Miami Connection
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Miami Connection

1h 27m
A ninja master, together with his army of ninjas, robs drug dealers and crooks in Miami's underground. As their allies, the ninjas have the feared and brutal biker gang in Miami. But a local rock band interferes, who will win the bloody fight.
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Miami Connection

1h 27m
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Avg Percentile 47.13% from 315 total ratings

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Rated 16 Jun 2013
On a whole other level of bad. It was a dozen different movies gelled together in a sticky gooey mess. Ninjas, rock stars, martial art masters, homo sexuals. The ending screen took an already over the top experience over that other top that we all thought was just out of reach. THEY WERE 100% SERIOUS.
Rated 18 May 2014
I choose to believe this movie is an artifact brought over from another universe where things are 50% more stupid and entertaining than in ours. The music, the dubbing, the shirtlessness, the heel-turn from 'A-team episode level shenanigans' to 'Apocalypse Now descent into gory madness' at the end... This was so damn entertaining, helped by a bright-eyed sense of cameraderie we rarely see these days. Those catchy Dragon Sound tracks will be carried with me forever. For. Ever.
Rated 30 Apr 2017
Y.K. Kim's beautiful 80's ballad of Taekwondo powered friendship is top tier so-bad-it's-good fun. Get down with the Central Florida music sensation, "Dragon Sound", and join up in their battle "Against the Ninjas", in what should be considered a piece of cinematic history. Only through the power of this film can we achieve world peace.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
mine eyes have seen the glory.
Rated 08 Jul 2013
This movie has ninjas fighting an 80s band that writes songs about fighting Ninjas. Why aren't you watching this movie right now?
Rated 17 Jun 2013
Ah, this movie. An international rock band of taekwondo orphans becomes the house band at a night club and is terrorized by Dexy's Midnight Cocaine Runners at the behest of the leader of the Miami Ninjas because of it. It suffers from wildly inconsistent editing, awkward and predictable plotting, and badly improvised dialogue, but the earnestness of the whole thing makes it oddly endearing when it's not just ridiculously funny. That ending message is just the icing on this wonderful cake.
Rated 11 May 2020
Watching really, really bad movies gives you a sense of perspective in the sense that you realize that most movies are actually a a lot better than we tend to give them credit for. It's hard to distinguish between degrees of unfathomable ineptitude, however, and If I hadn't watched 'Birdemic Shock and Terror' recently, my gut instinct rating for this movie would've probably been a big fat 0.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
The filmmaking equivalent of the Great Pyramid of Giza. No one knows how it got here, it smells damp and looks eroded, and aliens were likely involved.
Rated 04 Feb 2019
The movie equivalent of someone who's never set foot in a kitchen before, trying to make the best fucking sandwich the world has ever seen... Also, he might be high.
Rated 16 Oct 2014
It should be an ambassador of good bad movies. You have to be heartless not to be touched by the sincerity, kindness and naivety that birthed this masterpiece. Yes, I said it - unforgetable MASTERPIECE, and I'm not being cynical or ironic. Everything that's best about 80's comes together in a magical way. The story of how this film was made, and how it was rediscovered recently makes me believe that after all there is hope for humanity. This film is a dream come true. Rating it makes no sense.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
It's just so earnest about everything that I can't dislike it.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
One man's answer to the countless years of imperialistic terror unleashed upon the Chosun peninsula by its transmarine neighbors. What we can all learn from this movie: in the end, isn't everyone's mom Korean? Just a little?
Rated 19 Oct 2015
A movie that just loves everything. Even if it gets it wrong, That's OK! I love you, man! Shit, I simply cannot hate it.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
In the pantheon of bad movies, this one ranks high. Not quite on the level of Manos or The Room, but what makes this one almost in that elevated plane is the soundtrack, particularly the two songs, "Friends" and "Against the Ninja." The fight scene in the end between the two members of Dragon Sound and the ninjas is also unforgettable. The University of Central Florida should be proud.
Rated 30 Apr 2019
Bikers by day, shittyninjas at night and sometimes ninjas by day, bikers by night; Y.K. Kim failing jumps over his car; friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty; taekwondo is our way of life; and that DAMN band ruining everything. What a movie.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
A beautiful diamond in the rough. Deserves to be placed besides "The Room" in the pantheon of all-time great bad films.
Rated 08 Jul 2013
Such an earnest and heartfelt movie it transcends the horrendous acting and plotting and production value and becomes something you root for. It's not very good but it just inspires something in you. It's a lot of fun. It's what I wished Buckaroo Banzai was. Ridiculous, funny, and utterly serious. A total vanity project, awkward, bizarre and messy. Pure fucking cinema.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
Absolute genius. I really wanted "Friends" to play as they decapitated ninjas at the end. A roundabout masterpiece in that it accomplishes its intended thematic goals by failing instead of succeeding.
Rated 17 Mar 2014
One of the best Tae-Kwon-Do movies I've seen this week. Excellent soundtrack, too!
Rated 24 Sep 2019
Its earnest sincerity adds to the bewildering charm of this movie. It has no plot, no understanding of the concept of storytelling, but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives, despite this movie having so many flaws. I can't hate it.
Rated 17 Jul 2021
I can't even give Miami Connection a bad score. It's just so glorious in its ineptitude but sincere in it's attempts. A bunch of martial artists in a band take on a biker gang who happen to be ninjas. The premise is amazing and the execution doesn't disappoint either. Plus, I don't think I've ever seen a movie with a better ending title card.
Rated 07 Jul 2017
Although clearly a labour of love from writer, producer and star Y.K. Kim, this cheap action film is largely a tedious affair, providing little in the way of goofy entertainment despite an abundance of fight scenes, cheesy music and horrible acting. The climactic slaughter of dozens of ninja goons is immediately followed by an epilogue about avoiding violence, which is by far the funniest thing Miami Connection has to offer.
Rated 16 Aug 2019
Missed some points because the ninjas didn't get a diss track of their own. I should love this movie, I mean it's basically just tae kwon do Josie and the Pussycats vs. the Cocaine Ninja Army, but the boring shit just gets dragged on for way too long.
Rated 02 Nov 2018
My all time favorite B-movie. It's got everything you ever will need in a shitty action flick: martial arts, cheesy ass poprock songs about ninjas and friendship, ninjas on motorcycles, awkward monologues - ooooof, you just really have to watch this. Just do it. FRIENDS FOR ETERNITY LOYALTY HONESTY
Rated 21 Nov 2014
Could very well be the funniest movie I have ever seen. Unlike Manos Hands of Fate, here the ineptitude in the craftmanship is bypassed by the sheer enthusiasm and youthful confidence that this film exudes. A Tae Kwondo rockband, ninja bikers and a main character who simply CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH and you have the recipe for a really funny movie. The ending made me and my friends ROAR with laughter, and I urge you to check out this unforgettable cult classic, thankfully restored.
Rated 07 May 2014
Rated 11 Jul 2013
Since it tries so hard to be a good movie, I'll review it as one: Despite a lack of subtlety and cohesion with the plot, the soundtrack suits the overall tone. The characters are driven and develop in a unique...ok I can't do it. It's so bad! The acting, the story, the dialogue, all horrible. But it makes you laugh so hard and you can't take your eyes away! No matter how much I enjoyed it though, I wouldn't be able to respect myself if I gave it anything higher than a 50. So bad! So good!
Rated 05 Aug 2015
A martial-arts rock band comprised of high school students who are all ophans go up against drug-dealing motorcycle ninjas. Miami Connection is exactly as great as it sounds.
Rated 15 Oct 2013
See this with a rowdy audience at your local indie cinema. It's a great experience!
Rated 14 Mar 2020
(Rewatched vanilla: WORLD PEACE. Cool backstory to Y.K. Kim. Awesome songs. WTF biker bar nudity.) RiffTrax 85. Pretty stylish. There are so many different threads to this film: Orphans. Friends forever. Tae-Kwon-Do. "Dragon Sound." Ninjas. Fav scene: the first time they played the song was pretty cool---"I didn't know there was a war against the ninjas"
Rated 19 Sep 2018
One of those "so bad it's good" movies that transcends its utter lack of quality by riding that lack of quality into a weird, negaverse version of quality. Nothing makes sense, nothing works right, but the movie itself is overwhelmingly entertaining.
Rated 26 Sep 2013
the BEST tae kwan do documentary you will ever watch!
Rated 22 Mar 2021
Great in a "so bad it's good way". You can't help but love it because it's so sincere and absurd. And if you don't like "Friends" by Dragon Sound, then you're joyless.
Rated 17 Jun 2013
My new go-to 'so bad it's good' movie. Taekwondosploitation / rock-and-roll / drug war / ninja goodness. Surprisingly good music and really fun action scenes make this B-movie click; despite the bad acting and loose scripting I get a strange sense of brotherhood from the main cast. The middle section is weak at times but the last 15 minutes are AMAZING
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Pulls from all the worst cliches of the 1980's and pieces them all together like a dementia patient's scrap book to an unrequited love. The parallels between Tommy Wiseau and Y.K. Kim are so staggering it can't be coincidental. The foreshadowing music numbers are some strange concoction that acts as an adhesive to the film's fragmenting plot. By the end it becomes 'Zatoichi Meets Vietnam' and nobody knows what in the hell is going on. Highly Recommend for a Rifftrax.
Rated 26 Nov 2012
This is absolutely, utterly, euphorically batshit. It is impossible for a junk-action movie fan of a certain age not to have a blast with this thing, which comes off like a "NAKED GUN meets Ed Wood"-style bastardization/send-up of mid-80's action excess. It's just so ridiculously sincere, though! Undeniably one of the worst movies I've seen in some time, but also one of the most fun, so there you go.
Rated 17 Mar 2016
Birdemic's older, more likable uncle. Another bizarre soul mortgaged their future to make an action movie with a blatant moral only to end up with complete trash. A much higher ranking than it deserves for some so-bad-its-good moments.
Rated 04 May 2016
Just look at that poster! This is so American 1980s at their utmost silliness it hurts to think about it. The occasional partial female nudity barely conceals the fact that all the guys look gay as fuck. Fights abound. Korean Y.K. Kim who produced, made and starred, is a decent Taekwondo showman but no Hwang Jang-lee, and his fight choreography is awkward. This absolutely bombed upon release, but became a cult classic in retrospect thanks to its huge nostalgic and camp value. WTF am I watching?
Rated 28 Jul 2013
Why are there ninjas in Miami? Oh right, it's the 80's...there were ninjas in every city. How do you rate something like this? I'll just leave it as "it was the 80's" Now sing with me, "Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty, we'll stay together through thick or thiiiiiiiin. Friends forever we'll be to-ge-ther, we're on top 'cause we play to wiiiiiiiiin!" Repeat until your head explodes.
Rated 04 Oct 2015
Objectively a piece of crap. However if you're a connoisseur of 80s trash, this one has every trope, every writing mistake, every horrible actor you'd hope for. It's just like a current parody of 80s film, only it's not.
Rated 25 Dec 2012
Rated 12 Oct 2013
A movie that is not afraid to preach friendship and nonviolence while the heroes slaughter dozens for reasons that are never fully explained. The dialogue is funny sometimes though.
Rated 06 Jul 2022
For the better part of a century, the 'Yosemite Firefall' on summer evenings saw burning garbage heaved off Glacier Point for the enjoyment of onlookers below. Here's a celluloid equivalent: trashy pedigree, but striking from a (temporal) distance. Inept execution aside, the film's steeped with an oh-so-80s affability that won me over on first watch. It seems both longer and shorter than its actual runtime, and any buff of good-badness owes it a viewing. "Let the fire fall!"
Rated 19 Jun 2013
For better or worse, I don't think any other movie exists with this much... sincerity.
Rated 19 May 2023
Sometimes all you need is the power of friendship and a good soundtrack to be entertaining. FRIENDS THROUGH ETERNITY, LOYALTY, HONESTY!
Rated 18 Jun 2022
Aesthetically, it feels like a distillation of everything we now see as the '80s Aesthetic, as if a parody of '80s action movies was sent back in time to take its place among them. Storywise, it's a lot of baffling multi-faction action nonsense, but through this turf wends a weirdly coherent theme about healthy and supportive found families vs. toxic biological families, with a lot of queer subtext? It's just a lot of chaotic, weirdly sincere fun.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
The astonishing form of this film is rewarding to study (play certain scenes again, maybe in slow motion). There are some really amazing moments where a surprise cut will only serve to confuse everything that's going on, which is already confusing. I found this quite intense emotionally after the hash brownie kicked in near the end.
Rated 07 Jan 2022
Ridiculous. Very entertaining. Friends Forever song won’t ever get out of your head.
Rated 18 Dec 2021
Funny in all the wrong way and unfortunately not that entertaining without a case of beer and a group of friends to watch it with.
Rated 26 Feb 2021
Very enjoyable B movie. Just have beer before and during it and you will have a great time.
Rated 09 Sep 2021
Pure 80s kino.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
So hilarious that it almost makes up for how terrible the acting, plotting, and everything else.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
Starts out great but doesn't really hold up to the end. That said, I've been playing the soundtrack on repeat and reminiscing the best scenes. I've got a feeling that this will improve on repeated viewings as there are so many outrageous details to enjoy.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
Vincent Hirsch is a wild animal and I am genuinely scared for these ninja he was going against.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
One of the best camp movies I've seen in a little while. Absolutely hilarious.
Rated 26 May 2014
Grows on me more everytime I watch it
Rated 28 Oct 2012
Rated 28 Dec 2017
I like the music and the homoeroticism. Everything else is an unamusing failure.
Rated 25 Jun 2013
This movie is hilarious and shittastic. Once you watch a band called Dragon Sound battle motorcycle riding ninjas you're life will never be the same. Or something like that. I love this movie.
Rated 02 Jul 2017
Wonderful. Stop the senseless killing now!
Rated 26 Jun 2011
Terrible terrible acting meets the most hilariously enthusiastic half-homosexual group of white guys that fight for peace by kicking the shit out of everybody. I don't know, I find it seriously endearing! The music isn't bad for its 80s sound and its focus on friendship and peace is kind of radical. There's a genuine viewable friendship between all the characters, and the kung fu really isn't bad either. Camp included, a very watchable and enjoyable film
Rated 14 Feb 2014
Everything that was wrong about the 80s meets everything that I loved in the 80s - girls, rock music, taekwondo, chuck norris looking toughs
Rated 27 Dec 2014
When I hear the phrase "accidental masterpiece," this is what comes to mind.
Rated 18 Mar 2014
"against the ninja" and "friends" are simply superb. the rest is so-so. most of the time it's pretty bad, but not hilariously bad. some scenes are solid gold though.
Rated 29 Apr 2013
Transcendently dopey. You WILL memorize every Dragon Sound song (mainly because of the simple rhymes).
Rated 21 Apr 2017
Hilariously bad
Rated 01 Sep 2014
A euphoric ode to youthful enthusiasm. Even the violence in the final act has certain naivete. Disregard that all the cast members look middle-aged.


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