Late Night with the Devil
Late Night with the Devil
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Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil

1h 26m
A live broadcast of a late-night talk show in 1977 goes horribly wrong, unleashing evil into the nation’s living rooms.

Late Night with the Devil

1h 26m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 52.17% from 488 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 05 May 2024
A talk show that gets out of control on a Halloween night. Late Night with the Devil has become one of the films where the found footage technique works best with its creativity, originality, great concept and clever script. It was gripping and almost every moment was intriguing.
Rated 20 Apr 2024
It's a fun concept that's seriously bogged down by tropey, sophomoric writing and aside from the convincing lead, pretty awful acting by everyone. But to their defense, the highschool play level script sure doesn't help. The backstage "found" footage is shoehorned in without any narrative purpose or much internal logic. It's too unserious to be scary, and it's just not fun enough to be campy fun. Dastmalchian is very on point as a 70s late night talkshow host though, only good part for me
Rated 24 Jul 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this set-in-one-location story where things escalate in (en)gross(ing) ways. The late 70's look and feel is effective and David Dastmalchian carries the movie wonderfully, so glad to see him in a leading role. Ian Bliss is a scenery-chewing delight. A lot of small details and hints of things to come add rewatch value, elevating the relatively simple premise. Typing in 'late night with' in the Criticker search bar and seeing the results made me chuckle.
Rated 06 Jul 2024
Well I thought it was excellent. Delivered on all that it promised and gave me everything a good horror movie should; great acting, genuine thrills and chills, some decent scares, believable effects, tight pacing and a plot that kept me guessing from beginning to end. Feels very original and different. To hell with the A.I. though. Don’t tweak graphic designs you already hired and paid people to make. Still, easily one of the best horror movies of the year so far. Dastmalchian crushed it.
Rated 01 May 2024
Interesting, cute as a 1970s period piece, and different in its treatment of familiar material. It's not entirely serious, yet still manages to conjure up a few imaginative and effectively scary moments.
Rated 24 Apr 2024
Arguably the 70s aesthetics are pretty well done, but everything else is lagging behind. Dastmalchian doesn't have tv-personality levels of charisma, nor did anyone else stand out, except for ingrid torelli, who didn't need that lame demonic voiceover. The ad-breaks are just as redundant and continuation breaking as real ads would've been, great job with that.
Rated 21 Apr 2024
Not as bad as most Shudder productions. Could have been tighter. The 70s style tv was on pointe, it was just everything else that was poorly done. The gore was bad, the acting was meh, and the story was pretty basic. I can almost see a good movie in there but it's just out of reach.
Rated 21 Apr 2024
Truly don't get how this is getting the rave reviews. The idea is good, but execution was very bad, most of the acting was rough, visuals were cheap and just overall boring. Also the addition of obvious bad AI art used in the "Be Right Back" graphics was very unfortunate. I will forget about this movie even existing by the end of the day.
Rated 20 Apr 2024
It's an approach that's undoubtedly original, but it fails to go any deeper into creating something truly scary or disturbing.
Rated 27 Jul 2024
I am SO sold on this as a concept. Exceptionally well-crafted and even better in execution. I sometimes worry when, before a movie starts, there are stingers for 27 different studios who all had their fingers in the pie, but make no mistake, this is a singular, triumphant vision from two talented directors. Dastmalchian shines, and the interplay between him and Laura Gordon & Ingrid Torelli is particularly excellent. The final sequence borders on goofy but pulls itself together incredibly well.
Rated 13 Jun 2024
Exquisitely paced, creepy, mysterious, and original.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
Visuals and aesthetics are top notch. A good horror movie that doesn't rely on jump scares. Don't expect to get your pants scared off but you will be entertained.
Rated 28 May 2024
Further proof that you don`t need a high budget and tons of special effects to make a great movie. Interesting dialogue keeps tension building all the way. Ending could have been better, but overall a very solid movie.
Rated 23 May 2024
who would've thought that an ai controversy, exorcist remake, fallon jabbing movie could be so good
Rated 21 May 2024
What a wonderful documentary about the practices of the completely fictitious Boh- I mean the Grove
Rated 01 May 2024
Very good VHS style movie. There is practical effects, satanic panic, a man named D’Abo. Everything we like and need in a internacional holiday.
Rated 29 Apr 2024
This was very well done as advertised. Captured the essence of a 70s late night talk show expertly. Loved the idea of having the cynic play a large role. Wonderfully creepy, yet understated on the whole. Strong 7.7 for me.
Rated 29 Apr 2024
A refreshingly original, spine-chilling possession horror thriller that bleeds with a Seventies cinematic flavor.
Rated 27 Apr 2024
Biggest disappointment ever! Everyone was hyping for this but it was a major let down. That was it???
Rated 19 Apr 2024
This is SO close to a 95 for me, and might become so as time goes on. The set-up for this is brilliant. Dastmalchian is awesome. It doesn't have a ton in the way of jump scares, instead relying on a creepy atmosphere as we watch a Late Night episode go completely out of control. I thought the ending was losing its way a bit as it abandoned what it was, but the kicker at the end made up for it--but it's not like I wasn't enjoying it up until that point anyway.
Rated 06 Apr 2024
It grows increasingly more tense thanks to the performance by Dastmalchian. It perfectly recreates the atmosphere of a late night talk show and the skepticism that surrounded so much of the occult during that era. It relies more on the psychological aspect of horror than it does the violence and blood. The final 15 minutes are as well presented as a horror movie could be while saying so much through visual representation as opposed to dialogue. Well done.
Rated 29 Mar 2024
A very cool horror vision. More dreadful than scary, the production as a whole is strong and manages to hold up until the end. Dastmalchian is the MVP here, my man deserves more leading roles.
Rated 26 Mar 2024
I absolutely love the slow buildup, the characters, and the effects work (minus the AI stain), but a couple things could have bumped it much higher for me. I would have liked a further devolving into carnage and chaos by the end, maybe a longer runtime, and a bigger commitment to either being "found footage" or not, because half the movie is shot like a regular modern movie and doesn't commit to the bit. Not that that's a problem, but I would have preferred full commitment in either direction.
Rated 01 Oct 2024
It's a fun concept, but manages to drag a bit despite it's very reasonable runtime. Still entertaining enough, and does its own thing, even if it plays that a little bit safe.
Rated 17 Sep 2024
Tonight we commune with the devil himself…But first a word from our sponsors!
Rated 15 Sep 2024
It keeps you tense, even disturbed, and guessing... Until it doesn't.
Rated 11 Sep 2024
It was just like watching Conan O'Brien in the 90s.
Rated 05 Sep 2024
Exceptionally tedious throwback to a late night talk show turned horror set. I was irritated by the nonsensical plot and idiotic scene shifts, not to mention the campy over-acting that permeates it. Not a fan.
Rated 28 Aug 2024
Would've seriously benefitted from more subtle writing / tension and a better supporting cast around Dastmalchian. As it stands its a provocative but severely uneven film that's cheap scares undermine the authenticity of it's "found footage" frame.
Rated 16 Aug 2024
Rated 13 Aug 2024
The usual possession tropes are present, but the 70s talk show aesthetic helps it feel fresh. It’s well acted and has a great setup that acts like a slow burn, but doesn’t feel slow at all. The horror itself didn’t do much for me aside from maybe the worm scene, so I did end up preferring the first half. Not that it was bad at any point. Nice ending shot too.
Rated 05 Aug 2024
Very gripping story and presentation. I really like the style of the movie. The first half is pretty entertaining. However, the story developed with the exorcism, devil talking with that voice we've heard million times, levitating, etc. Cliche horror movie stuff. They still managed to conclude the story well.
Rated 04 Aug 2024
While this movie doesn't have anything you haven't seen before in horror, it does a great job at setting a mood. The 70s aesthetic is excellent and the idea of these horrifying things happening on a live late-night talkshow is interesting.
Rated 25 Jun 2024
A pretty neat concept that's lovingly utilised and well paced as it deals the ambiguity of the supernatural or mere trickery, which works its way to the film's conclusion (if you take this more as a film rather than a genuine record). Not much deeper beyond that, not very scary, and might not have a whole load of rewatchable quality, but still a consistently amusing horror film.
Rated 19 May 2024
Gets the 70s aesthetic right, but pretty pointless and silly otherwise.
Rated 14 May 2024
Well-made and acted but boring, predictable story.
Rated 07 May 2024
sonu olmamış
Rated 06 May 2024
The whole aesthetic is top notch. Is it worth the, probably not, but is it still good and worth a watch...very much so!
Rated 28 Apr 2024
Some of these dorks whining about AI could use a visit from Mr. Wriggles...
Rated 27 Apr 2024
A movie with a tv show in the 70s where the host invites a guy who speaks with the dead and a girl who has possessed by demons. It seems his wife wants to send him a message
Rated 27 Apr 2024
Ayy, something a little bit different.
Rated 27 Apr 2024
The late-night talk show setting really works and makes it feel authentic. Some good personalities here that really play it up. While things slowly escalate it still feels lacking a bit in terms of horrors and scares at the end.
Rated 27 Apr 2024
2024'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 105. Late Night with the Devil (2023) Evet @KadikoySinemasi 'ndaki gösterimde en gerilimli anda ağır çantamı düşürerek herkesi korkutan benim :) Uzun süredir beklediğimiz... Beklediğimize kesinlikle değdi. Teşekkürler #İstanbulFilmFestivali 8/10
Rated 26 Apr 2024
Rated 23 Apr 2024
Satan is real and he’s engaging in psychic warfare using elites and television as weapons. Hypnosis+fringe groups shooting it out with the government+The Grove+sacrifice+doubters as the real charlatans+Owls
Rated 22 Apr 2024
Kind of film I guess plays immensely better if watched in a packed movie theater. Absolutely loved the concept of creating a horror fest with so many genres -- satire, found footage, analog, supernatural, chamber --, but execution feels hit or miss, specially when the film has to move forward -- cult subplot seems to ruin that a bit -- and leave some of the 70s-ish TV stuff behind -- finale hits all the expected notes and could've gone way wilder, something like The Cleansing Hour did. MPV cast.
Rated 22 Apr 2024
One of the better horror offerings of the last few years, though does go a bit of a different, ambiguous direction at the end.
Rated 21 Apr 2024
I love "bad vibes" movies and they do a great job at that. It's a spiritual successor to Ghostwatch for those British people of a certain age. They maybe aimed a little high for their ending and capability to deliver but it's well worth a watch. D-Dast is great and an underappreciated actor.
Rated 20 Apr 2024
Quite reminiscent of some ARGs in the way it tells its story; I really enjoyed it. Not all of it worked (the ending was not great), but it was mostly solid throughout, and when it worked, it really worked.
Rated 08 Apr 2024
Unique conceit, a found footage film of an episode of a '70s late night talk show, that really sets it apart from all those other tired "jump scare" horror films on the market.
Rated 03 Apr 2024
It includes a documentary prologue that sets up the story, and once you hear it, you know exactly where this film is going. You're left watching the film knowing the whole time how it has to end and hoping it'll take a left turn somewhere. It just doesn't. It plays out in a totally predictable manner. It's a fun little watch, but it does nothing all that interesting with it's set up.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
Really well done found footage Ghostwatch-esque movie that stays gripping and interesting until the ending, which doesn’t quite land as well as the rest of the greatness of this movie.
Rated 01 Apr 2024
Creepy, well made and one of the best found footage mock documentary films I've ever seen.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
Some pacing issues, but overall pretty trippy and novel for a found footage horror movie.


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