Money Monster
Money Monster
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Money Monster

Money Monster

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 38m
In the real-time, high stakes thriller Money Monster, financial TV host Lee Gates (George Clooney) and his producer Patty (Julia Roberts) are put in an explosive situation when an irate investor (Jack O'Connell) takes over their studio. (imdb)

Money Monster

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 38m
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Avg Percentile 37.92% from 771 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 03 Jun 2016
This is how I felt when the local theater raised matinee prices by 85 cents. I got them back by going to the concession stand for a refill I didn't want .... only to be told they stopped doing refills. I strapped a bomb (Money Monster) to the manager and whatever happened.
Rated 25 May 2016
Money Monster isn't a bad film, it's just sorely average. Considering the likes of Clooney, Roberts, and Foster are all involved you would expect this movie to be a slam dunk, but in reality, it barely makes a splash. It's messages are a bit too overbearing and cloud a focused story. The acting is fine, and the story is too, even if it became incredibly predictable, it's just not as good a film as I would have hoped for.
Rated 14 May 2016
This is comedic gold: a fun, funny ride, even though there's a preachy piece of crap that's struggling to get out.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Money Monster is reasonably entertaining but increasingly ridiculous. The opening ten minutes or so are oddly amusing but events soon take a shocking and dramatic turn. I was invested for the majority but the gradual build up towards the third act becomes more and more ridiculous. George Clooney certainly brings a lot of charisma to both the drama and the offbeat comedy. Whilst Jack O'Connell is a real presence and Julia Roberts brings a much needed calmness and realism to all of the silliness.
Rated 13 May 2017
An uneven performance from Clooney drags this down in the first half, and the films lunacy drags itself down the rest of the way. The only saving grace is a good use of suspense and Jack O'Connell's decent turn.
Rated 23 Apr 2017
A fairly far fetched premise that gradually demands an intensified suspension of disbelief until finally just giving up on logic all together for the sake of an eye rollingly banal final message. As much as I love Clooney he's terribly miscast in this role, him being instantly likeable.
Rated 17 Jun 2016
I'll bet Jim Cramer got a big kick out of George Clooney playing a similar stock advice personality. Julia Roberts shines as much as her role offered. Clooney is flawless as usual. Jack O'Connell was also good as the suicidal terrorist. Some clever ideas. They were trying to put a human face on the failures, fragility & corruption of stock market systems. It holds your attention, is different & keeps you engaged. The final act got a bit surreal but was rather predictable.
Rated 04 Jun 2016
Man, that Jim Cramer/Jon Stewart beef really escalated, huh?
Rated 12 Nov 2021
Despite it kind of teetering in the last act, Money Monster is much better than I think people give it credit for. Between Clooney, O’Connell, and Roberts, there is a decent amount of entertaining performances, and with an arch that does go deeper than surface level, but also not overly convoluted that it forget what it is. It’s a solid thriller, with some Hollywood cliches sprinkled in. It strikes a solid balance all around and something I can see myself watching again.
Rated 09 Jan 2017
Smug, condescending 'thriller' fails abysmally as a 'lifting of the lid' on Wall Street corruption, and as a half-arsed critique on the modern media landscape. This is due largely to an appallingly ham-fisted, hopelessly contrived screenplay - the uniformly abrasive characters often feel like aliens in their peculiar responses to the situations presented to them. Clooney and Roberts do their best, but O'Connell's scattered accent and permanently agape slack-jaw destroy any remaining credibility.
Rated 15 Nov 2016
All this talent and they couldn't get a better script?
Rated 17 Oct 2016
I expected maybe a little bit more from this. It's an obnoxiously tacky piece of bullshit, starring criminally overrated actors.
Rated 19 Aug 2016
This would have been an original story if it was released in 1988. Instead, it was as hackneyed and predictable as they come. I've seen this kind of movie way too many times.
Rated 09 Aug 2016
I bet billionaires are putting some of their stolen money into all these hollywood anti wall street movies so that they can jack off to them
Rated 11 Jun 2016
Not boring, but not over interesting. A medium nivo of thrilleric.
Rated 11 Jun 2016
* Although it never gets boring, this is not a great film either. Very mediocre, specially considering the people involved. Doesn't make you care too much about its subjects and also doesn't get you riled up against Wall Street. Stil did not have a bad time watching.
Rated 08 Jun 2016
Unfortunately average. This on-air hostage situation is an interesting and original idea for a thriller, but the script isn't too inspired and the "action" sequences are just a bland distraction to the more interesting parts of the plot (they're there, somewhere). The cast carry what they're given well, and it does the job as entertainment, but it's pretty thin in all areas.
Rated 31 May 2016
A brash TV stock analyst (George Clooney) is held hostage whilst live on the air by a disgruntled investor (Jack O'Connell), who lost everything when a hot tip tanked. The analyst and his director (Julia Roberts) gradually track down the truth behind the crash. Ham-fisted, horribly written (there's a subplot about male-enhancement cream for no clear reason), and variably acted; Clooney and Roberts are okay, but O'Connell is hammy and burdened by a terrible accent. See THE BIG SHORT instead.
Rated 28 May 2016
really good
Rated 26 May 2016
Surprisingly funny movie. Still not a big fan of these movies that demonize or make radicals look insane and get us to sympathize with these rich white folks just b/c they don't have a marriage and the runner of their show is leaving. End has good although cliched commentary of how we as a society treat crisis moments.
Rated 18 May 2016
Minorly-misleading marketing aside, this is a pretty good movie. It at the same time caricatures the so-called "TV finance wiz" while at the same time gloriously personifies the deep seeds of frustration and anger at the world of personal and high finances. Clooney is as good as I've seen him in a long time, ditto for Roberts, and Jack O'Connell is his usual excellent self. There's a moment of Jodie Foster being Jodie Foster-y in there but for the most part, this is clean and well-made. See it!
Rated 18 May 2016
Reminded me a lot of Inside Man and Phone Booth except without the touches of greatness brought on by Lee, Cohen or Schumacher. Still a fun movie, could've been better with someone a bit more competent at the helm.
Rated 16 May 2016
Obviously there's an agenda here but I don't mind that because artists are allowed to have their own agendas. So if you take away the fact that yes, it is preachy, it's a pretty thrilling ride. Has some comedy that mostly works, some great performances from Clooney, Roberts and my boy O'Connell, and it actually made me feel emotions in my cold heart. Also, that scene with O'Connell's gf that you see in the trailer is much cooler in the movie. Fun, not great... but definitely entertaining.
Rated 14 May 2016
First off, they're really downplaying the expected box for the weekend to like $10-12 mil., but the theater I saw it is was packed. They could be playing us with that. The movie is actually very good, keeping an excellent pace, fine performances (Caitriona Balfe is exceptional as the CCO), several bits of genuine humor and an interesting story (with a couple of contrivances at the end--the crowd/police issue being pretty bad). I even have to complement Jodie Foster. So I'm sitting there think
Rated 13 May 2016
Given the talent involved and the timely subject matter, it's not unreasonable to expect Money Monster to be better than it is. It's not a great movie. It's just okay. It does a lot of things right - it's well-paced, features good performances, and balances its comedic and thriller aspects well - but falters in trying to tie its angry themes onto its hostage plot, and in being way more predictable than it likely should be.
Rated 29 Aug 2023
90s-ass thriller revived for a post-Occupy Wall Street world. It's aight.
Rated 07 May 2023
The moment they showed the Ibis guy in the first minutes of the movie, I knew what was going on. The rest was close to basic TV shows, when they do the hostage taking episode. Clooney has too much charisma to be a believable crypto bro exciter
Rated 07 Oct 2022
All movie reviews on here depend on the mood you are in when you watch it. Well mine do anyway! I really enjoyed this, not least for the comedy. I always expect Clooney to break out into a broad smile at any time as he sends himself up! The scene with Emily Meade was hilarious. That said, I dont think it was meant to be a comedy, but hey, life is funny sometimes. I wasnt looking for a film blowing the lid of Wall Street (we know its corrupt)... just entertainment, and well, I got that in spades!
Rated 04 Oct 2022
Works well as a hostage thriller (weird and unnecessary introductions of the eventual overseas characters aside): Foster's a good director and Roberts is too; Clooney is less dialed in and the cop angle is generic but O'Connell is excellent and provides a great beating-heart emotion to the proceedings. Not all of the commentary on Wall Street economics or the plot and character development in the third act hits home (Lee's hero arc feels too easy) but the film's overall structure is solid.
Rated 21 Aug 2019
More Oceans 12 than 11.I think it should have left the CEO/evil corporation out of it and focused on how much damage pop stock advice shows cause. I expected more from Foster.
Rated 08 Jun 2019
This is a light and engaging thriller that clearly wants to be this generation's "Network", but really doesn't have the substance to pull it off. Stylistically, it feels a lot like "Inside Man", not so surprisingly since director Jodie Foster was in that film, and it's similarly fun and ultimately disposable. Julia Roberts is good as Clooney's director. and Giancarlo Esposito is basically in the Denzel Washington role, only it's a pretty tiny role in this one.
Rated 06 Jul 2018
The actors do a good job in this film. However the script just seems to be going through the motions. There is nothing really bad with the script but nothing seems original here. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 12 May 2018
not so good
Rated 27 Mar 2018
An average thriller - never really got me to the edge. A little all over the place, and it had too many unrealistic moments. I know the focus was on the fraud, but seriously, the guy threatened with a bomb. Had potential - including the cast - but never really got there! * Okay
Rated 11 Mar 2018
Wait, this wasn't supposed to be funny?
Rated 02 Nov 2017
This movie had some potential to put some interesting points of view on the table, but then the story lost the point wandering and not returning to the right pace. In the end a bit boring and forgettable.
Rated 16 Aug 2017
Klişe tabirle kalbi doğru yerde atan bir film. Ama Foster, pek özelliği olmayan bir yönetmenlik ile dikkati hikayeye çekmek ve ona dayanmak isterken mevzudaki kafaya-vuran-didaktizm tonu sebebiyle asil boyle ortaya hikayesi ek olan standart bir rehine filmi çıkartmış, zira görsel rejim hikayeyi desteklemekte yetersiz kalıyor. Ama finansal dramaların aksine yüreği var.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Dumb, but well acted and entertaining.
Rated 24 Apr 2017
Entertainment 3.5/4. Spirit 1/3. Sustainability: 1/3
Rated 15 Feb 2017
Passes the time.
Rated 05 Jan 2017
Hating on Wall Street is the new national pastime. And Jodie Foster, in her fourth film as a director, goes for the burn. That she does it in the form of a vividly entertaining action thriller starring George Clooney and Julia Roberts is icing on the cake. Like last year's The Big Short, Money Monster wants you to laugh till it hurts. But Foster's subject isn't just the corrupt financial system but the human beings getting mangled in its gears.
Rated 30 Dec 2016
lot to learn
Rated 08 Dec 2016
eng; [money monster]; ein fernseher-moderator wird durch einen kleinstinvestor, der viel geld verloren hatte, zur geisel während seiner show - doch der verlust kam nicht zufällig sondern wurde durch gier eines fondmanagers verursacht.;
Rated 04 Nov 2016
Lead by George Clooney, Money Monster sets itself up for some high stakes scenes filled George Clooney delivering high powered dialogue. Money Monster tries to carry the intention of a smarter film, but it had run around dialogue that tries to play off the inevitable twist as shocking. Clooney holds his weight as he is one of the best of his generation, but ultimately Money Monster is just another generic film about never completely trusting those who control the money.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Good current version of Dog Day Afternoon.
Rated 30 Sep 2016
One of those really great bad movies that I thought Hollywood stopped making twenty years ago.
Rated 03 Sep 2016
Rated 27 Aug 2016
Clooney is REALLY good here--like, Oscar talk good. Much better than the movie deserves, because we're basically looking at a millennial rehash of MAD CITY only all glossy and gussied up and hard to swallow with all the cutesy supporting characters and subplots about erections and whatnot.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
Stupid, but entertaining.
Rated 21 Aug 2016
Oh no, why?
Rated 16 Aug 2016
chasing cliches at the cost of common sense
Rated 15 Aug 2016
Jodie Foster's Money Monster (2016) is a well-crafted routine thriller with a superb cast. Keeps it up all the way, but doesn't exactly bring anything new or different to a always relevant topic of capitalistic greed.
Rated 12 Aug 2016
Rated 14 Jul 2016
Dog Day Afternoon (light version).
Rated 02 Jul 2016
The film's real strength is in the acting chops of Julia Roberts and George Clooney. Even in semi-insipid material like this, you can see an easy confidence in each actor's approach. In fact, it all looks a little too easy for them both, leaving me with the impression that although they were very good in their roles, neither brought anything to the film that less talented actors could have brought. This not a complaint: they're both pretty to look at.
Rated 19 Jun 2016
Would have been better if the story was a little more original. Not that it's bad, but it doesn't do anything unexpected and follows a familiar formula. Clooney and Roberts are great, though Clooney's character's turn is a little more "Hollywood" than "realistic". Will go down as one of those solid, but not great film for me.
Rated 13 Jun 2016
Rated 01 Jun 2016
I live in Colorado Springs, Colo., where a man recently walked into a Planned Parenthood clinic and started shooting. He killed three people and injured several others. He says he wanted to save babies. He instead inflicted death and tragedy and fear. As staunchly pro-life as I am, I'd be horrified if a film tried to turn him into a hero. Money Monster is a message movie, but one that can also feel pretty preachy and, in its choice of its anti-protagonist, really wrong.


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