Last Year at Marienbad
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Last Year at Marienbad

1h 34m
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Avg Percentile 70.99% from 1735 total ratings

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Rated 11 Nov 2007
A wonderful dreamlike experience. The visuals are stunning and contribute to the dreamlike feel along with the sudden transitions from place to place that somehow feel smooth and natural, the looping narrative and dialogue that still manages to progress, the soft airy music and the people who seem to only exist when they're necessary.
Rated 01 May 2011
To misquote Fry from Futurama: "When you look this good, you don't have to be about anything."
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Do the events in Last Year at Marienbad occur in anything close to a linear fashion? Do some of them occur at all? This film is so enigmatic and mysterious that it's impossible to make any firm conclusions about what happens. It toys with conventions so freely, creating reverie from its mystery and detachment. Without any certainty of what really happens, everything becomes a possibility, and working through the various theories of the film is nearly as rewarding as watching it.
Rated 02 Feb 2007
If any movie ever deserved to be described as "dreamlike", it's this one. Its crazy abstractness and open-endedness makes it possible to interpret in a million different ways. My favorite interpretations are (SPOILERS): 1) the people are the statues come to life; and 2) X is aware of the fact that he is in a movie, and is, throughout the course of the film, trying to convince A of this.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An intriguing and extraordinarily beautiful film. I don't think I've ever seen any movie toy with time and space so freely. It speaks volumes about the nature, the texture, of romance in all its stages. I also got a bit of a Jean Renoir vibe from it, a mockery of bourgeois customs and attitudes.
Rated 24 Jul 2007
I don't care how "oneiric" and "groudbreaking" this is, it's completely uninvolving, bored me half to death and the pretentious cinematographic trickery only managed to bore me further. A serious contender for the title of "most boring movie ever made".
Rated 07 Oct 2008
Now this is my kind of movie. Dreamlike narrative that warrants multiple repeat viewings, absolutely stunning photography, and creative editing. I almost wish it was slower, giving more time to piece together whatever you want to get out of it.
Rated 01 Jul 2008
Defies description and analysis - the absolute 'art' film. I feel that most of my grudge for French New Wave is in part due to how overlooked Resnais is.
Rated 30 Jul 2010
...but the trick with the matches was pretty neat.
Rated 22 Aug 2009
One of cinema's greatest mysteries. It is, for lack of a less cliche phrase, a rich tapestry of self-referential and circular questioning. There is a relentless sense of nostalgia and deja vu. In fact the entire film seems to take the form and tone of a memory, fragmented and uncertain. Resnais demonstrates virtuoso talent behind the camera, guiding the viewer along a gallery of baroque images with mesmerizing finesse.
Rated 18 Nov 2007
This film is a paradox. Impenetrable, yet engrossing. Nonsensical, yet there's something with a shred of narrative buried somewhere in there. Obsessive, involving, and completely baffling, this film is a masterpiece.
Rated 14 May 2010
For 90 minutes, a man wills not only a love interest to accept his version of an affair from last year but his own increasingly rebellious recollection of it to conform to his liking. Who knows whether the girl finally capitulates or not, but as one is barraged with these contradictory fragments -- imagined, buried and unearthed, denied, confirmed, rarely reconciled -- one can sympathize. Its thoughts on memory hauntingly summed up in one piece of dialogue: "I have never stayed so long anywhere"
Rated 18 Oct 2016
Me watch movie.
Rated 27 Apr 2008
recollections of imaginary ghosts in a dreamy mansion. haunted and haunting. love in the infinite regress. beauty, games, jealousy and strife.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
see Pre-Taped Call-In Show to clear up any confusion
Rated 27 Jan 2010
This is a film that is not meant to be "figured out" or analyzed while viewing. Resnais wants us to simply take in what we see on the screen-- the cuts, the music, the expressions, the repetition. Trying to grasp at convention or derive meaning in the moment will only bring confusion. Last Year at Marienbad is meant to observe the fragility of memory-- not just in its characters, but in ourselves. True avant garde cinema of the highest sort. In the words of Resnais himself-- "just watch it."
Rated 13 Nov 2010
Robbe-Grillet's seductive (or masturbatory) incantations, hypnotically enhanced by a Messiaen-esque organ, drift abstractedly over Resnais's rhythmic images, the mellifluous tracking shots and the jagged cutting, in this eternally beautiful, if no longer fashionable, "puzzle picture," which has to do with powerful (even surrealistic) erotic stirrings in the most frigid, petrified setting
Rated 26 Nov 2019
Not unlike the beautiful mansion that makes up the frame for this dreamlike tale, the movie itself may mainly cater to french socialites, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't appreciate the absolute gorgeous artisanship at display here. Particularly camerawork and editing is so ahead of its time, it still feels fresh here almost sixty years later.
Rated 09 Jul 2009
Sly, enigmatic, beautiful, and haunting. It takes a while to get into the film's rhythm, but it's definitely worth it once you do. The sheer formalism of it is fascinating and unique, but it definitely requires some patience and it does get a bit dry. I kind of wish it had more heart, more signs of tenderness (e.g. the comments made by m to the woman he knows will leave) - moments like that really elevate such an abstract and detached film.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Recursive and hypnotic, like a perfume commercial.
Rated 18 Aug 2015
Still nobody knows what happened at Marienbad.
Rated 03 Jan 2009
jesus christ
Rated 22 Jan 2010
The play with light and the camera positioning is a real joy to watch. The sharp cuts, the black/white contrast and the use of mirrors are all great. What happens is a mystery that may not have a solution. There are contradictions, an uncertain timeline and a feeling that none of the characters can be trusted. Trying to figure out this movie is a game you can't win, but it's fun to try.
Rated 04 Aug 2022
Pretentious and impenetrable, but when I don't understand a film, what I ask for is a film that makes me WANT to understand, and this film does it in spades. More of an experience than a conventional narrative, the music, camera movements, performances, and other elements come together in a way that just feels completely in sync to a hypnotic and mesmerizing degree. I highly value atmosphere in a movie, and it's so thick here you could cut it with a knife. Just let it overtake you.
Rated 08 Apr 2023
After half an hour of confusion, it started to strike this viewer as a presentation of a woman's "flow of consciousness" in her perpetual indetermination in desire, in a singular style that kind of feels like the cinematic counterpart of a Virginia Woolf novel. Its fascination, therefore, lies exactly in the lingering suspicion of confusing memories with illusions: isn't consciousness, or dream, or (the shock of) desire, exactly what's always rising and falling at the very brink of them both?
Rated 06 Feb 2014
A beautiful yet bourgeois movie for those of you who try to see depth in superficiality. Not bad, not great. Definitely visually stunning, fabulous cinematography.
Rated 27 Sep 2007
When you google "BS," this should be the first link to come up.
Rated 03 May 2011
Hard to get to grips with. There's something very appealing in the gorgeous cinematography, the stark lighting, the femme fatale and the film's overall aesthetic values, which is in constant conflict with its abstruse, repetitive non-linearity and frustration, a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a never-ending organ dirge. Is there a meaning, can it be understood? It was certainly more stimulus than I could handle in one viewing. I ought to try to stay awake next time!
Rated 01 Jan 2012
Nao entendi porra nenhuma.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
The perfect aesthetic for the petrified and incestuous dealings of the upper classes, pretentiousness included.
Rated 31 May 2009
The thrill ride to end all thrill rides!
Rated 06 Dec 2013
fucking weird-ass movie. to me, it seemed to be told all within the man's mind, as he tries to remember the now-dead woman he loved. the labyrinthine construction of the hotel represents his mind and memory, and the way events occur repetitively (those memories that stick out the most) and with constant loss of temporal and spatial context (fluidity of memory) further suggests this is a product of the imagination. it's pretty great, anyway.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Memory and imagination form a psychic labyrinth, closed in on itself (ending notwithstanding) and self-referential. This bubble seems to be a microcosm of two, held together by the tension between the persuader and the one who both wants and resists being persuaded, that is, remade…or perhaps three, if the maybe-husband is included…or four, including the viewer. Made as if it was the recording being filmed by Morel’s invention. Hypnotic, but, of course, hypnosis works only if you’re open to it.
Rated 09 Jul 2011
Very interesting in many ways: the dreamy feel, the camera gliding through the beautiful hotel, the way the hotel guests behaved, and an intriguing central mystery all add up to something I should've loved. But I could never really get into it. It was just a completely unfulfilling experience for me.
Rated 30 Nov 2011
pretentious movie. it has some pretty shots but, damn, this film is so boring that it hurts. the most tedious and boring experience i've ever had whatching a movie.
Rated 22 Jan 2018
I like to think the organ music hints that this a pre-quel and/or sequel to Carnival Of Souls On a serious note, it takes a true artist to take such little budget and resource to create such a cerebral experience. It takes patience, but it's rich in rewards
Rated 02 Jan 2011
Incredibly creative with it's representation of the narrative. Unfortunately, a lot of the film's greatness is undone by the horrendous and unvaried score, which lowers this film from restrained cleverness and contemplativeness to dire pretentiousness.
Rated 05 Mar 2018
occasionally I try to give one of those critically acclaimed older french movies a shot and most of the time I regret it. It's well shot and builds an eery atmosphere, but it's just so damn pretentious and plain boring. The dude is just talking over the movie nonstop, some long stares more nonsense talking, slow walking, more talking, long tracking shots, silence, talking. I need a drink.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
More a poem than a movie. Slow and reiterated at first it blossoms and becomes full and absolute, one thing leading to the other. Its passion is hidden in neverending repeated dialogues and monologues and the way it was shot is captivating. So many strong ideas and scenes and yet somehow you're not overwhelmed by them for the most important parts shine through. Glad i've seen and even though it is too subtle for my taste to be perfect i can't neglect it, this movie is outstanding.
Rated 25 Mar 2007
One of the finest and least accessible art films I've ever seen. Be warned that you are not likely to "get it" unless you've been into weird alternative films for a long time
Rated 29 May 2011
A film that exudes love, loss and horror in starts, fits and stops. It has a singular cadence: authentic, perhaps primal, but completely assured. There is inspiration in its toying with editing and narrative conventions, i.e., voices repeating anachronisms down dark and vacant halls. It's meaning matters only to the viewer, resembling memory. And that's a place to start.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
last week i noticed the existence of this film for the first time in many years, which is baffling given its esteemed place in the arthouse canon, not to mention that i had seen and loved it multiple times as a teenager. was it a kind of wilful amnesia on the part of my subconscious? it came to me as though it were a dream i once had, and i had to watch it again immediately. now, i suppose, it'll slip away, and the process will begin anew.
Rated 23 Aug 2013
This film is the definition of cinema and its power as an artform. Even though it doesn't make much sense, it's confusing as fuck, the characters don't even have names, etc - it is still one of the most gripping, haunting experiences ever, and it is all because of how it is shot, edited, scripted and scored. Not even sure where I'm going here. This movie puzzles me, too, but I still think it's fantastic. The most terrifying love story ever.
Rated 08 Aug 2011
A beautiful, labyrinthine mess. The most complex, yet meaningless film I've ever seen.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
O Ano Passado em Marienbad estreava há 60 anos no Festival de Veneza. Não tem como não assistir esse filme e não pensar em A Invenção de Morel, mas enquanto o livro Bioy Casares fica no plano da ficção científica, o filme de Resnais/Robbe-Grillet permeia os meandros da linguagem em si no plano do fluxo de consciência, sonho e associação livre. Certamente o filme mais importante da Nouvelle Vague. Box Versátil Nouvelle Vague Volume 1.
Rated 01 Mar 2008
# 87
Rated 10 Aug 2010
Unlike others, I cannot see anything beautiful or attractive in this movie other that it is highly pretentious. Maybe these kind of films were groundbreaking in their time, but for my taste they are too artsy.
Rated 21 Aug 2011
On my first viewing of this movie I found it almost insufferable. But by the end I realized I needed that first run-through just to get my bearings, and I watched it again the next day, whereupon it became one of my favourite of the Nouvelle Vague. I don't love the film, but I do love some things about it. I'm still not crazy about some of the conventions of the genre, but this is the first I've seen to really earn them. I might actually have to reevaluate my view of the Nouvelle Vague itself.
Rated 17 Apr 2007
# 91
Rated 19 Dec 2010
Months ago I watched this film and from this vantage the film is best critiqued. It has hypnotized itself, from that one viewing, deep into my psyche. Every so often I get transported back to Marienbad. Are we who have seen it, now the guests watching on?
Rated 20 Jan 2016
The opening shots, the panning around people starting and stopping like robots, the lingering on the meaningless, aesthetic features of the hotel, the match cuts that transport characters across time and possibly space establish the hotel as a sort of nexus, a gathering grounds, maybe even some form of purgatory. Is this where everyone has always been? Were they somewhere else last year? Who are these people? The focus on only two people detracts from that mystery, but doesn't take away much.
Rated 28 Jun 2009
Alain Resnais reminds us that form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and life is a mystery.
Rated 11 May 2023
nah. this type of movies don't work for me.
Rated 20 Jan 2009
genius. Resnais is the master of monotony and contemplation
Rated 01 Mar 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★★
Rated 06 Feb 2014
My inability to care about any of the blasé romantic imaginings of this French protagonist's mind put up a big wall between me and enjoying this movie.
Rated 01 Jan 2021
A corrupt memory. Nostalgia for an ideal. Repression of death. A film whose content is at war with itself. Maddening, tranquil, endless.
Rated 24 Nov 2012
This could have been among my favorites, if not for the godawful and uneven score that accompanies it. Everytime the intriguing shots and dialogue draw me in, that annoyingly shrill organ starts up again and pushes me away. I really wish there was a silent version with just the conversations. Not liking it as much as I should is a shame. Totally my fault though
Rated 26 Aug 2008
Mind numbing, boring, fascinating, strange and meaningless. Trying to interpret what the hell this movie is about is actually more interesting than the movie itself. For that very reason, it certainly achieved what it was intending.
Rated 07 Dec 2008
Pompous baloney. "Providence" is about the only Resnais I can handle.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
Rated 07 Sep 2016
Stylish and original, but very pretentious and slow, often boring. Loved and hated it at the same time
Rated 25 Sep 2019
so I've been trying to play the game of nim against a computer for a day now...
Rated 18 Jun 2012
It gets under your skin. It leaves to feeling thoroughly unsettled. The repetition, the cyclic dialogue, the ominous organ music...
Rated 01 Dec 2014
How does one rate a film like this? On a substantial level there isn't much to account for, as the film deliberately distances itself from conventional narratology and every form of interpretation. The relationship between the leads, centering around a would-be love affair, is nonsensical. Characters talk like citing lines from a poem. Resnais probably intended this to be more of an experience, and tbh, the cinematography is a delight. Melting Lynchian mysticism with a Welles-like finesse.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 25 Jul 2010
Both elegant and dark, Marienbad is a beautiful movie, with stunning imagery and a dreamy narrative. Perhaps this is the essential movie of the Nouvelle Vague -- and truly the most hermetic and demanding of that movement.
Rated 12 Dec 2012
Yeah... whatever.
Rated 24 Aug 2020
Resnais really is hypnotizing unlike any other director. Very challenging but worth it for the brief moments where you really connect with it. Honestly might be more fun to analyze this than to watch it, though. Btw, to win the card taking game, leave an odd number of rows on the table every time
Rated 22 Mar 2013
Considered a masterpiece by many but I found it extremely boring and hard to understand. If it can be understood at all, which I doubt. It is an art film, but not a good one, at least according to my tastes.
Rated 17 Mar 2010
Everything you need for a conventional narrative are here - characters, plot, setting(s), just the temporal and spacial elements are askew. Throw in an unreliable protagonist and Marienbad turns into a truly unforgettable cinematic experience
Rated 01 Dec 2010
"The recurring attitude throughout most interpretations of Marienbad is that of sheer interpretation fatigue." - Eric Henderson
Rated 27 Feb 2016
A kind of Vertigo. On obsession, control, and loneliness defining a prison of a man who, by virtue of his obsessive love and masterialistic inclinations, renders and recognizes the other only insofar as they appear within his domain (i.e. imperfectly). Analysing and altering his memories, still loyal like a dog to the love he couldn't understand, win or control, even if she--she, forced to operate on the outskirts, hidden--went along with him.
Rated 08 May 2020
It's not for me. I kind of understand the appeal, it's just too pretentious for me. It's a pseudo-intellectual nonsense masqueraded as high brow commentary. It's visually pleasant at times, but not enough to fill the void. It's one of those films that I passionately hate. I guess it's somewhat of a fine liine.
Rated 19 Apr 2014
The organ/score got on my nerves at times, but this is an absolute masterpiece.
Rated 07 Feb 2007
But actors in this garden, forever doomed to repeat the past.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Sublime visual sensibilities, but too distanced and elliptical to be a truly moving or profound cinematic experience.
Rated 23 Jul 2011
Poetic, influential and timeless mind-bending film.
Rated 05 Dec 2019
This is a somewhat hypnotic, dream-like film. Its in black and white and that gives it a somewhat timeless feel to it. I felt the setting of the hotel gave quite a looming sense to the viewer, when we see it from outside via external shots. The dialogue is mostly provided via voiceover type narration - the voice in question being somewhat laidback and casual in tone, as if recalling some distant ocassion, while in the background an organ can be heard playing. Its certainly an atmospheric watch.
Rated 10 Jan 2013
I was absolutely captivated throughout - I was drawn in, kicked out, moved, scared, awestruck and enchanted. Watching it was like a dream, at moments like a nightmare (a couple moments near the end were extremely unsettling) as it floats through its runtime in no time at all. Its detachment and abstract nature are depending on your viewpoint its greatest strength or its most damning weakness - it can be either the most dense or most vacuous film you'll ever see.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Rated 18 Jan 2008
Kept putting me to sleep.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Well, there is not as it will hide the strangeness of this movie. For times it becomes tiring with so many repetitions and dialogs in form of puzzle. However there is no way of explaining it how incredible is the set, the movements of camera, the music, the suspense and those words for times brought me shudders... Everything but conventional...
Rated 29 Mar 2024
A movie so vague you can apply almost whatever meaning you want to it, for better or worse. This is one I'm going to have go revisit a few times
Rated 07 Nov 2019
I dont like Resnais ..this movie is so boring.Never ending annoying music .. It prevented me from concentrating on the film
Rated 22 Jul 2010
A ghostly exercise in mood and tone that provokes philosophical thought throughout. The cinematography and visual design look astonishingly contemporary.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
Rated 24 Nov 2012
24 Kasım 12, Zevahir & konuşsam tesiri yok sussam gönül razı değil.
Rated 22 Jun 2023
Something significant is happening here, but just like a dream the significance feels just out of reach, and will require an awful lot of work to get to the heart of the matter. In several exhorbitantly priced sessions.
Rated 27 Oct 2011
Hafiza ve mekan uzerine inanilmaz bi is. Ilk 10 dakikasi yeni yeni sinemalar acmistir herhalde.
Rated 13 Mar 2017
An attempt to use the fluidity and multiplicity of cinematic form to depict the thought process (possibly of someone asleep or demented). Gorgeous and mysterious, if somewhat aloof.
Rated 15 Aug 2010
cold and dry film that confuses me to no end. It seems to be reliant of symbolism and surrealism, which don't work well for me. I feel I should revisit this one; maybe a second watch will make me get into it.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
"...but time means nothing."
Rated 06 Feb 2019
The endless and repetitive voice over can be trying, and some scenes seem to be experiments for experiment's sake - but man, the ones that work are incredible. When did we decide that we didn't wanna continue with this kind of editing?
Rated 22 Jul 2018
A masterpiece of formalism and a wonderful foray into the human mind. There's Magritte treachery of images and there's Resnais treachery of memories.
Rated 18 Jul 2014
No exit, Rabbits, The trial, and Exterminating angel all tossed in a blender. a hypnotic and unguided tour through purgatory
Rated 09 Jan 2012
Beautiful, but I'm going to need to give this another watch.
Rated 23 Jul 2012
there was a point when the style and the beautiful cinematography came together with the plot and things were looking really interesting. then it just turned more and more in to an incomprehensible mess à la nouvelle vague.
Rated 12 Feb 2024
A marriage of 2001 and MULHOLLAND DRIVE – the deliberately arch and trance-like performances, combined with some suffocatingly controlled composition work, are pure Kubrick, but interspersed with moments of emotional and physical violence reminiscent of Lynch, all wrapped in a dreamy, smeary mood and atmosphere borrowed (or inspiring) both, casting a galvanising and hypnotic spell; Pittoëff’s striking facial structure gives the husband a wonderfully sinister, Anton Chigurgh like quality.
Rated 04 Nov 2018
X: "Empty salons. Corridors. Salons. Doors. Doors. Salons. Empty chairs, deep armchairs, thick carpets. Heavy hangings. Stairs, steps. Steps, one after the other. Glass objects, objects still intact, empty glasses. A glass that falls, three, two, one, zero. Glass partition, letters."


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