Modern Times
Modern Times
Your probable score
Modern Times

Modern Times

Romance, Comedy
1h 27m
The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a young homeless woman. (imdb)

Modern Times

Romance, Comedy
1h 27m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 78.56% from 4285 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 23 Jan 2015
Another 90 minutes of watching Chaplin try to slapstick his way into banging a homeless girl.
Rated 08 Oct 2019
In the inevitable remake he'll have a sword fight with an Amazon warehouse robot.
Rated 16 Apr 2017
Okay, I now accept that Chaplin's comedy just isn't for me. This is one of his best movies, and I did find some parts mildly humorous, but for me it wasn't great. Seeing our hero repeatedly take it in the shorts because of bad luck and his own bungling stupidity makes me too tense to have my sense of humor tickled. But where the humor failed for me, the pathos (coupled with a decent social commentary) was successful and for that I enjoyed Modern Times.
Rated 14 Jan 2009
a silent film using everything that had improved in film making to 1936 except sound (it's actually a strange blend of silent and non-silent), and it works quite nicely. every player in this movie is top notch and it's quality is--in every way--superb.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
It's interesting for the social commentary, but I wasn't really entertained apart from the wonderful factory scenes. Too many scenes just went by where nothing really interesting happens, either visually or story-wise. Maybe I was just hoping for more of Chaplin's wonderful physical shenanigans. The ending was perfectly bittersweet.
Rated 08 Jan 2010
Pretty good. A few genuine laughs (boat scene was hilarious). Loved the ending. It is the last American film to use title cards as dialogue from the silent era so it's only fitting that Charlie gets the final words. The song near the end was pretty bad though.
Rated 29 Nov 2009
(after repeat viewings) The social commentary, comedy and drama all work perfectly on their own yet not as a whole because of how abrupt the tonal shift feels. It's still great, timeless and exceedingly funny (the scene where he picks up the wedge which leads to the sinking boat is comedy gold). Love the ending.
Rated 17 Jun 2007
Funny, but its strong point is the wonderful love story and social commentary.
Rated 28 Aug 2007
One of Chaplin's greatest, sure it doesn't have the huge romantic value as City Lights, but whatever this film lacks in romance, is made up with hilarious slapstick comedy. But there still is romance! This film made me laugh like no other film, and over 70 years late nontheless! The Tramp character is so charming, I really adore him a lot here. This film never gets old. Classic Chaplin.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Obviously a marvelously crafted piece of comedy, full of brilliant ideas, incisive satire and just plain fun. And yet, the little tramp just doesn't ring my bell. Maybe the character just doesn't appeal to me. I can't put my finger on it, but I simply didn't feel entertained by what I could recognize as an entertaining film. I smiled a few times, but other than that, nothing. But I still can recognize that this is a great movie, just not my kinda thing.
Rated 26 May 2022
Modern Times is the culmination of Chaplin's work in silent films. In a way the comedy almost transcends mere slapstick, with polished editing (for the time) that selectively speeds up sequences in scenes, making the action effectively a dance number. The jokes are often funny & occasionally clever but I'm surprised the social commentary stoked communism fears at the time. Workers rights, industrial obsolescence & an easier life ≠ communism. Chaplin's a legend & Goddard's pretty...great too.
Rated 14 May 2020
While it may not have the depth of emotion seen in City Lights, the humour, visuals, and political themes are still light years ahead of almost anything made since.
Rated 06 Apr 2020
Apparently I live around the corner from one of Chaplin's (many) old houses. It is currently occupied by about a dozen homeless men... social commentary?
Rated 09 Jun 2019
A beautiful, poignantly satirical masterpiece; opens with its highlight, a breathlessly hilarious take on technology run amok (clearly an inspiration for one of Lucy's most famous sketches); while nothing ever quite tops this sequence for sheer brilliance, the rest is still a remarkable achievement, as Chaplin takes aim at capitalism and consumerism, while constructing elaborate (and while rollerskating terrifying) comedic set pieces. And what a finale - Chaplin talks!!!
Rated 31 Dec 2016
As much as some of the physical comedy is impressive and fun, MT's hopeless lack of any coherent thesis made this rather ineffectual, for me.
Rated 09 Jul 2016
Funny throughout, though the coexistence of sound and silence is unsettling.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
Fuck all y'all this is his best
Rated 13 May 2015
Too modern for me.
Rated 06 Jun 2014
Charming and lots of fun. Also, the social commentary on the working class has not become obsolete despite the film's age. Chaplin has obvious talent for physical comedy and fully captures the attention of the viewer.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
surprisingly good. has very little of the cloying sentimentality of most of his other films, feeling more genuine, although it hasn't rid of it entirely. there is also more to it than silly entertainment, being about life in modern society, and however shallow it may be, it is still nice to see. and it's also funnier than his other films, transcending the limitations of his usual slapstick. essentially better in every way.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
(viewed October 2012) Frequently very funny, but the gags often go on a bit too long--the comedy is a bit like watching live-action Looney Toons (I don't mean this to be derogatory). It feels too much like a series of loosely connected (and often predictable) vignettes rather than a seamless whole. From a modern perspective, the sound design seems somewhat odd, though I understand how it could be seen as innovate for its time. Goddard is quite captivating, but the romance did little for me.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Some of Chalpin's funniest moments perfectly blended with revolutionary (at the time) social commentary make this one of his best films. I still kind of wish that awkward song performance towards the end never happened but that's not really a serious offense.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
I thought it was brilliant up until The Tramp leaves the jail for the first time, but nothing else after that really worked for me.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
The sound design is not just unique, it's brilliant in the manner which it lends a voice to the mechanical and simultaneously robs its characters of agency. The social commentary, romance and slapstick humor all intertwine beautifully (if occasionally recklessly), with the Tramp's self-sufficiency flying in the face of an increasingly mechanized age. On a lighter note, Paulette Goddard is a straight-up hottie in this movie; baby, you can get truant with me any day.
Rated 14 Sep 2011
Not as good as I expected it to be. Many of the scenes just seemed like funny isolated incidents. There's less of a cohesive story here than in Chaplin's other films. I liked it, but it was less funny than something like The Gold Rush, and less romantic than something like City Lights. Although I must say that the ending is abundantly sentimental, which I love. Speaking of The Gold Rush, they definitely re-used that set in this film. Or maybe it was a direct homage. Either way, I didn't mind.
Rated 20 May 2011
The satire is great, and the comedy is great for most of it (and even when it's not, the Tramp is just so charming that he carries it anyways), and the movie's just so bloody fun. When you watch Modern Times, you can't help but feel a pervasive sense that Chaplin was a genius, and made what he did into an artform. Score is not a grade.
Rated 24 Mar 2011
Filled with brilliant slapstick comedy throughout: the factory scene, the drugs, the boat, ad infinitum. I did think there were some weaker moments, but Chaplin is so resolutely good-natured that I can't help but love him. Plus, no one nails a bittersweet ending like he does.
Rated 22 Mar 2009
Better than the great dictator for me. Old and still very actual. A very good story with hilarious pieces and a good and romantic love story. Charlie did it again with this superb movie of his.
Rated 22 Oct 2008
It's hard not to rank this 100, but one tiny flaw sets this back. Just......god, this is just powerful, powerful filmmaking at it's finest hour.
Rated 29 Aug 2007
Chaplin's best; a wildly romantic anti-utopian story that pits the little tramp against Big Brother, with neither side emerging as the clear-cut victor. So much has been written about this that Freder does not need to add anything other than "it's all true." No one who calls themselves a movie fan can afford to ignore this one.
Rated 26 Mar 2007
Rated 23 Feb 2007
Modern Times is an excellent film with excellent humor and excellent timing. The social commentary comes off as a bit obvious today, but I'm sure it felt very relevant at the time. In any case, large parts of the film are still hilarious 70 years after they were made, and I'm sure they'll be just as hilarious 70 years from now. Timeless.
Rated 16 Oct 2024
One of Chaplin's most loved film and not without reason. An incredible story about the importance of industrialization for the little man, and at the same time a spirited comedy. Seems to get better with each viewing, which is always a pretty sure indicator of a work ahead of its time.
Rated 20 Sep 2024
The opening factory sequence is probably Chaplin’s high point: one of the brilliant satires of 20th-century work life, so cutting the laughs die in your throat, anticipating Orwell and even the Simpsons. I’d rate it 83 on its own. While the rest is Chaplin’s usual episodic meandering (the Tramp is a pícaro in a way, but I’m not particularly in favour of the picaresque), it’s pervaded by such a strong social consciousness that it’s all a step above the usual Chaplin, including the romance.
Rated 15 Sep 2024
I think this is the 5th outing of the Tramp I've seen and frankly the slapstick is leaving me mostly cold and unmoved at this point... however the fun and the ironic intertwining of his own character's impeding obsolescence with the sufferances of the working man in the modern world was a stroke of genius.
Rated 24 Aug 2024
Opinión personal: 8.5 Actores: 8.5 Guión: 7 Fotografía: 7 BSO: 7.5 Otros:8.5 Iluminación: FX:10 Director: Humor:8 Vestuario/caracterización: Ritmo:7 Total: 78
Rated 21 Jul 2024
It has just enough connective tissue to keep it from being a series of skits. To be fair, some of the skits are really funny, so I wouldn't have minded. It's kind of sad how the social commentary still fits today.
Rated 03 Jun 2024
Wherein our accidental communist—and Paulette Goddard's feet—travel most extensively. In '36, Chaplin was as hung up on the silent days as always, and more inclined than ever to spell out why, in this film where one may sing for one's supper, or hear His Master's Voice, but always rest assured that people are not the boss of things these days.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
don't remember it
Rated 28 Dec 2022
White male torture was funny in 30s..
Rated 27 Dec 2022
This is just such a funny and warm-hearted movie. It's difficult to grasp the concept of years that have passed since the creation of this movie and how it's still very effective and even creepily reflects actual reality right now in ways (think of surveillance and crazy work hours). The eating machine -bit was one of the funniest things I've seen in a movie and I can rewatch that scene and still laugh out loud like crazy.
Rated 10 Jul 2022
Rebelliously produced after the awkward transition to talkies, Chaplin kept silent (ish), with sound in a minor role. The mix of social commentary & (chiefly) silent, slapstick humour mostly works but feature-length comic mishaps ala job incompetence is repetitive at best. Flaws aside, it's a beautiful farewell to a dying art, with Chaplin's move to the modern way conveyed through the climactic reveal of his voice, yet not without a cheeky wink, as nothing but gibberish falls from his lips.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
????????????????????????????????/??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/?????/never say die??
Rated 02 Feb 2021
Timeless classic.
Rated 15 Dec 2020
Charlie Chaplin is a legend for a reason.
Rated 18 Oct 2020
Charlie Chaplin is always a fun time. This one also has some really great memorable moments and music. Good chemistry between the two leads as well, and a surprisingly relevant story.
Rated 14 Apr 2020
Charlie Chaplin'in dünyanın dönüşümü ve bu dönüşümü sırasında vahşi kapitalizmin fakiri ezip daha fakirleştirirken, zengini daha da zengin ederek bireyin işleyen çarklar altından ezildiğini gösteren efsane filmi.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 09 Mar 2020
Gelecek öngörüsü/başyapıt.
Rated 09 Jun 2019
The last silent film Chaplin made, and it's one of his best.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Rated 13 Feb 2019
The love interest feels a little tacked on, but Chaplin delivers: perfect in directing, acting, and even scorewriting!
Rated 13 Mar 2018
Chaplin likes the nose powder ;~)
Rated 17 Feb 2018
The Mechanical Salesman: "Don't stop for lunch: be ahead of your competitor. The Billows Feeding Machine will eliminate the lunch hour, increase your production, and decrease your overhead."
Rated 02 Dec 2017
The mechanic's lunch is: An entire head of celery, a whole chicken, a fourth of a pie, and coffee. That is an amazing lunch and this is an amazing film.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
There's a domestic interlude in which the tramp needs milk for breakfast, so holds an empty bottle out of window, and a cow walks by to supply what he needs. ... This scene has really stuck with me over the years, maybe more than any moment in any other film.
Rated 06 Sep 2017
Entertaining, very visual and still a sharp commentary on society after all these years.
Rated 26 Jul 2017
good, although you kind of have to suspend your disbelief about there being such a thing as a smoking hot garbage can girlfriend. wish they would've had more factory stuff, but I can understand it was probably expensive.
Rated 08 Mar 2017
Sanayi devrimi ve ekonomi buhranda Şarlo. Charlie Chaplin'in bu ölümsüz ve unutulmaz eseri, patronların işçilere yapılan zulüm, parasızlık, açlık, işsizlik, iş güvenliği, haksızlık ve şehir hayatında yaşanılan varoşluğu anlatmış. Harika sahnelerin olduğu film, aşk hikayesi ile kalpleri yumuşatıyor. Çok karamsar olmamak için, güldüren sahneler ile hayata umutla bakıyor. Filmin sonunda, yolumuz uzun gençliğimiz var. İşçiler kardeş patronlar kalleş.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
I had to write about this for an art school essay. I watched it so closely and so many times that I fell in love.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
probably the first I saw from Charlie Chaplin and enjoyed it
Rated 12 Jun 2016
Greatest movie of all time.
Rated 18 Apr 2016
It's definitely one of the funniest movies of all time, and I definitely see the appeal of it being the greatest comedy of all time (I'm not complaining about that). What I am complaining about is the lack of focus the film seems to have at a point. It's still absolutely hilarious, but after a point it becomes less about the distrust of technology and just another really well executed rom com.
Rated 23 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★1/2
Rated 25 Dec 2015
Any political message is superficial at best, and despite having a number of great sequences, none of them rank among his very best. The assembly line gag was done better by Rene Clair 5 years earlier and nothing has the poetic sophistication of the boxing match in City Lights. Despite all that, Chaplin undeniably had an artistic and technical understanding of the medium far beyond most of contemporaries and Modern Times is still a great comedy a great drama and the best film of 1936.
Rated 27 Jul 2015
It weakened from the beginning. Best opening symbolism ever
Rated 05 May 2015
I geuss the symbolism of man getting stuck in a literal machine is pretty neat, but other than that this in the end doesn't differentiate itself from the mass produce that are structures underlying Chaplin movies; from the unfortunate or poor and oblivious man trying to find love with the same slapstick routines often failing in their comedic intent, in part because of how annoyingly exaggerated its marxist vision ultimately is, and in part due to its dependence on projection by the viewer..
Rated 30 Jan 2015
seen this a while ago. lots of great sight gags. don't remember much else in the way of story or anything. id watch it again.
Rated 11 Dec 2014
Needs a rewatch.
Rated 11 Sep 2014
Ridiculously funny.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
My favorite Chaplin movie (and I love most of the feature films). Has a message that still applies today, has great and funny stunts, and was his first foray into including sound. For my money this is his most funny movie as well. Would be the one I recommend to people if anyone cared to ask.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
A slapstick skewering of industrialized America, Modern Times is as politically incisive as it is laugh-out-loud hilarious.
Rated 11 Dec 2013
Rated 07 Oct 2013
* Casting, Acting : 8.5 * Script : 8 * Directing, Aura : 6.5 * Ease of Viewing : 7.5 * Naked Eye : 9
Rated 05 Sep 2013
It has some pretty funny scenes but doesn't really come together as a whole.
Rated 16 Aug 2013
Enjoyment: 8/10, Plot: 8/10 Themes: 8/10 Cinematography: 7/10 Direction: 8/10 Acting: 9/10 Writing: 8/10 Score: 8/10 Editing: 8/10 Design: 9/10
Rated 21 Jul 2013
izlediğim en mükemmel filmlerden birisiydi. Gerçekten Şarlo hayranı olmak normalmiş. Ayrıca Kemal Sunal vblerinin ne kadar bu adamı taklit ettiğinin yanı sıra filmlerinden de ne kadar alıntı yapıldığını anlıyor insan. Bir dergiye neden isim olduğunu da ve yıllardır neden konuşulduğunu da. Büyük adammışsın Şarlo Baba mekanın cennet olsun.
Rated 26 Jun 2013
Chaplin's great Modern Times! One of his legendary films. I think I still love The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925) and City Lights (1931) more then this, but it's a Top-5 Chaplin for sure! This is the one with the classic scenes where he gets driven into the machine. Fellow Keystone'er Chester Conklin too! The heart-skipping roller-skating scene where he almost runs over the edge without knowing it! And where he first sings! And it's a delight seeing a silent film still coming in 1936!
Rated 29 Mar 2013
Truly inspired physical comedy and clever social commentary. A fun little delight that's still enjoyable today.
Rated 28 Mar 2013
This would be a fair amount better if not for the incredibly annoying and out-of-place moments of sound.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
a lot of fun. Used to think Chaplin films were deeply unfunny as a child when my grandad showed them to me. Now I see what the old codger was on about! One more thing,Paulette Goddard was a hottie!
Rated 30 Jan 2013
Her şeyi bıraktım köşeye, hapishanedeki o sahne halen aklımda ağbi... Bir de o sigara sahnesi, yaz yaz bitmez gerçi... 100'ün altında verenler atsın kendini camdan aşağı, ne diyeyim daha ben.
Rated 15 Oct 2012
I think it's probably Chaplin's funniest, and I enjoyed the social commentary quite a bit. I couldn't really find myself engaged with the story or the romance...but maybe it's just a victim of an unfair comparison to City Lights
Rated 06 Sep 2012
Wonderful Chaplin sights!
Rated 24 Jul 2012
Plot 16/20 Fiction 16/20 Casting/Acting 19/20 Worldbuilding 19/20 Entertainment 16/20
Rated 11 Jul 2012
I just love to see such a nasty and cynical film that criticises the lifestyle of the Western world, whilst being amazingly uplifting and containing a great romantic plot (or sub-plot, depending on what you think is more important -- love, or work).
Rated 01 May 2012
fantastic all the way through. a new all-time favorite. chaplin and goddard are wonderful. second favorite scene: when the worker sings and dances at the nightclub. my favorite scene: easy, the ending and what an ending,if it doesn't make you even a little weepy, you ain't human..........
Rated 24 Mar 2012
Charlie Chaplin falling over for an hour and a half. Slapstick isn't really my thing.
Rated 19 Feb 2012
Umm yea. I rate movies how good they are compared to movies of today. Comedy doesn't stand the test of time outside of a historical perspective. Hopefully it helps align my TCIs.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
It was great! I enjoyed it so much. It was just so funny! It was funnier than most of the comedy films of recent years. It's interesting to think how comedy has and hasn't changed. I wasn't always laughing out loud, but I was always amused. Chaplin was charming, some of the set pieces were amazing and the music was fantastic. Very entertaining and a movie everyone can enjoy, I think.
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Rated 26 Nov 2011
This one's gotta be my favorite Chaplin movie. It was obviously a really heartfelt theme for him to deal with, involving the rapid advancement of technology. It's a silent movie, but people's voices can be heard if they're speaking over a loudspeaker or radio or some other piece of technology. These heavy themes lie under a relatively lighthearted plot. The ending is bittersweet, but the last line in the last scene works perfectly.
Rated 07 Nov 2011
I'm not into silent movies but Chaplin's tramp is a sympathetic character that packs a lot of entertainment into 90 minutes. I liked this film much better than "City Lights", probably because I agree with Charlie's social commentary here.
Rated 19 Oct 2011
This movie was made 15 years after The Kid and two decades after The Tramp's introduction and yet he is still doing the same schtick. It's not breaking any ground (like he later did with The Dictator). He's basically still living in the past while the Marx Brothers have lapped him in terms of wit, originality, and social commentary.
Rated 03 Jun 2011
"There can be no better description for Modern Time-or indeed, Chaplin's career-than the film's initial title card: 'A story of industry, of individual enterprise-humanity crusading in the pursuit of happiness.'"
Rated 05 May 2011
isci, issizlik, hapishane, gece bekcisi, ask, garson (chaplin fabrikada band üzerinde sikma islemi yapan bir iscidir. yogun calisma temposu onu delirtir. hastaneden cikar. yolda yere düsen bir bayrak görür. arabaya dogru sallarken arkasindan gelen koministlerin lideri sanilarak hapse düser. hapiste tuz yerine kokainli yemek yer kafayi bulur. o halde kacmaya calisan mahkunlari durdurunca serbest birakilir. ama cikmaz istemez. bir kizla tanisir. is arar. tek amaci bir ev sahibi olmaktir.
Rated 25 Apr 2011
A masterpiece not only of silent cinema, but of cinema in general. Charlie Chaplins shows off all of his talents in this film, and it really pays off. He sings, he dances, he composes a wonderful score, and, of course, gives us more hilarious comedy than you can shake a cane at. Simply a masterpiece.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
An all time classic, which should not be missed in a movie collection. Mr. Chaplin was one of the greatest artists and lives on in his great movies! Simply beautiful.
Rated 02 Apr 2011
Both as a political satire and as a lovely romance, Modern Times stands out as one of the most charming films in the history of cinema. It is such a popular feature that it seems like I've been watching fragments of it my entire life.
Rated 27 Mar 2011
Chaplin's last "great" film is a funny and heart warming tale with a message about the de-humanizing effect of technology. The beginning is very funny and inventive, proving that Chaplin was still a master at pantomime comedy.


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