Mark of the Vampire
Mark of the Vampire
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Mark of the Vampire

Mark of the Vampire

Horror, Mystery
1h 0m
Sir Karell Borotyn appears to have been killed by Count Mora, a vampire believed to haunt the local village... (imdb)

Mark of the Vampire

Horror, Mystery
1h 0m
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Avg Percentile 37.08% from 205 total ratings

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Rated 01 Jun 2019
Before the film's infamous twist ending, this strangely disappointing derivative "Dracula"/vampire movie had already settled into being quite the well polished bore. Although I had become desperate for some kind of escalation or twist, the reveal brought with it only minor relief to the story's blandness. While there are some charming spookies and some decent atmosphere scattered about, the movie never really becomes more than just mildly watchable with its bungled plot.
Rated 04 May 2009
Browning does a nice atmospheric job with this _London After Midnight_ remake that further benefits from fine perfs delivered by Bela and a couple of Lionels. Unfortunately, it's all an elaborate hoax, as the movie contorts itself to the point of breaking to avoid being an actual horror film. Red-herring Bela's few lines at film's end are eerily prophetic.
Rated 06 Feb 2012
It's pretty boring, and the end was pretty retarded, but I'm cutting it some slack because of it's standing in the timeline of vampire movies. I also give it a plus for Lugosi and Barrymore.
Rated 26 Oct 2010
Well, that didn't make a lotta sense at all. Typical cluelessness whenever MGM tries to do horror. Cool sets though and very nice on the eye (thanks to Mr Howe). The scenes with Luna stalking through the graveyard more than a little reminiscent of Plan Nine (coincidence?--I think not). One great moment: Luna flying into the scene on wings.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
The specter of James Whale forced Browning to step his game up with this one. It's pretty eerie at times - Bela in the hallway, Luna turning into a bat are both well done, and the whole creepy crawly castle bit is a lot of fun. The twist is a torpedo to the story's broadside, but it's a fun ride getting there.
Rated 17 Nov 2016
This dull horror-mystery fails to deliver any intrigue or creepiness at all, with a strong cast wasted upon characters without an iota of personality. The late twist however does lift what would otherwise be one of the blandest vampire films of all time. Still, it's a major disappointment from a director as accomplished as Tod Browning.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
Considered notable by many critics for its alleged lesbian subtext and its "meta" self-reflexive narrative, both attributes are overstated. The former barely registers and seems to have been thought up by more modern pretentious types looking for ways to justify all the hosannas they've bestowed on overrated director Browning; while the latter is accurate, but results in a highly implausible & confusing narrative. To its credit, it does move along at a brisk pace before unraveling completely.
Rated 31 Mar 2007
It's mostly good although the ending kinda lets out the air
Rated 24 Oct 2007
Eerie and atmospheric (The shot of Bela Lugosi running towards the camera in slow motion is truly chilling) but that twist KILLS this movie.
Rated 09 Oct 2013
Oh god, I saw the twist ending coming a mile away and it was still terrible. Its atmosphere is completely derivative of Dracula without the quiet beauty. It's also extremely depressing to see Lugosi sending up his own image less than five years after Dracula. What a dumb movie.
Rated 29 Oct 2017
Poses as Dracula ripoff, only to reveal itself as Dracula spoof. The twist works, even if it's the kind of twist that invalidates everything that came before rather than elevate it. Far better special effects than Dracula, but there's a reason we remember the original and not the (admittedly ambitious for its time) deconstruction.
Rated 27 Oct 2012
Not bad, but it's needlessly convoluted and never provides enough motivation to care about the turns it takes. The ending would make a certain no longer popular modern director proud.
Rated 07 Jan 2016
It has atmosphere and several creepy shots, but the story of a woman being hounded by vampires is territory even by 1935 that was too well tread. There are some bright spots from the cast anyway. There's clearly large parts edited away which makes the ludicrous ending that much more confusing, out of place, abrupt, and frankly bloodless terrible garbage nonsense.
Rated 15 Dec 2007
Like Bride does to Frankenstein, Mark takes all those same Dracula set pieces and enhances them. Browning learned a lot since 1931 and increased the pacing, humor and Gothic touches. They nailed the atmosphere with a lingering fog. Plus Carroll Borland is a true find. And also like Bride this was hacked to pieces by the studio but unlike Bride only a sense of the original intent remains.With Lugosi barely in it and a narrative in shambles we're left with only a hollow shell of Browning's intent.
Rated 27 Apr 2015
Some striking visuals can't save the ludicrous plot.
Rated 29 May 2013
Wonderful spoof of Dracula, with the "real" Dracula Bela Lugosi parodying himself! Sure it's a bit confusing with scenes being edited out and such, but I loved this more then Tod Browning's original Dracula (1931)! Cheesy and spooky with a wonderful assemble of actors playing the parts. Almost a all-star selection playing the characters to perfection! Not sure if it's a guilty pleasure movie or if it's a legit great one, but I don't feel guilty liking it!
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Rated 19 Jan 2010
A perfect Halloween movie, with Carol Borland flapping around in bat wings and the whole vampire thing merely an elaborate hoax to flush out a very non-supernatural killer. As the DVD reveals, Bela had more lines (and fun ones!) in the trailer than he does in the movie! "I command all those within the sound of my voice . . ."
Rated 19 Mar 2018
Fun, quick and creepy, with a twist.
Rated 12 Jul 2020
Tod Browning nascia há 140 anos. Esse filme é ótimo porque temos Browning e Lugosi satirizando a si próprios, o problema recai é que só quase no final que sabemos ser uma sátira, até então era mais uma espécie de reamke de Drácula. WEBRRip RARBG.
Rated 10 Oct 2020
Silly and disappointing
Rated 16 Oct 2020
Browning remakes two of his own films simultaneously. As expected, it has atmosphere to spare, and it is technically superior in many ways to Dracula and better paced, although it lacks that film's originality and eerie quiet. Extra points for that ballsy ending though, which Lugosi thought was completely absurd. He was right, it is, but Browning would have been crazy to play this cliched material completely 'straight' in 1935. It is just a shame that his cut was mutilated by MGM.
Rated 08 Feb 2022
that plot twist tho
Rated 19 Oct 2023
Cute but pretty unsubstantial little horror mystery with a perhaps too clever by half solution that was apparently ripped from an earlier Browning film. It's significantly better than some other Lugosi vampire type films that were made to try to cash in on his Dracula persona. Some good production values, but it doesn't work all that well to modern eyes. Okay, though.


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