Kreutzerova sonáta
Kreutzerova sonáta
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Kreutzerova sonáta

Kreutzerova sonáta

1h 14m
We have a liberal, modern Czech flapper bound to a serious and bored husband and don't forget the important fact that the wife has a lover so soon the widening gulf between husband and wife leads to stress and resentment and we get a tormented psychological study of irreconcilable differences that will lead to tragedy.

Kreutzerova sonáta

1h 14m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 63.49% from 3 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 11 Nov 2013
This adaptation of a Leo Tolstoy story was slow and ungrabbing at times. Still an elegant portrayal of the dilemma of adultery. The structure was more or less an hour of things gradually developing and then the final 10 minutes where all the emotion exploded with the husband creeping up on them like he was Nosferatu! So Gustav Machatý could have made much more out of the build-up, but the end was grotesquely refined!


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