Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
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Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Suspense/Thriller, Action
2h 12m
The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name. (imdb)

Directed by:

Brad Bird


Mission: Impossible


Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Mission Impossible 4, Mission: Impossible 4, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol



Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Suspense/Thriller, Action
2h 12m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 51.64% from 5268 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 29 Jan 2020
"Hey, we should let Tom Cruise try to kill himself every time he makes one of these movies."
Rated 06 Jan 2012
Obviously, some of the set pieces are pretty spectacular. However, the audience walks in knowing about them (even the insufferable trademark credits show what is to come) and all the stuff we must wade through to get to them is not great. Gone is Abrams bleak portrayal of our hero which seemed to work pretty well. The humor is ok, at times, but it fails on most accords. The villain is terrible, but this movie still is pretty fun in spite of all my complaining.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
Equally ludicrous, grating and jawdropping, MI:4 is at it's best, when Cruise is flinging himself through a window on the 130th floor of a skyscraper and at it's worst, when mushy melodrama creeps in from nowhere (fx Renner's confessional during the excruciatingly bad last 10 mins). Still, the amazing stunts, strong editing and over-the-top set pieces just win out over the /facepalm-worthy, derivative plot, weird shifts in tone and cartoonish stereotypes (OH HAI THERE, evil Russians!).
Rated 10 Mar 2012
Inventively executed with one sole objective: to dazzle us with everything from crazy set pieces to neat little details (Burj Khalifa/a hallway deception/Cruise's alternative use of a car). And bedazzled I was. Putting any worries about his making the transition from animation to shame, Bird directs what is probably the best action flick since 'M:i:III' and he keeps the pace impossibly high, up until an off-key epilogue. One more small complaint: Paula P is no Maggie Q. But I love Pegg as Benji.
Rated 22 Dec 2011
Brad Bird directs a super-slick action scene, and the movie does a good job being, for lack of a better term, cool. But I found it a bit emotionally hollow compared to other blockbusters this year such as X-Men: First Class and Rise of the Planet of the Apes; the characters (both the heroes and the villains) had no arcs and little personality.
Rated 08 Mar 2017
sometimes i get to the microwave a second before it's finished
Rated 06 Feb 2012
Stunt-Hunt is back! A horrible story/script (the worst yet of the four) is luckily overshadowed by the best action scenes since De Palmas' initial film in the franchise. Once again you sit back in awe as I-do-my-own-stunts-Cruise is mission impossible'ing his way through Moscow, Dubai and Mumbai. In contest as one of the worst bad guy reasons to initiate a nuclear war! But it's all worth it, when Cruise aussie-rappels his way down Burj Khalifa!
Rated 19 Dec 2011
While lacking Brad Bird's characteristic characterization, Ghost Protocol is an awe-inspiring throwback to old spy films. The film is carried by an excellent cast, incredible stunts, truly witty dialogue and Bird's kinetic direction.
Rated 20 Jul 2012
Futuristic action spectacle set in world where Russia is stuck in a grey-ish 1980s timebubble while the entire rest of the world has gone blue and orange. Flat chararcter-arcs all around and only Simon Pegg delivers a memorable performance. Thank fuck they didn't shove his ginger face into a blue suit as well.
Rated 05 Apr 2012
One time, I met Tom Cruise and I asked him if he'd like a stick of gum. He said yes, so after he put it in his mouth, I yelled, "Red light! Green light!" then ran away. You should have soon the look on his face ...
Rated 13 Jan 2012
For the first two acts it features some decent action and plenty of Simon Pegg. The problem that arises is the Burj Khalifa sequence is the best sequence in the entire film, so it has nowhere to go but down from there, to a weak and disbelief-inducing climax. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put the most stunning part in the middle? Brad Bird's direction is still excellent, yet one hopes he sticks to better material in the future.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
How many times can you say a franchise's fourth film was this good? Ghost Protocol improves upon every previous M:I installment, and it's mostly due to its understanding of the team dynamic and Brad Bird's direction. Even though Tom Cruise is the film's star, there's plenty of opportunity for the entire IMF team to shine. Bird's direction is stellar, as he knows how to handle action and create suspense, especially in the Dubai sequence. On the whole, this is a return to glory for the M:I films.
Rated 18 Mar 2012
Dear Tom Cruise: Use a stunt double more often. Preferably for a whole movie.
Rated 23 Jan 2012
Yeah, the action is dazzling, and Bird's direction kept me entertained throughout, but this has nothing on Abrams' MI3 as far as character arcs or an engaging narrative goes, and all but the most gripping action scenes seem to go on ad nauseam. During the scenes towards the end I felt like it would be more satisfying if the characters finally stopped faffing about and just shot the bad guys in the face and got on with it. The forced elongation of the nonexistant tension got really silly.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
Brad Bird is a fan of classics, that is obvious. All his previous works, just like MI4, are homages to what make the masterworks of the genre so memorable. The script does nothing new and is full of spy-movie cliches (right up to the naughty Russian), but it uses them pitch-perfectly. The Dubai scenes are astounding, especially the tower-climb. It's not as smart as Bourne or as sexy as Bond, but packs the explosive action, techno-gadgets, stunts and tense moments needed in an effective thriller.
Rated 28 Dec 2011
Not as good as the first, which is still a clever and interesting thrill ride, but this is also the best since the 1st and I can say I actually really like this. Yeah the melodrama was poorly played but the action (like the entire Dubai sequence) was pretty awesome and jaw-dropping. And the more gadget/espionage oriented parts were also entertaining. A nice return to form for the series. Also: I love Tom Cruise the actor.
Rated 19 Dec 2011
With frenetic pacing, and constant twists and turns, Ghost Protocol turns on the suspense early and maintains it throughout.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
The best of the series by far with incredible stunts and action, and a stunning scaffolding scene for Tom Cruise that will be talked about for a long time. The underrated and consistent, while unique and diverse, 'Mission Impossible' franchise hasn't been this superb before. In fact, action films rarely attain this kind of greatness. This is Cruise's best action film by far, and that's saying something. If 'Ghost Protocol' doesn't revive his star power, I don't know what will.
Rated 17 Dec 2011
Intense as shit.
Rated 15 Dec 2011
what i liked best, is that it does not take itself too serious. it's the kind of whacky over-the-top action blockbuster i would've expected the modern bond movies to be. but where bond's lately taking a painstaking journey towards unwanted realism & character emphasis, this is just plain fun all the way through. like tom cruise or not (i know i don't), but if you're looking to be entertained for a while you can't go wrong here.
Rated 15 Dec 2011
Glad to see Cruise back and while its far from perfect, for the most part its a joyride. Though I suppose it wouldn't be Mission Impossible without the cheese and being over the top. The whole Dubai section was a great adrenaline rush and easily the highlight for me.
Rated 14 Dec 2011
I'd imagined Bird's transition to live action would cause little upset, probably approached for his prowess in conducting rhythmic action set pieces; This is where M:I 4 finds its momentum, which is somewhat spoiled by its derivative plot and absence of an intimidating antagonist. Looking back at De Palma's film, I would argue a departure from humor would help in conveying Hunt's up-against-the-wall type desperation. I still had a fun time, and that counts for something.
Rated 07 Jul 2023
Hats off to Jeremy Renner who went a whole movie without running himself over
Rated 04 Jul 2023
Ok now THAT’S that good shit. Great cast, silly without being stupid (I love how almost all the tech breaks at some point), a perfect sense of pacing with excellent rising intensity, and Brad Bird absolutely crushing his live-action debut with several gorgeously-shot action sequences. Plus maybe the best score of the franchise. It’s a shame Paula Patton isn’t in any more of the franchise because she kicks ass tbh
Rated 13 Jan 2019
I don't like heights. The Dubai scenes were not fun for me.
Rated 07 Aug 2018
The stunts and sequences are even better than that of its stellar predecessor (see the hotel con and climb, insane parking garage fight), but the characters are not (Pegg's comic relief aside) and the main plot starts to get a little silly, morphing into a bit of a cliche end-of-the-world deal complete with Euro villains. To its credit, it does embrace some of its ridiculousness (see Hunt's failed "Mission accomplished!"). Not to its credit are the terrible placecards (Verdana of all fonts??).
Rated 09 Aug 2017
So the ending is lackluster compared to the rest of the movie, but it's less goofy than Woo, more fun than Abrams, and better looking than both of them.
Rated 05 Aug 2017
Expertly crafted spy actioner with excellent set pieces at a brisk pace.
Rated 01 Mar 2017
This is just so much fun. It takes a lot for me to not get bored during a 2hr20m action movie, but this kept me engaged the entire time. Brad Bird was a very good fit for the series, and the whole cast is great here.
Rated 21 Sep 2016
The best James Bond movie in 10 years. Spies should be doing spy-stuff, and Ethan Hunt delivers.
Rated 16 Aug 2016
Excellent movie. A lot of fun throughout. The sequences featuring the Burj Khalifa are not just a highlight of this film, but a highlight of the entire M:I franchise. The villain is a bit of a throwaway character, but that's fine because the movie is about "the team" and this film is definitely a fun adventure for Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Jeremy Renner and Simon Pegg.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
Solid and intense action flick.
Rated 01 Jan 2016
This is definitely my favorite so far. It's got some pretty amazing scenes, as usual, and of course Tom Cruise.
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Rated 19 Dec 2015
Tom Cruise diving head first into hard surfaces: the movie
Rated 05 Apr 2015
Kind of a comedy, kind of an action film, kind of uninteresting. If the action scenes weren't engaging and sometimes, in a sort of uninspired way, clever I wouldn't have cared at all, since the characters were rather unexciting and lacked charisma. Perhaps I should have watched the first few movies.
Rated 18 Oct 2014
to be truly iconic an action movie needs more than just (mostly) exquisitely designed, madcap set pieces (like, y'know, good writing), but most modern genre films can't even manage that, and they sure help boost the stakes. brad bird for president.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
Pretty damn good. Brad Bird was an excellent choice. And wow, Paula Patton.
Rated 14 Feb 2014
An improvement over the last two entries in the series, but it still doesn't know how to maintain tension. The mid-film climax sabotages interest and momentum for the second half. The use of humor is off the mark and further sabotages the tension. The direction is more interesting than the past two films despite not have a plot to rest on. Also, this whole franchise is just awful in terms of how it characterizes women and ethnicity.
Rated 11 Dec 2013
Although I've forgotten the first three films, I feel sure this is the best, with almost a Harold Lloydesque character to it. A fun rather than a sombre aesthetic suits the absurdly unrealistic nature of the action: the previous films were simply bores. Here at least the rollercoaster ride is nothing but a rollercoaster ride. Odd portrayal of marriage: a wife is a possession, but one best kept permanently locked away and out of earshot, for the sake of the husband's job and pursuit of adventure.
Rated 03 Mar 2013
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Brad Bird creates Pure Cinema without even the slightest help from anything like a "script" or "characters". I admire its purity.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
I haven't seen the other Mission: Impossible movies in a long time, but my memory recalls them as pretty good. This installation carries no number after the title, and I think that it's for good reason, it was sloppily written and executed, designed for a generation who appreciate no subtlety in their spy movies. I'll admit that it set off to a decent start, but by the end I was not impressed.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
That Dubai section? MMM HMM.
Rated 30 May 2012
Very silly for the most part. Unengaging for the rest.
Rated 23 May 2012
Fast and fun for the first half, but 80 minutes and a bottle of wine in my interest began to evaporate. The plot goes awry, the set pieces dry up and you become so disinterested in the outcome you feel you could be watching any old average action movie from the '90s onward. Pretty much like the last M:I effort then.
Rated 22 May 2012
A terrible script, but Brad Bird wanted to have fun and maneuvers his team of good looking acrobats through it with dignity.
Rated 18 May 2012
I thought for sure that this movie couldn't be better than the last one but just like with the Scream series, a fourth movie in a series can surprise you. I wouldn't say this is the best of the Mission Impossible movies, but it is at least the second best. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was just an awesome bad guy in MI: 3 that it is hard to compare. I did think that Paula Patton did a great job and Simon Pegg is just a wonderful, wonderful man. Very fun movie and the action sequences were top notch.
Rated 07 May 2012
It's good fun until a real let-down of an ending.
Rated 01 May 2012
An entertaining timewaster. Fun and energetic until the final third, where it sort of slowly implodes coolness-wise. The Dubai scenes were pretty great, and Cruise is surprisingly tolerable.
Rated 30 Apr 2012
Fell asleep.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
Pretty fun. I have only one serious caveat: I'm Swedish and trust me, if we wanted the world to go to hell today, you'd be having a barbecue tonight.
Rated 06 Apr 2012
It's not bad, but unfortunately it's not good either. Visually it is nice, but I do believe paying more than 100$ for a script would be beneficial. Also, Tom C. isn't getting any better.
Rated 05 Apr 2012
Possesses an interesting techno-thriller visual style and a self assured sense of what it is (not JAMES BOND with iphones!) it feels more like a live action cartoon most of the time. I guess what makes it slightly better than similar films is that it knows when to insert comedy amidst the usual action. Other than that there's nothing definitive about this film or franchise aside from Tom Cruise alternating his wardrobe from fashionable silk suits to action hero chic bare chest.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
There's one reason to watch this: The sphincter tightening action sequences. The plot is standard action movie nonsense, but the team is really likable (Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner have tons of fun with their roles) to ensure you continue to care when Brad Bird gets to his masterfully constructed, unpredictable and supremely intense action.
Rated 01 Apr 2012
The IMF team easily out-acts and out-characters Tom Cruise, but that's no surprise. I could have done without the sappy epilogue scene (Really Criticker? "Starrring" Ving Rames?) But everything up to that was a great rollercoaster ride; as long as you don't think too hard about the lack of plot or question why that blonde chick was supposed to be such a great assassin.
Rated 31 Mar 2012
Rated 26 Mar 2012
Typical MI film honestly. You never know what's going on, the logic never makes sense, shitload of action and explosions, and Cruise being Cruise. The fight scene with Cruise and the villain at the end was the most unbelievable scene in a movie in 2011. Pretty mediocre and forgettable, also too long.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
I was absolutely blown away by Brad Bird's first live-action feature film. Perhaps the IMAX had something to do with it, but you can really tell this is the same man who directed the great Pixar film The Incredibles. I can't wait to own this on blu-ray and relive that sandstorm scene after being on the side of a 130-story building in Dubai. If only there was a stronger villain to care about, but this did exactly what an action film is supposed to do.
Rated 07 Feb 2012
Tom Cruise is amazing. He plays Hunt with both seriousness and a bit of humor. My main problem with this insanely entertaining action flick is that the awe inducing Burj Khalifa scene is the climax and should be the final action set piece. After this the movie has problems keeping up.
Rated 30 Jan 2012
Mixing the right amounts of humour, pathos and spy-related high-jinx in a fast paced, engaging popcorn-movie with some of the more ingenious set-pieces in recent history.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
Just when you thought he was out, he pulls you back in. Though the plot is a tad too reminiscent of the Bond franchise two decades ago, The Cruise Missile in joined forces with Brad Bird hits target spot on making this both the most grippingly entertaining and fun installment of the franchise. And yes, that stunt sequence at the Burj Khalifa is equally amazing and crazy - easily worth the ticket in itself.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
For me this is the best popcorn movie of the year, a thrillride full of impressive, gripping set pieces. The tension in this movie had me drumming my feet on the ground in excitement like an asshole, so I guess it's successful.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
Although Bird proves he can pull off action sequences live as great as he does in animated features, it doesn't save the film from it's far-fetched script which serves only to set-up these sequences, characters be damned! The film squeaks in a line about how America views all potential terrorists as terrorists, but it otherwise doesn't have much to say at all. I appreciated Renner questioning Cruise's seemingly infallible methods, and would have preferred more of this self-aware dialogue.
Rated 14 Jan 2012
mi:4 is no slouch in terms of action, but Bird has to admit that he didn't bring anything new to the franchise. in fact, it's more of a throwback to the bond movies of 60s than a modern spy thriller. Nyqvist's "gotta destroy the world" villain is the prime example of that. This movie plays too safe to be something noteworthy.
Rated 12 Jan 2012
Ghost Protocol marks Brad Bird's live action debut and the calling card of a man ready to take the film world by storm. Though clearly a Cruise vehicle, Bird's stunning eye and composition of every shot and every action moment transcends the subpar cast and under-realized script. Ghost Protocol has easily the best on-screen action of any film this decade and sets a difficult bar for the next eight years to match.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
The best action flick that I've seen since Casino Royale came out in 2006. Perfectly balanced with humour and action packed set pieces. Director Brad Bird is a perfect fit for this franchise, making his live action debut after great animated films The Incredibles, Ratatouille and The Iron Giant.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
For what it is it's pretty damn good. It's an action film that never takes itself too seriously and delivers on some pretty great action and suspense sequences. It's cheesy, it's stupid, it's got a 2001 homage, and it's all the better for it.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
As Tom Cruise says late in the film, "Everything went wrong, except for the team," and that kinda holds for the film itself. The script is rather hokey and nonsensical, wearing its sources on its sleeve ("May there be PEACE ON EARTH!", Russian General Ripper), but Brad Bird elevates the material with visual whimsy, humor, and panache.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
Tom Cruise gets smashed a lot.
Rated 05 Jan 2012
Fast and loud.Some impressive set pieces but There wasn't any aspect of this film that was based in reality or any sense of truth. I didn't believe in any emotion shown by any character. No one seemed to feel fear, joy and certainly not pain.
Rated 04 Jan 2012
Lots of fun! Great on IMAX!
Rated 03 Jan 2012
Well, it was a great deal of fun and it doesn't take itself too seriously, which is a good thing.
Rated 31 Dec 2011
Great action scenes. Some cheesy dialogue.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
Sooooooo entertaining! Very well done. Im a big fan of the MI movies.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
Generally brainless but mostly fun. The plot is a complete wreck but sets up some decent, and one spectacular, action scenes. Simon Pegg is great.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
Admittedly exciting action scenes punctuate an overlong, over-convoluted actioner, which ties its story up in far too complicated knots. Pegg has a few funny lines, but the rest of the fine supporting cast is essentially wasted; the effects of ageing are unfortunately starting to catch up with Cruise as well! Unlike other series entries, ends with a whimper not a bang.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
The Dubai set piece is part of a classic action film stuck in an otherwise solid but unmemorable one.
Rated 28 Dec 2011
Much like "The Expendables", "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" seems to be less a complete film than an excuse for something else. While the cast was the main draw in Stallone's flick, the incredible action sequences are the draw here. The plot seems like an afterthought. They need something from someone or kaboom goes the entire world. Practical effects add a high level of intensity which is needed. Most of the film is spent explaining gadgets and using them in incredibly thrilling scenes.
Rated 24 Dec 2011
Not quite as good as Mission Impossible 3, but still excellent!
Rated 24 Dec 2011
A film that seems to have been made because it could make an easy buck. Suppose we overlook the absence of a decent story and characters. But the predicaments the characters face and the way they get out of them would hopefully be interesting and fun. Nope. (Paula Patton is not very good; Pegg and Renner are wasted) I had hopes for this because Brad Bird directed. Alas, it's not a good film. (Probable score: 68)
Rated 22 Dec 2011
Script-wise, it's standard issue James Bond "Whatever-just-get-2-the-action" plotting. But Cruise & Co. assiduously wring every last drop of intensity & tension out of every cleverly-staged action scene. It's impossible 2 overstate the visceral punch packed by the skyscraper scene. It demonstrates that when it comes 2 action it's far better2 strive 4 verisimilitude& have the characters take high stakes seriously. Except 4 Pegg's tired comic relief, the characters r not quippy, nor stoic bada--es
Rated 22 Dec 2011
Not bad - but I prefer MI3. The supporting cast in this one is kind of flat and unconvincing, and I don't like that they've gone back to playing up the goofiness of the TV series (Simon Pegg comic relief is very strained and out of place). Damned if those action scenes aren't fantastic, though. Dubai is such a great place to set an action movie.
Rated 22 Dec 2011
awesome action movie 10 out of 10
Rated 21 Dec 2011
It's crazily entertaining, but lacks character development and gets incredibly corny at times. Extra points for the terrific Dubai scenes and visual flair.
Rated 19 Dec 2011
Not as good as the third one, but only barely. Excellent thrill ride which is not for people who are not able to suspend disbelief.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
The weakest of the Mission Impossible movies.
Rated 20 Nov 2023
is jeremy renner proud of his 'next time i get to seduce the rich guy' line?
Rated 17 Jul 2023
audiovisual 55 acting 50 overall feeling 50 avg 52
Rated 03 Jul 2023
Very good. Not quite as good as 3 but still a great watch.
Rated 07 Jan 2023
So one of the goons' knives makes a gun cocking sound around 14 min and I couldn't stop thinking about that.
Rated 23 Aug 2022
Adequate, but too reliant on raising the stakes. I was exhausted by the end of the second act. Overall fun, though
Rated 05 Mar 2022
w/ Orkun
Rated 22 Dec 2021
It's OK. I preferred the previous one.
Rated 28 Aug 2021
Seen: 2. I completely forgot that I had seen this before, the action scenes brought me back. It is a big, bold spy thriller, that is for sure. There is some welcome playfulness and new supporting characters. It's a top notch addition to the series.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
silly & childish. yet, with some good action scenes.
Rated 28 Nov 2020
How did Benji get out of the Kremlin? That's what I wanna know.
Rated 16 Oct 2020
Rated 09 Oct 2020
The cast worked amazingly together, and I enjoyed the dynamics they established or built upon between them. The action scenes were a genuine joy to watch and the editing of this film was impeccable.
Rated 26 Sep 2020
Slightly weaker than I remembered, especially in comparison to the next two (I have a feeling Rogue Nation will be going up on rewatch), but still super fun, with some great set-pieces. The Kremlin hallway sequence still blows my mind.

Cast & Info

Directed by:

Brad Bird


Mission: Impossible


Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Mission Impossible 4, Mission: Impossible 4, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol




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