Logan Lucky
Logan Lucky
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Logan Lucky

Logan Lucky

Comedy, Action
1h 58m
When Jimmy Logan loses his job working on underground repairs at the Charlotte Motor Speedway, and learns that his ex-wife Bobbie Jo and her new husband are planning to move interstate with Jimmy's daughter Sadie, he devises a plan that requires the involvement of his bartender brother Clyde.

Logan Lucky

Comedy, Action
1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 51.71% from 1760 total ratings

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Rated 01 Feb 2018
I didn't think this movie looked very good at all. Boy was I wrong. Soderbergh has an interesting variety of movies but a handful of them are great and this is one of them. I thought it was a pretty smart robbery movie with a fairly talented cast. Craig did stick out in his scenes. It's all around pretty entertaining and harmless. I would recommend it.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Soderbergh basically remaking the highly successful "Ocean's Eleven" only with rednecks. On the surface, it sounds like a terrible idea, a cash grab from a guy who's had several clunkers in the recent past. Somewhere in the production, "Logan Lucky" got it's own identity, it has it's own feel, a strangely familiar, almost nostalgic feeling. Maybe it's just me, though I couldn't explain why, I'm not a criminal, a southerner, nor can I stand racing, but in truth, it's far better than it appears.
Rated 18 Aug 2017
Cauliflower. Soderbergh's return strives for an idiosyncratic (and seemingly contradictory) middle ground between modest and cool. What shines through is a love for characters and their offbeat mannerisms. The director and actors show an observant eye for the way people communicate to one another. Craig, Keough, Driver, and Tatum are all great (in that preferred order). In the end, it's a hyper-intelligent satire of the heist film, which Sodes has proven he's best in the business at.
Rated 22 Mar 2018
As a comedy it straddles the line between Talladega Nights (which is funny) and Days of Thunder (which isn't. Watch Tom Cruise acting, then tell me it's not a comedy). As a heist film it straddles the line between The Bank Job (which is adequate) and The Score (which is terrible).
Rated 04 Jan 2018
The first two thirds are an unremarkable but competently entertaining Hillbilly Ocean's Eleven, with the usual heist setup/flawed execution, some laughs and Daniel Craig having a chuckle playing against type. It then goes on for a 35-minute epilogue of newly-introduced FBI characters trying to solve the case, a realistic but bizarre and anticlimactic bit of storytelling, like if the last Harry Potter ended with an hourlong epilogue of them bringing in the construction crews to repair Hogwarts.
Rated 14 Jul 2018
Steven Soderbergh transplants the best elements of his Ocean's formula—quirky, clever dialogue and an ingeniously unwinding heist—from vapid rich people that are nearly impossible to give a rip about into thoughtfully-written, multi-leveled working-people that manage to elicit empathy along with admiration and plenty of laughs. Adam Driver is an especial highlight.
Rated 20 Nov 2017
Could've been made better quite easily by simply trimming it. It could've lost a good 30 minutes, especially near the end, and still worked. Other than that, it was fairly enjoyable. The cast is good, with Daniel Craig being the obvious standout. It's so good to see him do something different like this. Seth MacFarlane was pretty terrible though. It had some good, funny moments, as well as some tense ones that couldn't help but remind oneself of Ocean's Eleven.
Rated 20 Oct 2017
Amusing with some lively performances.
Rated 20 Sep 2017
Incredibly charming redneck heist flick.
Rated 29 Aug 2017
Just as well constructed as Soderbergh's best, "Logan Lucky" is "Ocean's 11" for a different walk of life, a view into middle America's heartland that portrays its populous as layered and troubled individuals, rather than the stereotypes they're too often reduced to in mainstream cinema, proving that they're just as smart as Danny Ocean and his crew, just with fewer functioning limbs. Clever, poignant, and downright fantastic in just about every way, "Logan Lucky" is must see entertainment.
Rated 21 Aug 2017
when he threw his hardhat into the basket and the other basket closed I knew this was special...
Rated 01 May 2018
I watched this film. That's about all I have to say about it.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
Redneck Ocean's Eleven. A ton of fun but has at least 15 minutes worth of unnecessary crap that doesn't go anywhere and adds nothing.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
LAW ABIDING CITIZEN is a wholly unironic genre movie about the importance of fathers attending performances by their daughters. Tatum's WHITE HOUSE DOWN is the generic but ironic version. This belongs to a genre (the heist film) but exceeds most generic limits, being as concerned by the presentation of a milieu as anything else, hence showing that most fathers who do dutifully convey their daughters to rehearsal spend their time watching sports on their phones or tablets. Quite entertaining.
Rated 27 Aug 2017
Owing as much to Ocean's Eleven as it does to Fantastic Mr. Fox, Logan Lucky is a ridiculously fun caper (as if those two film comparisons could be read as anything other than a ringing endorsement).
Rated 20 Aug 2017
This movie has a fun script with some very funny moments. The script is well done and not everything is predictable.The ensemble cast has a lot of fun with their roles. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 24 Aug 2019
Strangely slow-paced for a heist flick, and maybe a little meandering, but as it sinks in you realize that's part of its unique, down-to-earth charm. The pace provides time to invest in the cast of quirky, blue-collar characters (steady Clyde and hard-luck, hard-working Jimmy have a great dynamic) and the heist is still lots of fun (the jail stand-off was a highlight). It may not have the flash and pop of a Rihanna hit, but it's got the staying power and folksy warmth of a John Denver classic.
Rated 29 Apr 2019
Lovely old-fashioned heist film. Good characters and style.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Fast-paced and enjoyable caper movie. What it lacks in overall dramatic complexity, it makes up for in wit and charm.
Rated 15 Jul 2018
Logan Lucky takes a long time to get into the swing of things, but when it does it turns into a perfectly fine film
Rated 19 Jun 2018
Ocean's Eleven with hillbillies. Sometimes you just gotta call it like you see it and this Ocean's Eleven with hillbillies. The story and sideplots does not hold up to any kind of scrutiny, but everybody look like they were having a grand ol' time playing rednecks. Especially Daniel Craig as a dumb hick and my future husband, Sebastian Stan, as an adorably ditzy race driver.
Rated 11 Apr 2018
I enjoyed this a whole lot though it did seem to run longer than necessary. What the hell was up with John Denver in 2017 movies? The Macon Blair/Hilary Swank FBI duo deserve a spin-off TV show
Rated 25 Feb 2018
I will have to rewatch this and nothing stuck out to me all that much. Everyone was fine in their roles but I was checking the time halfway through.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
I'm a sucker for a heist film and Soderbergh made one of the greats so I thought I'd love this. I like the heist portion but overall it didn't feel tight. I liked the characters but maybe there were a few too many.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
A clever plot and entertaining performances makes Logan Lucky a film I can definitely recommend. It won't click with everyone but it's got well written comedy and a few heartfelt moments. A few of the scenes probably could have been trimmed down but it's still enjoyable. Give it a go. 4 STARS
Rated 21 Dec 2017
very funny. eat the rich
Rated 28 Nov 2017
The first two acts of Logan Lucky are great. The characters are built up slowly, so by the time they pull their heist antics, I was suitably invested, despite not completely liking them. The heist itself was well executed in terms of direction, as nothing was spelled out nor overly obfuscated, instead the camera lingered over moments that would soon be relevant.This all changes in the third act, where Soderbergh becomes self-indulgent and Swank bores. Still enjoyable, mostly.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
Soderbergh's blue-collar Ocean's Eleven channels EUA recession like previous films, but with more rigid compositions and a script that provides at least the brightest Game of Thrones joke ever written. More enjoyable than his latest films by creating a heist film totally planned and executed by renegated working-class characters -- and literally all of them are rewarded in equal ways. Full of personality, but also full of mechanisms that don't allow the plot to breathe out of its tricky schemes.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
It's fun but doesn't offer anything out of the ordinary.The soundtrack,Steven Soderbergh's directing and the great acting all across the board(Daniel Craig in particular)is what saves this otherwise standard and for the most part cliche movie.
Rated 21 Nov 2017
Rated 15 Nov 2017
Soderberg imitating Coen brothers, still a bit of a hack. Should have been 95 minutes max, as the pacing sucks, being overlong. Stale and dull.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Soderbergh is never betraying his milieus. His milieus are whatever he makes movies about and movies themselves. Also, great rhythm in all the dialogue scenes.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
Just pure fun. Soderbergh has a way with these quirky characters that is nearly unrivalled.
Rated 18 Aug 2017
Quite possibly the worst movie I've seen this year. It's billed as a comedy/action movie, with almost no comedy, and no action. The truly great prison riot negotiation scene aside, this was a wasteland devoid of entertainment. I found myself staring at the walls of the theatre, and following the cinema employee walk through to do their rounds. The big finale is...a child singing who can't sing? Seriously?? And an epilogue that just goes on and on and on and on...So bad. So, so bad.
Rated 09 Feb 2023
Daniel Craig beginning his love affair with that deep fried accent in order to disassociate from Bond.
Rated 28 Nov 2022
A sloppy and incoherent mess but a fun one. I think I might have to add Adam Driver to my favorite actors (edit - done). The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia should be an extra on the dvd to give this cheerful nonsense some perspective. Also, is it just me, or is Craig a dead ringer for Joe Montana?
Rated 05 May 2020
Tries to be funny and succeeds... at some times. On the overall this is a strange mixture of a semi-serious heist film and something which tries to be a comedy. "Funny" developments, strange characters... Really aimes to be hilarious, but I use the words "strange mixture" for what this is.
Rated 05 Apr 2020
Not great, but entertaining and sometimes funny heist movie with a good cast.
Rated 12 May 2019
Its not as clever as it thinks it is. Knowing that it still managed to mildly entertain. The heist itself was okay bit mostly is was the cast that made viewing this worthwhile.
Rated 24 Feb 2019
"Ocean's 7/11" is spot-on.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
A self-directed film that doesn't exactly feel like a passion project, yet the writing and story establish an enjoyable light tone within this setting that pokes fun at its inhabitants without resorting to cheap shots. It's fun, and the operation of the heist feels original, but it ends too cleanly, and opens itself up to a few useless threads (Waterston's character is completely pointless). I thought this was based on a true story, so that might be praise.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
The script had some real structural issues, with the entire third act feeling unnecessary and tacked on. I really like Driver and Tatum in this, and there were lots of individually funny moments (the entire Game of Thrones back-and-forth was great), but this didn't come together enough.
Rated 13 Mar 2018
An entertaining diversion, which is, I suspect, just what Soderbergh intended.
Rated 13 Mar 2018
cheap shots at pop culture reveal SS' usual bitterness about lack of funding, but it's channelled into one of his cannier statements on the duplicitous, corrosive and exploitative nature of capitalism. a goofy but meticulous, barbed heist pic about stereotypical (yet sympathetic) blue collar americans (an amputee vet and chronically injured ex-football player, no less) rising up against those who've commodified their values and pastimes, redistributing that wealth to the exploited working class.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
Excellent performances by Driver, Craig, and surprisingly, Tatum. Movie can be a bit hard to follow at times, but that seems purposeful. There's a certain charm to the whole thing I just couldn't deny.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
The arty flourishes and narrative cul-de-sacs sprinkled throughout LOGAN LUCKY give the impression that the film's central heist is secondary to its sense of time and place. The movie delights in turning away from the conventional pleasures of its genre to examine the rhythms of its richly drawn Southern-fried setting. Though it comes off as more caricature than portrait, there's enough heart in LOGAN LUCKY to nicely balance the cool formality of its direction.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
An effective, self-contained heist flick that -- like the OCEANS movies, or ENTRAPMENT -- fills the plot gaps it establishes with fun, interesting ideas. It's pretty good! And Soderbergh has an ability to get really good performances out of actors who don't always shine.
Rated 12 Jan 2018
A caper film. Fun. Funny.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Marketed as a redneck Ocean's 11, Logan Lucky is less a traditional heist film and more a light comedy set in the south which contains a heist. Acting performances are solid throughout but Driver and Craig shine brightest. Perfectly paced and a beautifully constructed narrative, I've grown to love this more every time I watch it. Possibly my favourite Soderbergh movie at this stage.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Just for fun.
Rated 11 Dec 2017
A solid thriller from Soderbergh, with some interesting characters and performances woven in (Driver & Craig notably). Very entertaining, although most of the heist sequence does feel very much like a Soderbergh heist sequence we've probably seen before and better. The Southern charm thing is fun, but the Speedway setting is bland and interchangeable - it's the characters that make this story work, which will probably give it better longevity than a high-concept movie with cardboard characters.
Rated 09 Dec 2017
Enjoyable heist shenanigans.
Rated 07 Dec 2017
Hilarious, fun, and some great performances. A redneck Ocean's 11.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
Not at all bad but not treat I was expecting. Frequently strangely inert, slow. Not as witty & slick paced as expected from 'Oceans 7-11'. Maybe I misremember O11 or maybe GC & Pitt more charm than CT, AD but I think action & banter was faster there. Perhaps a 20m trim or watching at 110% playback -> elevate this from 4 to 5*. Craig by far best thing in it (Clearly having fun - actually playing role he enjoys 4 once?) . GoT scene = laugh outloud funny. Wish had laughed like that more often
Rated 20 Nov 2017
Charming, well acted and generally well written. Just a bit too messy in the end. Doesn't quite feel like it all fits together.
Rated 18 Nov 2017
Robbin's racin'.
Rated 18 Nov 2017
Loosely tight
Rated 21 Oct 2017
First up, this movie is under-rated. It starts off a little slow like life is in the countryside but the entertainment piles on as the movie progresses. A good heist movie isn't easy to make and this one fares quite well. Every one of the characters plays his/her part quite well but Daniel Craig really stands out. Me and my friend thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rated 09 Oct 2017
This film never has a dry beat, and it's strong wit and charm hold the viewer in for the entire run time. (Standout performances by Channing Tatum and Adam Drvier)
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Glad to have you back Mr. Soderbergh.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
The movie, perhaps intentionally, apes Sam and Fish. Thieving is wrong. We all know that. But Logan Lucky gives us a moral justification that, at least superficially, excuses it a bit. And it expects us, like Fish and Sam, to smile and nod and go with the flow.
Rated 08 Sep 2017
There's a part of the third act that really drags out, but other than that a quality heist film.
Rated 04 Sep 2017
The characters and situations are really fun to watch, and the heist plan is intelligently written by screenwriter Blunt. (The heist is extra fun because the whole plan isn't revealed to the viewer at the beginning, so you learn about a new detail of the plan every twenty minutes or so, which keeps you hooked.) Add to that some decent action, really good and fun acting, and expert direction, and you have a really good movie that finally ends Soderbergh's long period of average movies.
Rated 01 Sep 2017
2. Great fun and a great cast: Daniel Craig is a treat, sexy Riley Keough makes a presence, Channing is grounded and solid, the support cast are well-chosen and directed - including the flavour that Hilary Swank and MacFarlane add - and Adam Driver, naturally, is sublime. A fun ride of a film, adding a breath of fresh air to the heist genre, and a lot of laughs. A prime example of what a summer film should look like, that is not to take itself too seriously. /c Cineworld Wandsworth.
Rated 30 Aug 2017
Enjoyable and unique heist movie that's enjoyable enough to be an easy watch, but doesn't quite do enough to be something I could love. The script is witty but doesn't make you laugh out loud much. Too much of the humor derives from the characters mannerisms (most of them being overly written rednecks who appear stupid yet end up being very capable). I'm not sure why they told Hilary Swank to pretend to be a robot working for the FBI but her performance is quite strange and sticks out poorly.
Rated 28 Aug 2017
Propelled by a sleep-inducing soundtrack, this may be the dullest heist movie ever made. That said, it's fine.
Rated 24 Aug 2017
This is just like The Informant for me. It left me incredibly cold. Driver and Tatum have chemistry and at the beginning they are the best part. Unfortunately, they are kinda separated and their interactions aren't prominent, so we're left with a clever flick that feels really insubstantial with no consequences or drama. I like cool heist flicks but Soderbergh himself has done this genre better before. Still, good cast, they do what they can, it's just mostly boring.
Rated 24 Aug 2017
It gets points for originality, interesting-enough characters, and a pretty-witty screenplay for the most part. This is undeniably a Steven Soderbergh, in the best and worse senses of being so. I think the good things about the movie are enough that people should see it, but I won't blame you one little bit if the movie doesn't connect with you; it's one of those somewhat-frustrating, less-than-accessible titles where I'm not 100% sure it even connected with me. I just know I didn't dislike it.
Rated 21 Aug 2017
Original, great ensemble cast and fun movie.
Rated 18 Aug 2017
It's an entertaining heist film, but there's something missing for me. Luckily, I only write my reviews on this website for fun, so I am not actually expected to figure out what was missing. Maybe it was that them being "rednecks" was part of the joke.
Rated 17 Aug 2017
Ocean's Eleven for Trump supporters by someone who doesn't understand Trump supporters.
Rated 01 Sep 2024
Easy watch. Your redneck version of your favorite heist movies. Oceans 11 but country style.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
It has moments of brilliance thanks in large part to the very talented cast Soderbergh was able to put together. The plot if you look deeper is not without holes but it really is a fun movie that is very entertaining. Sometimes that is all you need to create a recipe for success.
Rated 23 Dec 2023
Due for a rewatch, but remember absolutely loving this as one of my films of the yr. An absolute blast. 9.0.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
slow. the pay off works. but it took a lot of patience to get there. meh
Rated 19 Nov 2023
I remember it being somewhat charming
Rated 12 Aug 2023
62 where "62" indicates OK but could have been better. A movie of two halves - the initial installment of the Southern Style way of living in the first half was too drawn out and generic, it bordered on boring. The actual caper scene picks things up and the ending is great. Only watched this for Craig so I didn't expect an epic (hoping for an echo of 'Knives Out'). He's good and the rest of the cast acts capably. Watched it to the end so "OK, but..."
Rated 08 Feb 2023
I enjoyed the caper elements of the film, mixed with the odd humor and the out-of-place acting from the likes of Daniel Craig and the genuineness of Adam Driver. Had to look up Jules Asner due to what I consider a pretty stellar script, and had no idea SHE was married to Soderbergh. This ranks up there with Soderbergh's best work, and I consider this a nice gem of a film.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
I really enjoy heist movies and Logan Lucky is a real feel-good heist movie. It's got a stellar cast that really breathes life into these characters, plus a kind of subdued but yet interesting heist thing happening once the movie actually gets going. The outcome is... nice? Am I too cynical or do I watch movies that are too dark when I am amazed by just having a good ending in a movie, especially one involving crime.
Rated 19 Dec 2022
I thought that maybe a second viewing would lead to me liking this film a bit more. It didn't. I think it's a mildly entertaining film with a handful of good performances, but the plot is so preposterous that I stop caring long before it's over. Honestly, I defy anyone to really explain why Daniel Craig was needed to pull of this heist.
Rated 08 Dec 2022
I had high hopes for this one. It's fine, but I expect a bit more from Soderbergh.
Rated 15 Jun 2021
You wait for the twist, you've been trained by an entire trilogy to look for the twist, but Soderbergh still keeps you waiting and second-guessing until the last minutes. The man even used the "daughter's concert" scene to try and fool you out of suspecting a twist! Now that's just disrespectful.
Rated 22 May 2021
Restpecful sense of humor. Enjoyable heist movie.
Rated 16 Feb 2021
Entertainment: 3/4 -- decent acting by major actors but just not my style of film. Spirit: 1/3 -- tribal morality. Sustainability: 1/3. Family: 1/2.
Rated 05 Dec 2020
Nothing more than Friday night entertainment. thank you Steven.
Rated 27 Jul 2020
If there's anyone I would bet on being the director of a new, exceptionally inventive heist movie, it would be Steven Soderbergh. Logan Lucky delivers a surprisingly intricate chain of events from an unlikely crew, and it does so convincingly.
Rated 30 Mar 2020
Sometimes "Logan Lucky" seemed to move a little slow, but did a good of developing the characters.
Rated 14 Dec 2019
Sporadically funny heist film, but never truly rises above that. The characters are kept at arm's length (literally so, in the case of the cinematography), and that keeps the stakes low and ill-defined. Why do prisoners always go along with weird plans that don't truly benefit them?
Rated 31 Oct 2019
Half baked but entertaining.
Rated 09 Oct 2019
This reminded me of 'Raising Arizona', in terms of the characters being somewhat dim witted Southerners. I did find it amusing hearing Daniel Craig (both him and Katie Holmes) talk in a 'real fine drawl', although perhaps that might not appeal to all. The comedy is pretty simplistic I suppose. Its an easy watch and its somewhat entertaining but its not the sort of film I can see myself thinking back to for any reason other than to smirk at Craig's aforementioned southern accent, frankly. Its ok.
Rated 23 Jun 2019
It was OK, nothing plot-wise stands out even with an ensemble cast. Neat segments throughout but really feels played out. Weird hearing everyone with accents. Fun seeing trashy Katie Holmes. Fav scene: I wanted to say "Take Me Home, Country Roads" but the way it was delivered was really flat. I probably enjoyed the ending the most.
Rated 06 May 2019
ger; [logan lucky]; ein bauarbeiter verliert seinen job und sinnt nach einem weg seinem leben zu entfliehen und viel geld zu verdienen - durch einen geschickten raubzug der seinen bruder mit einschließt.;
Rated 30 Nov 2018
Eh. Not that great. Way to many characters with little to no development. Pretty strong plotwise but not really engaging. Was surprised by Daniel Craig though. He felt so unlike himself in some sort of way.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
Honestly the trailer made this look like a very mediocre unfunny movie, but because it's made by Soderbergh (a very skillful director) I decided to watch it anyhow. I wasn't disappointed. It's very entertaining and fun. The movie loses some momentum though in the last 30 minutes or so.
Rated 31 Jul 2018
Professionaly put together in typical Soderbergh style, but it's a heist comedy with no tension and no good jokes, so it can only go so far.
Rated 15 Jun 2018
Rated 19 Mar 2018
It's overlong, there are too many indulgent and often embarrassing scenes with the kid, Swank and MacFarlane are a bit cringey, and the product placement is tiresome. On the plus side you have Craig, Driver and Yoakam, it's occasionally quite funny and Soderbergh handles the heist very well - which you'd expect after three Ocean films. A mixed bag, but the total amount of fun to be had outweighs the annoyances in the end.
Rated 17 Mar 2018
look past all those plot holes in the heist and it's good fun!
Rated 06 Mar 2018
Loose follow up to Soderbergh's OCEAN trilogy (this time in a different socioeconomic locale) lacks the spit and polish shine of Clooney & Co. but is still enjoyable, with the good generally outweighing the bad; sluggish pacing and shaggy storytelling are problems the film can't shake off, but Craig's hilarious, unrestrained redneck, and the general spark of chemistry between all cast members, make eventually unwieldy film worthwhile - Soderbergh seems to be puttering in neutral for this one.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
W3E1P1S1V1M1A1R1. Just a heist movie.


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