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May December
May December
Your probable score
May December

May December

1h 53m
Twenty years after their notorious tabloid romance gripped the nation, a married couple buckles under the pressure when an actress arrives to do research for a film about their past. (imdb)

May December

1h 53m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.22% from 595 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Jan 2024
The best analysis of hollywood in the history of film. In an attempt to find the “truth” in a story about sexual assault and child abuse, the film industry ends up making it even more real, mirroring what it depicts and deepening its issues. “It’s getting more real”, exchanging an awful “character trait” for a job in a movie and casting a “sexy” underage actor. All of this in a facade of camp and suspense, while respecting the victims. Bravo!
Rated 23 Dec 2023
Gripping deconstruction of truecrime biopics with the aesthetic of the salacious films it is exploring. Puts us on the hook for being party to it in the way a lot of modern media does, also shows care for its victims. Very lightly peppered with pitch black humour Moore and Portman both play manipulators, one who is exposed for the world to see and one trying to simulate their experiences for catharsis. How those who live traumatic events are desperate to not relive them and everyone else, well..
Rated 19 Dec 2023
Classed-up camp that broadcasts its intentions at the start when Julianne Moore opens her fridge to a dramatic music cue and sighs, “I don’t think we’ll have enough hot dogs.” I also remember that TV movie about Mary Kay Letourneau, Mr. Haynes. This could go a little harder at the unseemly business of commodifying real pain and tragedy, but I appreciate the commitment to the bit.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
A bizarre story to tell and then, not long after it starts, you realize Todd Haynes is going to do it full camp but disguised as prestige. What an idea. Both actresses are game and this moves with a languid pace that just emotes sadness. I found it quite funny.
Rated 30 Nov 2023
Todd's best since Safe?
Rated 11 Mar 2024
It raises more questions it feels comfortable answering. Incest subplot - dropped. Cheating - brushed aside. Qualms of the oldest daughter - ignored. Relationship drama is forgotten by the end and proper conclusion avoided. I know there's an appeal to intriguing ambiguity but then there's just lazily throwing around a dozen interesting plot threads and concluding them with a "the audien will fill in the blanks". Eff off. I’m not doing your writing for you, movie.
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Think of the trashiest, most scandalous and exploitative basic cable documentary you've ever seen. Now, imagine it in slow motion. That's what this movie is. Truly baffled by the fact that people are calling this a comedy. Normally, for movies like this, I could see SOMETHING that justifies that label. But I think I saw more humor in the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2, and I'm not exaggerating.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
Why is this being so hyped?
Rated 11 Jan 2024
Another one of those “Don’t get the praise” movies as usual. Oh well, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Certainly didn’t see it as being laugh out hilarious like everyone else did. Also the music was annoying and the soap opera feeling did not do any favours for me. Charles Melton was the best thing going for it, as his scenes were the most interesting and emotionally engaging for me by a country mile. The rest didn’t do much for me personally.
Rated 31 Dec 2023
a PHENOMENAL performance from charles melton. who knew the riverdale guy had it in him? I really love how haynes' camera mimics the tabloid/soap opera aesthetic.
Rated 04 Dec 2023
Todd Haynes is a great director who understands how to use media history in his cinematic storytelling. So I thought him riffing on the tabloid drama of Mary Kay Letourneau sleeping with a 12 year old boy would be perfect. But the film doesn't use any real commentary other than having an intellectual coastal elite Hollywood actress examine a dysfunctional small town family. It only gets a minor recommendation for including another amazing entry in the Julianne Moore Loves to Cry... compilation.
Rated 07 Oct 2023
A devastating look at generational trauma, loss of innocence, arrested development, and repression, and a cutting analysis of performance and facade from multiple viewpoints. It’s in many ways a takedown of the concept of “method” work. The fact it does all this without making anyone a villain or anything other than fully-three dimensional - and while also being extremely darkly funny a lot of the time - is nothing short of a miracle.
Rated 03 May 2024
Remember when James Franco worked on a soap opera for reasons? This feels a bit like Haynes making a Lifetime movie.
Rated 23 Apr 2024
Features such a scandalous concept, that there are expectations for this film to be more controversial and daring than it is. Instead, it keeps its distance from potential controversy as it treads water with this scandal. The acting from the three seems good, but it also feels as if it's ignoring its own potential just to focus on these actors instead.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
Apparently was supposed to be a dark comedy? Just ended up being severely disturbing. But very well-made disturbing. Not sure I would want to watch it again. Charles Melton was incredible.
Rated 25 Mar 2024
…I don’t think we have enough hot dogs. *(said after the most dramatic music)*
Rated 07 Mar 2024
One of those beautiful movies that revels in the fact that acting is full of sociopaths. Maybe his best movie? Certainly his funniest. #top5Todd
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Many of my favorite directors have a real sense of how to wed music to image. Todd Haynes is not one of those directors. Though I like his quirky humor ("Just don't touch any of the bait."), the mediocre, intrusive score is a bit like "Succession"-lite, with none of its originality. It's a huge blemish on an otherwise--despite some heavy-handed metaphors--interesting flick. Julianne Moore does brittle/manipulative/passive-aggressive so very well. Excellent cameo by Cory Michael Smith as Georgie.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
I love Todd Haynes, especially when he's using the tropes of not-embraced low culture to create something very new. He often has done this with Hollywood melodrama, and here he works mainly with the completely not-at-all-embraced TV true crime films from the days of network television. He's partly just examining these characters, but also examining his and our examination of these characters. I don't think I have ever seen Charles Melton before, but he is amazing here.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
Considering the story this film is based off, May December is pretty disappointing. Several story threads left unfinished, and despite a decent run time it doesn't end up saying very much.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
I loved the version of the movie that didn't try to be clever by mimicing campy soap operas. I hope it exists.
Rated 24 Jan 2024
A movie of quiet moments that is saved by the delicate (and unnerving) dance between Portman and Moore. Are they friendly? Enemies? Portmam plays a famous actress coming to sleepy Savannah to shadow a notorious woman for a movie role about her actions. It seems up to the viewer to decide whether Moore's character is evil or just damaged, but by the end of the movie we wonder the same for a few others as well. The two leads elevate what is otherwise a quiet (almost too quiet) meditation. PSI: 85
Rated 07 Jan 2024
I concentrated on a glass of water for a few seconds, and it felt like a scene straight out of this movie
Rated 05 Jan 2024
More interesting than it was entertaining. Makes a strong point about exploitation and ethics of making films. There were a few times that the swelling music seemed out of place and unintentionally comical.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
Utterly fascinating (and troubling) portrait of the prurient interests of the media; told in a diabolically slippery meta way, connecting on big swings left and right – filmed like a glossy 90s TVM exploitationer (down to the laughably overstated, but somehow perfect use of music stings), but sharp and incisive as it follows Portman’s PERSONA-like journey into darkness. Brilliantly performed by all – too much here on a first viewing to properly collect my thoughts. Will be back!
Rated 27 Dec 2023
There's a multi-layered campiness to this portrayal of a tabloid-y story being turned into an actress's dream role. I liked that the film finds a perfect balance between tones and can be equal parts dramatic, tragic, and funny. The power struggle between Portman and Moore's characters takes center stage, but Charles Melton to me steals the movie as the boy whose youth was taken from him and now has nearly adult kids, yet is still somewhat of a man-child himself.
Rated 05 Dec 2023
I feel like I was watching a wildly different movie than everyone else. May December is such a slow, boring, confused mess of a film. I can't believe people are actually raving about such flat performances. Really the movie hints at multiple interesting paths it could have taken, but then just decides to do nothing with it's screen time. None of the supposedly campy elements were at all funny (god that horrible piano score), and only serve to take you out of the film.
Rated 05 Dec 2023
It reeks of intellectual exercise -think of Sirk's strategy to use soap opera trappings to address deeper issues taken to an extreme- but it's also very organic and moving as it pertains the superb handling of actors. The style is uncomfortable and even contradictory, so is the movie. Watch this space. About: Bunch of guys completely devoid of self regard. And Hollywood. And abuse. And comedy?
Rated 03 Dec 2023
never delivers the trainwreck payoff you spent the movie waiting for, but still engaging nonetheless
Rated 03 Dec 2023
The sheer absurdity that an actor from Riverdale was able to do this. And, not even the original actor for the character! I suffered through probably five seasons of that show, and never once did I see an actor and think, "they will be nominated for an Academy Award some day". I am glad I was wrong.
Rated 02 Dec 2023
Good but not Todd Haynes good. I sadly don’t seem to connect with his later stuff as much as I did his earlier work. It is compelling at times, and the two leads are excellent, but it wandered into soapy territory a bit too much for my liking. The terribly over-dramatic music didn’t help. That piano put my teeth on edge
Rated 14 Sep 2024
One snake in the hand is worth two in the trousers.
Rated 26 Jul 2024
Maybe there is something I don't get about this movie, people who actually read tabloids seem to like it. There is no character development, just awkwardness, and it feels like the makers are very much in love with their own work.
Rated 20 Jul 2024
The three leads all give good performances in this film. Their performances make this film worth watching. This movie is not plot heavy but very much character driven. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 06 Jun 2024
I loved how uncomfortable the entire movie is.
Rated 05 Mar 2024
May December is beautiful to look at and hideous to contemplate; a beautiful viper of a movie. So directly combining presentation and story makes it a vivid movie to engage with on an analytical level, but it is also wonderfully entertaining. The acting is best of the year level (Portman’s best performance?), the score is magnificent and the humor bites just right. I want to watch it again to find out what it is trying to say about our and media’s relation to truth and other hidden themes.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
Rated 22 Feb 2024
Absolute crap!
Rated 15 Feb 2024
audiovisual 74 acting 79 overall feeling 71 avg 75
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Too busy being in awe of its arthouse-self.
Rated 01 Feb 2024
I always expect Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore to deliver the goods, but who knew that Reggie from Riverdale could act!?
Rated 21 Jan 2024
A film which is somewhat identical to Synecdoche, New York, in the way it represents our voyeuristic tendencies and how it affects the lived reality. Excellent performances from all the lead characters.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
This reminded me of Notes on a Scandal in both somber subject matter and dramatic tone. Treated with careful tact and talent, it's a combination that tends to win me over. The entire cast is phenomenal. It's not quite making waves with critics and audiences, but I think this will be given some kind retrospectives in a few years.
Rated 18 Jan 2024
keeps you hooked the whole time, a study in story-telling.
Rated 11 Jan 2024
I was just in awe by all the raw beauty of it.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
There’s a lurid, made-for-t.v. movie quality that gives the film a wicked streak that’s both tongue-in-cheek and deliciously potent.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
A difficult movie to rate. Not conventionally entertaining, and on the surface level, it is a pretty thin plot. But I always was curious where it was going, and it leaves you a lot to think about. Strong performances from all three leads, I could give more thoughts but don't want to spoil anything.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
the horroriest non-horror movie
Rated 24 Dec 2023
The two greatest performances of 2020s so far are here. Wow.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
Wow. A lot of people talk about the humor in this and the campiness, but I didn't find it very funny or even all that campy, but what is here is a pretty brilliant deconstruction of these people and their situation. I love the framing device of an actress doing research for her role. Many have criticized the score, but I loved it. In some ways I think it's closer to horror film than comedy. Portman and Moore are both great and Melton might steal the show from them both. Incredible film.
Rated 20 Dec 2023
Rated 14 Dec 2023
The Color Pallette is soothing enough for me to watch the film. Could've been seen more if the other actors were as good as the two leads. The last encounter between Elizabeth and Gracie ruins the structure we were forming alongside with Elizabeth, however the fact doesn't change that LITTLE Joe is still in an abusive relationship. Recommended.
Rated 12 Dec 2023
Much funnier than I anticipated. In an uncomfortable way, because I was obviously laughing at them. Maybe that makes me the joke.
Rated 12 Dec 2023
A pretty twisted psychological thriller that hides in plain sight. Great dissonant score and gestural performances that highlight the pitch black core leaking between the lines here.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
An unsettling film that is well-cast, May December has amazing performances by Melton especially and also Portman. The music is eerie and the topics explored are dark. Portman reawakens her character from Black Swan in some ways.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
The camp didn’t work for me. Just a different music score would’ve improved it several notches. Julianne Moore is incredible though.
Rated 09 Dec 2023
It was a very good character movie— not Moore’s character though surprisingly! Charles Milton was phenomenal and heartbreaking. Portman was deliciously manipulative and creepy. Also, the racial subtext was surprisingly deep for a Hollywood movie (and something I think that flew over many people's heads). But then again, Todd Haynes is extremely talented and perceptive. Very solid film.
Rated 07 Dec 2023
Light and forgettable
Rated 05 Dec 2023
Haynes' well-crafted movie presents us with a lot of interesting pieces but I did not find that they came together to form a particularly satisfying whole. Neither did I care very much for Natalie Portman's performance, and I thought that Charles Melton's was hit-and-miss (De Niro should get the supporting actor nod). But Julianne Moore was ace.
Rated 04 Dec 2023
You have to stick around for the ending, which puts the entire movie in a different, absurd light. Natalie Portman very impressive once again and special mention to the well chosen music. The film gives a sense of displacement and uncomfortableness because it's delibaretely emotionally confusing. The camera keeps at a distance and there's a lot of actress vis-a-vis talking to themselves in the mirror. Interesting movie
Rated 04 Dec 2023
Rated 04 Dec 2023
My ★★★★½ review of May December on Letterboxd
Rated 03 Dec 2023
Wait, what's the title about?!
Rated 02 Dec 2023
Not top tier Haynes, but has all of his old hallmarks.
Rated 01 Dec 2023
Built around Portman and Moore, who are lovely. Hard to decide what I think. Interesting contrast between campiness and sincerity but the campiness might not fit, instead threatening to bury the performances. Script has some layers, but outside of one scene, I never felt the heaviness, even though Haynes tried to drench MD in it. Even with Portman/Moore trying, the emotion felt hollow. It's challenging, and maybe in time I'll reflect more favourably on it. Respect and like, don't love.
Rated 20 Nov 2023
Reaction-shot of the year: Joey the guitarist. I cackled.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
"May December" highlights Todd Haynes' talent for enigmatic female leads, with standout performances from Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman. Haynes' use of melodrama and Philip Rothman's piano theme adds charm. However, the film falls short in addressing conflicts and emotional crescendos, leaving a sense of ambiguity and unresolved tension. The script captures intriguing dynamics but lacks direct challenges for Gracie, limiting character complexity and exploration of the underlying issues.


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