dodgy, thin characterizations being handled as well as could be hoped for by a surprisingly good cast, and a formulaic script. And like most of Emmerich's efforts, it's rarely boring.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
Rated 14 Mar 2024
sometimes i watch things that are not worth it
Rated 25 Dec 2023
I don’t know how I forgot this one was an Emmerich film.. But even for him this was boring and stupid.. Especially the backstory.. And seriously, what is Hale Berry doing here? How much did they pay her?
Rated 27 Nov 2023
I don't agree with the terrible ratings, just know you have to go along with a wild premise.
Rated 21 Sep 2023
The Emmerich formula is looking kinda creaky at this point. The fake looking CG really ruins it for me.
Rated 09 Sep 2023
First Samwell Tarly cured greyscale, then he saved the earth/moon from nanobots. The dude is just straight up adorbs. The problem with this movie is that Nic Cage wasn't in it.
Rated 21 Aug 2023
It's not very bright, and a bit cliché, but I really liked the idea of the moon being a Dyson sphere and how they have to beat the enemy. It's a silly disaster movie, a bit like Armageddon in a way, without Bruce Willis and the sexism of the 90s.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
Like if a QAnon idiot wrote a script but Hollywood executives stripped out the Biden references to increase mass market appeal. Garbage.
Rated 14 Aug 2023
Only to be watched stoned (preferably with friends)
Rated 20 Jul 2023
How has this guy made the exact same movie for the last 2-3 decades? Who is responsible for this?
Rated 26 May 2023
Rated 21 Apr 2023
"It's not scientific" who cares.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
“Moonfall” may be a disaster movie, but unfortunately, it’s a disaster of a movie. While it has some redeeming qualities, such as Halle Berry’s performance and a few exciting action sequences, overall, it falls flat. The convoluted plot, bland characters, and underwhelming visual effects make for a dull viewing experience.
Rated 04 Feb 2023
Even bigger piece of shit than expected. The constant cutting is exhausting, there is hardly a shot more than 5 seconds long in the entire thing.
Rated 04 Feb 2023
Rated 21 Oct 2022
bad movie
Rated 03 Oct 2022
Hikaye düzgün işlense ve saçma sapan olaylar olmasa kült olma ihtimali bile varken, adinin de aşağısı, basitin de bayağısı CGI yüzünden leş bir ürün olmuş. 90'larda çekilen bilim kurgularda bile daha iyi görsel efektler varken aradan geçen 30 yılda bir teknoloji nasıl bu kadar geriye gidebiliyor akıl alır gibi değil.
Rated 02 Oct 2022
Looks gorgeous on an OLED. Oh the perfect blacks! I don't even mind the ridiculous plot, what ruined it for me was the drama between people. Horrific acting and self-righteous melodrama abound. Carjackers were straight out of a create your own moron playbook. Anyway, worth watching for the visuals and if you're a fan of silly but fun sci-fi (I am), but try not to bang your head against a wall handling the relationships between them whilst armaggedon is happening around them. 5.2
Rated 24 Sep 2022
The biggest problem of Moonfall isn't how unrealistic it is, it is how utterly boring it is with its serious melodramatic hollow approach to a ridiculous concept. Previous Emmerich blockbusters at least always had some entertaining dumb big sfx popcorn moments, this one is devoid even from that. It's also surprising how clearly a lot of this is shot on set against a blue screen for a movie with such a high budget.
Rated 24 Sep 2022
I avoided reading reviews before seeing this; turns out I should have read them to be warned off of this bizarre film. By halfway thru the best I could figure was it was an intentional send-up of sci-fi, as was purposely getting every scientific fact wrong. Not a few, not some, not most, but ALL. You have to be doing it on purpose to achieve that, right? But now I see an interview with Emmerich in which he decries science deniers. So somehow he really thought this film was accurate? Holy F.
Rated 23 Sep 2022
Entertainment: 3.5. Spirit: 1. Sustainability: 1. Family: 1.5
Rated 15 Sep 2022
The movie so badly wants to be this decade's Independence Day. It ain't.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
Not a good movie, but it was stupid fun, for sure.
Rated 20 Aug 2022
The first half of act 1 alone contains everything you thought would play out across the entire film. Moonfall is a masterpiece of trash. A landmark in failure that, contrarily, is a complete success as a piece of entertainment. Unfathomably packed with bat-stupid ideas. Has to be seen to be believed. Highly recommended.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
If you completely switch off your brain and tell yourself it's a 'Sunday evening fun-watch', then it's watchable and mildly fun for a Sunday evening.
Rated 29 Jul 2022
I loved John Bradley. I think his was the only memorable character. Second-monitor-worthy, but unlikely to hold my attention on its own. For a movie that was so much about the people and their response to an imminent apocalypse, I think it was kind of a failure to not accomplish endearing me enough to them that I would care about their trajectory. I think the most I can really say is that the moon being a megastructure is a pretty freakin cool idea; kind of a shame what they did with it.
Rated 07 Jul 2022
I haven't seen anything so stupid in a long time.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
OK, it's terrible, but I saw The Core for my 12th birthday and it was amazing and this is pretty much the new The Core.
Rated 08 Jun 2022
Roland Emmerich keeps making the same movie; a crazy science nerd predicts a major event; nobody believes them, it becomes real, world is in grave danger yada yada ya. Only the event changes but in this one; it seems that everybody forgot to act.
Rated 01 Jun 2022
hilariously bad, but i love to see the earth destroyed.
Rated 30 May 2022
Meh, nope.
Rated 29 May 2022
eng; [moonfall]; ein Astronaut erlebt ein Ereignis als Folge dessen der Mond auf die Erde stürzen wird - ein kühner rettungsversuch beginnt.; (physikalisch unlogisch, blasse Charaktere);
Rated 15 May 2022
Despite my low score I enjoyed the movie. If you know Emmerich you know what you'll get :)
Rated 12 May 2022
It's like they had enough material for a short film and then had to pad it to over 2 hours, including a Lexus ad. The writing and acting are both atrocious, as though nobody cared (except for Pina...kinda). Way too much exposition. The CG is done well so maybe we could have done with much less dialogue and more time to appreciate the effects in silence. Fav scenes: whenever the writers take the time to fill in answers to questions you're thinking of.
Rated 15 Apr 2022
That's weird. The idea was good (and some aspects "stolen" from Cameron's Abyss), while the execution bad (all the way) but somehow manages to be very entertaining. Sadly Roland Emmerich is gradually loosing his "touch"
Rated 15 Apr 2022
Emmerich tries to restore some of humanity's faith by reshaping old mysteries about Moon while we follow the families of these three heroes -- Nasa director, former/disgraced astronaut, conspiracionist -- and, of course, the heroes themselves on a crazy journey that will not only try to prevent the ultimate collision but also eligthen our very creation. It's a 130min that runs crazy like a 90min one. No time for cynicism or rationalization. It's about believing and jumping.
Rated 05 Apr 2022
Rated 04 Apr 2022
A couple of the major plot points are pretty obviously altered rips of an upcoming project based on the Seveneves novel from Neal Stephenson (which hopefully is handled as a limited series - a film won't do it justice.) Anyway, mix in some rips from other apocalyptic action thrillers (Armageddon, for one) and you've got yourself yet another p.o.s. Roland Emmerich flick. The guy made some decent (not great) movies back in the day but has turned into one of the biggest hacks in the biz.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
If you care about quality cinema, Moonfall is the type of movie that will make your blood boil. The 'science' is unbelievably bad, the acting and dialogue are often worse and the story is a joke. But this was definitely a case of 'so bad its good for me. I had no prior notion of what Moonfall was about so I got the full blast of Emmerich B Movie Madness to the eyeballs and honestly it was fun and I have to applaud and admire the sheer balls on RE for getting people to spend money making this!
Rated 31 Mar 2022
One of the dumbest movies of all time, nothing makes sense in any way. I mean, scifi is far fetched but this goes well beyond that. And yet, it was still an ok/fun watch.
Rated 29 Mar 2022
This is an insult not just to movies but also to bad, stupid disaster movies. The porn version of Armageddon has better writing than this. Both points are for Patrick Wilson who is awesome.
Rated 29 Mar 2022
DNF before 3 minutes
Rated 28 Mar 2022
At least it was much better than Geostorm in terms of eye candies.
Rated 18 Mar 2022
10-minutes into Moonfall I realized that as dreadful as ID4 and Midway are, they were actually Roland Emmerich's "broken clock is right twice a day" moments. His real talent is setting Hollywood money on fire...
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Even the CGI gets worse and worse. I expect the story to be bad, but why does everything have to look so shitty?
Rated 23 Feb 2022
Wow this movie is so dumb. It has all the bad elements of every apocalypse movie. It felt like two kids telling a story one upping each other over and over. I wish they would have leaned in more to the sci-fi aspects because the dialogue and characters are atrocious. I actually laughed in the theatre multiple times but so hard at the very serious and climactic line “My ex-wife is up there!” The courtroom scene is also hilariously bad. If you like a movie so bad it’s good, this is it… D-
Rated 11 Feb 2022
10.02.2022 Piazza, Maltepe
Rated 10 Feb 2022
Interesting concept. Decent, competent cast. Some pretty impressive special effects. And absolute dogshit writing. Copy + paste 90s blockbuster screenplay with a few things changed here and there. It's movies like this that make you not want to watch another movie ever again. It doesn't get much worse. I'm a sucker for these IMAX space films, but this is fucking garbage.
Rated 07 Feb 2022
Felaket filmi. Roland Emmerich eğlenmek istemiş. Uzaydan gelen acayip 1 yaratık aya yerleşik dünyaya saldırmaya başlar. 2 astronot ve 1 uzay bilimci diyelim bu acayipsimsi şeye karşı uçup durdurmaya başlar. Matrix dahil bütün bilim kurgu filmlerin fikirlerini alan film, ukala tavrı ve felaket tellallığıyla bunaltıyor. Filmin sonunda, Gerçekler ayda. Ayın içinde birşeyler var. Aya benzer yüreğim doğal olarak takipteyim.


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