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2h 19m
A widowed mother who is overwhelmed by the difficulty of raising her troubled, sometimes violent son Steve as a single parent, who begins to receive assistance and support from her mysterious new neighbour Kyla (


2h 19m
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Avg Percentile 68.23% from 1275 total ratings

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Rated 12 Oct 2014
Dolan seems like a sensitive director with the unfortunate habit of wearing his heart on his sleeve. As a result, the film builds up into a frenzied ball of emotion with mawkish overtones, often misplacing emotional honesty with sentimental gush. By the time it reached it less-than-subtle conclusion, I was pretty much done.
Rated 21 Aug 2016
(?) Plot suffers from pervasive emptiness, save for sporadic moments of style imbuing in it substantive value and, indirectly, keeping it from collapsing into said void... for a while. Should have moved towards achieving an ending and, as a whole, track parralleling that of Fish Tank or Hud, focussing on the mom and son as stuck in their vicious cycle, unknowingly drifting away from the society they grasp for, rather than hammering on buttons failing in everything but their undermining affect.
Rated 08 Sep 2014
One of the most vibrant dramas I've ever seen, pulling you into every exhilarating high and heartbreaking low through three astounding lead performances.
Rated 15 Jul 2020
Powerful and unashamed - with some phenomenal acting. Also any film that dares to needle drop Dido, Wonderwall, and Counting Crows as prominently as this film does needs to be respected. A shouty version of Fish Tank that is as impulsive and exhausting as its lead character.
Rated 19 Feb 2017
It's difficult for this viewer to understand the extreme hype surrounding Dolan. Are promising young directors in such short supply that the scarcity principle has obliterated our critical faculties? Is it his emotional honesty that resonates? His two tone pitch of hysteria and sentiment? Whatever the case, Mommy proves that he can't simply be dismissed as a hack or a hipster, drawing strong, if occasionally overwrought, performances and creating a few intense moments worthy of praise.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
It's impossible for me not to admire Dolan's sheer audacity and ambition, not to mention his sheer indifference to conventional notions of "cool", but to me this feels like the first time he's maybe overextended himself a bit. The epic running time which felt justifiable in Laurence Anyways feels a little indulgent here, and the film really only has two emotional registers: hysterical and self-consciously "poignant" which combined with the length gets slightly exhausting after a while.
Rated 26 Jan 2016
This film has so much directorial flair, it's incredible. I really enjoyed it on its own terms, but I'm not sure most of that style is a good a match with the content which is often downbeat and full of struggle. I found it distancing and it made the film feel its length. Disappointing because the script itself, stripped of the style, seems quite strong and effective at conveying the moral complexity involved, and the performances live up to it. One of those parts are better than the sum films.
Rated 17 Dec 2015
These are characters one remembers. And you'll probably never forget Dolan's original and brilliant use of changing aspect ratios either.
Rated 26 Mar 2015
I thought, "is this rating too high? I loved it, but... y'know?" Then I remembered "grab the future by the balls, fuck the past in the ass" and thought, "nah, I'm in the right here."
Rated 08 Feb 2015
Xavier Dolan, boy wonder. Here, he mixes a Cassavetes-esque approach to character and story, all raw and emotionally revealing/exhausting moments, with his usual cinematic flair, setting incredible scenes to "Wonderwall" and "Blue (Da Ba Dee)." The cinematography is consistently gorgeous, and the final out-of-focus montage is breathtaking.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
some great acting, camera work and directing, but the story overall was predictable and a bit cliché. the characters are, even though clichéd, ambivalent enough to make them interesting.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
Yeah, yeah, we should all love and admire Dolan and pray at his altar. Weak script, which would be more fitting for a Lifetime movie. Great direction though. Good, but could have been a lot better.
Rated 06 Sep 2014
xavier dolan has arrived. oh my god was this film magnificent. dolan has really come into his own as a filmmaker and this film is a testament to all the work he's done in his astoundingly young career. he has reached an equilibrium both in his visual style and as a storyteller, creating a film that is equal parts human, humorous, devastating and ethereal in its unconventional aesthetics. this film is proof that even the simplest stories, in the hands of a master, can be extraordinary.
Rated 08 Jul 2022
A nearly immaculate picture. Stunning performances and perfectly executed aspect ratios immerse you in the hells and hopes, euphoria and battles of its trio of immensely difficult characters. Its opening text is debatably unnecessary and its dream sequence is too obviously a dream (maybe I’m just a nihilist), but it’s all so thoughtfully crafted and powerfully presented that you’re too busy being devastated to ever really criticize. Hard to watch, but oh so beautiful.
Rated 17 Jun 2022
Meu primeiro Dolan e certamente não estou impressionada, acho que ele tem uma nota tão alta por aqui porque tem um estilo que impressiona gente jovem, mas não é muito minha praia. Na Mubi.
Rated 30 Jan 2022
A profound and sensually potent drama about a dysfunctional family that completely takes over your emotions and is, at times, anxiety inducing (for me anyways). Technically a superb film, with deeply intimate 1:1 asp. rat. (changes to 1.85) and fitting soundtrack. One of the most emotional films I've ever seen and by the time you're finished you are heartbroken and get blasted back to real world with such dizziness that you need a moment to realize what happened and take a deep breath to compose
Rated 11 Oct 2020
Anne Dorval's performance had me floored. Haven't seen anything so monumentally flawless since Woman Under The Influence. The montage of the mother's aspirations of what could have been for her son had me in bits. Direction is off the scale too, the change of aspect ratio during the film is daringly brilliant and effective. J'adore.
Rated 21 Aug 2020
Dolan is not a subtle filmmaker - does he really need to use this much slow-motion? - but this is engrossing, sometimes intense stuff with dazzling photography and three world-class performances in the lead roles. Xavier always seems to do good work when focused on his complex mother issues.
Rated 24 Oct 2019
Die's ineptitude in dealing with her difficult son and the daily struggles of life is somehow both frustrating and relatable. It's a bleak story cleverly juxtaposed by warm colours and beautiful shot compositions that made almost every frame looks like it was captured with a Polaroid.
Rated 18 Sep 2019
1:1 Aspect Ratio Liberte 16:9 Ratio Ludovico Einaudi - Experience Oasis- Wonderwall Replikler: "Bu dünyada tonlarca umut yok. Ama umut dolu insanların umut etmelerini düşünmeyi seviyorum."
Rated 12 Jul 2019
hated the square format
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Rated 27 Jul 2017
Coming out of a young and troubled man. Shows a very strong mother and son relationship with great openess and insight into their feelings. A little romance between the son and the neighbour which is supposed to provide home schooling. An exciting triangle of emotions arises.
Rated 05 Nov 2016
Too dilated.
Rated 02 Oct 2016
..we were born to "die"
Rated 11 Mar 2016
Alles wirkt entschlossen gewollt und pervers stilisiert - so sieht die fünfte Regie-Arbeit des Wunderkindes Xavier Dolan aus. In Cannes von den Kritikern gefeiert, lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick, um festzustellen, was Mommy in Wahrheit darstellt: Einen Hype. Der 25jährige Regisseur Xavier Dolan hat sich eine öffentliche Persönlichkeit zugelegt, die so anbiedernd wirkt, dass er als Antwort des Kinos auf Justin Bieber gelten darf...
Rated 09 Mar 2016
Whoa Mama. This movie was pretty crazy. I kept trying to put myself in the mother's shoes in this film about how hard it is to raise a child with severe behavior issues. I just don't know what I would do. Half the time you want to take the kid to an insane asylum and the other times you want to give him a hug. Excellent performances from the entire cast. Very funny moments and some really emotionally taxing ones too...
Rated 15 Feb 2016
It's crazy to see how far Dolan has come since his lacklustre debut a few years ago. I need to see the rest of his movies ASAP.
Rated 29 Jan 2016
If you stop, each pictures it's photographics. Xavier Dollan can mix all art for creat a wonderful movie. Song, color, light, emotions and actuality. Whole is in.
Rated 15 Jan 2016
anne dorval ftw
Rated 05 Jan 2016
Nice film, kinda reminded me of A Woman Under the Influence.
Rated 19 Oct 2015
If during the film you said to youreself: "Booooring, seen it already a thousand times..." - I don't blame you. But if actually manage to get through it, you WILL get rewarded. Ps. Dolan, cut down on those pop songs, please.
Rated 27 Sep 2015
Dolan is a director with tremendous growth; each film he makes is a significant improvement on the last, and now this time around, he's been able to polish and fine tune a screenplay that avoids the unfocused narratives and off-topic tangents that plagued his previous films. If Dolan keeps improving his craft the way he is, then we can certainly expect a Foreign-Language Oscar Nom from the man within the next two years.
Rated 17 Aug 2015
Rated 22 Jun 2015
The film doesn't demonize any of the characters, no matter how many wrong turns they make, and lovingly shows the way that families can be made and broken. This was the only film I saw in 2014 to achieve what Roger Ebert called elevation, to the tune of Oasis's growling Wonderwall. Unfortunately, this film just misses all-time greatness with an ending that seems unsure of when to stop.
Rated 01 Jun 2015
wow so turned off by that lana del rey outro, was it meant to be jarring and repulsive because it worked
Rated 29 May 2015
Unpleasant but not in a good way.
Rated 14 May 2015
It's like Boyhood. Few great ideas in a ocean of cliches (Oedipus? really?). But, more than anything else, there is the Dolan's style: naif; that doesn't leave you an emotional break until you feel 'Fremdschämen', with obsessive close-up; that always try too hard to involve you; that put pop music in the movie like a fastidious caption for retards. The 1:1 ratio it's a smart but overall annoying move. Or you love it or you hate it, and i hate it, Dolan is kitsch: excess without good taste.
Rated 27 Apr 2015
Dolan knows to use the music and his picture selection is very good. it's a classic Dolan's Film...attentive musics (I know this is abnormal but familiar songs. :D ) , successful shots, perfectly matched colors... 1:1 screen format is extremely frustrating, yes. because this style is very eye-tiring. yes. it's very depressing.. but this screen selection was good. Because Dolan uses the camera like a magician.
Rated 14 Apr 2015
Sublime acting, artistically ambitious melodrama. Not everything works, but Dolan score points for not compromising.
Rated 12 Apr 2015
Way too much from beginning to end but the achievement is unique and admirable. (Anyone making an indie drama without Arcade Fire on the soundtrack deserves praise.)
Rated 28 Mar 2015
Similar to Dolan's debut, there are some scenes or parts of scenes that just do not belong at all in this film -- nonetheless, these issues are dwarfed by the rough scope of the fantastic, yet shrill acting, the confronting dialogue, and the unusual, but appropriate cinematography that often looks gorgeous and frames its characters in portraits rather than landscapes. A hard-to-watch film about immense and personal difficulties.
Rated 19 Mar 2015
Rated 15 Mar 2015
Strong acting and deeply cut scenes with powerful songs. The executing was pretty well done as well. Difficult choices all the way.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
Dynamic is the word to describe why this works when it does. The emotional highs clash with the lows beautifully. Sometimes it's hard to breathe while watching. It's like a merging of Moodysson's talkative naturalism, Andrea Arnold's brash sensuality, and Almodovar's sentimentality. But that Almodovar factor is where it disconnected me in its story. The wings fall off when it flies too close to the sun. Perhaps even toning down the musical score would've helped (but not the amazing soundtrack)
Rated 06 Mar 2015
Başka Sinema - Moda Sahnesi: Gördüklerim içinde en iyi Dolan filmi diyebilirim rahatlıkla. En bilindik senaryo kalıplarından melodramı modernize ederken, sinemanın teknik olanaklarıyla da güzel oynamış.
Rated 24 Feb 2015
O beauty! How many crimes were committed against you in the name of you!
Rated 24 Feb 2015
I can't remember when I last watched such an overbearing drag of a movie. And I like Dolan. It's like it's slowly and incessantly grinding and grinding its subject matter. I also didn't think anything was achieved with the unusual square aspect ratio. Although the script is psychologically complex and the actors execute it perfectly, the film just didn't evoke enough of an emotional response in me. If you really like movies about dysfunctional families, you might like it, otherwise don't bother.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
This film gets so painfully close to the three defected people it displays. It builds the emotion beautifully towards the end, allowing the viewer to collapse simultaneously with the characters.
Rated 16 Jan 2015
Dolan is still a genius. One of the most visually attractive films I've ever seen, and the use of music is great. I don't know why films ever do anything but play the full songs. I struggled with the story a bit in the first half, but once I got the characters it was magical. Best of 2014?
Rated 08 Jan 2015
Loved this
Rated 23 Dec 2014
Mommy was the most memorable film I've seen exploring the intricacies of the parent-child relationship. The use of varying aspect ratios was a unique cinematic choice, although at times it did feel a bit gimmicky, which might be my only and tiny complaint about the movie.
Rated 19 Nov 2014
To play Oasis from start to finish never goes wrong.
Rated 16 Oct 2014
Rated 12 Oct 2014
11/10/2014 @Büyülü Fener Sineması / Ankara Film Ekimi &Demet
Rated 06 Oct 2014
Impressive, intense and powerful. The aspect ratio is used perfectly. Not every moment is as captivating as the next, but overall, a very imposing story told in a way that's both bleak and energetic.


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