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Avg Percentile 59.85% from 1020 total ratings

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Rated 19 Feb 2021
I'm still not quite sure what to make of Minari, but I can say that it intertwines the integration of an immigrant family into the bittersweet results that often come out of our constructed paradises, which also ties into charismatic spirituality, which also ties into the dismantling of stereotypes within both family units and communities into which immigrants move. Phew. It covers a lot of ground.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Normally I'm not into movies that are more of a vibe then a main guiding narrative. But Minari was different, thanks to well written and complex characters and amazing acting from the whole cast, Minari feels almost like a documentary at points. I knew people like these characters in real life. Besides for that, any outdoors daytime shot has the most beautiful coloring. I wish I could have saw this on a big screen and been overwhelmed by nature.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
Beautifully made movie. I can see why some aren't feeling won over by it. I never personally went after the "American dream", but I did live in a trailer with mom for a bit and I totally understood where everybody in the movie was coming from. Great acting, score, and cinematography. It is a bit predictable, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Decently well paced and accessible for a movie that's mostly in, what is to me, a foreign language 80% of the runtime. I liked it.
Rated 14 Dec 2020
I frequently gravitate towards talking about movies by their reference points, but the lens of Edward Yang, Ozu, and Kore-eda - apparent as they are in this movie - never feels thick or derivative, but rather refitted and befitting. Visually, it's of this generation, and yet it has all the understatement and patience of a film from one of those three filmmakers.
Rated 12 May 2021
Yeah. Screw it. Best film of 2020. I've sat long enough on this fence and I can deny it no longer. Every moment feels so endearingly familiar, which I think is why people are piling on "predictable" as the prominent criticism. I'd argue it's not so much predictable as it is truthful. I'm hesitant to compare it to Miyazaki but I can't shake the influence. It breathes like a grounded Miyazaki tale, loaded with heart—, an unforgettable family, an indelible experience.
Rated 11 Apr 2021
Never digs that deep into its themes or characters but from the first touches of its gorgeous score and cinematography, it's clear that its soil is rich with life. Comedy and drama (see David and Grandma's volatile relationship), spirit and mind and body (see the various farming tasks), giving and taking (see the offering plate), hope and despair (see the city visit), destruction and reconciliation (see the fire)-it all intermingles in the poignantly simple story about a family building a home.
Rated 05 Jul 2021
It's not often that the score is the most memorable part about a film. Mosseri's music feels like a character on its own, perfectly evoking that sense of hope and uncertainty often associated with new beginnings. The film alas is unevenly paced and underwhelming, and could've easily been cut by half an hour had it not focused on the narrative strands that added little weight to an already dime a dozen immigrant story. I recommend Jim Sheridan's In America for a similarly themed entry.
Rated 18 Mar 2021
Are you ready to take "The Minari Challenge"? Think you can stay awake through the whole movie? None of us could, for this boring-ass slice of life. "My broken ding dong went pee-pee in the bed." For fuck sake...this is what passes for "Best Picture" calibre these days?
Rated 18 Mar 2021
A janky slice of life film that quickly nosedives into unbearable melodrama. The emotional core of this film feels hollow despite its warm aesthetic packaging. I did like some of the realization of the townspeople but its far too little here.
Rated 20 May 2021
An uncommon setting with a Korean immigrant family in Arkansas that really never touches on race is a fresh breath of air. It was too understated for me , since there is conflict but it was quite small scale. Yuen is too likeable so Han got made out to be such a nag. The ending was quite dissatisfying. I can definitely see this movie connecting more with folks who've lived a similar experience. Fav scene: kids throwing paper airplanes at the parents to stop fighting was just too painful.
Rated 20 Feb 2021
The film seems to me best viewed as David's memory, thus numerous details about the relationships within remain sketchy, while the relationship between David and his grandma is both sharp and vibrant--she was the one he was close with. The work is densely, if not subtly, written, with themes such as: putting down roots in a community, the importance of where we place our trust, and the navigating of radically different worlds.
Rated 09 Jun 2021
Disaster strikes when grandma goes to empty the trash. The slow motion disaster of the parent's livelihoods and relationship is contrasted with the playful energy of their children. A melancholy, slow, slice of life drama about an east Asian family and their struggles. I was describing Yi Yi (2000) which this film seems to be "inspired" from. Not a bad film, but given the choice definately watch Yi Yi instead.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Disappointing given the amount of awards buzz this mediocre immigrant drama got. My biggest problem was that I wasn't emotionally touched by any of the characters.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
It was certainly good but not great.The first half is very slow without a lot happening and it can be quite boring.It ends pretty strongly but it doesn't quite produce anything really noteworthy.In a different year I don't think it gets that much awards recognition.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
It's always the family oriented movies that I'm a sucker for because I am indeed a family oriented person. I loved the unique perspective of each of the film's characters, and I thought It was very well-written. I haven't seen Yeun in too much other than TWD, but I thought he did a great job in this and I empathized with him for sure. I will say that the most enjoyable and best acted character is the grandma. So funny and lovable, and a very Oscar worth performance.
Rated 31 Dec 2020
I appreciate the heart behind the story, but until the end I'm not sure I ever really truly connected to what was going on. I can see why this is loved: a story from a perspective we don't too often see, a pretty good score, good performances all around, shot well enough (though I don't think astoundingly so). A quaint little film that offers up a positive message, ultimately--glad I watched it, definitely not in love with it.
Rated 06 Apr 2021
Good acting, but otherwise just dull, predictable and heavily lacking in genuine emotion. Feels like a TV movie that's been hyped up because it ticks off the "right" boxes.
Rated 04 May 2021
um pouco sem alma
Rated 18 May 2021
Well-made but also kind of forced. And the dad is just an idiot.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
Really beautiful slice of life stuff with an all-time great movie grandma AND an all-time great piss-drinking scene
Rated 30 Aug 2021
A solid, updated entry in the "American Dream" genre. Although, I'm not really sure how the minari plant fit in and the emotional high point at the end didn't really hit for me.
Rated 14 Sep 2021
Well crafted and pleasant enough to watch immigrant story but for me it kinda felt like it was avoiding all the interesting aspects of the story by placing emphasis on familiar plot structure, excessive mood establishing and slightly trite central metaphor over characters and their dynamics. Doesn't do very well at balancing subtlety and poignancy or lightness and heft. Somewhat uneconomical storytelling and wavering dramatic focus make this feel but a sum of its (at times lovely) parts.
Rated 04 Jan 2022
Trying to live the American Dream never looked so good. I liked how all the drama came from within the family itself instead society working against them.
Rated 17 Jan 2021
The personal story of the family is the strong point of the plot: the attempt to succeed, pride, vanity, how it affects a relationship and the life of all involved. Very good performance by Yuh-jung, the rest of the cast is decent. The direction constantly inserts some melodratic moments that turn the movie less solid and more superficial.
Rated 16 Mar 2021
A stunningly shot and scored family drama, full of subtle heart and power. The film finds its most affecting moments in the softly profound relationship of boy and grandmother, but all the adult performers give excellent, authentic turns. A beautiful glimpse of life brought to genuine effect on the screen: lovely.
Rated 02 Jan 2021
Soothing, classic, natural filmmaking that makes its impression early on by just focusing on the day-to-day of family and farm life. I wish the wife was more supportive and the husband more joyful, but that's life, and the children will still grow up and continue to struggle in their own way. A dutiful finale doesn't resolve anything; the only reassurance we get is that the minari continues to grow likewise.
Rated 12 Feb 2021
Will Patton is fantastic in this one, he alone make it worth the watch.
Rated 15 Jul 2021
Trevlig film med tjusiga bilder och gott skådespeleri. Men historien är tunn med tre n och den avslutande sens moralen direkt tvivelaktig (och oavsiktlig?). Efter hypen är jag lite besviken. Det blir en trea i betyg och den är inte direkt stark heller.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 25 Jan 2021
Rated 11 Sep 2021
My lofty expectations may have influenced my opinion. Pretty slow, though it was well done with interesting characters and setting.
Rated 07 Nov 2021
This movie is like water. It is soft and soothing, but also it can carve paths as it wills. Both lifting and sad, it's got a heart and it's pleasant to watch. I'm a horror and action movie fan, but this did hit me in a certain way. That little kid was a star, along with grandma!
Rated 16 Jan 2021
Subtle it ain't (by the end, we're in full-on Korean TV drama territory), but it's pretty enough and has two great leads in the parents.
Rated 19 Dec 2021
One can never say that this film does not exist. So there's that.
Rated 27 Dec 2021
Rated 03 Mar 2021
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Rated 14 Jan 2022
Life is hard. Do your best.
Rated 01 May 2022
This film has quite a charming feel to it. It clearly shows a family who are trying to do well for themselves and find their own Korean community/identity in America, although not everything goes well. Its very much a film about 'the American dream' - making your own success and getting on as best you can. Its got funny moments and serious moments. I liked the scenes with the young boy and the grandmother, them trying to get on and she trying to pass some knowledge down to him.
Rated 01 Aug 2022
This is about as good as it gets. An American story about a family of Korean immigrants.
Rated 24 Nov 2022
My expectations were subverted in many ways. This was pure family centric drama, with a few laughs sprinkled in, some good performances, and three dimensional characters. It lacked punch however, and doesn't have much of a rewatchability factor.
Rated 24 Jan 2023
It's just an average family drama, nowhere near as good as Jan Troell's The Emigrants or The New Land. Not even close to Places in the Heart. I guess I couldn't find this impressive because I have already seen more sophisticated representations of the subject.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Kore sineması iyiye doğru gidiyor derken, vasat 1 iş çıktı karşımıza. Kore'den Amerika'ya göç eden evli mutlu 2 çocuklu ailemiz, çiftlik evinde kalmaya başlar. Aile içine anneanne gelince, çocuklar aile olmanın değerini anlayacaktır. Çok fazla uzun. Kısa 1 film olsa beğenilir. Ama konu lastik gibi uzatılmış. Akıcı 1 kurgusu var. Youn Yuh-Jung çok iyi. Fakat hep aynı aile öyküleri. Filmin sonunda, klube yangını ve Minari. Ding dongu bozuk.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
You can't help but relate to the characters. Unless you were born rich and privileged, maybe
Rated 25 Jun 2023
A bit too painful for me, and as a dirt-poor gardener child, some of the scenes just seemed unrealistic. Apparently Chung lived in rural Arkansas so I don't know why it seems that way.
Rated 20 Sep 2023
average family drama
Rated 04 Feb 2024
One of the most beautiful films I’ve ever seen. Wonderful! The story of a family starting over. The trials they face and the ultimate faith that carries them through.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
Wow, I’m dismayed with the beauty and hopefulness of this peaceful story. It’s funny at some points, it’s sad at others and its a dreamy life we wish we could live. It is the American dream realised. The music is delicate and gentle, fitting through the whole film. My favourite part is even after all the struggle they never gave up. This film is inspiring
Rated 21 Mar 2021
w/ Büsra
Rated 09 Apr 2021
Rated 27 Mar 2021
This sure was an A24 movie. Contrived ending tho for sure.
Rated 11 Apr 2021
Such a warm story where the author's own experiences are clearly remembered fondly. Well acted all around.
Rated 15 Apr 2021
Heartfelt evocation of childhood memories has the ring of truth in its small details to make this feel genuine, lived in and authentic – the overheard parents fighting, the strange, alien seeming behaviour of the dotty grandma, Patton's inexplicable (and unexplained) religious devotion. The problem is a dramatic inertness, especially in the lack of fire (ahem) in the family dynamics; there is just not enough sustaining dramatic grist here, despite poignant and sincere performances.
Rated 26 Mar 2021
Minari was a warm and life like story of the conflict of two different nationalities. When you came to the country how much you should keep your own, how much take from the new country. As much as foreign habits are strange, vice verse.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
Guess it does a good job being as cute as tragic -- although the finale feels a too common -- slice of life tale about Korean experience in 1980s American, a place where they don't belong but try hard to make it either way. There are dozens of better films like that outside of US, but this one feels personal and detailed enough to impress western audiences.
Rated 20 Apr 2021
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Sometimes it's nice to see familiar characters on screen.
Rated 25 Mar 2021
Quiet drama with a couple of superb scenes and characters (like the Korean vet) that doesn't really go anywhere in the end. It's an OK indie film with higher production values than those usually have, but I found its pace too languid and its few dramatic points too inert.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
Seen 2x
Rated 27 Apr 2021
All the feelings. Full of heart and reminded me of my own family.
Rated 19 Feb 2021
Rated 19 Mar 2021
Spectacular acting shot under subtle dreamy lights. A portrait of the american dream.
Rated 14 May 2021
Wonderful story.
Rated 16 May 2021
Not my cup of tea.
Rated 13 Mar 2021
I’m the child of a Korean immigrant, so there was a lot in this film that I recognized from my own upbringing (both big and small - the ear-cleaning!) The end result was something that made me feel warm and fuzzy for pretty much its entirety (excepting some moments that are very clearly not meant to be taken that way).
Rated 07 Mar 2021
Blown away by the subtle yet strong acting. In terms of providing a snapshot, this movie is a notch below Nomadland and frankly is unlucky to be competing for major awards in the same year. Nonetheless, a very good watch.
Rated 24 May 2021
In many ways, this film treads on familiar ground. There is the struggle of starting one's own business in relative isolation. There are the family troubles ... Yeun wants to succeed on his own terms while his wife (Yeri Han) misses the community, security and comfort they had in California. Yet everything about the film is intriguingly unfamiliar in it's execution.
Rated 30 May 2021
very good. another great soundtrack by Emile Mosseri!
Rated 30 May 2021
I kept waiting for something to happen and then it was over.
Rated 03 Jun 2021
My favorite of the 93rd Best Picture nominees (seen all but two) and actually my favorite film of 2020, beating out three great horror films (a genre I love). Something about Minari is so simple, but so beautiful and easy to be engrossed by, despite is slow pace. The acting is great, and it’s directed well enough. As another user stated, I also got a Miyazaki vibe, mostly from the heart this film carries. It may not be everyone’s favorite, but it’s worth seeing at least once.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
A bittersweet family drama about the American dream.


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