Lake Mungo
Lake Mungo
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Lake Mungo

Lake Mungo

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 27m
Sixteen-year-old ALICE PALMER drowns while swimming in the local dam. When her body is recovered and a verdict of accidental death returned, her grieving family buries her. The family then experiences a series of strange and inexplicable events centered in and around their home. (imdb)

Lake Mungo

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 27m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 46.12% from 586 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Oct 2021
Subtle, effective, and unnerving mockumentary. Like all good ghost stories, it's just as much about tragedy and grief as it is about scares. Underrated.
Rated 01 Nov 2018
It's like the Where's Waldo series focused on the woman in the "painting" from Dario Argento's Deep Red. You unlock a life achievement if you watch a documentary about the making of this film.
Rated 09 Sep 2011
Very low-key and not really that filled with scares, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The story changes just often enough to remain interesting and I have a soft spot for ghostly apparitions. Well, not really a soft spot, more like a 'goosebumps on places where they shouldn't be' type of discomfort. As such, the few moments that were meant to be disturbing had the right effect. The deathly apparition appearance in particular was surprisingly creepy. Nice cinematography too.
Rated 05 Oct 2011
There's only one moment that doesn't work, when it jumps to J-Horror for all of three seconds. It's completely at odds with the rest of the film. There may be something there, but I can't see it. Other than that, it's haunting and beautiful and moving from start to finish. I've never seen the combination of ghost story and family documentary so richly realized, and as a reflection on the intersection of human nature, memory, and the photographic/cinematic process over and above a ghost movie.
Rated 12 Oct 2021
I got into this. The mockumentary style was handled really well, bolstered by effective performances and the general camerawork and execution was pretty slick. It went in a few different directions throughout, but remained compelling, if slightly unresolved in a few ways. I get the comparisons with Twin Peaks, and there were a few moments that creeped me out a bit. There was something mildly unsatisfying about it I can’t put my finger on, but it was definitely worth watching.
Rated 09 Dec 2012
I figured this was an everyday thing in Australia. I don't get why they're all so worked up.
Rated 07 Apr 2011
Although it will inevitably be compared with other pseudo-documentary-style horror movies, the true inspiration was, in my view, TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME, both thematically and otherwise. The narrative takes some unexpected turns that makes it more interesting than the typical horror movie, and it is put together in quite an accomplished manner. While not terribly horrifying, it does manage to generate a certain resonance, with some very nice cinematography in the moments between the video.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
This film probably holds the record for highest number of slow zoom-ins on blurry photos. It's almost entirely made up of (fake) talking heads documentary footage, home movies, and the aforementioned slow still photo zooms. Even if the film is supposed to be more emotional and poignant than scary, the characters never really say anything interesting and far too much time is spent on the ghost aspect. By the end of the film I was wishing for anything even remotely exciting to happen.
Rated 12 Oct 2021
Strangely overpraised in some quarters (seems to be gaining a rep among Horror Twitter types as some kind of semi-forgotten classic) but not too bad. I appreciated the wink to Canucks with the name of one of the reporters, "Genevieve Trudeau", which, of course, combines the first name of Canada's greatest living actress, with the last name of Canada's greatest living Rolling Stones gang bang participant.
Rated 03 Oct 2021
A young girl named Palmer, with a boyfriend but secret lover, is murdered and found in a lake. Her family struggles to pick up the pieces and figure out her death while paranormal events happen in the background. Obvious Twin Peaks parallels aside, Lake Mungo is sometimes very tense and sometimes very rote but this does feel intentional. It won't please general audiences but Lake Mungo is a hidden gem worth it for cinemaphiles who like terror.
Rated 10 Nov 2019
What stands out in Lake Mungo is its authenticity. The filmmakers took such care in crafting a realistic story that it gives the audience the opportunity to really become immersed in the story. The film gives off strong Picnic at Hanging Rock vibes. Not all mockumentaries need to be comedies.
Rated 22 Aug 2018
Gave me real chills twice Macabre Month of Horror review:
Rated 21 Dec 2012
This really was not scary at all. I'm not sure if that was really the goal, though. This movie did ooze one thing... creepiness. The whole movie was directed in a style of a documentary. The acting was really well done, so well done in fact that I sometimes forgot that they were actors and I was watching something on the History Channel. If you like something found-footage-like this is a good one... better than most really. The sad part is, it does have some dry spells through the film.
Rated 21 Oct 2022
Document of a twisty “true crime” case will test the extremes of supernatural sceptics and believers alike; Anderson is to be commended for his conviction in cleverly teasing out his “plot twists” ultimately serving this to work as an extremely effective mystery/thriller and an evocative record of the events. Talking about the handling of the material any further would constitute a major spoiler, but kudos to Anderson and his subjects for providing a haunting and unsettling experience.
Rated 08 Jun 2022
Completely carried by great and eerily realistic performances along with the pretty creepy atmosphere. Actually surprised me how immersed I was despite some odd turns in the story.
Rated 27 May 2022
This movie has such an interesting idea, and the genre they used to tell it was perfectly selected. I love the ideas it focuses on; I'll definitely be coming back to this one.
Rated 15 Aug 2021
I didn't care for the one almost jump scare, since the rest of the mockumentary did such a great job of easing me into the mundane. I would have liked a lot more easter eggs left for repeat viewings. Authentic-feeling old footage that many other productions can learn from. Fav scene: the reveal of the neighbor sneaking in the house was when we start realizing, Twin Peaks-esque, that we really didn't know much about Alice PALMER herself.
Rated 21 Oct 2019
Like Pulse, a ghost story that's far more creepy and sad than outright scary: a disquieting portrait of how loneliness can reach out and touch anyone. Will stick to your bones after, assuming you have the patience for its measured, slow-burn pacing.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
if nothing else, it's a testament to how far some creepy shots and white noise can take you, and how much more effective ambivalence and restraint are. i liked the way the "plot" slowly unraveled, although it took off the edge with its solution. it will surely bore the hell out of the popcorn-horror-lot that wants to get jumpscared for 90 minutes and then forget everything as soon as the credits roll. go to a theme park haunted house if you wanna scream and giggle ffs...
Rated 17 Jun 2016
Really bad all around, about half the movie is irrelevant to the story
Rated 13 May 2014
A brilliant horror documentary, with its one jump scare rightfully earned.
Rated 21 Feb 2013
Part emotional character study, part creepy ghost story. Neither is entirely successful, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
A bit too meditative for my tastes. And the fact that it only has one recycled scare tactic that's beaten like a dead horse (even *after* they debunk the main cause of it!) doesn't help.
Rated 25 Jun 2012
... rather boring.
Rated 18 Apr 2012
Overall Enjoyment: 25/40, Plot/Themes: 15/20, Cinematography/Direction: 15/20, Acting/Writing: 10/20 A unique and interesting horror story. Drags a bit in the middle, but is well worth a watch. Very creepy atmosphere.
Rated 27 Jul 2010
I'm growing rather tired of the modernised version of documentary style horror. It worked well in the 60s and 70s and EVEN THE 80s because the film equipment was poor enough to make it look real. The art of the fake docuhorror is lost on modern times
Rated 17 Apr 2010
not so good
Rated 10 Apr 2010
Poor. Waste of time.
Rated 30 Dec 2009
Boring. This mockumentary about supernatural events in a small Australian town aims to be both disturbing and profound but fizzles out around the 20 min mark mainly due to the repetitive narrative and ends up lacking both scares and profundity. Not recommended.
Rated 11 Aug 2024
efsane başlamıştı aslında. Yazık
Rated 10 Mar 2024
Once was enough.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
Thought I'd enjoy this one. I wanted to like this, but felt completely detached and uninvested throughout. I can dig a slow burn, but this was boring. Some scenes were well done, but not enough to go above a 3.5.
Rated 08 Dec 2023
the editing
Rated 14 Oct 2023
Great faux doc, but definitely misses out on a tighter story that would've been more intriguing towards the end. Very believable with the aesthetic, just did not resonate with it's psychological horror attempt.
Rated 30 Sep 2023
This is a slow, subtle horror movie made in the style of a documentary. It creates a chilling atmosphere with giving you just glimpses of something eerie or using dialogue to push the uneasy sense of something bad lingering around. Really liked it, how slow it was, how it didn't have to rely on gore and jump scares (though there is one) to work the horror. Very creepy and very sad at the same time.
Rated 14 May 2023
I have so many questions, number 1, what the hell?
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Complete waste of time. Totally uninteresting and not scary in the slightest. "Overrated" would be an incredible understatement.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
"Lake Mungo" is a picture perfect facsimile of a paranormal true story, it's equal parts family drama, mystery, and blurry footage that people try to tell you are supernatural. I don't watch the real deal on Syfy, so why would I watch a fake that is no more compelling?
Rated 21 Jan 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 9. Lake Mungo (2008) Uzun zamandır ertelemekle ne kadar hata etmişim. Tam bir hazine. Ne yazık ki filmin yönetmeni sırra kadem basmış :( 9/10
Rated 20 Nov 2022
If you're like me and have a boner for creepypastas, especially ones benefiting from the murkiness and graininess of '00s era consumer cameras, then this is absolutely for you. An understated horror film that uses the visual landscape of home recordings to its creepy potential (right up to the end-credits), all the while musing on how the living respond emotionally to ghosts, including their joy and their reluctance.
Rated 07 Mar 2022
Nothing really amazing, but very atmospheric.
Rated 08 Feb 2022
It's fine but it was quite boring to me tbh
Rated 19 Nov 2021
Some carelessness with the "older footage"; people wearing the same clothing etc. The twists were so glossed over by everyone they felt silly. Also, we don't film that much shit nowadays let alone back in 2005.
Rated 30 Oct 2021
I would not be surprised if this turned out to be a real documentary because of how authentic it was done. The sound design creates a tense atmosphere. Apart from this, it felt more like playing Where's Waldo than a horror film
Rated 07 Oct 2021
Pretty unnerving and a cool story.
Rated 22 Jul 2021
Quite slow paced and not that much that happens with supposed chills at the end though it falls quite flat.
Rated 15 May 2021
This was definitely enjoyable. Worth watching to the end
Rated 09 May 2021
Interesting mockumentary-style horror film. It does the Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity thing without feeling too much like a trope or becoming a self-parody. It's a thin line (that it pushes towards the end).
Rated 17 Mar 2021
Enjoyable but felt more like a tv murder mystery
Rated 28 Jun 2020
Effective low budget creepiness.
Rated 08 Jun 2020
Well acted, ocassionally creepy, and there is a strong story of grief to be told, but not enough here overall. The found footage sequences lost their appeal halfway through.
Rated 15 Nov 2019
A slow-burn horror featuring strong performances, eerie atmosphere & good use of the mockumentary style, it packs a number of twists & turns to keep things interesting & never reveals too much too soon. The plot is interesting, the mystery is intriguing, & the characters are very fleshed out & convincing. However, it also suffers from just how slow-paced it is, often dragging quite a bit, & not all of the twists really work very well. Overall, it is worth a look, but it won't be for everybody.
Rated 06 Nov 2019
A poor man's Twin Peaks as told through a faux-cumentary. Very, very slow. The Blair Witch Project this isn't.
Rated 02 Jul 2019
Compelling and creepy documentary.
Rated 10 Nov 2018
It terrified me in a way a few horrors ever did, but not with a jump scare. With a slow motion zoom! Three times! That's an achievement.
Rated 16 May 2018
Pant shitter material right here.
Rated 08 May 2018
It's kind of laughable how often in this movie you'll see instances of the twist "That ghost footage was actually doctored/a different person/otherwise falsified," to the point you'll start to wonder if there even is anything supernatural going on in the plot at all.
Rated 15 Aug 2015
A horror movie filled to the brim with loose ends and unsolved plot holes, but boy is it creepy. It took a while to get the scenes with the ghost images out of my head as I attempted to go to sleep in the wee hours of the night. Unfortunately what makes the movie creepy also makes it not so great because so many ideas and plot twists are piled on and then not followed through that the mystery of it is effective, but it also seems to be done out of sloppiness.
Rated 06 Aug 2014
Incredible homage to Twin Peaks and quite possibly the best movie about ghosts I've ever seen. Not exactly a horror movie but has the best jump scare of all time.
Rated 19 Oct 2013
Really god damned creepy but at the same time not entirely satisfying.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
Relies way too much on blurry figures appearing in the background of photos. In fact, that was pretty much the entirety of the scares. I also didn't care for the plot turn halfway through: it killed the movie's momentum, bringing things to a halt and the movie never really caught up again. The whole last act was basically an attempt to recapture the energy of the first act. But with all that said, the movie did have some effectively creepy moments, and I really liked the faux documentary style.
Rated 12 Jun 2013
One of the most scariest scenes I've ever seen is on this movie. And it's an overall good movie, with good script and cinematography and decent acting.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 5 * Script : 6 * Directing, Aura : 8 * Ease of Viewing : 7 * Naked Eye : 7
Rated 30 Mar 2012
Takes quite a long time for the story to begin to solidify, and when it does, it is actually not that interesting. The actors are great, but they can't save the dragging, and frankly boring, plot.
Rated 11 Feb 2012
I get found footage montage style horror movies but making them work is trickier than filmmakers tend to think. Lake Mungo is lazier than most with its heavy reliance on talking-heads mockumentary and yes, slow zoom-ins on blurry photos. It's cheap and really snuffs out any chance of creepiness for the most part. The plot meanders and wastes a lot of time on blind alleys. There was one moment, late on, when it seemed like scary stuff was starting to happen, but the movie was over a wink later.
Rated 05 Nov 2011
On one hand it's a very weak horror story but on the other hand it's somewhat effective because it's relatively believeable. It's a great film to watch at the start of a night before watching other horror films because it bolsters your suspension of disbelief
Rated 28 Feb 2011
Rated 13 Nov 2010
It was some what slow, but I liked the pseudo-dokumentary style and they made it work quite well. Ali's story had a Laura Palmer vibe to it and the mobile video was super eerie!
Rated 16 Aug 2010
good premise, so so execution. The documentary aspect of it takes away any possibility of real suspense.
Rated 29 Jul 2010
It gets more and more absurd the longer it goes on and the majority of the "twists" just lead to nowhere but the movie is scary and that's something most of the horror movies don't achieve nowadays.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Calkiem calkiem...


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