Your probable score


Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy
2h 1m
Mandy is set in the primal wilderness of 1983 where Red Miller, a broken and haunted man hunts an unhinged religious sect who slaughtered the love of his life. (imdb)


Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy
2h 1m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 52.21% from 1494 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 07 Mar 2019
I love how most things in this movie can be explained by people either having supernatural abilities or just being really, really high. A simple pulpy story that's elevated to My Kinda Shit heights by intense colours and soundscapes, delicious weirdness and just going balls to the goddamn wall when it needs to. I loved the slow-ass buildup.
Rated 14 Sep 2018
Weird slow burns are always the best burns. Script probably just read “Nicolas Cage reacts”.
Rated 10 Nov 2018
I can't be angry at Cosmatos for fooling me twice, he seems to be trying his best, in his own horrible, niche way. The truth is that "Mandy" is everything a sophomore effort should be for a horror director, bigger budget, bigger names, and bigger and better gore. But the problem is that Cosmatos apparently has no ability to pen a cohesive story with even a grain of cogency. But he gets the aesthetics done so perfectly that by round three he'll probably trick me again.
Rated 01 Oct 2018
I can't even... okay, look. It's like this: If you eat the most goddamn delicious cheeseburger you've ever had in your life, what do you care that they replaced the cheese with LSD?
Rated 20 Sep 2018
I am a frog put in a pot of lukewarm water, and Mandy is the film that turns the heat on high and soft boils my mind.
Rated 01 Nov 2018
Mandy opens like a creepy cult version of the crime brothers focus in the first half of From Dusk Till Dawn and then explodes into over-the-top violence like the second half of...Wait a minute! What this movie lacks in a vampire band playing instruments made of human body parts it makes up for with a goblin vomiting Mac & Cheese onto children.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
Beyond the Black: Rambo. Cage has his own following so it's no surprise he was originally tapped to play the cult leader here, there's a scene where the guy starts channeling Ledger's Joker (LOOK AT ME), Patrick Bateman, and Frank Booth (DON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME) and you can just tell it was meant for Nic to go crazy with. But Roache did a fine job with it and Cage got to have a chainsaw fight so maybe it all worked out for the best.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
For this viewer, this film suffers from competing aims: the crowdpleasing self-conscious humour at odds with the exercise in style. Some of the villain's dialogue is reminiscent of Frank Booth, but in a superficial way that serves only to show how much further Lynch was willing to go into the dark depths of the tortured soul. The fact that I saw it with an audience elements of whom were far too keen to show they were in on the joke only served to underline the general unpleasantness of crowds.
Rated 23 Sep 2018
Finally, the ironic wolf t-shirt of movies.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
Nicolas Uncaged.
Rated 16 Sep 2018
I knew this film was up my alley when Cage lights a cigarette with a decapitated head that is on fire.
Rated 09 May 2019
If I watched movies for anything other than violence, sex, and Nic Cage tripping balls, I'd probably have seen Citizen Cane, Gone with the Wind, and the Hannah Montana Movie by now.
Rated 02 Nov 2018
In case anyone needed further testament to the power of film as a singular visual medium, look no further this year than Panos Cosmatos' intoxicating odyssey through the perilous realm that is the vast Belgian wilderness. A simmering gothic nightmare drenched in lush colour, rife with indelible imagery, and bolstered by a rich, ambient score. Think Saulnier meets Lynch as shot by Refn. While it might not go down as the year's best film, I'll be damned if it isn't the most memorable one.
Rated 08 Oct 2018
A slow paced, psychedelic swirl of chrome battle axes, slimy bikerdemons, homicidal jesus freaks, cheddar goblins, chainsaw duels and some of the best music of the late, great Johannsons career. It's completely, gloriously over the top and I wouldn't change one damn frame of it.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
If you appreciated Heavy Metal (the magazine) when you were a kid, chances are you'll love this wonderfully expressionistic tour-de-force as much as I did. I won't give too much away, just state that it's gloriously, unapologetically batshit out of hell crazy, yet coherent enough to be watchable.
Rated 24 Jul 2019
One of the most metal things ever & I love it. Cultivates a curious fractal of subtextual spice through its stylistic conceit & then proceeds to not grow it at all, instead letting it boil inside a knowingly stale plot. For me it was a unique enough emotional cocktail to overcome such lazy pretense. A melancholic fever-dream about American counter-culture driven into "primal wilderness" in 1983. In other words Drive meets The Witch, applying an Argento method to 80's pop reminiscence.
Rated 13 Nov 2018
Shaved my chest before watching and all my hairs were back after finishing Mandy. This is the action horror film of 2018 you need. It made me squirm, has a gratuitously crazy Cage and eye popping visuals. Think of it as sleep paralysis except fun...
Rated 03 Feb 2019
When a woman is burned to death by a psychotic pack of acid soaked hippies, her boyfriend goes insane and murders everyone. Imagine if Roger Corman and Nicolas Winding Refn had a baby and baptized it in mescaline. The simple revenge plot is amazingly well served by the creaky, ominous score and frankly mindblowing psychedelic visuals. A physically draining but ultimately rewarding trip dripping with style, blood and LSD. Nic Cage is a goddamn monster, and this might be the best film of 2018.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
I appreciate what this film was trying to do. Well, I shouldn't say it like that. It definitely accomplished what it wanted to do. Everything about this film is a hellish surreal landscape. Plays a lot like a rape revenge film. But, personally, I didn't enjoy the ride as much as I was expecting. Maybe this will be something I revisit in a few years and love (I have been wrong before, and will be wrong again)?
Rated 20 Oct 2018
It's hard to get too excited about an atmospheric retro revenge slasher starring a crazy Nick Ca...hold on, let me rephrase: this is the greatest thing ever made.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
Like a heavy-metal Snapchat post-horror filter created by Winding Refn. That was not a compliment. Atmospheric, but not engaging. Bloody, but not gruesome. Revenge movie loaded with the most artsy approach you can think of. Some substantial and cute Nic losing his shit material all over -- drinking and shouting after his wife died, engaging in a chainsaw duel, "you ripped my shirt!" -- in a midnight movie that should have been 30 minutes shorter. Beautiful, but not messy enough.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
Can we stop with the 80s retro nostalgia? Please, professional movie critics, stop raving about every movie with overwhelming synths and vaporware color schemes. Yeah, the cinematography here is great and there's a certain sense of weirdness that's charming, but good god the self-aware pastiche of Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the literal corpus of Dario Argento's work is not novel, it's not clever, and it does little but pander to the Stranger Things fad.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
Cage welds a giant battle axe, and the supporting cast includes both Riseborough and Duke, but this is not the sort of campy tribute I enjoy. I'm sure that the meticulously realized film is a labour of love and, thus, cannot write it off completely, but it doesn't even come close to appealing to my taste. I mean, I can enjoy unhinged Cage moments as much as the next guy, but I find them much more fun to watch in films where they don't belong. But by far the worst thing about the film was Roache.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
Cosmatos sets out to out-Winding Refn Winding Refn, and with Nic Cage perfectly cast it's hard not to think he succeeds. I'm not sure if there's anything more to this beyond that, but godDAMN, it's gloriously weird.
Rated 14 Sep 2018
It’s like David Lynch, Nicolas Winding Refn, and Rob Zombie made a movie together. But it's also like what might happen if you give a schizophrenic black metal guitarist LSD. The scene in that ridiculous, orange bathroom is in early contention for favorite scene of the year. It’s hypnotic, but a weird combination of visceral and totally unaffecting beyond a surface level spectacle. One thing none of its scenes are - predictable.
Rated 31 Oct 2018
Visuals that blend Lynch and Winding-Refn, Nicolas Cage losing his shit and drinking in his underwear, gore, oneliners. King Crimson. Jóhann Jóhannsson. Wow.
Rated 25 Oct 2018
"OK Nic, now b4 Bathroom Scene: Recall 1996: U won an Oscar, were RICH & married to Patrica A ...&.. GO"?? DAMN: NC sure didn't ? this 1 in! Bloody but ? vile leering. = More cartoony ??: not normal film AT ALL: ¼ woozy then ¾ NEON drenched nightmare lunacy. I fell into groove & had blast; as cast seem 2've done. 'Plot' = stock revenge but attacked with total intense loco cinematography, ? + acting. ? Lynch+Only God F+Inh Vice+MMax: Unique art-revenge-stoner pic????!
Rated 01 Oct 2018
I've seen many dozens of trashy revenge flicks with the same basic storyline, but most of them don't bother doing anything well cinematically. "Mandy", on the contrary, explodes with cinematographic ingenuity, carefully wrought psychedelic mood and atmosphere, and painstaking attention to detail in general. It's Raimi and Refn put together through the meat-grinder, to the tune of early heavy metal, and I'm pretty sure it's the best use of Nicolas Cage I've ever seen.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
What does "primal wilderness of 1983" mean? Given the reference to Reagan, does it refer to a 'war of all against all' ethics of 80's neoliberalism? Probably yes. But beyond this, an awesome cinematic experience, almost a masterclass in how to create affects, and an ode to cinema's visual power beyond mere story-telling. Also, feels more like a heavy-metal concert than an acid-trip, I would say. Only weakness is its self-conscious irony and humor, which at times brings this close to kitsch.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
God damnit Panos, ya got me. Fucking trailer.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
I love weird movies, I love revenge flcks. Thanks for giving me a film that combines both! Cage was wonderful, perfectly illustrating a broken, angry man, but everybody else was really good too, putting in odd but exciting performances. Seriously, they all looked like they were having a good time and that translated. The imagination present here is extraordinary, the usage of colour and imagery is very surreal. The ending is also great. Fantastic soundtrack that helps the tone stay on point.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
Nearly impossible to enjoy. Full of terrible ugly actors spouting nonsense, a idiotic plot, lame animation and annoying music. A huge load of moronic garbage to setup a revenge plot to kill heinously stupid psychopaths. There were perhaps 10 good minute in this insanely stupid movie. A boring ridiculous waste of time.
Rated 14 Sep 2018
panos cosmatos saw john wick and was like, 'not weird enough'
Rated 03 Jan 2019
A fever dream of 80s hair-metal album art, VHS horror covers, airbrushed vans, and paperback fantasy novels. If anything, it's too self-consciously an homage to its influences without anything else to offer. I hope Cosmatos doesn't return too often to this well, as he's got talent enough to do more.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
I want to watch movies like this all the time. Somewhere near the end there is a random scene of a tiger growling at a psychedelic burning night sky. Incredible. Has some pacing issues. The action is slowed down to make way for long-stretched drug-fueled dialogue which should have been cut.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Nightmarish, surreal, weird, cool, creepy. Mandy is quite a unique movie, and I really wanted to love it. The pacing for me is unfortunately too slow to get fully involved in it. When it finally starts getting cool, something happens to slow it down again. That didn't do much for me. The ending really creeped me out.
Rated 02 Oct 2018
another style-over-substance turd from Cosmos Popadopoulos. Pastiche is for those who are too afraid to be original, irony is for those who are too afraid to be sincere, and in this dude's case, extreme stylization is for those who need to dress up a hacky b-movie script full of two-dimensional cartoon characters (at times literally) that a 16 year old could've written. would've been rated lower but it's always fun watching nicolas cage go full beast mode.
Rated 30 Sep 2018
I really wonder how this film will age. Cage is an absolute madman and the only one who can pull of this type of movie. It's utterly brilliant or complete rubbish. I can't decide.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
Common revenge themes and a cult motif are elevated through a neon '80s aura into a slow-burn psychedelic fever with apocalyptic violence. For the first time in a while, Cage's manic energy is put to real use in a world defined by insanity, and though the film occasionally reaches into overwrought and overstylized, it fits the absurd nightmare. The movie compiles so many of today's overused stylistic elements that it rubs against rote pastiche, but there also isn't really anything like it.
Rated 19 Sep 2018
The film's very existence is a black hole of pure sadness.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
An intriguing film that fell flat for me as it dragged on. Nic Cage provided some shining moments but in the end it didn't live up to my expectations. Great soundtrack though.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
A hot dumpster fire. Bure BS
Rated 01 Nov 2021
don't like revenge films and death makes me sad but this movie is a VIBE. I have also been reliably informed that this is a prequel to willy's wonderland and agree fully
Rated 05 Nov 2018
It's a purposively drawn out, violent, self consciously retro genre pic with an arty veneer, but unlike Refn Cosmatos is able to twist and contort his influences into superior visual forms with real affect.He injects Mandy with bold splashes of colour and an enigmatic mood that strangely flattens and heightens the tension, maintaining a _feeling_ of unpredictability despite its standard revenge plot. He also has a real flair for set pieces that allow Cage to crash maniacally against the scenery.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
Starts really slow, then turns into this really enjoyable, absurd, black metal opera. Definetely worth a watch.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
In a way, similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey, too bad I didn't like that movie either. The movie sacrificed character development, plot building, and overall entertainment value to be 'trippy' and weird. which I will admit, it was. But it wasn't enough.
Rated 08 Oct 2018
I have a lot of records that sound just like this movie
Rated 05 Oct 2018
the action part really flew by and betrayed the slow burn of the first half. but it never stopped looking and sounding good. just needed more cage being cage. none of his gory battles were as electric to watch as him chugging vodka and screaming in the bathroom.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
I think the first part might be trying to say something about male entitlement, but for me it just confirmed that people on drugs are fucking boring. Last part is more-gory-than-average revenge porn. Which … takes the "porn" part of the genre rather more literal than what is standard for these movies. But my favourite part was actually the very last scene with the landscape and Cage making faces.
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Crazy. Good. Nicolas Cage is channeling Rudolph Klein-Rogge, Paul Muni and Conrad Veidt. Nicolas Cage is a singular talent who can go from crazy to pathos in seconds. A hypnotic performance in a visceral spectacle.
Rated 01 Oct 2018
okay movie
Rated 27 Sep 2018
Enjoyable albeit kind of too much. People are probably going into this for an ironic romp and it plays into it a bit but there's some cool visual tricks.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
It's not quite the second coming that the surrounding hype let you believe, but it's definitely one of the best genre films of the year and a prime example of a "midnite movie". Panos Cosmatos nails the period feel and the slow build up works quite well, but they could have utilized it to fleshen out the characters a bit more. Hopefully this allows Cosmatos to move on to bigger budgets, and that he will remain loyal to his own vision instead of selling out.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
I don’t know how to describe this film. It feels like a mashup of many other films, and the final product is a bit all over the place. The first half is boring, the second half is mostly entertaining. The humor is brief and out of nowhere. The tone comes across as dark but also not even remotely serious at times. The cinematography and score were fine, the rest varies greatly. Not for everyone, probably a love it or hate it film.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
Fine for what it is. The central joke is parody in the original Greek sense: goofy, trivial material treated with high seriousness. No doubt you already know that Mandy is stunning on an audiovisual level, & for its fans that's enough. I was on board with the slow & hallucinatory first half, less so once it gets down to action and veers toward full-on camp. Cage's freak-outs & deadpan asides draw the expected audience cheers, but the action itself is largely murky and indifferently staged.
Rated 23 Sep 2018
Mandy is a romance, but very much in the same vain as a midnight grindhouse b-movie. It felt like a late 70's/early 80's melophile's drug fueled wet dream, and looked like a prog-rock album cover with Heavy Metal magazine imagery splashed throughout.
Rated 16 Sep 2018
David Lynch + Rob Zombie + Mad Max + Clive Barker Sinemada izlemek lazim.
Rated 14 Sep 2018
This movie is so awesome. It's visually stunning and the music is perfect. The story unfolds like a bad acid trip happening in real time but somehow still managed to be (mostly) coherent. Nic Cage once again proves the Rage Cage-ometer can go wayyyy past 10.
Rated 21 May 2022
I didn't expect to like Mandy as much as I do. The film is essentially a trippy swords & sorcery story set on earth circa 1983, complete with demons, magical artifacts, and epic battles. A bold and risky film, Mandy is dripping with otherworldly style. Cage and Riseborough are great, but Linus Roache actually steals the show as the cult leader; fantastic performances all around.
Rated 30 Nov 2021
The music and cinematography were incredible in this. The entire experience feeling like some sort of visceral fever dream. Uses a simple revenge plot to provide some fascinating depictions of love & loss, femininity, lust, and especially violent masculinity. The movie, which I believe was set in the 80s, also seemed to draw a lot of inspiration from the movies around that era as well; films like Hellraiser, Krull, and most notably Heavy Metal which I thought was a nice touch.
Rated 17 Jul 2020
Roache was giving me flashes of James Woods. Cage is basically Kratos here and that's fine by me. I'd like to see Cosmatos evolve as a filmmaker, but honestly I'll put on my bib and consume all the neon drenched pulp I can get. I admire the outrageous lore. Bring me the Horn of Abraxas
Rated 11 Jun 2019
For all its visual and aural madness, Mandy turns out to be a timid, shallow film. It awkwardly walks the line between full-on horror/gore absurdity (a la Evil Dead 2) and serious, character-driven revenge, never truly committing, until the credits roll and you've felt pretty much nothing the entire time and you shrug your shoulders and say "huh" and turn it off.
Rated 09 Apr 2019
Artisitically vicious. Brutal beauty. This movie is a wild ride of a revenge flick. The visuals here are intense! I loved every minute of this movie. Its a dark movie. Nicholas Cage really outdoes himself here. its hard to believe him at all anymore, this is different somehow. Whoever this director is, A+ man. I wanted a crazy and horrific movie and I got one. Panos Cosmatos, I need to see more stuff from you!
Rated 19 Jan 2019
This film gives me a hankering for Psilocybin. Alternatively, I will settle for some mason-jar goo.
Rated 08 Jan 2019
I love the stylistic choices made in this film. Everything from the beautiful colour palettes and psychedelic audio and visual post-processing down to the oppressive dark ambient x funeral doom soundtrack were all right up my alley. Nic Cage brutally murdering bikers and religious fruitcakes was also pretty funny and entertaining to watch. I just wish the plot was more than just Nic Cage brutally murdering bikers and religious fruitcakes though.
Rated 04 Jan 2019
Pitched as a psychedelic tale of unhinged, bloody retribution, MANDY is the work of a consummate control freak: the ultimate trip as guided tour. Cosmatos' vision is dark, confounding, and wholly unnerving, though this time he's made certain concessions to watchability. (Who doesn't love a good chainsaw fight?) Frankly, the movie's more interesting during the slow buildup of tension than its batshit crazy climax, where even Cage seems trapped within an impenetrable cosmology.
Rated 03 Jan 2019
That was my favorite shirt!
Rated 05 Dec 2018
Like 1/3rd this movie is a 100/100 and 2/3rds of the movie is like a 55/100 so we get a 70/100 that's how it works right
Rated 24 Nov 2018
The first hour wasn’t really my thing but was still clearly very well-made but then the second hour transcends all matter of personal taste and becomes pure unadulterated incredible. When I realised there was going to be a chainsaw duel I shouted “YES” and the guy next to me gave me a really dirty look but I don’t think he laughed or reacted in any way throughout the entire movie so whatever
Rated 22 Nov 2018
after an entire hour of buildup, the movie explodes into one of the most satisfying and visually interesting payoffs I have seen in quite some time.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
This movie is like a fever dream and Nicolas Cage decided he's having none of it. His presence feels dissonant and comically. It's a perplexing but intriguing composition and definitely worth your time.
Rated 09 Nov 2018
some cool visuals/style but tbh kinda boring
Rated 01 Nov 2018
A bunch of film cliches all hidden under the guise of great style and extra emphasis. Has a few subtleties that are even more respectable under the barrage to the senses that this film offers otherwise. It wouldn't have been the same film with a different cinematographer. The script was built for Nic Cage. It ends up being bloody great fun.
Rated 25 Oct 2018
It's everything I ever hoped for, and then some. The first hour felt like the first 20 minutes of Beyond The Black Rainbow. WOW does that movie seem like ass compared to this.
Rated 25 Oct 2018
Quite a cinematic achievement, a gloriously painted film with a beefy soundtrack. The story is very simple, without much of a twist, but the way it plays out is never unengaging (aside from some inaudible dialogue) because of some memorably kooky villains and superb acting from all -- particularly Cage (who finds the right film for himself once every year and a half). Starting off serene and casually moving towards brutal -- if there's a more metal film out there, I'd like to see it.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
I really liked this. I was laughing at the absurdity of much of it. Yet even through the absurdity it was great.
Rated 16 Oct 2018
Cage from the last period of a film worthy of a bad time again ... Stay away from this movie!
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Christ almighty, what a ride. A chainsaw through the brain. Mandy is something like if Lynch directed a movie of the Manson Family Clive Barker wrote the script for + tons of acid on top.
Rated 30 Sep 2018
An enveloping symphony of awe and anguish that just needed more meat on its bones and to take itself a tad more seriously in the latter "revenge" half. Its fundamentals are right-wing, and details suggest the filmmakers knew this and tried to rein it in; a noble concession to audiences though it makes the film feel self-conscious. Surprisingly, Linus Roache, not Cage, is definitely the MVP of the whole affair, with as much over-the-top mugging and scenery-chewing as anything in Cage's oeuvre.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
Nothing more than a highly stylized revenge horror action film. But Cosmatos is a true visionary, making it seem like this film came from another dimension. Atmospheric, gorgeous, and graphic, with a surprising amount of heart. Cage's best performance in years, Riseborough is haunting as always, and Linus Roache is batshit brilliance. Let's hope it's not another 8 years before we get another Panos Cosmatos picture.
Rated 23 Sep 2018
If you are a fan of psychotic Nic Cage then you will be a fan of this movie. Mandy is a very strange, over-the-top ride with a clear tone reminiscent of Refn that permeates throughout the film. Underneath it all, Cosmatos pushes a statement on pornography that comes to the surface in a few--interesting-- scenes.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
Like Cosmatos took every midnight movie ever made and mashed it all together into something that is pretty messy but undoubtedly badass as FUCK
Rated 28 Oct 2023
Have you had your soul catch fire and erupt in pitiful flames? It worries not the eyes upon you. Drown in flames sweet child and look upon Cage’s blood-soaked face like the empyrean of light showering off the golden teat of unfettered Lynchian delights. Behold a visage of cinema awoken. Beaming from above.
Rated 09 Jul 2021
Wow. Most movies have Cage chewing the scenery, this one brings the scenery up to Cages level and then some!
Rated 20 Jan 2020
Makes a fella want to go out and punch some babies. Went in expecting something completely aesthetic like Black Rainbow and the twist into revenge had me playing catchup on the plot a bit (with the help of Exposition Guy In Trailer).
Rated 09 Jan 2020
Like a van mural come to life... (That's not a compliment.)
Rated 22 Sep 2019
BtBR ended with venom, this kicks off with king crimson, two perfectly appealing sensibilities that cosmatos never rly reconciles here. the first half's hallucinatory bliss and subsequent elemental, scorched-earth purging isn't served by the increasingly self-conscious pulp of the second half. i can't fault a nic cage chainsaw fight, but in this context it's too much like populist pandering, a way of getting stoned, ironic teens into a movie that would be far too bizarre and tragic otherwise.
Rated 17 Apr 2019
No plot description can do justice to this film. If you have seen "Beyond the Black Rainbow", you will know what Panos Cosmatos's style is like. If anything, this film is MORE stylized, creating a drug fueled, gory fever dream that mixes fantasy elements with gritty revenge film trappings. If there's a fault, it's that the second half cannot hope to live up to the insanely wonderful first half.
Rated 31 Mar 2019
Nicolas Cage sitting on a toilet screaming with a bottle of liquor and his penis hanging out is my kind of film
Rated 30 Jan 2019
I have no idea what the fuck I just watched but it it's visually interesting and this is top tier Nic Cage performance.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
It's like a David Lynch movie as co-directed by Harmony Korine and Nicolas Winding Refn (starring Nic Cage as Nic Cage). I don't want to say too much about it, but it's maybe great, maybe terrible, probably both and a hell of an experience. Must see.
Rated 10 Jan 2019
Rated 02 Jan 2019
Slightly better than black rainbow, but still is a tasteless, empty and ridiculous attempt to create some artsy-psychedelic trip-like experience. Even the visuals are boring – prepare yourself for constant red (sometimes blue) lamps behind the trees which become extremely obtrusive and repetitive in the first 5 minutes. If you want color – go better watch Argento's Suspiria
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Extremely slow and weird start.. but then in the third quarter of the movie it finally picks up.. and Nicolas Cage gets to kick Hell's ass like a true pro. Really loved the music and the use of colour! Simple yet entertaining story!
Rated 18 Dec 2018
Mandy is the epitome of wild, relentless and unapologetic craziness, but unfortunately also of style - however great - over substance. I cannot help thinking that Cage's savage performance would have been infinitely better suited and so much more entertaining in a bat-out-crazy no restrictions revenge action flick a la Death Proof meets John Wick, instead of the over saturated and overtly stylish product here, possessing however much mesmerising and unforgettable imagery.
Rated 10 Dec 2018
A hypnotic blend of psychedelic prog-rock cover art, nightmarish acid trip and pure fucking metal. I'm half convinced that I only dreamt this movie up.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
Really loved the mad max cenobites
Rated 06 Dec 2018
Completely impossible to review this in a classical sense of the word. So I give it 88 points, which is Cage's favorite shirt times 2. (Also, the reddit page for this movie is wonderful and enlightening. Check it out!)
Rated 29 Nov 2018
A slow, borderline sluggish build-up gives way to a strikingly photographed and viscerally satisfying conclusion, though this sort of 'rape and revenge' drama is familiar from any number of 70s/80s exploitation films. While it's easy to be dismissive of another 'Cage loses his shit' performance, the intensity of this one is quite remarkable by any standard; ditto Roache's Carradine-like performance as the fanatical cult leader. Some extraordinarily inventive fight scenes in the second half.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
A little too long but so striking that you can not but surrender and see the whole thing even if in some parts you do not pay that attention to it.


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