

1h 27m
A schizoid, serial killer randomly stalks and kills various young women in New York which he sees as revenge for the mistreatment he got while being raised by his own abusive mother. (imdb)
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1h 27m
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Avg Percentile 45.3% from 459 total ratings

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Rated 03 Jun 2020
Just a steely-eyed creep on a Saturday night, Looking for a chance to snuff out a life, In the real time world no one sees him at all, they all say he's crazy, Talking to his dead mother inside his head, telling him to be a good boy, He has stalked into the murder zone, when the killer becomes the kill, He will cut you with a knife, even if you try to fight, On the fringe between what is sane and insanity, He's a Maniac! Maniac, on your screen, And he's scalping ladies like you've never seen.
Rated 26 Jun 2022
The grossest part of this movie is Joe Spinell's sweaty face.
Rated 23 Jun 2021
Did everything it could but still wasn't enough to stop Mannequin from happening.
Rated 26 Oct 2016
Fat Ron Jeremy scalps a bunch of women because he misses his mother.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
It's interesting to see a slasher movie that tried to give its killer some more complexity, but the end result is still pretty lackluster. Repetitive, with no protagonist to root for and no sense of suspense.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Some of the creepiest "stalk and kill" slasher action ever shot, and some hilarious unintentional comedy.
Rated 18 Oct 2010
Great effects by the master, Tom Savini, but nothing else
Rated 15 Aug 2019
I have a few issues with this one 1. Who can stalk and kill girls in a empty big city ? 2. He just has too much emotional baggage ( honestly I can't ever recall seeing a killer cry before) If you can get past that decent and interesting kills for its time
Rated 21 Nov 2018
Although Spinell is impressive in the lead & the director shoots the murders in ways that seem much more disturbing than those in the most slasher films, the pacing turns suspenseful into interminable & without a FF button I wouldn't have made it through. There's very little story here stretched out to 90 mins & only the sudden appearance of gorgeous Munro & a curiosity to see if the film ever broke out of its rigidly simplistic structure to cough up a plot kept me going.
Rated 29 Jan 2022
We got the Maniac as the main character but still not enough to flesh out his motivations and thoughts, besides finding random beautiful women in strategically advantageous positions to kill. Out of all of them, I think the blonde nurse was the most suspenseful, though once she gets into the bathroom I was bored waiting for the inevitable jump scare. Fav scene: did not expect to see the mom come out of the grave or for all the victims to exact revenge.
Rated 17 Oct 2014
I don't know, I would feel more comfortable categorizing it as a giallo, rather than slasher. It has a charm of being a first movie by people who are clearly into movies. Nothing original in it, though. Inspirations for this film range from Psycho, giallo films to Taxi Driver and soft-core porn. Some of the killings are very impressive, courtesy of sfx master Savini. It is slow at the times and lacks originality, but also it's better and more serious than I expected.
Rated 02 Aug 2020
Gets a passing grade due to the effects & great soundtrack. Maniac will forever be unfavorably compared to Henry Portait of a Serial Killer because of their early, grimy attempts to present the mindset of a SK (and Psycho is also obviously a heavy influence), but this is more of a grindhouse experience rather than Henry's bleakness. Two highlights are Tom Savini's head exploding and the nonchalance of the cops in the final scene.
Rated 26 Oct 2016
Delightfully sleazy and violent, albeit occasionally goofy. Joe Spinell as the lead is a great bit of casting, even if it strains credibility that he could ever affect the romantic attentions of Caroline Munro. The highlights are unquestionably the grisly final scene and Tom Savini's head being blown open like a soup can by a point-blank shotgun blast. Gotta say: I think I prefer the remake.
Rated 21 Aug 2011
Bad Movie
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Featuring an unsettling & convincing performance by Spinell in the lead role, it's an intriguing & often uncomfortable character study of a killer whose madness is tied to his childhood. It lacks both originality & any interesting characters besides the main villain/protagonist, with a criminally underdeveloped & underutilized female lead, but it does make up for that somewhat through the great effects by Savini & strong atmosphere. Overall, a standard slasher that's worth a look for genre fans.
Rated 21 Jun 2014
Great special effects and a creepy Joe Spinell do not make a great slasher film. I didn't like the soundtrack or the music cues. The Dialog is pretty much garbage. The worst part is that I had a hard time staying awake while watching and when I was awake I found my attention wandering. Most of the points are for the SFX.
Rated 31 Oct 2016
Gory killings interspersed with bland introspection into the killer. This is so damn boring as it seems to intentionally avoid any hint of comedy and also any meaningful character development beyond giving some thin justification for the lead's psychology.
Rated 27 May 2018
hemming&hawing over what excelled(budget works in its favor creating a dark realism, Spinell is sleazy&scary)&what didnt(hurt by lack of character,women inserted to be scalped,in the end a sense of showing the surface of the killer but longing for more depth) and if what worked really was that great and if the flaws as I see them don't actually enhance what I see as strengths. I'm totally split on this movie! And that's interesting too. Genre fans would do well to check it out.
Rated 18 May 2007
Probably the grisliest and meanest movie I have ever seen. Thoroughly disgusting atmosphere.
Rated 03 Oct 2020
Joe Spinell is creepy as hell in this. I prefer the 2012 update by a large margin but this is a good, sleazy time too
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Slow, sleazy and shabby, this seems to perfectly encapsulate the late 70's and early 80's New York City. The plot - if there was one - is so threadbare and the characters one note (except for the killer) but the real star is the setting. I kinda liked it.
Rated 11 Dec 2012
I can say this: at least it tried. While not the best slasher movie ever, it sort of predates Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer in that it gets inside the mind of the killer. Joe Spinell is fantastic, but Savini's effects are, of course, the star of the show.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Solid slasher. Joe Spinell is good in the freaky role.
Rated 17 May 2009
Pervasively grimy, but rather thin on insights or purpose.
Rated 14 Aug 2012
had a really good lead character and some fairly gory scenes so thats a big plus in my books. not quite a classic but definatly way above average
Rated 29 Oct 2007
The music is downright terrible. There's no other way to describe it. The film itself is clearly low budget and certain scenes can drag for an unncessarily long amount of time. The movie is packed with 80's cheese. However it provides you with more than just a killer that kills. It attempts to flesh him out but Silence of the Lambs does it far better. Not to mention this does rely on graphic deaths as a form of entertainment. If that's your bag you'll enjoy it. If not, skip this.
Rated 13 Jun 2008
One of the ugliest movies ever made. And I mean that in the best possible way.
Rated 26 Nov 2008
This is so unintentionally fun, stupid and hilarious. While it's downright terrible in its low-budget, relying on cliched' death scenes, cheesy 80s music and grisly violent images, it just features several laugh-out loud parts. Watch this with friends or at a party, because if you watch this by yourself in a single viewing, it's just another one of those retarded, mediocre, unsatisfying slasher flicks from the past decades.
Rated 20 Jan 2011
best electronic sountrack ever
Rated 30 Apr 2009
The film has a nicely grotty New-York-in-decline atmosphere, and some nice scares, but it falls apart for a messy climax and a really dumb twist ending. Joe Spinnell gives a fine performance in a movie that doesn't quite earn it.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
They sure don't make 'em like this anymore.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
a great horror film. good acting. pretty scary, and a bit of over the top gore. I consider it a classic.
Rated 21 Oct 2020
For what is undoubtedly trashy horror, it's surprisingly only a few thinks away from true arthouse vibes. By the end, you're starting to make sense of the killer's nonsensical ramblings. Bringing the audience into the killer's perspective with lots of atmosphere.
Rated 14 Nov 2020
O Maníaco estreava há 40 anos na Alemanha. Não tem como não gostar desse aqui porque lembra muito o cinema italiano dos anos 70, não por acaso o Lustig queria a Daria Nicolodi como a heroína, aliás o Lustig é realmente talentoso, tendo saído do cinema pornô, ele fez alguns clássicos genuínos no pouco que dirigiu. Box Obras-primas do Cinema Serial Killers.
Rated 04 Dec 2020
I wouldn't say it's good, or that I enjoyed it, but it's effectively horrifying, and one of the grittiest, grungiest movies I've ever seen. Spinnell's performance as the deranged mumbling maniac is surprisingly captivating.
Rated 18 Mar 2021
It is a production that is too gore for its low budget. I was also surprised that Michael Sembello was influenced by this movie and made songs. The scene where the women smashed the killer to pieces was unbelievable.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
w/ Aliks
Rated 14 Jun 2021
Spinells performance is worth the watch.
Rated 19 Oct 2023
One of the best slashers from the 80s.
Rated 09 May 2007
This film defies its low budget and low brow origins. The special effects from Tom Savini are good and Joe Spinell's performance is fantastic. This movie also has one of the best and most memorable posters of the horror genre.
Rated 15 Jan 2024
For the most part, this is a great little film that lies well outside the tastes and tolerances of polite society. Spinell co-wrote the film, and his performance is deeply committed. It's one of the finest portrayals of a psychopath on film, and would be lauded as such if the film itself wasn't so utterly repugnant.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
Well that was fucked up. Excellent effects and a lot of tension for a low-budget slasher.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
Rated 08 Jun 2020
Joe Spinell is really great in this. A pretty slowburn serial killer sorta thing, there are some really cool moments. A lot of really cool shots, the more mundane elements of this movie really play into the story it's trying to tell. On that level a lot of the more psychological elements really make it interesting. It's pretty grim and gruesome, there's no light at the end of this narrow skeevy tunnel.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
This is a nonstop orgy of ultra-gory killings, underdeveloped characters (most of whom exist solely to be slaughtered), and totally unbelievable plot twists (we're actually expected to accept the unlikely idea that gorgeous Munro would actually want to date greasy, slobbering Spinell). The *only* reason you might want to endure this is for the opportunity to see some of Tom Savini's most unrestrained and realistic FX work. Otherwise, it's only for the most die-hard of slasher completists.
Rated 13 Dec 2018
I liked it better on a second viewing but I still don't find it scary, just merely creepy. Works largely thanks to Joe Spinell, who must have spent a fortune on deodorant.
Rated 27 Nov 2018
Though I mainly only liked the make-up effects in this one, it holds up to Texas Chainsaw and Human Centipede as far as the disturbing factor.
Rated 09 Sep 2011
Top badass moment? Frank managing to chat up an attractive photographer and go out on a couple of dates with her, despite the fact that she's clearly way out of his league, like totally not even playing the same game. Performing a miracle is badass; and it gives people like me hope as well. 2 decapitations. (Actually there're nearly three; a shotgun at close range does a lot of damage. One’s a classic too; 6 women ripping a man's head off; you don’t see that everyday). No cats or chainsaws.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
Below average and quite gory.
Rated 18 Apr 2018
Better than expected ultra-sleaze. Definitely an early slasher flick, but hasn't *quite* abandoned the stylistic tendencies of giallo.
Rated 25 Oct 2017
This was pretty great, as far as slashers go. It had that dirty, gritty, creepy '70s style and I just relished it. It felt like a mix of Psycho, Taxi Driver, and Halloween. There were a few dodgy performances, but none that really ruined the film. The main guy was certainly unsettling. Very impressive gore effects from Tom Savini. Really cool John Carpenter-esque electronic score, too. Overall, I thought it was solid, disturbing, exploitative movie that deserves more recognition.
Rated 18 Oct 2017
Maniac is a difficult watch and gives me a similar feeling to Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Both films depict violence in such a way that is fully believable and vile. Joe Spinell's performances is haunting and it is brought to life even more with Lustig's intrusive direction. not for the faint of heart but wonderfully done
Rated 22 Dec 2011
One of, if not, the best slasher movies ever made.
Rated 08 Aug 2012
Why the hell is this movie being remade? It's terrible.
Rated 29 Oct 2015
A fun, relatable movie.
Rated 09 Jan 2014
To be honest, the mother obsession device is contrived to hell & even by 80's standards is a bit over-done. They are having some fun with this though, jumping from psychopath persona to fashionista with a scene's notice. That & the reply to Jaws's memorable theme. Replicated here in a freakish Beavis & Butthead-like breathing routine pre-empting his inhibition to go maternal maniac. The cops just leave the room. They just walk out of the room, closing the door behind them. Also, the grave part?
Rated 26 Aug 2013
I'm very happy I saw the remake first! This old version is pretty bad. But I REAAAAALLY liked the last scene and I'm happy they kept it in the remake. But this fat slob of a serial killer really doesnt translate into the smarter version of the remake. Also all the unnecessary screaming gave me a headache haha


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