Lady Bird
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Lady Bird

1h 34m
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Avg Percentile 58.8% from 3669 total ratings

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Rated 01 Mar 2018
Going into the film as someone who just graduated high school, I really felt some of the tension between Lady Bird and her mother, and her peers. I liked the whole mother-daughter dynamic and the way they presented her relationships with her family and friends, because some people really are like this. The movie is really down-to-earth and I'll be thinking about it for the next few days. Film wise it's well directed, written, and acted. I love Ronan and I liked everyone else in this too.
Rated 23 Feb 2020
Gasp, an indie flick with a character with a quirky name who is actually a character and not an annoying quirk quip machine.
Rated 23 Nov 2017
Gerwig seems to have learned a lot from working so frequently with Baumbach - I found a lot of his aesthetic signatures here. Not a bad person to learn from by any means. This is the portrait of one year in a young woman's life - and it runs at a confident pace. At times its focus feels a bit jumbled or falsely wise - but that falsity is in its design, I believe. We are as confused as Lady Bird on what's the right path for her, but we trust in her ability to be authentic and honest with herself.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
Saoirse Ronan is cute, quirky and likable in this coming of age story. All of the characters felt genuine. The overbearing mother, played by Laurie Metcalf, delivered a few nice zingers. Tracy Letts was great as the mellow doting father. Entertaining and engaging throughout. I especially liked the awkward emotional moments. Good writing and directing. It was also well made and has good music.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Could I care any less about this obnoxious, entitled little brat? No, I could not. Nor could I bring myself to care about the stereotypical supporting characters; the doting father, the nit-picky mother, the fat school friend etc. In fact it's hard to find anything noteworthy about this banal, cliche-ridden film that has nothing much at all original to say about anything, and says it in the most bland way imaginable.
Rated 24 Jan 2018
It's wonderfully relatable and authentic and has some great performances and moments, but I can't say that I truly loved it. Also while I think the charm of the movie is indeed its simplicity and authenticity, certain plot points come and go that are never later explored and that did bug me a tad. Thoroughly pleasant nonetheless.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
Pretty Feisty in Pink. Very well done. I don't think we've exactly come leaps and bounds since Heathers, but at least we're not contemplating settling for Duckie anymore. Fun Fact: I saw this and Ani Difranco in concert during the same weekend and she opened her set with Little Plastic Castle.
Rated 28 Jan 2018
Out of the many films I've seen this year, possibly the only one where the core drama seems so honestly to come from a point of lived experience - so every moment expresses layers upon layers of emotional truth. Yes, Lady Bird is built on nostalgia as a vehicle for reflection. Yet this nostalgia shows bravery by looking back on memory unironically, with an acknowledgement of the adventure in all its failures. One feels a fuller person by the end.
Rated 20 Jun 2018
There is a reason why six decades of coming-of-age films have focused mostly on the two ends of the jock-nerd spectrum: the kids in the middle just aren't that interesting. Lady Bird (the character) aspires to be something different, but is ultimately just another self-centered, erratic ball of hormones who will be just as boring a person in college as she was in high-school, and then move to Seattle and become a barista (but in a supermarket cafe).
Rated 09 Dec 2017
"Other things can be sad, it's not all war." Lady Bird does a beautiful job of exploring how complicated a teenager's exploration of their personality can be, when selfishness can be both virtuous and ugly. What's more, it's such a well-realized understanding of the minutiae of teenage life that almost every scene echoed with some nostalgic understanding of my own adolescence. And Saiorse Ronan is fabulous.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
Like all great films do, LB connected with me on deeply personal level. From the nuanced parental relationships to asserting one's own identity, every thematic element is dealt with sensitivity and utmost sincerity. I honestly didn't think this 89 minute directorial debut would affect me the way it did, but I was literally on the verge of tears as it reached its conclusion. Awesome dad playing solitaire on the PIII, 733MHz family computer gets a +1 from this millenial. Well played, Gerwig.
Rated 28 Nov 2017
The fact that big studios try to avoid cultural specificity in their movies is a fucking shame, because I loved every little detail about living where and when this movie takes place with these people. Hope Greta Gerwig gets to do more work, she just came out the gate with a win. (also lol someone on here got mad this was getting better reviews than ISRAEL J ESQUIRE MAGAZINE or w/e it's called.)
Rated 06 Jan 2018
Writing a character that speaks in your own thoughts is aimless and unrealistically direct. Also, Lady Bird is desperate to be a victim, though her life is about as tragic as a Full House Christmas special. Other things can be sad, but Greta forgot to include any of those things in her script.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
To some extent we've seen this before, but rarely this well-grounded. Gerwig writes characters and settings that feel real, and Ronan and Metcalf in particular absolutely knock it out of the park. I felt like I'd been to Sacramento, and like Ladybird, I was both itching to get out and terrified that it would end.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
Kinda corny, lots of caricatures, some cringy one-liners masquerading as accurate observations about life, typical coming-of-age blah blah blah blah. Yet, some moments sneak up on you in a way you might not expect, and parts of this will surely resonate with anyone who has a love-hate relationship with their home town.
Rated 15 May 2020
I didn't love everything about this, but the portrayal of Lady Bird's relationship with her mother was fantastic.
Rated 11 Dec 2017
a delightfully sweet and perfectly-written coming-of-age story, with a precise balance of adorable precociousness and burgeoning self-destructive tendency. most impressive is that it might be the first movie to accurately establish the early 2000s as an era for a period piece. an era so different yet so close to now, the setting feels well defined without coming across as forced, kitschy or sarcastic. the Zinn book was a perfect touch.
Rated 29 Nov 2017
An indie coming-of-age drama similar in setting to Rushmore, but featuring a hero whose quirkiness is compounded by society's gender & economic obstacles. Gerwig's editing and music made the film so adorable that those old enough to remember the era may think they're watching an old video yearbook. I have one minor issue with an emotionally abusive relationship that isn't given the resolution it deserves. Still, the flick is admirable, and a delight to watch unfold. Highly recommended.
Rated 06 Jan 2018
Lucas Hedgefund is getting better and better as time goes on, portraying an actor worse than him (but he's getting better!). Now that i got that out of the way, this film highlights the art of character writing. Saoirse Ronan maintains her testament to the craft of seamlessly morphing her accents and it properly doubles down on small-town ennui. You can't do wrong recommending this to anyone, regardless of whether this is the product of someone who labels everything as problematic or not
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Propelled by its genuine affection for family custom and tradition, and by its heightened sensitivity towards its broken characters without an ounce of sentimentality or cliche. In particular, Gerwig displays an understanding of and empathy with male sensitivity and mental illness that is rarely seen in such a non-judgmental light. Very nice.
Rated 28 Jan 2018
This ticked every box for me. So much so I've watched it twice in two days. One of those rare experiences where it's a coming of age tale that doesn't feel contrived for the sake of Hollywood. Ronan is simply irresistible and I'm going to be very interested in Gerwig's future projects. I've gone through a hectic time lately and this film helped me get back on my feet as well as it moved me quite strongly.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
captures those moments of youth, acknowledges the mistakes that are made, that the freedom to make those mistakes has to be found, and covers it in a genuine hope, not a Hollywood bow. It's just a great movie. Funny, touching, never too light never too heavy and perfectly captures being 18 and just not knowing what you want (thanks Alice Cooper
Rated 27 Feb 2018
Once you get over the overwhelming and bizarre amount of hype surrounding it, this is a perfectly enjoyable little film. Like Brooklyn (another puzzlingly popular Ronan vehicle from a few years ago), one senses that it probably means a lot more if you've lived through very similar circumstances.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
Movies are getting dangerously close to depicting my era of adolescence via nostalgia and that freaks me out.
Rated 05 Dec 2017
Lady Bird, like the previous year's Edge of Seventeen, is rare coming-of-age teen film that succeeds in how grounded it is. Nearly every character feels fleshed out and real, while Ronan is a Greta Gerwig incarnate. To top it all off, the editing compliments the quick attention span that we all had as teenagers. What else is high school if just a montage of memories? What a wonderful and heartfelt film.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
By and large just a marvelously shot, scored, written, and acted roller-coaster ride through snippets of angsty and authentic-feeling teen life with as much great humour (too-cool Kyle is a one-liner gold mine: "I'm trying to live by bartering alone") as feisty drama (mother and daughter are the highlight here; see their opening exchange in the car) and feel-good moments (see the girls at prom). The slower scenes (see post-sex) feel a little awkward in comparison, but maybe that's the point.
Rated 30 Sep 2017
We get a good feel for these characters as the movie goes on, and the relationships that develop and evolve between them are complex. The story is more universal than initially appears. And, quite frankly, it's just entertaining. It checks off all the marks you'd want, and at only just north of 90 minutes leaves you wanting more. Lady Bird is great.
Rated 25 Dec 2017
Perhaps it was a result of the Lena Dunham-types (male & female) in my theater who howled w/ laughter at anything that might be construed as even slightly amusing (presumably because they're automatically invested in any character that thoughtfully reflects their "elitist" values back to them) but the first half hour was painful. But once they calmed down, it was easy to enjoy Gerwig's film which always feels genuine: like she's recounting her own history; a moving tribute to her family.
Rated 02 Dec 2017
A spectacular film. Few films I have seen show socioeconomic realities like that, as well as having a strong mother/daughter relationship as the core of the film. Lady Bird is a strong character, but never descends into the quirky, Lady Napoleon Dynamite character.
Rated 30 Nov 2017
I hate how every indie movie now is a mockery of working-class middle America with some apologetic conclusion about how it's actually the lifeblood of society. The Rebel Wilson/Michael Cera companion character is somehow not the biggest cliché in the movie. Makes no sense, especially coming from a filmmaker who actually lived in Sacramento. I'm pretty sure the message is all women are evil, but they should still be nice to each other. The only good scenes are when the Mom and Daughter fight
Rated 20 Sep 2021
While "Lady Bird" may have achieved a rarity of feeling like a real movie with real humans, it's failure is that it is too real, which is an issue when your main character is just an average selfish teenager.
Rated 05 Mar 2018
As soon as I heard that Ronan's character were actually calling herself Lady Bird, I knew that this was quirky nonsense. And why in the world did this receive Oscar nominations? (Not that I put any stock in getting Oscar nominated, mind you.)
Rated 20 Jul 2020
You have to expect this if you name your kid "Saoirse". Someday I want to see one of these misfit theater-kids just own their elitism and be like "I AM ABOVE THIS BACKWATER POND SCUM SMALL TOWN" instead of this passive aggressive shit like flopping out of a moving car. It did feel like an emotional truth though.
Rated 25 Dec 2017
Nice coming-of-age dramedy. Like most contemporary young-adult themed films aimed at mainstream American audiences,"Lady Bird" favors entertainment over naturalism; I always find the rhythm in these movies to be a bit glib. But Gerwig's characters, at least, have a certain authenticity - some are a little half-baked, but she doesn't mold anyone into an archetype. Nor does she arrange the story into neatly packaged "messages" as many others do, which keeps things interesting.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
A mostly entertaining glide through a year of a teenager's life. Once we get past Metcalf's emotional moment it kind of peters out into pseudo-profundity though. Still manages to capture teenage awkwardness better than almost any film in recent memory.
Rated 08 Jan 2019
I liked it very much. Funny, sweet, well written & believable. I feel like it should’ve connected with me more, having suffered the unpleasantness of strict Catholic schools myself until 18 years of age, but it didn’t. Despite feeling warm towards ‘Lady Bird’ for most all of its runtime at the end it left me oddly cold & I’m not really sure why? I can see how this film could really connect for some people, but for me it was missing something even if admittedly I’m not sure what!?
Rated 18 Jan 2018
Basically most of what I fear from coming-of-age stories. Lady Bird's life is full of non-problems that are agonised over relentlessly, and a lot of the growing up plot-points are completely identical to those in the also overrated Boyhood (including a strikingly similar reaction to college news from the mother towards the end). The witless script doesn't help us like most of these hard-to-like characters, and some of the "meaningful" lines sound like quotes rather than dialogue.
Rated 21 Dec 2017
Insufferable, irritating fusion of mean girls and juno minus the funny parts
Rated 27 May 2018
A wittily written and well made film about people I found profoundly irritating. I’ve seen far, far too many subplots in movies and TV shows about kids trying to get into college to ever be invested in it again. I actually more enjoyed the musical theater subplot from the first half of the film.
Rated 04 Mar 2018
As far as coming-of-age movies go, this film doesn't really do anything new. However, that doesn't change the excellence of its execution nor the honest intensity of its emotions. This film captures reality in a way that few do.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
Even at a quick pace, Greta manages to build the characters to feel as genuine as possible, which I enjoyed. The film is a refreshing take at life growing up in the underclass. There are also emotional moments that manage to be light enough, so you can still appreciate the humor. I'm truly admiring Greta Gerwig as an actor and director.
Rated 31 Oct 2018
I feel like I've lived so much of this movie. There's a tangible authenticity to so much of the mother-child dynamic, the passive aggression, guilt-tripping, and validation seeking, and then there's the small town angst, the self-loathing of privilege, and the youthful pretension. There's a lot here about growing into the messiness of the world. The movie dips into some fairly conventional high school movie tropes, but it truly gets all the emotions right, and that's definitely what counts.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
It's weird to criticize movies for being insistent on themselves (of course art is insistent on itself), but yeah, I would say that this screenplay feels "insistent" on its own importance. I don't love this. That said, I still really enjoyed it! It's a slice-of-life that's tremendously performed and crafted. It's fun, heartfelt, and relatable to the present or past, with all the cringey, pretentious teen dialogue and logic you can ask for. I lost it at the football coach, that was incredible.
Rated 11 Nov 2017
Greta Gerwig is one of the greatest talents working in American film today. Frances Ha-Mistress America-Lady Bird is an incredible run.
Rated 24 Jan 2018
This movie left me feeling a mix of positive emotions. I was nostalgic. I was satisfied. I was eager to know where Lady Bird (or is it back to Christine?) ends up next. I wanted to be home. I wanted to relive that time of my life. I was simply happy. The humor is present and intelligent. The story is smart but not pretentious. The acting is solid. This felt like a very real and authentic story that I have no doubt many people can relate to.
Rated 04 Nov 2020
Particularly as a young person, I do gravitate towards a lot of themes presented in Lady Bird. The mother/daughter dynamic is heavily present, and something I'm sure women will bond with. It aims for a lot of specific topics, and not all of them are as happy-go-lucky as they seem, which bodes well for the character arch's given, which is by far one of its biggest positives. This movie was clearly meant for award season, and I genuinely think it deserves it's praise.
Rated 07 May 2018
Ghost World for people who don't read comics. Boyhood for girls, albeit a lot shorter. Lovely little thing with several tender and well acted scenes. Especially Metcalf delivers a wonderful performance. Pretty standard plot wise but does do enough to undercut standard melodrama conventions to feel fresh.
Rated 01 Dec 2017
A moving, in-depth look at how emotional transactions can stick in our memories and change us through adulthood.
Rated 09 Dec 2017
A sophisticated and incredibly human story with great nuance imbued within every performance in the film. The tone and self-awareness to its genre-trappings are subtle in their excellence, yet Lady Bird's charm stems from its seemingly constellatory alignment of so many elements that shouldn't work, but do. Its care towards maternal relationships roots the film, but its embrace of complexities in life along with its nods to struggles with faith, home, poverty, and ennui make it truly compelling.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
The best coming of age movie ever made? Is that too high of a claim? Was expecting a good movie, but this blew me away. So funny and so real. Loved every moment of it and wanted to see more of Lady Birds life. Very emotional and sweet, without having to take predictable or cliched paths
Rated 29 Nov 2017
They had a teen movie set in Sacramento in 2001 and The Bananas weren't mentioned?!
Rated 26 Dec 2017
I'm not quite in the "amazing" camp with this one but it comes a lot closer than I expected, considering the trailers didn't do much for me. Sure, it's another coming of age tale, but it does hit the little things that make being a teen chaotic and kind of lovely. Saoirse Ronan puts in work here that is worthy of the attention she has gotten, touching on all the different notes but never overdoing it. She's helped by a great supporting caste and writing that is endearing and sometimes comical.
Rated 06 Feb 2018
How not to love a nostalgic 00s take on teen angst that works basically as the biography of a girl who hates her roots but then realizes she has to face them in a better, more grown-up manner? And that her clashes with her mom are so personal (I related to this A LOT) and yet so universal and common? A tre sharp film about that period in your life that you feel like renegating things to seem adult-ish only to learn a few bits about memory, origins and other people.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
"Lady Bird" is perhaps the most thoughtful, honest, funny, and resoundingly accurate depiction of high school life ever put to film. I know this because I am currently living it. Saoirse Ronan has managed to capture in her performance both the intricacies of wanting to think that you know everything, that you're above it all, but also being truly vulnerable, sometimes even scared, and what happens when one side clashes with the other, all with not much more than looks. A triumph of filmmaking.
Rated 11 Dec 2017
completely caught off guard by how personally this movie connected to me, especially with the mother-daughter relationship. flashes of passive aggression, arguments that may or may not get resolved off-screen, and realizing that some people just are who they are... but by the end of the film, i'm still left with a very satisfying and optimistic feeling. i don't need a clear-cut hero's journey to realize a character's development. a well-crafted quilt of vignettes.
Rated 02 Feb 2018
A decent watch. No clue why it has so many Oscar nominations though.
Rated 28 Nov 2017
The easy (and, at times, abrupt) movement between comedy and heartbreak mirrors the life of a teenager well, while Gerwig's script creates a sense of groundedness--both in place, but in its attachment to wisdom as well. The Catholic elements added a sense of depth and transcendence to the proceedings as Christine learns something of what it means to mature--to offer attention to others. I also appreciated the way the film respected its main characters by avoiding simplistic resolutions.
Rated 29 Nov 2017
Solid mother-daughter/coming-of-age drama with a load of chuckles.
Rated 14 Feb 2018
Quite a few laugh-out-loud moments (especially since I also went to a Catholic school in the early 2000s), but I found Lady Bird (both the film and movie) hard to like. The characters are all loathsome and you have to sit through an hour and a half of uncomfortable, bitter moments before they begin to show a sympathetic side. It is, however, a very nuanced and complex story that feels authentic.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
Loved the family dynamics. I haven't seen Saoirse Ronan since Hanna, still a joy to watch.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
One of my favorite movies of the year. Great script, great performances, looks great.
Rated 13 Feb 2018
Look, this movie doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything, so I would get why some people think the acclaim is a bit over-the-top. But for me, it's one of the most perfect, well-made, sharply-written, beautifully-cast, impeccably-edited wheels of all time. (in this metaphor the wheel is coming of age movies)
Rated 05 Mar 2018
Everything works. Warm nostalgia pervades the cinematography, the music, and the designs; the editing enhances the brilliantly written humour and poignancy in turn; and the characters are often exaggerated but always effective, and carried through pitch-perfect performances. Hilarious and effecting.
Rated 02 Mar 2018
Ronan is superb, with plenty of good supporting performances as well. Heartwarming movie.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
There's not a false note in this film. No forced quirkiness, no shallow characterizations, no phony drama or cheap laughs. Every performance is beautifully nuanced and you can feel the compassion and empathy Gerwig has for everyone in this world. There are moments that stunned me in their simplicity and emotional impact, and I marvel at Gerwig's ability to write moments that feel like they came straight out of my life or the lives of people I know, despite being set a world away from us.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
I would rather watch a movie on this red-head's fat friend instead of her packed-for-hipsters fake story. For us, world history is not the history of the ones who leave their homes to explore the world, but of the ones who are waiting to be discovered without ever leaving their neighborhood. What is your solution Greta? "Oh, I wish the US was one giant Brooklyn with its pseudo-intellectual progressive neoliberals." This is the problem itself you idiot! Bad bad movie, La La Land of 2018 Oscars.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
i'm probably as far away from the target audience as it gets, but even with good intent, i can't see anything particularly worthwhile here. it's all the known coming-of-age tropes via cardboard stereotypes served up for generation entitlement (as in "everything should be subordinate to my emotional perception and offer no serious obstacles whatsoever!"). p.s.: i shall be known as "BillyShears" from now on. he has way more starred reviews, and that's so much more in line with how i see myself.
Rated 28 Nov 2017
Lady Bird is one of the best portraits of growing up I have seen. It isn't just a story that runs across a couple days, but a young woman growing up and guiding you along a journey of memories that evoke old ones within yourself. The movie does a wonderful job at moving forward, memories come in and out as if it were in your head and you never want it to end, but alas, it does. Wonderful in all manners. This is 100% worth seeing.
Rated 12 Jan 2018
Features two truly great performances, a screenplay that's so incisive and relatable it hurts, a flawless sense of time and place, and the only movie high school I've seen that feels real since GVS's Elephant. Breezily sidestepping the forced quirkiness that plagues so many indie dramedies. Genuinely affecting (the entire prom sequence had me in tears), nostalgic without being sentimental. (Also I saw this back-to-back with Call Me By Your Name and holy shit is Timothée Chalamet talented.)
Rated 20 Jan 2018
One of the most relatable coming of age films I've ever seen. I also was not expecting it to be as funny as it was. Gerwig's direction is fairly nuts and bolts, but she's got a real voice in her writing.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
Achava que era mais um desses filmes mega superestimados, mas a verdade é que me identifiquei demais com o filme, a questão da transição da saída da casa dos pais numa cidade que você supostamente odeia para a ida à universidade em outra cidade e o relacionamento difícil com a mãe, tudo parece clichê sendo dito assim, mas transformar esse apelo que afeta tanta gente numa substância universal dessa magnitude com tamanha leveza da parte da Gerwig é preciso talento e isso ela tem.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
A good performance from Laurie Metcalf and Saoirse Ronan but a mediocre movie.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
Gerwig and Ronan take on the teenage coming-of-age film and emerge with a distinctive voice and a unique take on the genre, both in terms of the themes tackled (which are slightly more grown-up and realist than we usually see) and the tone with which it is presented (dark, somewhat pessimistic a lot of the time). It's refreshing. The performances are great and the script not bad. Once of the best of 2017, although I'm not close to considering it a classic.
Rated 16 Mar 2018
Lady Bird is a piece-of-life dramedy that showcases the perspective of a working class teenager on ambition, love, inequality and maternal relations, with a few decent laughs along the way. The film is structured around Ronan's character's final year of high school, and this framework works well for Gerwig's thematic-exploratory direction style. Ronan and Metcalf are great, but their characters are infuriatingly annoying. Ultimately, for that reason, I didn't truly enjoy the film.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
It's hard to say that I've ever come out of clear Oscar-bait feeling so good. It's very simple and very enchanting in that simplicity. I found Lady Bird to be delightful at parts, heart-hurting in others, but overall very relatable. Gerwig's debut is more than satisfactory, and Ronan and Metcalf are shoe-ins for best and best supporting actresses.
Rated 31 Dec 2017
I usually complain about movies not having enough soul. This is pretty much nothing but soul.
Rated 13 Feb 2018
Dis-orientatingly entertaining
Rated 01 Jan 2018
The best high school movie of all time.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
Saoirse Ronan is outstanding in the lead role of this film. The rest of the cast also does good work here. The script is good and it seems real. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 28 Nov 2017
Whenever this movie wants to be funny - it's hilarious. Whenever this movie wants to be sad - it is heartbreaking. Whenever this movie wants to smart - it's wise. It has talent, it has craft it has heart. And while it strings together all it's wonderful moments in the rhythm of puberty itself it still heads toward that one, rich ending.
Rated 10 Mar 2018
Sweet, beautiful little film. A simple story told hundred of times, yet it doesn't feel cliche or overused, but manages to be fun, believable and heartwarming instead. Nothing is excessive, just the right amout of neatly blended comedy and drama. A perfectly balanced movie.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
There isn't a plot beat in this movie that isn't at least a little bit predictable but every thing is so funn, fully realized and so true to the life of a teenager that it's hard to really care.
Rated 03 Dec 2017
Greta Gerwig has been on a role (DAMN IT! PUN INTENDED) as of lately. First Frances Ha and Mistress America, then 20th Century Women, and now her fantastic solo directorial debut Lady Bird. Feels like a perfect mashup of younger versions of Gerwig's characters' lives in Frances Ha and 20th Century Women. Saoirse Ronan plays the part masterfully carrying the brunt of the heavy lifting. That said Laurie Metcalf more than holds her own in the main supporting role.
Rated 11 Nov 2017
Lady Bird offers fresh, biting dialogue to the high-school genre. It moves at a brisk pace through the idiosyncrasies of suburban adolescence; finally catching its breath in the aftermath, letting you appreciate the bumpy ride there.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
Greta Gerwig's directorial debut, LADY BIRD, is a tender, down-to-earth story with a satisfyingly bittersweet core. It's as much about the identity crisis of a family and a community as it is about the adventures of its titular spark plug. Though many of its references are specifically designed for a certain generation--it's probably the first true early 2000s period piece--LADY BIRD beautifully portrays the first halting steps of the journey from self-consciousness to self-awareness.
Rated 06 Feb 2018
One of the best Oscar movies I have seen this year. Small and indifferent on the face of it, but scratch a little deeper and you get a sweet story about growing up and watching your children grow up. Laurie Metcalf is probably at a carrer best as the UBER passive aggressive mother who just wants her daughter to know she loves her, but cant help her self from rubbing a little salt in with the honey. Saoirse Ronan shows why she is the queen of indie movie. Subtle yet powerfull.
Rated 27 Nov 2017
I gave it an 89, after my first viewing. Now, after having seen it 2 1/2 more times, I like it even more so and have upped my score, accordingly, to a 93.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
May not be mind-blowing but it still is a very good film. Well directed and, more importantly, performed, particularly by Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf. They share great chemistry and their performances convey the love-hate relationship that any teenager and their mum may have. This is certainly the draw for this film, as it leads to some emotional moments and, yes, you'll certainly want to call or give your mum a hug afterwards.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
A breezy, skillful work about growing up, being/feeling out of place, and self-awareness. The limited narrative is unimportant, because the film is about the moments of life and it's told with really incredible performances. I could feel Ronan's emotions, and I could understand Metcalf's heart.
Rated 24 Feb 2018
It's a teenager movie. Though it does feel genuine.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
What makes the difference for Lady Bird is Gerwig's attention to detail. In the greater scheme of things, a coming-of-age story of a teen girl is fairly inconsequential. But Gerwig, Ronan, Metcalf and the rest of the stellar ensemble cast find the little moments that make things matter. Gerwig makes significant the lovely glances Lady Bird throws at her latest romantic interest, the fractures between Lady Bird and her mom, the small beauty of a normal life. Wonderful film.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Greta Gerwig has always been really great at crafting characters that are charming and entertaining, but also flawed. I did enjoy some of the nostalgia elements of this film. I was in high school around the same time that this movie takes place and although I was never a teenage girl from Sacramento, I did feel a little bit of a personal connection to the story.
Rated 05 Mar 2018
It's not that Lady Bird is without coming-of-age tropes or banalities. Certainly those are present, but a simple feeling of modesty and believability is its great virtue, the sense of genuine experience. Even if Gerwig denies this as autobiography, there is a very clear and resonant authenticity of being about millennial ennui, of growing up in Sacramento, female, middle class, and with a mother. This is a warm and funny film.
Rated 07 Feb 2018
good movie
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Funny, heart-warming and just honest, a coming of age story that feels so life-like it could as well be a documentary. It lags in a couple of sections but still works on the whole.
Rated 03 Apr 2018
A highly accurate portrayal of my time as a teenage girl in Sacramento
Rated 28 Nov 2018
An emotional journey through highschool and family life. It is deep, thoughtful and real.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
For this kid who grew up kinda poor in Eastern Europe, this movie did so many things. I cried, I had a knot in my throat, and it really brought some points home about my relationship with my mother. The movie is pretty fucking great.
Rated 20 Feb 2020
"Jesus christ, you have really bad music... it's all Greatest Hits." "But they're the greatest. What's wrong with that?" This movie hit me harder this viewing than the first time I watched it. For me it was much more than a funny, meandering script, or a coming-of-age flick, but a beautiful commentary on how sometimes it's difficult to know how to send and receive love. I'm not crying, you're crying. Go watch Lady Bird. First logged July 23rd, 2018.
Rated 03 Feb 2018
Sincere and heartfelt coming of age film does little to distinguish itself from a multitude of other similarly themed films -- and can't compete with last year's superb (and more emotionally authentic) EDGE OF SEVENTEEN. Ronan is perfect in the lead however, and Metcalf manages some nice moments as her mother. Perhaps it's a case of too many other films having staked out the same territory already, but this felt curiously mechanical and manipulative as it hit the final stretch.


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