Man on a Ledge
Man on a Ledge
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Man on a Ledge

Man on a Ledge

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 42m
As a police psychologist works to talk down an ex-con who is threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond heist ever committed is in motion... (imdb)

Man on a Ledge

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 42m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 35.23% from 1067 total ratings

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Rated 04 Jul 2013
If you ever meet a police negotiator as beautiful as the one Elizabeth Banks plays with such fabulous hair, you should tell her to move to Holliwood and take up modelling and acting, but to avoid any movie with Sam Worthington (how is this guy making movies?!). If you condensed the script to 20 minutes it would make an outstanding sequence in a Chris Nolan thriller - but I don't think it's worth sitting through the full length version we see here.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
A silly film with an almost full house of miscasts! I would love to strangle the guy who came up with the idea that it was really important that we see the hot latina in pink lingerie during the heist... It just oozes of we're trying to save a burning plane by showing a little skin.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
So the idea is... We steal the diamond... To prove we didn't steal the diamond... Does anyone else see a SLIGHT flaw in that plan? This movie is an advocate of the lesson "You can do anything you want in the name of vigilante justice and the American legal system will just let it slide as long as you were actually right." The plot's about as strong as Sam Worthington's American accent in this movie.
Rated 29 Mar 2012
Here's the score: The narrative is poorly thought out. It makes the classic mistake of unraveling a fairly straightforward, yet intriguing plot into a slightly confusing mess before tying an unnaturally neat little bow on it at the end. But I did like it, thanks to the solid execution, entertaining cast, and while not exactly minty fresh at least reasonably interesting concept. A few surprises along the way, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled. It's a thriller. More than satisfactory.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
I was expecting a movie like Phone Booth, I got some mediocre thriller. Sam Worthington is one of the worst, least charismatic actors working today. I don't know why he keeps getting work. Also the plot is a bit ironic, they steal the diamond, to prove he didn't steal the diamond? And I guess if you break a bunch of laws to prove your innocence, they just let you go in the end. Makes sense. Even the heist parts, which I usually like, were really generic and boring.
Rated 08 Apr 2012
Quite possibly the most preposterous movie I've ever seen. And I've seen my fair share. One ridiculously far-fetched moment follows another. You almost have to admire how dedicated it is to its own one-upmanship of the outlandish moving from "unfeasible" to "not in a trillion years" in an hour and a half. Stupid, cheesy fun.
Rated 10 May 2012
Should be in the thick of it come Oscar season.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
Do you like heist/thriller tropes? Well then you're in for a treat young man, this one's got them all!
Rated 15 Jan 2013
The performances are fine. The story, while a bit complicated, is fine. The dialogue is fine. If I had been forced to leave the theater sometime in the middle of the picture, I would have wondered what happened. So I guess I kind of cared about the story and characters, but my caring ceased as soon as the credits rolled and I was tossing my soda cup into the trash. This wouldn't be a bad rental, but please don't change any plans in order to see it.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
A standard thriller with nothing to add - Not very good, but far from awful. The casting was terrible though.
Rated 10 May 2014
Well it's daft and has plot holes out the wazoo. It's the good kind of daft though. And it has Jamie Bell. So it's fine as a time spender.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
Starts out with "Fugitive" then speeds up to "Phone Booth" before eventually spiraling out of control into an unfunny comedic romp, ala "Tower Heist". My nomination for worst soundtrack of the year.
Rated 23 Apr 2016
So what if it was full of flaws an clichés. In this genre I'm easily entertained and I don't mind the cute ending at all! It was just as I imagined it to be - an enjoyable action-flick.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
There's a "cut the red wire scene" in it. Then? the man/woman duo who are working with each other the entire movie and talking about their rocky relationship the entire time? Well, at the end of the movie he proposes to her and she says yes!!
Rated 15 Jul 2019
So I'll say I absolutely love the concept of this movie. I don't know if this pertains to a specific genre, but it plays similar to films like "Focus" and "The Usual Suspects" as a diversion thriller. You can make a case that a lot of this is so unrealistic, it's pulls you out of the film, and it kinda plays into some generic tropes, but I like it. I don't have a whole lot of specifics why, but I just enjoy this. Might be the only Saw Worthington film I don't hate.
Rated 15 May 2012
Gets a few bonus points for having enough cojones to go forward with a name as equally stupid as Snakes on a Plane. That said while I never thought Snakes on a Plane was actually good at least it was aware that it would be impossible to take seriously. Man on a Ledge, however, takes itself completely seriously despite being utterly ridiculous at every single moment. And can someone tell me why Sam Worthington is in everything? Is he exceptionally good and I'm just not seeing it or what?
Rated 12 Apr 2012
Why does Sam Worthington get roles like this when all everyone does is knock him for his accent? Oh, and the chick whose Victoria's Secret bra is showing every five minutes should really have thought of a more practical outfit to bring on a heist.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
I can't see where the hate is coming from. It was a good enough story with what I thought was really good acting from everyone involved (getting that "underrated" vibe from Sam Worthington, and Elizabeth Banks is a real shining star who's been in a lot of movies but isn't the most recognizable face out there). I love Ed Harris and am always happy to see him. I do have to criticize parts of the ending scenes, especially Worthington's leap of faith off a 25-storey building. That was pretty cheesy.
Rated 22 Feb 2012
Move along folks, nothing to see here. Well, that's not entirely true. You've probably seen all of this before in any number of better movies.
Rated 30 Jan 2012
Has its minor, minor inconsistencies, but starts out as a really cool heist thriller. not exceedingly well directed, but solid. At the end it almost abuptly starts to shout "LIGHT FUCKIN' ENTERTAINMENT" in boogie-nights-type lettering, but - and maybe it's because that heavy gear-shift felt like such a ballsy move - I just can't unlike it.
Rated 08 Feb 2012
Intense and incredible film. Surprising in most parts but still had a few that you can see coming. I was on the edge of my seat and even though you know things will work out in the end it's a very fun ride.
Rated 30 Jan 2012
Overall a pretty clever plot but it gets involved with bits of filler, overly suspenseful timing and parts you'll see coming (not all bad) reminding you that it's a movie. I guess check those parts of your brain at the door, and the majority of the rest of it works.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
it was so fun to watch this with my granny! ha-ha
Rated 05 Apr 2024
Not the worst ever. Some of the reveals were a bit interesting. Some characters were underdeveloped or acted with not too impressive charisma. The ending felt a bit rushed.
Rated 23 Mar 2013
Watchable. If they had kept you thinking a bit longer and kept up the suspense it may have been a better film. It turns average once you realize whats going to happen.
Rated 03 Jun 2013
I think the biggest problem with this thriller was that it was a bit confusing. But hey, at least they are trying.
Rated 07 Sep 2013
Passes the time.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
All I can say is that I saw it a while ago and though I'm certain that I watched it, I remember little else. Not a vote of confidence. Movies should be more than a black hole that sucks two hours of life.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
It's not horrible,... I guess I just didn't care.
Rated 10 May 2014
I expected silly but every role seemed both poorly written and mis-cast -PSI was bang-on
Rated 19 May 2014
Pretty stupid, but still sometimes enjoyable - so better than most Hollywood films.
Rated 03 Aug 2014
This is, of course, little more than a throwaway thriller--a credulity-smashing popcorn-muncher with teetering takeaway value. Certainly, if I hadn't spoiled so much of the plot already (no more, though, than has already been revealed in promotional trailers), the film would have a hokey twisteroo charm to it. But while sex and violence quotients here aren't extreme by PG-13 standards, its foul language and loose lessons do get a bit pushy. (
Rated 10 Jan 2015
This movie starts off really well and has a interesting premise. However by the third act the script lets the audience down and it goes way to over the top. With a better script this could have been a good thriller. The actors do a good job with what they are given. Overall this movie is disappointing.
Rated 11 Jan 2015
Surprisingly fun movie for me.
Rated 06 Oct 2021
meh, its ok i guess, for a blockbuster
Rated 03 Dec 2015
Completely daft "caper" where, apparently, in order to prove your innocence you have to stand on a ledge on the 20th floor and get your brother to steal what you were supposed to have stolen years previously. Is it still in the safe? Of course it is. Despite being chock full of implausibility, topped off with all the cliches you would expect, it's a lot of fun, a decent cast, and rattles along at a fair ol' pace. But in hindsight, there might have been more sensible ways to prove your innocence
Rated 26 Jan 2012
a cool thriller that gives you the thrill...those are rare these days.
Rated 10 Feb 2016
Rating this movie 50 is a scandal, but I was in a jolly mood to enjoy the cliches.
Rated 31 May 2016
Good movie. I had a long discussion with myself about what kinda rating I should give this movie. That led to 68 since I thought 70 was to much and 60 to little. It was an enjoyable action-flicks.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
Really entertaining actually. Mixture of The Negotiator and Mission Impossible and manages to hold both up fairly well. Light-hearted with a few jokes. Tosses in intense action when needed and ends satisfactorily.
Rated 12 Jun 2017
ultimate, so so thrilling, a detailed plan to bring out the truth, in some of the films i have watched recently, the most enjoyable part (the most thrilling, at the edge of the seat, the most money-worth part) started when 65% of the length of the movie was over, and lasted for till 90%, & in this movie it started at 30% in this movie, and lasted till 90%, & the height makes up for so much of the thrill. ( like the movie The Walk)
Rated 08 Mar 2018
More reviews here :
Rated 30 May 2023
It’s utterly ridiculous, and if you’re okay with that, it’s also a lot of fun. It has all the genre tropes and it’s completely unrealistic, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rated 02 Jul 2022
ger; [Man on a ledge; ein riskanter plan]; ein unschuldiger Polizist droht sich umzubringen, denn er wurde für den Raub eines Diamanten verurteilt - nun will er seine unschuld beweisen indem er den Diamant nochmals stiehlt; (teils etwas unrealistisch fähige einbrecher)
Rated 18 Dec 2019
Falls apart around the middle
Rated 24 Jun 2012
There is nothing truly new about it, but it is definitely descent. A step in the right direction for both Worthington and Banks.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
10 out of 10 really good all star cast
Rated 08 Apr 2012
What is happening with Ed Harris? I couldn't stop staring at his huge forehead. He has some weird wrinkling going on there. Unfortunately, it couldn't distract me long enough to notice how terrible this film is.
Rated 13 Apr 2012
The narrative is poorly thought out, but... I did like it
Rated 03 May 2012
The last half an hour is the best, but the rest of the movie is developing its plot really slowly. Some of the aspects are highly unlikely to be realistic. Good to watch to kill time, but it's nothing special, really.
Rated 10 May 2012
sam is really a good player as his role in "Avatar":) He was looking better with his short hair:) simple comment:)
Rated 16 May 2012
Horrible writing, brutal acting. Just about everyone is miscast. Sam Worthington and Elizabeth Banks are particularly awful. The only bright spots are William Sadler and Ed Harris. For a higher quality treatment of this style of thriller, see The Negotiator, Inside Man, or Phone Booth.
Rated 24 May 2012
A lot of famous actors, but damn, what a standard 'breaking into the vault' movie... Why the hell is this movie called Man on a ledge anyway? He only does that half the movie, it's way too misleading. Never imagined the movie would be this BORING to watch..
Rated 27 May 2012
I'll admit that I am not a huge fan of Sam Worthington, he is unable to hold down a film. It was everyone around him in this film that made the film entertaining, from Elizabeth Banks to Anthony Mackie and Ed Harris. It was a reverse heist movie that could have featured a more elaborate plot, better dialogue and less twists near the end. Good for a film that you won't really think about too much, not good as a film that is meant for countless viewings.
Rated 31 May 2012
Other corrupt cops movie. LOVED the underwear scene nothing wrong with put that in this movie.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
A completely disposable, unlikely thriller that features a great hook and some nifty cinematography... but, everything else from the acting and writing on down... is bad.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Feels like a 2010s "update" of Speed, except it soon runs out of what little momentum it gathers. The humdrum score adds a tiny bit of suspense, but the terrible writing undermines it. The class struggle central to the film ends up undermined by the sheer amount of money the protagonists would need, and the film makes sickening, disturbing uses of stereotypes, e.g. a female professional of dubious competence, an untrustworthy black cop, belligerent Irishmen, a mouthy, thieving Hispanic woman.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
It's all right. A heist movie that tries to bring a few new things to the game. It amps itself up more and more and gets pretty ridiculous by the end. Fortunately the ride is fun enough.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
I love movies with literal titles. That way, you know what you're getting going in. This movie makes me feel all tingly. Well, it was that or the bed bugs I got in the theater.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
Tame and boring thriller with a dull and stupid premise.
Rated 27 Jun 2012
a heist movie with every possible cliche of the genre...and there is a man on a ledge
Rated 28 Jun 2012
A mix between the Fugitive and Ocean's Eleven. This movie is about a man who was framed for stealing a 40 million dollar diamond and now has to prove his innocence. Sam Worthington did a fine job in this but I really liked Elizabeth Banks more and I also like the main character's brother and his brother's girlfriend (they had a unique relationship). A lot of pulse pounding action at the end, this movie ends up being a good action/thriller/heist movie. Ed Harris gets a thumbs up as well.
Rated 21 Jul 2012
Just not good, not good at all. I'll give it a 30 to give credit to Genesis Rodriguez's stellar ability to look unbearably sexy in any situation.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
Predictable, but very enjoyable action flick.
Rated 10 Aug 2012
The movie starts out well and could have got a better score if it weren't for the fact that it didn't wrap up well. Also the shots of New York were great but I guess how the events unfolded prior to all this should have been shown in (at least sparse) detail.
Rated 11 Aug 2012
Not clever but enjoyable to say the least, it amazes me how in some movie you can steal you can kill you can manipulate ..... buts all good if it turns up that you were right at the end huh??
Rated 25 Aug 2012
Its pretty much exactly what it says it is, and that about it. Its entertaining, but certainly nothing special.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
Swietny film przypadl mi do gustu.
Rated 17 Sep 2012
Too contrived for its own good. Had potential.
Rated 18 Nov 2012
1053: good job!
Rated 05 Dec 2012
A film with so many fast-paced changes it will keep you "on a ledge"! I haven't seen a heist film this good since Inside Man!
Rated 06 Jan 2013
5- worth experiencing, alright


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