Let's Be Cops
Let's Be Cops
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Let's Be Cops

Let's Be Cops

Comedy, Crime
1h 44m
Two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party and become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted "heroes" get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line. (imdb)

Let's Be Cops

Comedy, Crime
1h 44m
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Avg Percentile 29.06% from 755 total ratings

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Rated 15 Aug 2014
About as funny as that Ferguson thing. ~Topical 2014 reviews~ If they kept it to one night that got crazier and crazier this would've been fun but no the people involved are stupid idiots who cannot escape their clichéd cliché shackles of shit. 3333 FILMS RANKED OH MY
Rated 28 Mar 2017
Two idiot friends pretend to be police officers. It ends with them both landing their perfect jobs. With storytelling of that calibre, it's hardly surprising that the writers forgot to include any jokes.
Rated 02 Jun 2019
Let's not.
Rated 25 Oct 2014
let's be formulaic
Rated 15 Dec 2014
Nick and Coach obviously work well together and their chemistry is great but....there's something missing to stop this being great. Which is a shame because I love New Girl.
Rated 11 Dec 2014
I love buddy cop comedies. I was surprised how good this one was considering how short of a stay in the theatres. I laughed my ass off at quite a few parts of this movie. The costars of the movie were both pretty good. I really enjoyed Wayan's performance. I was shrouded by a lot of the cameo performances. The story was a fun take on an old recipe. But, like a good casserole it's always good. It's never pretty. It's never made with expensive stuff. But, it's always good.
Rated 10 Sep 2014
There are worse ways to spend your time on a movie. Clearly, two guys sat down one day and wondered, "What would happen if we were cops?" If you want to see two guys impersonating police officers and what exactly would happen, here it is. This is exactly what the trailers make it look like. The set-up is just sorta there to be honest, and it's ridiculous and cliched, but there are some gags that work and I did laugh more than I thought I would. Good message.
Rated 31 Aug 2014
If your fan of 'New Girl' then you will find this film hilarious. The 2 leads just play an extension of there characters from the TV show. I thought this film was incredibly funny throughout and does well to mix the comedy with the action. This is your typical buddy cop movie with some scenes similar to films like 'Bad Boys'. I would have liked to have seen something a bit different and less predictable but you will enjoy the absurdness of the story and spending time with the characters.
Rated 13 Jul 2014
The story is absolutely absurd for something that's supposed to be set in reality but I was kept laughing and that's all I wanted.
Rated 03 May 2015
I'm ashamed to admit that I fast-forwarded through sections of the movie. I just wanted it to end...and the suffering to stop...
Rated 07 Apr 2015
This was painfully unfunny. I love these guys in New Girl, but there is nothing here.
Rated 31 Jan 2015
Starts out kind of strong and then falls into every comedy cliche known to man
Rated 24 Dec 2014
Bad, but somewhat enjoyable. Wastes a good premise. First half is actually pretty funny but when the plot with the mob is launched it loses a lot of it's initial luster.
Rated 18 Nov 2014
It's a bad movie but I still laughed at times.
Rated 15 Nov 2014
This is stupid and badly made, but I'll be damned if I didn't find it kind of appealing in stretches--a scrappy, enthusiastic, only marginally funny action comedy in the early-90's vein of something like BULLETPROOF or THE COWBOY WAY.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
1292: nice and funny!
Rated 12 Nov 2014
not so bad
Rated 28 Oct 2014
Some amusing material... which lasts all of 5 minutes.
Rated 28 Oct 2014
I like the two leads (being a fan of New Girl) but aside from a couple of laugh out loud moments, the film was pretty much your basic predictable buddy cop film.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
Stupid but funny comedy. Its pretty amazing that this concept doesn't fall apart at any point (the writers went to creative lengths to prevent this). The two leads have completely likable chemistry. Sad it was reedited to R, it could have been a more solid comedy if it stuck with one rating.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
Dumber than a sack of particularly unintelligent building materials. But if you put inevitable grievances with the implausible setup to one side, there are some solid laughs here. Damon Wayans and Jake Johnson make for a great partnership, and their natural winning chemistry helps them deliver the screenplay's wit with gusto, papering over some of those gaping plot holes in the process. As silly comedic rides go, this is a fairly entertaining one.
Rated 23 Aug 2014
The premise is simple, there's a lot of unnecessary language, but there is a decent script with good comedic timing. Overall: a lot better/funnier than I thought it would be.
Rated 17 Aug 2014
It's kind of amusing the lengths the story takes in order to prevent the concept from falling apart or naturally ending, but the end result isn't that great. A few jokes here and there and decent rapport between Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson keep things from being totally miserable, but the plot is uninspired and generic and most of the comedy is lukewarm at best. You can also tell that the film was initially shot for PG-13 and then re-edited for an R rating - the tone varies wildly.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
This movie is not good. There are some fun action sequences but it's basically frat bro humor in the form of a fake buddy cop movie.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
Honestly, I think it gave it two stars because I was expecting something a whole lot worse. This is no Super Troopers, that much is obvious, but it's good enough to pass the time, especially when watched with a buddy over some beer. A lot of it made no sense and was a little bit too over-the-top, but it had a few good jokes. Plus Keegan-Michael Key.
Rated 12 Dec 2021
Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr have amazing chemistry together (as anyone who've seen New Girl knows) and make this work. The first half especially is hilarious. In the second half the formulaic plot obligatory has to kick in more
Rated 10 Jul 2021
Rated 09 Feb 2020
A shitty movie with one or two good scenes.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
A fun enough movie with some real danger. Good chemistry between characters (except for the love interest).
Rated 31 Mar 2017
Caught this while drunkenly channel-surfing (sometime last year) and there were a few good jokes and even relatable moments with the two mains guys that had me thinking it might be not a bad watch after all. I was wrong, though I got too drunk and stoned to make it better that I now can't remember much of it.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
While Wayans Jr. and Johnson have chemistry and they display a realistic buddy cop friendship, the script is really weak and doesn't give them a lot to work with, aside from a few chuckles, most of the jokes were just pathetic, and a lot of scenes just feel like sketches all thrown together without any coherency. Pretty generic plot and antagonist, the movie lacks creativity all around. It's isn't deserving of its 104 minute run time as this could be 20 mins shorter. Overall, not much here.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
Pretty mediocre but not terrible. a few laughs but I can't recommend it.
Rated 04 Nov 2016
The first movie I actually couldn't finish in ages. I was really expecting more from two actors whose humour I enjoyed in the series New Girl. They somehow didn't work great together here. The central theme of guys enjoying the pretense of being cops and pushing the envelope soon gets old, and the antagonist is too genuinely evil for a comedy and the one protaganist too unrealistically brazen in response. No depth to the romance, wooden dialogue. Enjoyed Rob Riggle's acting and character though.
Rated 09 Apr 2016
Really funny movie.. thr concept itself is amazing.
Rated 03 Dec 2015
might be rating too low, feels a bit like a 90s movie which is good to me
Rated 19 Nov 2015
This movie didn't have me under arrest, but I had fun on this ride-along. I thought there were maybe two scenes in the movie where I laughed really hard out loud, and then there were a lot of jokes that I didn't find funny at all. I would say that this movie fails as a comedy, but has unexpected success as a cop drama. Even though Russian arms dealers aren't a new concept, I liked when the two friends pretending to be cops get mixed up in this underground world of violence...
Rated 31 Aug 2015
So unbelievably stupid that I had a good time watching throughout. The first half is way better than the end but it was a good ride throughout. Enjoyed all the seemingly endless cameos and the world needs more movies with Taco.
Rated 12 Jun 2015
Kind of funny in some parts, and worth watching if you have some food to keep you busy.
Rated 29 May 2015
Jake Johnson may just be one of the best things that happened to American comedy in recent years.
Rated 26 May 2015
Utter nonsense that they tried to make a serviceable plot around this. It's so ridiculous it completely detracts from the laughs. A couple of pretty good laughs and that's about it.
Rated 14 Apr 2015
It literally took me five attempts to finish this.
Rated 07 Apr 2015
The two leads have good chemistry together and the script has an interesting premise. However the script only has a few funny moments and is nothing special. With a better script this would have been a good comedy. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
It's not like I expected the premise to hold up, so the utter ridiculousness didn't bother me too much. It had some laughs, but not as much as I wanted, particularly given that I like both the leads and pretty much each of the supporting characters. Weird to say, but it should have been less plot-heavy and just shown more hijinx, which we got a short preview of during the credits.
Rated 13 Feb 2015
Had some funny parts but really was just ok at best.
Rated 25 Jan 2015
Dude, I don't even give a fuck. Let's Be Cops is a feature-length episode of New Girl with swearing, fat obese black guys, the better half of that Key & Peele show, and more opportunities to revel in the incredible chemistry between Johnson and Wayans. Had Zooey been in this, it would have shit on Orson Welles' grave.
Rated 12 Jan 2015
felt twice as long as it actually was. johnson & wayans jr come short of the bar for humor.laughed a few times,but there were more times that a decent joke was delivered TERRIBLY.halfway through it decides to go from LOL THESE DUDES ARE FAKING AT BEING COPS to basically a crappy buddy cop movie, making it feel THAT MUCH LONGER BC NOW ITS ESSENTIALLY A DIFFERENT MOVIE.whoever made the trailer i saw is a trailer genius bc i thought this would be HILARIOUS based on what i saw there. now im a chump.
Rated 06 Jan 2015
New Girl'ü izleyenlerin çerezlik komedi arayışındayken şans vermeleri gereken bir film.
Rated 16 Dec 2014
The first half is funny. The second half is not.
Rated 14 Dec 2014
Didn't finish it, unenjoyable.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
Extreme stupidity rules in this farcical story about two charmed idiots (Jake Johnson & Damon Wayans) pretending to be cops. The absurdities are heaped upon us from beginning to end as they get into ever deeper danger. Several very funny scenes, but most things are pushed to ridiculous levels. The plot is unlikely as was the predictable happy ending. Nina Dobrev was very hot. Rob Riggle was amusing as a real cop. Funny enough to watch, but you have to overlook a lot of stupidity to enjoy it.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
But after suffering through 100-plus minutes of this obscenity-filled, innuendo-laced, gag-inducing and seriously unfunny comedy, let's just say I'll be even more surprised than I already was if anyone will be flocking to theaters to watch Damon Wayans III in a futuristic cop flick 30 years hence. (
Rated 02 Sep 2014
It was not funny, but it was laughably idiotic, which means, it was not funny.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
Is Let's Be Cops worth your time? If you're a fan of the actors and you've already seen the TV series they've starred in, then perhaps its 90-minute running time will be worth it. But most of it falls into generic buddy cop material. You've seen it before, and there's not a whole lot fresh to be seen. It starts off fun, as the two leads pretend to be cops in harmless situations, but once things get dire, it becomes more generic and the laughs die down.


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