Lawrence of Arabia
Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia

3h 38m
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Avg Percentile 74.27% from 5609 total ratings

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Rated 25 Jan 2007
The sheer massive scale of this film is astounding. During the entire three and a half hours I was positively captivated, not a single second is boring. Every single shot is sheer cinematic perfection. O'Toole gives an iconic performance and captures the dynamic of Lawrence of Arabia. A must see.
Rated 19 Oct 2008
The wonderful cinematography of the desert, the excellent acting of O'Toole and Sharif in particular and the whole cast in general, the powerful score and the slow but tension-loaded pace turn this one into a masterpiece. If you can find a cinema which shows Lawrence you won't be bored for a second while watching this one for almost four hours. You will be stunned by the pictures and by the intensity of O'Toole's eyes while Lawrence's rises and falls.
Rated 12 Dec 2006
The acting is uniformly excellent and the story of Lawrence's adventures in the desert is epic. As great as everything else is, however, the beautiful shots are what really make this movie stand out.
Rated 07 Aug 2019
Still a jaw-dropping masterpiece over a half-century later, packed to bursting with stellar writing, directing, acting, and cinematography. We'll never see a movie like this made again (if only for the complete lack of female speaking parts).
Rated 06 Jul 2008
It's impressive enough that the filmmakers managed to carve a deep story about personal and cultural identity into a historical drama, but perhaps more impressive is the fantastic cinematography (mostly in a desert, no less), the epic battle sequences, and the wonderful performances, particularly the brilliant dynamic between Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif. This film is simply larger than life on every conceivable level and must be viewed on the big screen to appreciate its true visual splendor.
Rated 21 Feb 2007
An incredible film. So much to rave about - the magnificent visuals, the excellent performances (I think O'Toole's Lawrence is probably the best performance ever), the humor, the characterization, the action sequences - this is a film worthy of awe. If you can, see it on the big screen, this is a film that is larger than life and deserves to be seen on a large scale.
Rated 13 Aug 2007
Peter O'Toole in his debut picture, and easily his best performance. His performance as well as the film's large and massive scale are impossible to resist. David Lean does nothing but amazing things. This film is the pinnacle of epic films, if you want epic, you got it right here in Lawrence of Arabia. The battles are massive and so well coordinated, the chemistry between T.E Lawrence and the arabs is so extremely well done, everything about this picture is nearly perfect. A Masterpiece.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A ripping good yarn, full of action and drama and pathos. Great characters, great conflicts, great dialogue, and shot after luscious shot of gorgeous desert vistas. And it really clips along for a nearly 4-hour film.
Rated 03 Dec 2008
An epic in every sense of the word. I have no substantial criticism to offer; my only reaction is a childlike sense of wonder and amazement. This is why I love movies.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
It's marvelously crafted, often jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and surprisingly ambiguous. I went in expecting a traditional character study, thinking the "WHO ARE YOU?" moment at the Suez Canal indicated that this was indeed the case, and was then shocked at how ambiguous and atmospheric it is. Lawrence is such an opaque character that the smallest details leap out in significance, like the indeterminate specks that appear on the horizon in the desert.
Rated 04 Feb 2007
Quite possibly the most epic movie ever made. I can't place it among my personal favorites, but I don't hesitate to call it one of the most impressive movies ever, in a wide variety of different ways.
Rated 19 May 2008
It is absolutely massive in scope. Not just the length, but all the shots feel big, impressive. The landscapes are filmed gorgeously and Lawrence's story is fascinating. It's a jewel.
Rated 01 Oct 2008
This isn't just a masterpiece, it's an experience. Perfect on every level.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Lean is epic. O'Toole is epic. The score is epic. This film is epic in every sense of the word.
Rated 04 May 2009
" THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! OUT-RAGEOUS!@#$ ..... O U T R A G E O U S !@#!@#!@# " -ly good. Various adjectives came to mind during the film, but I think that one is really the most appropriate. After four consecutive hours I wished it could keep right on going. This is one of the most exhilarating film experiences I've had.
Rated 14 Jul 2010
This has to be the strangest epic to emerge from the classic Hollywood era. There are no women with speaking roles, and as such no love interest. Well, human love interest, because it's pretty clear that Lawrence is in love with the desert. It's breathtakingly beautiful, like most David Lean movies, and Peter O'Toole's performance as the title character stands as one of the darkest, strangest, and certainly most fascinating performances in the history of cinema.
Rated 31 Aug 2011
The acting is unbelievable, the cinematography is unrivaled for its time and (best of all) the film doesn't completely fall victim to the white savior epidemic, though twisting of propaganda certainly would have allowed for it. Lawrence leads the Arabs, but he and the others are well aware of their respective interests and loyalties. A complex, bright, but disturbed individual, Lawrence makes for a curious study; though the multiple wars and political unrest surrounding him are just as engaging.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Great, unforgettable classic that's meant to be seen on a big screen in a gorgeous movie palace. Incredible to look at. Peter O'Toole gives one of the greatest male performances EVER. He's so grand, so glorious, so mesmerizing that you can't tear your eyes away. This is the best film that David Lean ever made (& that's saying something).
Rated 23 Jun 2008
Introducing....Peter O'Toole. And what an introduction it is. The film is probably the longest I've ever seen (just over 3 and a half hours) but after the first 20 they really fly by. This movie is arguably the most ambitious and epic ever made. There is so much going on in the battle scenes I have to wonder how Lean coordinated it all so perfectly. A must see for everyone.
Rated 06 Jan 2009
Peter O'Toole could have retired after this, his first feature performance and still have been considered a legend. While T.E. Lawrence's motives may come under suspicion, his charisma in uniting the Arabs is undeniable. In the end however, he is reminded that the very essence of war is for young men to fight for and pay for the sins of bureaucrats. A true epic.
Rated 19 Oct 2009
A true epic in every sense of the word. I was completely surprised and blown away. Beautiful locations, a stirring score and a great cast. Works on every level.
Rated 22 Nov 2018
Now this is simply a great movie. A nuanced character study within a large scope, well-acted, with some very impactful scenes. Sure, it's long, but mesmerizing: the grand motion and battle scenes, stunning desert cinematography set to music, Peter O'Toole's portrayal and those blue eyes. Those eyes...
Rated 05 Sep 2019
I'll be totally honest, I expected there to be more dunes. What a let down. Just barely misses the Bechdel test.
Rated 30 Dec 2008
That 3.5 hours of a white dude strutting about the middle east could comprise one of the 5 greatest films of all time is testament to director David Lean and lead actor Peter O'Toole. It's epic set pieces amaze, as does the desert cinematography, innovative editing and everything else that comprises a motion picture. In fact, just stop reading my incoherent typing and buy the dvd/blu-ray/whatever-can-be-displayed-on-your-picture-screen.
Rated 15 Jan 2009
One of the greatest stories ever told, and told beautifully.
Rated 08 Jul 2009
What a huuuge epic, in a huuuge desert, with characters huuuge enough to fill your heart when they're nothing more than a speck on the horizon. I adore the grandeur of the geography, which gives you the sense, "Hey, all I had to do was watch this movie & my pop culture knowledge of the desert is now complete!" I'm in disbelief: apparently you CAN make a 4-hour movie with no women & no one to root against, as long as you've got one Peter O'Toole and lots of camels.
Rated 28 Nov 2020
A textbook definition of classic/problematic fave. Modern audiences will find the film cringeworthy due to the lack of Arabic actors & minor attention to international politics. Still, this is Lean doing what he does best: huge set pieces and historical detail. But here he also made a movie that matched O'Toole's performance as Lawrence: an exhibitionist display of adventure and knowledge. It is also nice to see an epic story told using an intermission, instead of continued in a sequel.
Rated 07 Jan 2007
One of the greatest film experiances I've ever had.
Rated 18 Feb 2007
I prefer Lean's other Best Picture winner, but that's no knock against this. All the leads are brilliant, and the epic nature of the tale fully justifies the 3.5 hour runtime. For a film shot almost entirely in barren desert landscapes, the cinematography is hypnotic.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
50 years late to this party.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Just beautiful; they don't make 'em like this any more.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
A true epic but I have to be in a certain mood to watch this. Some of the extended shots of desert with music gets repetitive.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It takes just as much time as it needs in order to tell its grandiose story. Its crystal clear visuals are a benchmark in classical cinema. And I just love the symbolic "bookends" of the first & last shots.
Rated 06 Feb 2009
Visually the film is one of the most beautiful I have seen. Never the desert was so well filmed. Hard talk about him, never talk enough, then watch this movie. A classic, a masterpiece.
Rated 01 Feb 2015
"Lawrence of Arabia" is an epic in so many ways. The movie is very long, the scope is grandiose, and the use of scale in the movie is absolutely phenomenal. Scaling is what really makes the cinematography pop out in this film. Filming on location must have been hell, but the way the filmmakers captured the sheer size of the desert is just marvelous. Peter O'Toole is fascinating as E.T. Lawrence. The cast is great (though with a few awkward examples brown face), particularly Omar Sharif.
Rated 16 Jul 2010
Peter O'Toole reportedly aged a whole year between shoots of the same scene. I aged a whole year while watching this
Rated 24 Feb 2007
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Lawrence of Arabia is nearly perfect. Only this movie could be 4 hours long, have little to no action, no love story, and still be one of the most entertaining movies in history. What a remarkable film.
Rated 29 Mar 2011
A mighty and unforgettable film. Even though I saw it in a good quality, I couldn't stop thinking that this is the kind of film you just have to see in the cinema before you die. Also, I think the cast is excellent, as are the performances. 2nd film I see with Anthony Quinn, and he simply makes my day.
Rated 23 Jun 2007
A terrific epic. Beautiful to look at, and thought-provoking in ways that most Hollywood epics are not.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I want to see this on the big screen! Only downside is that now I can't watch Star Wars without thinking about how Lucas' desert footage on Tattooine is so derivative of "Lawrence".
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the very best films of all time. Brilliant acting, directing and cinematography. The genius combination of Peter O'Toole and David Lean can't be beat. A must see film for everyone.
Rated 15 Nov 2015
As endless as the desert Lawrence wanders around in, but that's part of the charm. We're given a lot of time to grapple with his inscrutable character, and while by the end we may not have much insight, we have plenty of great experiences. The cinematography is ludicrously good, and the actors only a bit less so. Truly indicative of another era of filmmaking.
Rated 04 Mar 2011
The desert has never looked prettier. Lawrence himself is such an interesting and complex character. The acting from everyone is top-notch.
Rated 11 Sep 2007
Epic storytelling at its finest. One of the greatest blockbuster movies to come out of Hollywood. Ever.
Rated 04 Jan 2008
Perhaps the last of the epics? Stunning scenery, cinematography and script. Powerful performances and totally impressive on all fronts. A spectacle for all film lovers
Rated 14 Jun 2022
1) türk dizisi gibi leş uzun. yarı yarıya daha kısa olabilirdi. 2) bir çok saçma sapan sahne var. teğmen, albaya bağırıyor. albay sinirlenmiyor bile. diğer sahnede Türkler düşmanı yakalıyor. ama işkence yapıp bırakıyor. niye bırakıyor? öteki sahnede lawrence araplar için ağlıyor, sırf ülkeleri olsun diye. saçmalık. 3) milliyetçilikle filan uzaktan alakam yok. ancak film hiçbir amacı, alt metini yok. varsa da şudur. arap topraklarını özgürlüğüne biz kavuşturduk. araplar aptal, türkler cani.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
You could live inside this movie.
Rated 31 Jul 2019
Saw this for the first time in 70mm and it’s clear that any other way would have been doing it a disservice. “Hannibal Lecter watching Lawrence of Arabia / over breakfast while gnawing on a labia” - a rap lyric I came up with while watching this.
Rated 27 Jun 2008
Very Great
Rated 13 Jul 2008
Lean's masterpiece. Magnificent and uncompromising.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
2 hours of its runtime is devoted to people slowly riding through a desert and I couldn't look away.
Rated 21 Oct 2008
Truly an epic movie in every regard. Masterful acting from O'Toole and others, a powerful score, incredibly cinematography, a very long yet captivating story,... I'm glad I saw this one at last.
Rated 18 Dec 2008
Brilliant characterizations, brilliant performances, brilliant cinematography, brilliant locations, brilliant costuming. The only thing cut-rate about this is the inconsistent volume of the music.
Rated 25 Oct 2015
This is a textbook example of an epic. Lavish views of Jordan pre-independence, expanding historic timeline, the whole set is set to play and lauded by the public. These deserts are making me thirsty
Rated 19 Mar 2009
This is a tremendous accomplishment in every respect. O'Toole is stunning. A definite thinking person's spectacle.
Rated 05 Oct 2012
Divides nicely into a first half that offers near-unparalleled visual and aural cinematic pleasures in the gorgeous cinematography, mind-blowing location shooting, Maurice Jarre's score, and of course O'Toole's piercing blue eyes, and a brainier second half that deconstructs the character of Lawrence in fascinating ways. Peter O'Toole's performance is truly terrific.
Rated 29 Dec 2010
"Michael George Hartley, this is a nasty, dark little room." The first time we hear O'Toole's voice - Amazing. It's ironic that his introduction was made so royally and triumphantly. The enormity of the landscape explains the majestic romance that exists between Lawrence and the unconquerable dessert. If the film were shot on a lesser scale, it would be difficult to reach this understanding. Inspiring & legendary performance, and probably the greatest film of all time.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Stunning epic. An awesome cast (including an incredible debut performance by Peter O'Toole), beautiful desert photography and some huge action scenes with trains derailing, hundreds of horses/camels and extras, etc. They just don't make em like this any more. 3 hours and 40 minutes that flew by.
Rated 11 Oct 2009
Truly an accomplished piece of work, most notably for its visual sensibilities. The sweeping vistas of the Arabian desert (always accompanied by the stringed compositions of Maurice Jarre) make it look like the desert might actually be an appealing place to visit. One gets a sense of Lawrence's fascination with the place, esp. early in the film. The performance by O'Toole is standout, and Lean's patience in developing the character really raises the film to another level.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
An incredibly epic tale, with O'Toole providing a performance on a masterful level. It manages to be exciting throughout, which is quite an accomplishment for a film well over three hours long. It also boasts outstanding visuals and music. The only real issue I had with it is that the first two scenes, before the flashback, could have provided a stronger opening and a greater connection to the rest of the film.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
To experience this in a theatre and then remember that I once called a sandwich "epic" makes me weep for the person I used to be
Rated 25 Jan 2010
Always a great film, but now that the American Empire faces challenges in the Muslim world, it looks even better.
Rated 16 Sep 2018
This is what an epic is supposed to be! Everything about it, from the music (the music!) to the writing to the acting to the dialogue to the characters to the cinematography, THIS film does it all perfectly. Every shot could stand alone as beautifully and perfectly frame photo. Every character is fully developed in their own right, with their own goals and traits and ambitions. Yes it's long as shit. But not once was I bored or tempted to pick up my phone and scroll through some feed.
Rated 21 Apr 2011
One of the all-time champs.
Rated 19 Mar 2007
Not so much a wartime epic as a character study of an epic figure. Begins very strongly, with an impressive portrayal by Peter O'Toole, and some amazingly beautiful photography. Offers a very dynamic perspective on the Arab tribes, the British military, and of course Lawrence himself. However, in the second half, the cohesiveness of the story and the comprehensibility of Lawrence's actions begin rather to fall apart. It doesn't ruin the film, but it definitely is an imperfection.
Rated 26 Mar 2007
Brilliant. "Nothing is written."
Rated 27 Mar 2007
Classic film. Must see.
Rated 18 Feb 2011
Obi-Wan Kenobi as an Arab distracted me every time he was on screen. Just saying.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A towering achivement, the high-point in the careers of both Lean and O'Toole.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
Lawrence of Arabia is, simply put, a masterpiece, and the most visually stunning film of all time.
Rated 15 Dec 2007
epic, grand film with no filler and based on a true story.
Rated 22 Dec 2007
great epic.
Rated 03 Feb 2008
Perhaps the most staggeringly LARGE film ever made, an epic of such scope and power that even 70mm stock doesn't seem equipped to hold it all in. Any studio can throw enough resources at a historical epic, and indeed many did in the 50s and 60s, but Lean and Freddie Young's photography is some of the most impressive ever and T.E. Lawrence, with O'Toole's performance one of the most magnetic and mysterious star turns in history, is such a towering and fascinating figure.
Rated 27 Feb 2013
I don't know what to say about L of A. Everything is very... impressive. You come for David Lean's fluency of the cinematic language, and the ease with which he draws you into the story, but you stay for the scale, the grandeur, the sense of biblical epicness that the story is imbued with - often thanks to the cinematography and music. Peter O'Toole acts nothing like who I expected Lawrence to be. But he, Sharif, Guinness and Quinn sure make a fine band of Arabian megalomaniacs. Jolly good show.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
The greatest epic ever put to film.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
They don't make them like this anymore. Complex, deep, varied... Not historically accurate, but doesn't claim to be so. An interesting evolution of a man in difficult times. I would have preferred more historical context, and more development of the other characters. Still, close to flawless.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
Whenever anyone asks me how I define epic, I cite this movie. It's a breathtaking journey with a very personal core. Beautiful cinematography and perfect music. Just awesome.
Rated 17 May 2008
Rated 19 Mar 2018
The epic of all epics, Lawrence of Arabia cements director David Lean's status in the filmmaking pantheon with nearly four hours of grand scope, brilliant performances, and beautiful cinematography.
Rated 11 Jan 2012
epic biography! i love it.
Rated 21 Dec 2008
"It was the most extraordinary film I ever saw."
Rated 06 Oct 2012
"There is nothing in the desert, and no man needs nothing." - O'Toole delivers the performance of a lifetime as the prettiest man to ever lead a military campaign, in a movie that makes the desert, the sun and the people both as beautiful and terryfying as Lawrence himself. The real beauty lies in how the movie never supposes a grand scheme to the life of a man who followed his fancy as unpredictably as a tumbleweed in the wind, and was as realiable as a mirage. A definete Must-watch.
Rated 16 Feb 2009
I'm not a film critic, but I have a feeling that this is almost a perfect film. You don't even notice how long it just captures you from start to finish.
Rated 24 Feb 2009
I can't argue that this wasnt a great movie, but there are some fundamental problems I had with it; the spaces between the few action scenes are lengthy and slightly off-putting, well a couple of them are, Peter O'Toole in a couple, seldom, parts over-acts. These qualms--though are fairly small, all around this is a fantastic epic, whose marvelously crafted begining and ending prove to be the highlights to a movie studded with some of the best events to be portrayed in a movie.
Rated 05 Aug 2011
The definition of an 'epic' movie.
Rated 08 Mar 2009
Just too long. These days, the heroic film genre became obsolete. Waste of Peter O'Tool's talent.
Rated 19 May 2016
Peter O'Toole's burning blue eyes permeate this epic tale. The most important, and impressive, character though is the desert. Some of the most stunning, beautiful, and yet terrifying images ever put to film.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Rated 31 Dec 2018
You could probably make a 3.5 hour documentary just about the amount of liquor and drugs consumed during the filming
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Sweeping and beautiful film from the master of epics, David Lean.
Rated 25 Aug 2009
An epic adventure that would be nothing without O'Toole's brilliant lead role, Lean's skilled directing and Jarre's score.
Rated 30 Nov 2009
It deserves nothing less.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Truly an epic movie in every regard. Masterful acting from O'Toole and others, a powerful score, incredibly cinematography, a very long yet captivating story,... I'm glad I saw this one at last.
Rated 28 May 2011
Just beautiful.
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Hollywood has dragged the word "epic" through the mud a lot in the last few decades, but this movie truly earns that description. Great performances, amazing cinematography. An unforgettable movie-watching experience.
Rated 01 Dec 2014
Never really got this movie before I saw it projected from a beautiful 70mm print on a huge screen. I have to say I was completely lost in its sweeping majesty. O'Toole is brilliant and the story is pure epic but it kinda struggles with the weight of the material. It also needlessly takes away a lot of the depth of the actual events Lawrence was a part of and thus simplifies his character to a rather stereotypical Western hero. However it does it with class and nuance. A glorious piece of work.
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Effortlessly entertaining. Like all great films, I appreciate it more every time I see it. The obvious: the cinematography is unmatched & O'Toole is unbelievable. The most impressive aspect of the film, though, is the depth of Lawrence's character; the film's complicated psychology makes it simultaneously a singular war epic and an intimate character study, thereby using Lean's talents to the fullest. I don't connect with it as much as other film fans, but it's clearly an immaculately made film.
Rated 18 Mar 2010
O'Toole turns in a magnificent performance in a film I wouldn't call Epic but up close and personal. Much like the desert itself, it seems larger than life but can quickly meet you face to face. The duality of this is well captured in Lawrence's character.
Rated 12 Sep 2013
Don't let the almost 4-hour runtime scare you (like I did for so long), this is a tremendously entertaining film, and so much more! The cinematography is astonishing and O'Toole's portrayal of Lawrence is endlessly nuanced. By the by, Peter O'Toole's eyes are something out of this world.


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