Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
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Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Comedy, Drama
1h 45m
A teenage filmmaker befriends a classmate with cancer. (imdb)

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Comedy, Drama
1h 45m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 59.48% from 1727 total ratings

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Rated 24 Feb 2019
Another indie movie placing high value on quirkiness. When "Juno" tried this and people raved about it, I more or less shunned the very idea that one of these could be great, but this one has a loving attention to detail only surpassed by it's fantastic exploration of relationships. The subtle and less subtle references to classic movies are a nice nod to filmophiles like myself. Sure, the dying girl may be a bit of a device, but when everything else is sublime, who cares?
Rated 07 Jul 2015
Beautiful photography and camerawork. I wasn't surprised to find out the cinematography was done by Chung-hoon Chung, notable for collaborating on almost all of Chan-wook Park park's best looking movies. Its plot and characters often can't hold it afloat, though. It has a lot of good faces, but the overbearing whimsy, unearned sentimentality, and a dying girl that's mostly a device rather than a flesh and blood person, frequently works against what could have been a genuinely touching story.
Rated 14 Jun 2015
What's so frustrating about Me and Earl is that it's only half of a good movie. Initially, it seemed like it was going to be an antidote to the usual sappiness that makes the teenage weepie genre so unbearable. But quirky witticisms alone cannot sustain a full-length feature and the lack of character development becomes obvious halfway through as it shifts to a more emotional tone that feels completely unearned.
Rated 06 Mar 2016
I appreciate this film (beautiful cinematography), and it somehow manages to avoid being the melodramatic sapfest that its title implies, but it didn't warm the cockles of my heart. This is a badly written review.
Rated 14 Jun 2015
same cliched story where boy is coming of age, dealing with being a social outcast, using a young woman dying of cancer to project his own male adolescent issues
Rated 19 Jun 2015
This is kinda like the unnecessarily early remake of The Fault in Our Stars on drugs. Accidentally.
Rated 14 Jun 2015
'dur hur it haz movie references, duuuh!' Nah, beyond that, this is just well-constructed, emotionally effective filmmaking. Precise in tone, sincere in performances, and HOLY SHIT CHUNG-HOON CHUNG'S PHOTOGRAPHY IS GREAT. And yeah, it's kind of a love letter to the Criterion Collection/cinema in general too.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
Me and the sidekick with no written personality and the dying girl with no agency. That’s the negative. It’s otherwise an acceptable surviving high school film with a lot of fun low grade films within the film and as ever it’s nice to see Nick Offerman. For some reason despite our titular Me spending a lot of time in her room, the movie tries a Usual Suspects ending that had us laughing at the film, not with.
Rated 03 Apr 2016
Some authentic and funny moments in this. Reminded me of my teen years, making friends and movies. What a funny father figure the Nick Offerman character would make.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
Dat Asian Winnie Cooper, though...
Rated 27 Dec 2015
Perhaps this film got better in its second half, but the main character - a completely implausible teen enamored of the kind of artsy, obtuse & relatively obscure films that only the most pretentious adult film studies majors ever champion - was too much to stomach and I had to stop watching. He's also got a black best friend from an entirely different socioeconomic background w/ the same unlikely taste & a mom who insists he force his company on a dying girl to, you know, get the story going.
Rated 23 Dec 2015
Earl's life advice of "Play wit dem titties" is absolutely one which I can get behind. In fact, Earl is a goddamn life guru who never opens his eyes more than half way. This reminds me of a much more subdued and subtle "Scott Pilgrim", just in terms of dialogue and imagery and tone (not to insinuate that those two films are ANYTHING alike). I think this is the first time I've seen Jon Bernthal NOT be a reprehensible character. Beats its own path through this genre and should be respected for it.
Rated 10 Nov 2015
I was pleasantly surprised by the characters. It was not hard to become invested in them, especially the young Thomas Mann. The story is heart warming & unique. I really liked the odd quirky characters & the slow thoughtful pace of the story. Some subjects were difficult, but portrayals were carefully considered & displayed with some elegance, lacking only romance. Many good moments. Good music & production quality. Excellent writing and directing. Overall it was well worth watching.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Hey, reader of my review. Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything negative about this movie. Really, it's fine, this movie is getting a score of 100, and nothing less than that. OH DANG I FOOLED YOU IT'S ONLY 55!! I creating contrast yet?
Rated 20 Oct 2015
A different kind of teen movie, a kind I'd like to see a lot more of. Very well done, intelligent, and touching. The style is perhaps a tad self-conscious, but Thomas Mann and Olivia Cooke are fantastic.
Rated 13 Oct 2015
It isn't really revolutionary or perfect or even completely brilliant, but still, it was invigorating. It was smart and very witty and I loved parts of it very much. It's a nice antidote to The Fault in Our Stars, without losing the emotion. The cast was great, and the dialogue was sharp and funny. I also thought the direction and camerawork was pretty excellent. I wasn't completely satisfied with the third act, but the first two more than made up for it. Highly recommended.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
It's a very well-crafted film but it didn't really "get me" like it should. YMMV. A lot smarter than most other films like it.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
No need to say that I believe that this is an absolute fantastic film. A must see, obviously. My opinion here :
Rated 06 Oct 2015
Enjoyable indie flick which basically takes a movie-of-the-week synopsis and turns that into an entertaining and surprisingly touching film. It's not very believable - especially home movies, but I guess it's not really meant to be. The bigger fault is the style which is basically how you would imagine Wes Anderson handling the script. Hopefully the director does find his own voice with his next films. That said, I still count this one among the best coming-of-age films of late.
Rated 27 Sep 2015
Very enjoyable movie with beautiful cinematography and great acting. I love the importance of details in this story, especially in the final scene with the chipmunks and the books. This movie broke my heart a little bit and, oh, I think I fell in love with Olivia Cooke. But seriously, I would recommend it to any fan of coming-off-age movies.
Rated 24 Sep 2015
That Wolverine poster scene was great. And a bunch of other memorable scenes. / 2:48 P.M. Cowboy :)) / Martin Scorsese:
Rated 21 Sep 2015
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015) is one of the best emotional experiences of the year! Made me cry, so yeah.... an exceptional film. Didn't hurt for a film buff that it was a movie for film buffs.
Rated 27 Jun 2015
If I was a film school teacher, I'd make this my first screening for incoming students--both because of its love of art films and as a coming-of-age story. It's simplistic in its tale of a young person evolving, although I could've done without a young man learning a lesson at the expense of a dying girl. Its big misstep is mistaking cute for humor and not being as profound as other YA dramas. Still, it looks wonderful and has fantastic moments set to Brian Eno music.
Rated 26 Jun 2015
I kinda wish they had done more than just cobble together a bunch of half-baked references to actual great movies (in this regard, it's like Seth MacFarlane's Criterion Collection) and a bunch of Brian Eno's best songs and called it a day. There's nothing meaningful about the way they are utilized in the film; it only made me want to go home and watch a Herzog movie and listen to Another Green World for the hundredth time.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
It's smart and has a beautiful ending, but it imitates style instead of inventing its own.
Rated 27 Sep 2018
A charming film that delights with its quirky cinematography and resonates with its humanity. Mann (who has a Domhnall Gleason quality) portrays Greg, the protagonist with a few too many character flaws, edging between annoying and unlikable. Cooke plays the doe-eyed dying girl. The relationship between the two makes for a compelling watch, awkward moments and all. At its heart a coming of age story done well.
Rated 24 Jan 2018
Another of these high-schooler films with a sombre message about death. Is there a trend? I liked the characters, and especially all the goofy Gondry-esque films and art direction that was injected. The main lad in particular was refreshing, until he predictably went off into his 2nd act meltdown, which dragged the film into a lull which went on a tad too long. Overall? Rather too downbeat an ending to enjoy. Shame, it had a little more potential than the cookie-cutter teen films, but wasted it.
Rated 06 Feb 2017
Surprisingly this quirky film making style is still working somehow. The plot twist was one of the saddest I have ever seen.
Rated 01 Dec 2016
Touching and sweet movie peppered with great classic film references and quality soundtrack by Eno to complete the package. It would be easy to fault it for being formulaic and just playing the right notes at the right time for effect, but I find it hard to be harsh on it. For one, it's movie for teenagers, and it's great at being that. I can only think of three good teen movies made in 2010's, and this is one of them (Perks of Being A Wallflower and Spectacular Now are other two).
Rated 12 Sep 2016
Enjoyable enough to watch -- moving, even -- but suffers from a bad case of the ManicPixieDreamGirls. Said character is less manic and pixie-ish here, more sick and dying, but her function is the same. Earl is similarly employed.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
You can't spell the title of this movie without the word MEAN. Yes, this movie is very mean... but it was also really great. Cancer is a terrible thing and it effects everyone. You'd be hard pressed to find a family out there that hasn't been punched in the gut by this terrible disease. So of course, many movies are made about people afflicted by it. Luckily, this movie doesn't just focus on the sickness and suffering...
Rated 15 Jul 2016
A poignant and quirky coming of age story about friendship. Interesting camera work and direction and I loved all the film references which complemented the story perfectly.
Rated 16 May 2016
Beautiful and uniquely shot cinematography (with good music) and an engaging narrated story set-up (with its fair share of quirky characters-see Offerman's oddball dad) set a nice tone for this indie flick that does falter slightly in its storytelling (see Greg's weakly justified narration lie, him and Earl's unfounded fallout, the slightly dragged out ending), but some poignant time-passing montages and climactic scenes (the hospital film viewing, Greg exploring Rachel's room) do wonders.
Rated 15 May 2016
The thing the really amazes here, is the shear amount of cliches that were able to be stuffed into this. The film is essentially a "Super Indie" as it has every quirky thing known to man. That isn't to say it isn't entertaining, however.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Lying narrator - cheap...I mean check... It's a cool movie, but it seems like more could have been done with the material/subject matter. I mean, the narration lie is probably the movie's biggest flaw, since it seriously weakens her death scene and pretty much kills all the emotional potential leading up to it. I don't know if that's the only reason, but I couldn't really connect to this one.
Rated 26 Feb 2016
Quirky and moving, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is a wonderfully written piece of film that is filled with charm and awkward humor that makes the hard-hitting parts of the film all the more beautiful.
Rated 16 Feb 2016
Movie of the week for people who love cinema. The short films within the film are brilliant and had me grinning from ear to ear. I also wonder if the director was dared to use every unconventional angle imaginable while filming.
Rated 07 Feb 2016
It can get too twee in spots (if, say, Juno had full-blown tweeness AIDS, this is more like a tweeness cold), but overall has likable characters and a moving story and some solid laughs (the druggie bully guy who vowed revenge on our hero made me laugh) and much better cinematography than you'd ever really expect from this kind of teen dramedy deal.
Rated 04 Feb 2016
The story of a high-school senior forced to befriend a classmate who has just been diagnosed with leukemia, and the sincere, nonsexual connection that forms as a result (sorry, "The Fault in Our Stars," but there's no nookie here), this rousing adaptation of Jesse Andrews' novel is destined not only to connect with young audiences in a big way, but also to endure as a touchstone for its generation.
Rated 03 Jan 2016
I was completely captured by this movie at first. It has witty comedy, highlighted by the cleverly titled movie parodies Greg and Earl create. My main issue is the tonal shift which betrays everything I liked about the film and turns it in a completely different direction.
Rated 02 Jan 2016
A tragically beautiful film about a teenager diagnosed with leukemia, this beautifully shot, hilariously yet poignantly written, and surprisingly well acted coming of age story is sure to bring on the feels. It acting as a love-letter to the classic films didn't hurt at all either.
Rated 10 Dec 2015
Within the first few minutes, I knew that I was going to enjoy this. The characters were good, and performances likewise. I especially enjoyed RJ Cyler. The last 15-20 minutes stood out the most. It was beautiful, and the music to support was superb. *Good
Rated 23 Sep 2015
Great story with amazing cinematography, and a lot of insanely beautiful, silent moments. The slightly annoying main character and the missing characterization of the dying girl were a bit of a letdown though. Maybe that's something to look for in the book itself? Anyways, still a beautiful and moving coming-off-age movie and very recommendable.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
a film that wants to be good & probably would be adored by lovers of indie films. However, for me, it didn't really work due to the overuse of unique camera choices, an unlikeable main character, not enough emotion, wobbly performances and some too dark humour. Nevertheless, the story was absolutely brilliant which makes that and Olivia Cooke's performance for the last two thirds of the film the saving graces of the movie. It is no The Fault in Our Stars but it is definitely not terrible.
Rated 26 Aug 2015
An original albeit like-it-or-loathe-it coming of age film with three strong central performances.
Rated 28 Jul 2015
There's some times it's actually good. And even like one or two times it's funny. And then there's the other 100 minutes of ambivalence I felt about all this cleverness mistaking itself for style.
Rated 23 Jul 2015
This is the one that uses a dying girl as a macguffin so a hipster teenager can go on a journey of self discovery. Along the way are dozens of references to classic 60s and 70s movies that are more a distraction than anything. The filmmaking and acting is alright I guess.
Rated 15 Jul 2015
Completely incompatible with such a positive teachable moment, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl also drags out of its pockets (like so many greasy and gross tater tots) handfuls of bad ideas, dirty jokes and harsh profanity. Just the kind of unnecessary content that might lead Napoleon Dynamite to let out an exasperated "Gosh!" (
Rated 04 Jul 2015
How am I supposed to digest these feels and this popcorn all at the same time?
Rated 30 Jun 2015
Heartbreaking without a hint of sappiness; this is a rare film which keeps surprising even when the end is clear.
Rated 24 Jun 2015
Not great but it works.
Rated 28 May 2015
Good acting, intelligent and funny writing, subversions of clichés, and a ton of emotionally compelling moments make it easy to see why it won the Grand Jury Prize at this year's Sundance Film Festival. I loved Me and Earl and the Dying Girl from start to finish. It's one of 2015's best films, and it's something I'd pretty much consider a must-watch.
Rated 25 Aug 2024
Beautifully shot movie about the ugliness of grief. Very relatable characters.
Rated 20 Mar 2024
Sweet, heartfelt, well acted. Can't ask much more from these coming of age dramedies.
Rated 09 Aug 2023
A captivating, relatable film that captures the thoughts, emotions and behaviours of the teenage protagonists very well. It is both funny and moving without overdoing either, its engaging characters are brought to life by the great acting, and the photography is beautiful. The titular film-within-a-film is a testament to the power of moviemaking and how much can be conveyed by the way you string shots together, but above all it's a film about adolescence, death, self-image, love and friendship.
Rated 27 Apr 2023
eng; [Me and Earl and the Dying Girl]; ein introvertierter Filmemacher freundet sich mit einer an Krebs erkrankten Klassenkameradin an.;
Rated 09 Apr 2023
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is a good enough movie, but I wanted to like it more than I eventually did. Stylistically this is exactly the kind of movie I enjoy (I mean Indian Paintbrush is literally one of the production companies). The cast is great. I really liked Mann as the lead, but I actually think Cooke is the highlight. That said as much as this movie tries, the film can't quite escape all of the bullshit YA trappings in the screenplay. A good solid effort, but not great.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
?????? ?????? ???????????????13 Reasons Why?????
Rated 05 May 2021
There's a fine line between twee and annoying and this really stepped across it too many times.
Rated 17 Mar 2021
Very touching
Rated 09 Jan 2021
I love Olivia Cooke but the majority of the stuff I've seen her in she plays a girl with cancer. Just saying kinda nuts. Also this film is a hell of a coming of age story l, an interwoven tale about friendship, the craft of film making, and death. It's made me teary eyed once or twice :,)
Rated 24 Dec 2020
This is a lightly humourous, fairly decently put together film and I kind of hate it. Every single thing about it feels totally disingenuous.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
good movie
Rated 20 Apr 2017
Seen: 2x
Rated 19 Feb 2017
This movie made me hate movies.
Rated 09 Mar 2016
#16#, exp4, rw2, story, ratings, (cast)
Rated 30 Jan 2016
6- pretty good, decent
Rated 20 Oct 2015
Rated 12 Oct 2015
Başlarında bu kadar etkileyeceğini hiç belli etmedi ama işte... I cried like a little bitch.


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