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Match Point
Romance, Drama
2h 4m
Match Point is a drama about ambition and obsession, the seduction of wealth, and the often discordant relationship between love and sexual passion. Perhaps most importantly, however, the story reveals the huge part luck plays in the events of our lives, refuting the comforting misconception that more of life is under our control than really is. (Dream Works Pictures)
Match Point
Romance, Drama
2h 4m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 58.84% from 6917 total ratings
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Rated 07 May 2007
What a gut-wrenching movie. My stomach was in knots for about the last hour of the film. I knew going in what the big plot point was, but that didn't make it any less tense and gripping. You can't help but feel that any minute, a single thread will unravel and the entire thing will come crashing down on Chris. A hell of a drama/thriller, with some effective dark comedic elements and a really strong philosophical statement about luck.
Rated 07 May 2007
Rated 25 Sep 2009
A huge comeback from Allen after countless years of deterioration. A gut-wrenching, heart-throbbing and afflictive thriller with many complicated logics and statements about luck and death. Chris's predicaments and challenges bring on almost deadly dismay. A high point in Woody's career as far as his recent decline goes.
Rated 25 Sep 2009
Rated 23 Aug 2016
The performance of Rhys Myers is more wooden than my old chap when I'm looking at Scarlett Johansson
Rated 23 Aug 2016
Rated 25 Jun 2014
The most un-Woody Woody movie I've seen, and how refreshing after watching 3-4 of his recent forays into Europe masquerading as theatrical films. An actual plot...tension...story! Ran across it randomly on a Sunday afternoon and stuck through it all while I waited and waited for it to take an abrupt, lame turn. To my surprise, it only got better as the main character continued his spiral into total and irredeemable depravity.
Rated 25 Jun 2014
Rated 24 Apr 2012
I'm not an Allen fan, but decided it was high time I gave him another go, starting with a fairly recent movie that came highly recommended. Unfortunately, I found Match Point to be a tired, by-the-numbers thriller with cookie cutter characters driving a Ford Pinto plot, taking every expected turn down the cobbled avenues of Richie Richville...up until the last curve, when instead of turning down the road to Hollywood redemption, the car veers off a cliff and explodes into a ball of fiery bliss.
Rated 24 Apr 2012
Rated 08 Feb 2009
My exposure to Allen's recent output is limited, but this seems to me like an attempt on his part to return to the kind of film he was making in the 80's. This is a movie that creeps up on you and gets under your skin, from the unassuming start to the chilling ending. I'm glad Woody didn't cast himself as someone's quirky American stepfather or something, 'cause he showed here -- as he has done before -- that he's perfectly capable of making serious dramas with storytelling at the forefront.
Rated 08 Feb 2009
Rated 09 Aug 2008
(High score based on the fact I thought it was a well-done movie, but n ot that I *liked* it!)
Rated 09 Aug 2008
Rated 14 Mar 2008
I think that its great when a film actually opens with a thesis statement; in this case that luck is the controlling force of our lives. There's a lot more to this film than that, with influences from opera, Dostoevsky and some modern nihilism, there's a lot of nuance to each scene that can only be gained through repeated viewing. Some people may find the acting to be a bit wooden, but it seems appropriate to the characters; in a way a commentary on artifice.
Rated 14 Mar 2008
Rated 13 Mar 2008
The first good film out of Woody Allen in a long while, and what could possibly prove to be his last best effort. The plot direction is fairly easy to see before too long, but what makes the movie exceptional is the sense of dread Allen instills in everything. The tension mounts to the point where the film is physically uncomfortable to watch and I just wanted it to be over with -- and yet, that's the highest compliment I can pay it. Outstanding.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The pace is about as slow as real life, which was the intention. While the effect works it doesn't fix the fact the the first half the the movie seems to just be exposition for the second half.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 12 Nov 2012
Crimes and Misdemeanors with a cast that trades talent for youth and looks.
Rated 12 Nov 2012
Rated 18 Jul 2012
The weak link here is Rhys Meyers, he's serviceable but not great. With a stronger lead this would have been fantastic.
Rated 18 Jul 2012
Rated 06 Apr 2012
This would've received a damn perfect score if anyone was cast other than Rhys Meyers.
Rated 06 Apr 2012
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Some men will go to astonishing lengths to preserve reputation and retain luxury. This movie had my stomach in knots for over an hour, nearly making me sick from the tension - but that's praise. One heck of a sexy, nihilistic thriller with a plausible premise and dynamite ending. The operatic music is used to tremendous effect, giving these acts of infidelity and depravity an air of high class; fitting as it parallels the monetary comfort of high society against the dangerous power of seduction.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Rated 28 Aug 2011
The Talented Mr. Ripley anyone? But really, the suspense lasts maybe two minutes, but by that time you already know what is going to happen and everything leading up to that point is just a waste. I will give it credit that the ending was a lot of fun, although nonetheless it still suffers from the "Woody Allen effect."
Rated 28 Aug 2011
Rated 16 Jul 2011
Quite possibly Woody Allen's best film of the aughties? I appreciated the buildup more than I did the climax, which seemed to kind of shift into a different genre, not so seamlessly. But for the most part it's really well-written and engaging, and not smart-alecky or saccharine or trite like some of the other later works by Allen.
Rated 16 Jul 2011
Rated 18 Dec 2009
One of Woody's best, right up there with "Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Film-lite. I can't deny the character development made it compelling, but compare it to say, "The Talented Mr. Ripley," and it just seems pathetic and unnecessary. (What's going on? Are people just googoo over Woody and his rara Dostoevsky allusions?). And that's forgiving it the crummy acting and gimmicky pretense about "luck." gngh, regret staying up late for this. It's sanitised masturbation fodder for anglophiles and bored housewives, complete with cloyingly neutral colour palette.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Rated 08 Sep 2008
I was on the edge of my seat, which clearly means that Match Point was a success. Certainly it's the best Allen movie of the '00's. This movie stands totally apart from everything else in Allen's filmography, showing that the man still has it in him to innovate. That's so refreshing.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
Rated 05 May 2008
There's stuff I'm not crazy about here, but then i recall Johansson. Goddamn. Not just how ridiculously hot she is, but the acting chops as well.
Rated 05 May 2008
Rated 30 Mar 2008
I thought everything was unfolding too fast at the start, and felt everything had been said by the 45-minute mark but it managed to turn things around in a surprising and satisfying way. One of Woody's best.
Rated 30 Mar 2008
Rated 30 Mar 2008
I love this movie. It is the best Woody Allen movie that he doesn't star in and his personal favorite. Rhys Meyer is a little out manned in the acting department but he's still suitable enough to make it work. Awesome movie.
Rated 30 Mar 2008
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Awfully boring and predictable, with one single "oh I'm so clever" twist towards the end.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A magnificently composed, brutally dark satire of bourgeois culture. It's complex, pretty-looking, and intense. I'm an irrational Woody Allen fan, but I feel this is easily one of his finest achievements.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The drama half of Crimes and Misdemeanors moved to Britain and blown up into a feature, and coincidentally one of Allen's best films in years and years. Posh and nasty, with great dialogue, some stomach churning suspense, and Scarlett Johansson at her hottest.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Good movie, well played by all actors and actresses. Music is absolutely perfect throughout. You find yourself clutching the seat you're sitting in, or the person sitting next to you, as the tense situation gets more tense. And whether you regard it as a happy or sad ending is regardless - it's still good
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 13 Nov 2024
Seems to take quite some time to get going with the conflict, and although it's fine to carefully establish these characters and the predicament our main man gets into, it's done very flavourlessly and lacking the usual wit and enjoyable to listen to dialogue of past Allen films. The second half is notably more entertaining and stirring in its musings on morality and luck, though feels like it's reiterating quite a few of the themes of Allen's own Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Rated 13 Nov 2024
Rated 28 Jun 2024
Opinión personal: 7.5 Actores: 6 Guión: 7.5 Fotografía: 7 BSO: 7.5 Otros:7.5 Iluminación: FX: Director:8 Humor: Vestuario/caracterización: Ritmo:7 Total: 71
Rated 28 Jun 2024
Rated 22 Jul 2022
Holds up. Jonathan Rhys Meyers doesn't exactly pop off the screen with movie star charisma, but it pays off when his character pretty much becomes a dead-inside psycho. Despite how much time is left on the clock after the murders take place, this doesn't spin its wheels as much as most other 100+ minute Woodys do. The twist with the ring made me laugh my ass off when I first saw this. Still one of my favorite preposterous reveals out there.
Rated 22 Jul 2022
Rated 11 Feb 2022
Story is good but it has a very big hole. How did the police not discover that Nola was pregnant? Other than that, pace is a real problem. First 90 minutes are boring and repetitive. Last 30 are great. Dialogue quality is nowhere near Allen's best. However, there are some great dialogues: the one on luck which is also movie's main theme, quote from Sophocles, etc.
Rated 11 Feb 2022
Rated 09 Sep 2021
eng; [match point]; ein engagierter mann aus armen verhältnissen heiratet sich in die oberschicht ein, doch sein herz gehört jemand anderen - schicksal unter dem stern des glücklichen.;
Rated 09 Sep 2021
Rated 12 Aug 2021
Host ratings: 83 / 98 / 70. (Top 5) Podcast review link:
Rated 12 Aug 2021
Rated 28 May 2021
Half the movie was close to grating, and numerous characters were. I would have not watched had I checked who made it
Rated 28 May 2021
Rated 16 Aug 2020
Woody Allen's best movies tend to be the ones wherein his characters, much like himself, are complete monsters. This is no exception; Rhys Meyers makes the most of what he's given with a properly dull performance, and the setting/casting accentuate the story in proper and subtle ways. this movie would be significantly shittier had Allen gotten his wish to film it in the Hamptons. a definitive work in the Americans Are Better People Than the British canon
Rated 16 Aug 2020
Rated 01 Jul 2020
All I remember about this film is Jonathan Rhys Meyers trying to be Jude Law - I wonder if Allen had Law in mind for the role of Chris - and terrible sex scenes. At least Johansson has a presence that demands the viewer's attention, about the only redeeming aspect of the film.
Rated 01 Jul 2020
Rated 15 Mar 2020
Unlikable, unrelatable characters. Not much fun to be had. A couple of fresh ideas.
Rated 15 Mar 2020
Rated 05 Feb 2020
too predictable and way too long for my taste honestly felt really unjustified at the end i get the story and ending but just feels really lame to me
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Rated 11 Nov 2018
In many ways it’s pretty good. The build for the most part is measured enough to provide an agonising tension between characters, helped by some decent acting. The biggest gripe I have is with the dialogue, which is awfully clunky in places. Could’ve done with some rewrites and help by a British person with a stiff upper lip, a penchant for tea and an understanding of all things British. Woody Allen tries, but his effort is more imitation than understanding.
Rated 11 Nov 2018
Rated 22 Mar 2018
Woeful. The leaden Rhys Meyers is easily the worst of a bad bunch.
Rated 22 Mar 2018
Rated 31 Aug 2017
This is a great film with a terrible central performance from Rhys Meyers. His line delivery is so bad, I actually thought it was deliberate and would pay off, but it never does so it's just bad acting. Shame because he's not bad when his mouth isn't moving. The rest of the cast are excellent and it's an entertaining dark thriller otherwise, which makes JRM's performance even more frustrating. And what's with his accent(s)? He's character is irish, as is he, but that wasn't an Irish accent
Rated 31 Aug 2017
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Visserligen handlar inte filmen om Allens vanliga neuroser, men ändå tycker jag att den är mindre förnyande än vad som har hävdats. Den utspelar sig visserligen i London, men det hade gått precis lika bra med de vanliga Allenska Manhattanmiljöerna! Huvudrollsinnehavaren briljerar inte och karaktären är ganska blek. Det blir lite ytligt och engagerar inte riktigt. Länge tyckte jag därför att filmen var typiskt medelmåttig (=3), men den får till slut ett högre betyg därför att n
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Rated 06 Feb 2017
It is good but it does feel like most of Allen's best movies gravitate around the same few plot points. Just different actors and coming at it from a few slightly different philosophical angles. Still worth watching especially if you aren't familiar with much of his other work.
Rated 06 Feb 2017
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Great film, down-to-earth but it gets twisted, with nice acting. The ending is memorable even 2 years later.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Rated 05 Nov 2016
Thrilling drama coupled with beautiful people.
Rated 05 Nov 2016
Rated 03 Jun 2016
There is plenty of amazement here. All the talent Woody has can be seen in this movie and I believe this is one of the best work for understanding Woody's interests, ideas and pleasures. Sophisticated and astonishing thriller.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
Rated 02 Jun 2016
we can't underestimate the effect of chance on our lives if we expect to succeed on something. there is no much word to say about woody allen who shows his own sense of humor and the world with full of irony created by him
Rated 02 Jun 2016
Rated 20 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★
Rated 20 Feb 2016
Rated 18 Jan 2016
Woody Allen at his most dynamic and nihilistic. The characters all seem like caricatures of themselves but Woody puppeteers them masterfully in his world. Very indulgent and highly entertaining.
Rated 18 Jan 2016
Rated 10 Nov 2015
"I don't think it's a character I'd aspire to connect to!"
Rated 10 Nov 2015
Rated 19 Aug 2015
"MATCH POINT is a drama about a young man's rise in society and the terrible consequences of his ambition. The protagonist is torn between two women, and finding no way out, resorts to extreme action. The actors are all English, and it is set amongst the English upper class with Scarlett Johansson playing the beautiful American girl who comes between Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his wife Emily Mortimer. Matthew Goode is Emily's wealthy brother who initiates the tragic events."
Rated 19 Aug 2015
Rated 21 Dec 2014
A great pessimistic and slow-paced noir. A sort of spin-off of 'Crime & Punishment'. It's not a masterpiece but it's hard to find a modern noir better than this one. And Scarlett Johansson? awwww, pure senxuality.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
Rated 30 Oct 2014
Well made movie, everything about it is decent but it just doesn't really captivate me or has any fascinating about it up until the more suspenseful scenes towards the end. Just bad luck i guess..
Rated 30 Oct 2014
Rated 07 Aug 2014
Film beni içine çekemedi açıkcası. Beklediğim gibi çıkmadı. Az biraz da sıktı. Scarlett Johansson da olmasaydı zaten...
Rated 07 Aug 2014
Rated 08 Mar 2014
Great Story of a tennis profesor that thanks to his high society friends mixes up with them and falls for his friends girls friend, she gets obsesed with him and he cannt take the pressure, and he takes some very bad decisions that will afect him forever.
Rated 08 Mar 2014
Rated 22 Aug 2013
0_o Definitely not what I'd thought it was going to be about...
I really can't decide if I enjoyed this movie or just plain hated it.
Rated 22 Aug 2013
Rated 17 Aug 2013
The movie is great in terms of picturisation. Ends with dark message.
Rated 17 Aug 2013
Rated 13 Aug 2013
Well Woody, you certainly aren't being very funny in this one. And I commend you for your casting of Scarlett Johansson, but just because your movie is set in Britain doesn't mean her and everything else in it has to look incredibly dull. And Tom Goode is ... wait whats he doing with that? Is he going to... no he isn--- OH MY GOD!!! Did that just happen??
Rated 13 Aug 2013
Rated 01 Aug 2013
Some of its themes were interesting, but it was unevenly paced, acted and scripted, especially towards the end.
Rated 01 Aug 2013
Rated 25 Jul 2013
It's OK, I quite liked it but everything's a bit too... the actors try a bit too hard, the dialogue's a bit too formal, the music's a bit too dramatic, the sex scenes a bit too filmic and the call-back waaaaaay too obvious.
Rated 25 Jul 2013
Rated 19 May 2013
Plot 15/20 Fiction 17/20 Casting/Acting 17/20 Worldbuilding 18/20 Entertainment 19/20
Rated 19 May 2013
Rated 02 Mar 2013
Treads along slowly, but is ultimately rewarding.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 9
* Script : 10
* Directing, Aura : 8
* Ease of Viewing : 10
* Naked Eye : 9
Rated 26 Oct 2012
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Scarlett Johansson is very sexy and enters into a relationship that is destined to end badly. Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays a ruthless man aspiring to a better life, and despite his entry into high society falls victim to his own lust and greed. And just when I had become convinced there would never be a good Woody Allen written and directed movie, this one comes along to prove it wrong. The suspense at times was enough to make me squirm, and some of the love scenes were terrific.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Rated 21 Sep 2012
I was not that impressed, its running time is too long, but the last half hour makes up for it a little bit.
Rated 21 Sep 2012
Rated 19 Sep 2012
Woody Allen does Hitchcock and does it real well. Simply an amazing film that keeps you entertained till the end.
Rated 19 Sep 2012
Rated 23 Aug 2012
Rhys Meyers is arguably empty in his performance, but that's not what this is about. This is an almost verbatim retouch of The Idiot until things get contemporary towards the finale. This is about the burden of guilt and the indifference that we really deal with. In this modern age, we are groomed with a moral coding but, going against the grain for personal gain, we should realize there is no great balancing act. This is all yin, do you wish there was a yang?
Rated 23 Aug 2012
Rated 27 Jul 2012
hmm. I cant for the love of me understand why woody Allen chose this movie as it doesnt really play to his strenghts in anyway. halfway trough the movie I was dying from boredom and weak stimulation, the naïve wife was getting on my nerves, not to mention scarlett johanssons weak acting. the extremely thrilling scenes surrounding the murder and the absolutely fantastic nightmare scene with the moral dilemma brought this movie up about twelve steps.
Rated 27 Jul 2012
Rated 05 Jun 2012
It's Woody Allen so it's always going to be solid. Lacks that certain something I love in his better films. I'm not even sure what that something is, I just know this didn't have it.
Rated 05 Jun 2012
Rated 13 Mar 2012
On the one hand it's like Woody remade Crimes and Misdemeanors but not quite as good. On the other hand I'll take a no quite as good Crimes and Misdemeanors is still fantastic.
Rated 13 Mar 2012
Rated 28 Jan 2012
so not woody allen.
Rated 28 Jan 2012
Rated 28 Jan 2012
One of the crowning glories of the decade. Justified by strong performances from the highly talented cast, great direction from Woody Allen and an ingenious and exhilarating plot. This truly is a masterpiece, and an instant favourite.
Rated 28 Jan 2012
Rated 22 Dec 2011
This is one of Woody Allen's best films. The movie has a slow build that leads to a great final third of the film.
Rated 22 Dec 2011
Rated 08 Dec 2011
It's interesting how a film that tries to draw from human emotion manages to be completely devoid of any. Next time Allen should read the whole book and not just the plot summary.
Rated 08 Dec 2011
Rated 06 Nov 2011
"Men always seem to wonder. They think I'd be something very special."
Rated 06 Nov 2011
Rated 06 Sep 2011
I was a casual Woody Allen fan until I saw this movie (really enjoyed Radio Days) - after that I started to understand why my wife can't stand him. The main character is a scumbag from what I remember. I'm sure some film elitist might tell me I need to watch it again, but I was almost sickened by some parts, mainly the ending, so I'll pass.
Rated 06 Sep 2011
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Luck! Some of us are really lucky about everything. Like other Woody Allen films this is a good movie.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Rated 27 Jun 2011
Good. A tennis pro battles between his brain and lust in this drama. Woody's at the top of his game in this fine film. He forgoes love altogether and presents an ambitious man working carefully towards his dreams and throwing it all away for passion. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is excellent as the bedeviled pauper turned prince. The rest of the cast follows suit. The only week point being the wooden turn by Scarlett Johansson for which it loses points. Recommended.
Rated 27 Jun 2011
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Solid flick, nice acting and a compelling plot.
Rated 07 Jun 2011
Rated 15 May 2011
Is it just me or does Woody Allen have the most execrable expository dialogue in his films? This could have been a taught nasty little thriller a la Talented Mr Ripley otherwise.
Rated 15 May 2011
Rated 10 Apr 2011
The cast is quite good but otherwise this film is in many ways a retread of themes Woody covered far better in Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Rated 30 Mar 2011
I knew nothing about this going in, so I was constantly questioning the motives of the characters and wondering what was going to ultimately happen. Definitely a slow burn that ended up satisfying. I do think the "luck" theme was hit over our heads just a little too much. I kept thinking how much more deep and subtle the themes were in Crimes and Misdemeanors. But it's not fair to compare the two, as they are very different films. Quite an enjoyable ride.
Rated 30 Mar 2011
Rated 25 Feb 2011
Has real pacing issues. The build-up lasts 90 minutes, then a bit of "suspense" which isn't really suspenseful, then they pull a deus ex machina twist with 30 seconds to go (I know it fitted with the luck theme, but it was still weak). Some dodgy acting and clunky dialogue, too. That said, I thought Rhys Meyers was good. He does the cold, calculating thing quite well.
Rated 25 Feb 2011
Rated 02 Feb 2011
It's a thriller for maybe 5 minutes. There's one clever little thing in there, but other than that, there is no tension (seriously, how does anyone find it suspenseful? It doesn't even try to be, for crying out loud!), the story doesn't hold up, and it's dull.
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Rated 17 Jan 2011
Not really that good... and why would you possible want to kill scarlett johanson
Rated 17 Jan 2011
Rated 01 Jan 2011
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this was definitely not it. Woody Allen has gone for an "unaffected" vibe with stilted dialogue produced to sound like a handy-cam soundtrack. A good movie has characters we care about, or at least care what happens to; these characters failed to give us any reason to do so. I had reached my final straw and was about to turn it off, but it only had 10 minutes to go, so I suffered through it. That 2 hours (felt like 4) of my life I'll never get back.
Rated 01 Jan 2011
Rated 14 Dec 2010
I groaned audibly at the bounce but then it all worked out. Points taken for him choosing the wrong pussy. A Good Pussy Is Hard To Find
Rated 14 Dec 2010
Rated 05 Dec 2010
"Woody's most baldly revealing picture, a reprehensible and misogynist pseudo-thriller that is also aesthetically polished and compulsively watchable." - Keith Uhlich
Rated 05 Dec 2010
Rated 21 Nov 2010
Good story and cast. Main actors did great. A little moralistic, though,
Rated 21 Nov 2010
Rated 16 Nov 2010
Nice, nice idea behind it! A great example of irony, if I may say.
Rated 16 Nov 2010
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