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Drama, Sci-fi
1h 29m
Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) becomes the first human to use 100 percent of the brain's capacity. (Summary by Martinelli)


Drama, Sci-fi
1h 29m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 32.04% from 5045 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 14 Sep 2014
I may not have access to 100% of my cerebral capacity, but I'm pretty sure Besson is a fucking idiot.
Rated 26 Jul 2014
Impressively acted by Freeman, ScarJo, and Choi, with shades of Akira and Koyaanisqatsi, plus an absolutely dogshit script that ruins the entire film. This is BAD sci-fi, both in terms of the fiction, and the attempts at science. Zero characterization, atrocious dialog, and incomprehensible plot points abound. The myth that people only use 10% of their brain is bad enough, but the idea that using 100% grants omnipotence is shockingly idiotic for a movie so seemingly focused on intelligence.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Rated 18 Oct 2017
Lucy may be the first human to use 100 percent of the brain's capacity, but she's not the first human to kick ass in an over-stylized pile of nonsensical wildebeest offal directed by Luc "Look at All the Flashing Lights" Besson. Though, you'd be wasting your time if you went into this seeking anything more than robotic ass-kicking by the queen of all robots playing a human that is essentially a robot (see also: Scarlett Johnsson's Tinder profile).
Rated 02 Aug 2014
Try thinking of this as the prequel to Under the Skin. MMMmmm - Cerebral capacity...
Rated 03 Aug 2014
Coming from someone who would probably watch Scarlett Johansson do her taxes for an hour and a half, this is a painful film. Don't turn your brain off. Take it out, put it in a box, and set it in another room before starting this movie.
Rated 28 Jul 2014
Heavy-handed but fun. The 10% nonsense is pretty distracting (no one's expecting the explanation to be realistic, but you gotta give us something to work with). I think I like it less and less the more I think about it, but it wasn't ever dull and the visual effects were nice. Just don't expect smart sci-fi (from this movie about hyper-intelligence) like Under the Skin and Her. Seriously though, ScarJo's killing 2014 (in a good way).
Rated 21 Nov 2014
So much stupidity condensed in just 83 minutes. It's kind of impressive.
Rated 15 Sep 2014
Starting with the "We only use 10% of the brain" myth, my hopes for a good film were already low. The movie ended up being a mix of shootings everywhere, high speed chases and poor screenwriting.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
Despite/because of the general lack of seriousness, it works beautifully as an arresting and stupidly confident entertainer. This is Besson's Tree of Life led by his usual cartoonish, Eurotrash prototype of powerful women, but here this obsession becomes a Darwinian trigger for a deep think picture about ourselves -- actually, this will-we-ever-become-one-with-the-earth? question can be found in another recent Scar-Jo vehicle (Under the Skin, of course) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
If you commit to using 0 % of your brain capacity, this is 100 % a-okay. Points added for casting of Min-sik Choi.
Rated 10 Oct 2021
A movie constructed around the myth of humans using only 6-15% of their brain, which is my absolute pet-peeve. With atrociously pretentious dialogue to boot. Really atrocious. But if it's secretly an aesop about how doing too much drugs can make you super-humanly one with the universe, and absolutely silly nonsense meant to be enjoyed with 0.1% of your brain capacity left, I'm down for it.
Rated 11 Nov 2014
Drugs unlock the pseudoscientific superpowers of an anime superheroine until she's able to manipulate time and space themselves and look on existence with a God's-eye view. A tongue-in-cheek action movie that takes cues from The Tree of Life, Akira, and The Matrix - what's not to love?
Rated 07 Nov 2014
If you are using more than 10% of your brain capacity you might consider this dumb.
Rated 04 Oct 2014
Sexy, stylish, and oh so stupid. Damn good fun though
Rated 26 Aug 2014
Lucy lacks brains - somewhat ironically - but as a visceral movie experience it's quite a ride, the combined charm of Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman making a surprisingly good match for Luc Besson's fast-paced sci-fi-action insanity. A fun, compelling watch that flies by.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Lucy didn't take itself seriously, so I didn't take it seriously. In turn, I was prepared for a batshit, senseless sci-fi ride full of fun and I received that and more. In all reality, Lucy really isn't concerned with any sense of believability, but instead takes what has become a rather boring premise of " helpless protagonist is exposed to substance A and gains super abilities to fight back" and flipped it into a thrill ride of pure action, bizarre montages, and violence-laden euphoria.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
Not as batshit incomprehensible as you've been told, at times this still feels like Taken sodomizing 2001: A Space Odyssey. And that simply cant be a bad thing.
Rated 31 Jul 2014
No big surprise, Luc Besson makes an entertaining film. The major sequences get a bit more ridiculous the further it goes. The first time she walks into a hallway with armed men it's awesome. The second time it happens, she's developed more god like powers and it's more procedural than suspenseful. But they save the WAY over the top stuff for the conveyer belt scene. I mean, why would they leave a new employee at an assembly line in a chocolate factory? The chocolates were coming too fast!
Rated 08 Jan 2021
She turned into a USB stick in the end. Lol
Rated 20 Nov 2017
Besson has a knack for action movies, and the action sequences here are good, but what Besson doesn't do well, is the writing. I'm not sure who said yes to this movie, but even the brain dead average white trash American would raise an eyebrow and say "Hey, that's not how that works." to this asinine idea of a movie. She could control stuff with her mind, made a disintegrating supercomputer, then she became god. WTF? That's not how that works. It's like "Limitless" if written by L. Ron Hubbard.
Rated 18 Mar 2015
I'm usually anything but a tough customer when it comes to sci-fi. Even I have my limits, though.
Rated 15 Dec 2014
ScarJo is Lucy, Luc Besson is the football, and the rest of us are Charlie Brown...
Rated 08 Sep 2014
Yes, the premise is hilariously silly, but it's fun to just sit back and See Where All Of This Is Going. Some neat 'whoa, cool' moments that I wish weren't spoiled by the trailers. The antagonists aren't that intimidating anymore once Lucy is able to 'disable' people instantly, though Min-sik Choi's presence was appreciated. Johansson is really cornering that 'roles about an entity evolving into another entity' market, isn't she?
Rated 27 Aug 2014
Don't become too smart, guys. You'll turn into a USB stick.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
More daring in style then anything you see in theaters these days (it's been ages since I last saw Eisenstein's intellectual montage used so literally) and quite entertaining in depicting Scarlett Johannson's journey from a simple student to ... ehm, whatever. Lucy gets its thrills in the most cheesy ways possible, e.g. hard music accompanying boobs and explosions, and it features the highest amount of logic gaps in recent history. But entertaining nonetheless.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
The best Besson production in nearly 20 years. Feels a bit like Ghost in a shell - existentialism, blood, rage! Scarlett, though, couldn't be a worse actress.
Rated 09 Aug 2014
Loses points for attempting soul-searching sci-fi and handing us a turd blossom.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
The editing and action are great. The plot leaves something to be desired, such that there is one; the story just sort of progresses rather than being moved forward by characters, a feeling that is only furthered by the fact that the main character, who is the only person with real agency in the film, is painfully flat. This sort of makes sense, since she ascends above human concerns pretty early, but it still drains investment hard, and they can't make up their mind how far gone she is anyway.
Rated 29 Jul 2014
Guy Ritchie is to 'Revolver' as Luc Besson is to 'Lucy.' It's like someone wrote "wouldn't it be cool if..." on a chalkboard and had everyone write something on an index card. Then they shuffled them all together and called it a script. Why is there a car chase? Why is she evaporating? Why are they shooting at each other this time? The answer is always "whatever percentage she is on" or just because. I wish filmmakers would stop trying to fake depth with abstract nonsense. Also, Samsung.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
Unlike a lot of other stupid movies, I was willing to approach this one on its own terms, because I found its deadpan humor charming, and enjoyed how it slowly ramped up its crackpot premise to the point where all you can do is awkwardly smile at the person you're watching this with and shake your head. Luc Besson is a man-child, so his concept of "cool" is a mixed bag, but some of the more loony and hallucinogenic sequences are pretty entertaining.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
It's a good, kinda dumb time, ultimately, even if it's trying to be smart. Once she gets involved with the drug it becomes pretty intense and nuts, and really visually appealing. The beginning with the animals was a little blunt and unnecessary (we GET it Luc), but that's minor. Even if it doesn't make a lot of sense at times, it's still an interesting look at what would happen if we used all of our brains. Kinda felt like there wasn't much of a conflict, but that's minor too.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
Assuming you can get past the factual errors within it -- that, in the grand scheme of things, aren't really important, even if they initially look like they are -- it's possible to have a lot of fun with Lucy. It's dumb fun, for a large part of its running time, but there are also moments of genuine intellect, where you get to see Luc Besson's vision of, well, you'll see. Lucy is worth seeing.
Rated 24 Jun 2024
Extra points for all of the over-the-top creativity, and for the beautiful Scarlett Johansson. I quite enjoyed most of it, but the final scenes went pretty far off the rails. They did a lot, but this really could have been so much better.
Rated 23 Jan 2024
10% bad CGI monkey 20% doing drugs 30% lions going to pound town 40% the most insane Morgan Freeman monologue I've ever heard 50% dying laughing 60% no really, this is the funniest shit I've ever seen 70% hey mom, I remember the taste of your milk 80% a fucking bazooka just launched me back in time to see a t-rex in Times Square 90% Chekhov's bad CGI monkey 100% schlock and I loved it, its bad and stupid and pseudo-intellectual and up its own ass I LOVED ALL OF IT THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING INSANE
Rated 21 Mar 2019
Terribly heavy-handed, from its pointless visual metaphors (the pursuing bad guy is the cheetah, Lucy is the antelope, wow, nice one) to Freeman's excruciating presentation (yes let's hear "cerebral capacity" said one more time, thanks) to its bad plot exposition (see Lucy mind-reading and saying what we already see). All of this said, it's got a good action-thriller pace, and the extremes it goes to with its concept in the end are actually pretty compelling (if still presented in a cheesy way).
Rated 05 Feb 2019
one of the worst movies, but sort of badgood
Rated 08 Apr 2018
So dumb, so boring. Entertain us mere 10% mortals next time you jackass Besson.
Rated 19 Aug 2017
Steals the premise of LIMITLESS and adds the conclusion of HER (Johansson withdrawing/expanding into nowhere/everywhere) and TRANSCENDENCE (released 3 months prior), but this one gets far sillier far more quickly. So, while the first few scenes set up a reasonable basis for the story, it turns out that no narrative is really sustainable because the protagonist's magical powers start at 10 and rapidly increase to 11, before settling at a comfortable infinity. Spoiler: time is unity. Now you know.
Rated 08 Aug 2017
If you have any interest in having an existential crisis or at least a panic attack, this movie is for you. Many similarities to Lawnmower Man, but feels more like an action film than a horror film.
Rated 29 Dec 2016
Take one writer. Make them half remember a bullshit factoid. Roll up a super mega Moroccan style spliff doobie. Marinade for twenty minutes. Fart out so pseudo-philosophical codshit. Make shiny. Release.
Rated 16 Sep 2016
100% of my arse.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
Maybe I just like Luc Besson a little too much, but I really enjoyed this movie. You have to get it points for originality, and I found the over-the-top symbolism hilarious, as well as the movie's tendency to just randomly shift tone right in the middle of the plot. Definitely a fun one if you're willing to just let it take you along for the ride.
Rated 01 Dec 2015
The script is beyond belief. The film starts off well but things keep getting more unrealistic and ridicules. The actors do a good job but the story does not really go any place and the script is bad. This film is a huge disappointment.
Rated 06 Oct 2015
OK entertainment flick with a decently fast pace, plenty of characters and locations, and above average eye candy via Ms Johansson. In fact this is one of the best movies for ogling her. The storytelling is watchable in the first half but ultimately the only conclusion is that when you do loads of drugs and get really intelligent, everything will turn into special effects. A realist rewrite might have more substance or more to say, but that's just not Besson. I love and hate the guy.
Rated 04 Jul 2015
The gangster plot line is pointless and should be removed. Then Lucy would be an overly ambitious short film with a high production value that despite being ridiculous would be thought provoking.
Rated 10 Jun 2015
I can tolerate stupid movies, but I can't stand movies that assume I am stupid.
Rated 03 Jun 2015
really good at the beginning but quickly lost steam. You need more than just a good idea to make a movie.
Rated 18 May 2015
Sat down for an action film, got this. It's not an action film. It's not the cerebral film it tries to be. I'm not sure what it is.
Rated 23 Apr 2015
Lucy doesn't stand out as one of the memorable summer releases of 2014, but it's still enjoyable and worth a watch. Luc Besson blatantly takes the concept of 'Limitless' and turns it into an all out action film. And he approaches Lucy with ambition, ideas and flair. But ambition crosses the line of absurdity and the film becomes increasingly ridiculous. However once again Scarlett Johansson proves she's a worthy leading lady and the set pieces are all impressive, in particular the car chase.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
Pure absurdity, but it's so self assured and energetic that it's easy to go along for the ride.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
Every kind of nonsense and completely unrewarding.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
It has all the virtues and trappings of Besson's flamboyant style. Still it can be quite an entertaining ride, but only on one condition - you need to possess this peculiar quality of being able to switch off your brain just at the right moments. All in all I liked what "Limitless" did with a very similar concept a lot better.
Rated 19 Nov 2014
Lucy is so preposterous it's almost admirable they actually went into production with it. It's too short, no room for character development and basically rushes to the credits. The ride is quite alright, just not very satisfying. Easy acting job for ScarJo, as her character Lucy is devoid of emotion most of the time. Up your game again, Besson, create something brilliant as either Leon or The Fifth Element!
Rated 11 Nov 2014
Interesting idea taken to ridiculous extreme. It's fun if you can get past all the jarring animal cuts towards the start and the silliness of the whole thing.
Rated 11 Nov 2014
finally we have proof that kubrick's monolith was scarlett johansson all along.
Rated 10 Nov 2014
Decent. Has a great concept and some awesome scenes but fails to tie it all together. I don't think it went far enough.
Rated 16 Oct 2014
It's a 1 on the Mohs scale but it's a beautiful film, another good SciFi starring Johansson. Could have done away with the Koreans though, other that a start up plot device they served no purpose. Too much time spent on action which could've been spent going into more fine-grained detail as her state progressed. Also Morgan Freeman is fucking shite, get rid of him.
Rated 12 Oct 2014
I'm not sure how to rate this movie. The actors were brilliant, I love Scarlett's bitch face :) But apart from sci-fi part of this movie, I just had a feeling through the whole watching time, that this is just a really stupid movie. I can't really express why, but I really didn't like it that much as I thought I should.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
Basically a Luc Besson showreel. The lack of depth and follow-through left the impression that Besson is speeding through a checklist of ideas that he wanted to commit to screen.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
Lucy was a pure Luc Besson production. Incredible catchy beginning, heavy gun shooting, a beautiful lead, a runaway train action and the most fantastic story you can imagine. The end went pretty close to the nonsense philosophy Matrix gave some time ago. More you know, less you feel. Dare to be stupid or what? Anyway. Scarlett always pleases the eye.
Rated 24 Sep 2014
The trailers made this look like a cool hard sci-fi flick, but in actuality it's more of a stoner movie. Scarlett Johansson gets to access 100% of her brain capacity, but most of what she has to say about it comes across as "Hey man, everything is like, totally connected." Some decent action and Scarlett is lovely as ever, but the highlight was Choi Min-Sik playing the psychotic gangster.
Rated 21 Sep 2014
Cut out Freeman and his endless, needless, suspension of disbelief-breaking expositional monologues, and Lucy is one of the tightest, slickest, well-paced action films in years. I was really pleasantly surprised, in part because Luc Besson has spent the past decade dragging his own name through the mud with a parade of shitty "produced by"s. Hey Luc, stop putting your name on the posters of terrible movies, and make more films. Great pacing, great editing, great action. An audiovisual spectacle.
Rated 21 Sep 2014
Very nearly walk out based on its annoying opening, but once Min-sik Choi shows up the show really hits the road. The biggest flaw is that Lucy evolves so quickly, and learns her abilities so readily, it loses out of the thrill of the chase. While the basic premise is flawed, the central message, that human beings are limitless if we so choose, is well expressed. Its only real problem is trying to be an action movie instead of a grounded science fiction film. But what's good is still good. Rent.
Rated 11 Sep 2014
Racism, pseudoscience and violence porn wrapped into one neat, magnificently idiotic package. Morgan Freeman giving a lecture juxtaposed with cliched animal footage must be some kind of a record in laziness. If you refuse to learn, you might find yourself harboring ideas that would have gotten you laughed at milleania ago, like thinking that the mind is a vessel to be filled.
Rated 28 Aug 2014
Whilst being an absolute mess seemingly knocked together at the last minute to grab some cash in a quiet summer, Lucy's make-it-up-as-we-go-along bizarreness actually means it's happily watchable for the most part as you honestly haven't a clue what will happen next. But then your reward is a climax where the protagonist turns into a USB memory stick. Has some grandiose ideas lurking around but never comes close to successfully integrating any of them.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
Overall this is a decent film but I felt it was ruined by the trailer spoiling a lot of the big action set pieces.It was good to see a solid performance by a sole Female lead which hasn't happened much in recent blockbusters.The concept of the movie is highly ambitious but they have managed to come up with a script which is easy to follow but loaded with intellectual facts and information.With high octane action moments,decent performances and a passable conclusion this film was pretty fun.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
Really loved this movie. It was much deeper than what I expected. It makes you think about the possibilities you posses and does it in an entertaining way. If you you are in anyway into the deeper side of Buddhist philosophy some the theories will be familiar.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
I will forgive for all the cheesy shooting scenes (needed for the thriller kind, I do understand) because it is a fantastic adaptation of Buddhist philosophy. Really! The smallest details seemed to be so in place and the main aspects are shown in the way so it is easy to understand and get yourself thinking about space, time, universe and the big things your brain are not really able to process. It is really good one.
Rated 23 Aug 2014
I'm always quite sad when I see a movie which had so much potential, but wasn't that great after all. Lucy tries to be intellectual, full of action, but is one big mess really. Luc Besson, leave some of your nature shots out of it, you absolutely ruined the entire beginning of this film.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
Worth it just to see the superheroine shun violence for a higher purpose about halfway through. Choi Min Sik doesn't even need lines to be compelling.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
With a concept so interesting, something had to be off with this film. I just did not expect so much. The acting, minus Freeman, was subpar at best, and the story was cliched, predictable, and sometimes boring, filled with unrelatable characters. The cinematography was interesting, yet Besson's direction is sloppy and distracting. I think this movie had potential but had some very irredeemable factors.
Rated 26 Jul 2014
If the point of this movie is to bring a live off science to the masses, it does so with magic, fantasy, and illogic. It's crazy enough to work, but the movie isn't particularly good and, what's worse, could've had more actual science to achieve it's end.
Rated 26 Jul 2014
the most diverse audience I've been a part of. Just goes to show that ScarJo brings people together :)
Rated 25 Jul 2014
I struggled mightily with my ranking for this. At first glance I honestly felt that the opening to the movie was mediocre, that ScarJo overacts her abduction and... pretty much everything right up to coming into contact with the drug, some parts I felt were logistically unbelievable, etc. Then I thought to myself "How much of that, if true, really matters to THIS movie?" I wasn't bored, I had fun. It's a genre flick, it's interesting. Maybe I'm letting it off easy, but it's worth checking out.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
Beauty and Brains!
Rated 16 Jul 2024
Watching this movie will impair your cerebral capacity.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
Watched 17 mins of it then turned it off lol. The first 10 mins of this movie are the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Genuinely don't know how this thing got greenlit LOL. I'm not mad but I could tell just by the start of it that it would be an enormous waste of my time.
Rated 23 Nov 2023
Rated 06 Sep 2023
Not at all what I was expecting. I had not watched a trailer or read anything about this movie, so I was thinking it was kind of like a lady John Wick, but it was obviously so much more. The whole 'using all of your brain' -concept is a bit weird, but it does create for a whole interesting 'what if' -concept in this movie. It just keeps getting crazier as it progresses and ScarJo is perfect for this role. Reminds me a lot of her character in Under The Skin, actually.
Rated 12 Aug 2023
If you can stomach a mild dumbness to the sci-fi, the pacing, acting and other factors more than make up for it.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
would have scored 25 except for Besson
Rated 13 Jun 2023
I can use 420% of my brain.
Rated 29 May 2023
Lucy was okay. But as most folks have mentioned, it just doesn't really hold up to the suspension of disbelief - and the actors seem to know it.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
It's good to see, but it's a "quick" action-science fiction movie dealing with what would happen if we used up to 100% of our brain. And the idea is already been used in the movie limitless, but for me in a more fun way.
Rated 23 Dec 2022
Hilariously bad.
Rated 05 Nov 2022
When I read a science fiction from the 1930s and it's very silly, I am forgiving. I know that people at that time didn't know better. When I see a sci-fi written today that's really silly, I am not sure what to think. People cannot be so silly, so did they wirte the silly parts for entertainment only? If they did, unfortunately it didn't work with me well. Scarlett Johansson is the best part of the movie who plays excellently, but unless you are a fan of her, I can't really recommend this.
Rated 10 Aug 2022
Rated 09 Jul 2022
Very interesting premise, but too much, too fancy, too fast. Could have been a great tv mini series
Rated 11 Jun 2022
If they had made it a proper fantasy and spent less time trying to invest you in the idiotic premise it could've been good, but unfortunately the premise is just so mind-numbingly stupid, it just made me wince every 10 minutes.
Rated 28 May 2022
Rated 11 Jan 2022
Pretentious, mind-numbing disaster; an action movie with little action and a "high-concept" movie that fails to take advantage of the implications of its concept. Besson attempts his own TREE OF LIFE/2001, but he can’t articulate his philosophical concepts adequately, quickly bogging down in a series of tedious exposition drops by Freeman. Hampered further by a rare poor performance from Johansson: hopelessly overwrought in the opening scenes and laughably robotic once her brain kicks into gear!
Rated 17 Nov 2021
It's unique y'know
Rated 01 Nov 2021
At first, the science and physics are so relatable but the telekinesis blew it up. Now it feels like a make-believe fiction that you can achieve magical powers when you get smarter. I'm not sure about the message of the philosophy and science of the smartest level of Lucy is trying to convey. I guess that's the revelation of their creative world-building-physics of how nature actually works in that world. Just like the architect scene from the matrix.
Rated 09 Sep 2021
I liked the premise a lot. The idea sounded really cool and logical, but then it went towards a cheesy action/sci-fi film where nothing made sense. It was entertaining though, mostly for the surprisingly good cast they got with Johansson, Freeman and Choi Min-sik.
Rated 06 Jul 2021
Cool movie but its based off of a myth that we dont use all of our brain
Rated 05 Apr 2021
Stupid and endlessly smug.
Rated 30 Mar 2021
Rated 05 Jan 2021
Plenty of action, plenty of Scarlett Johansson from all angles; also plenty of ideas inspired by the "10 % of the brain myth" that keep on getting more and more absurd/agonizing as the film progresses.
Rated 15 Dec 2020
over the top dumb


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